Strictly Yours: Hooded Pleasures, Book 3 (12 page)

Read Strictly Yours: Hooded Pleasures, Book 3 Online

Authors: Sheryl Nantus

Tags: #Erotic;Romance;Domme;submissive;love

BOOK: Strictly Yours: Hooded Pleasures, Book 3
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“Are you okay?” he demanded.

“Yes. I called the office and told them about the situation. I’m waiting to hear back from Wendy. She’s probably going to want to see me in person, talk through this. I—I can’t do this alone.” The confession burned her throat, but Jen knew the truth of it.

I need you here. Now.

There was no hesitation in his voice. “Okay. Give me your address. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Keep the door locked and the phone nearby. If she wants you to go to the HP office, wait for me. I’ll go with you.”

She rattled off the instructions and hung up before he could reply.

From the frying pan—

The phone rang, startling her.

Jen picked it up and studied the number before answering.

Hooded Pleasures.

There was no turning back now.

She tapped the button and put it on speakerphone. “Hello?”

“Wendy is on her way over to your apartment. She should be there within the hour,” the operator said in a low, steady voice. “Previous instructions still stand. Call 911 if you’re in danger.”

“Thank you,” Jen replied.

She put the phone back down and tried to steady her nerves.

Wendy wasn’t going to be happy to see Nathan.

On the other hand, breaking the rules should be the least of her concerns right now.

* * * * *

Jen didn’t know what else to do as she waited so she cleaned. She scurried around her apartment picking up random items of clothing that had escaped her laundry stack, straightening piles of magazines waiting to be read and tidying up around the punching bag.

It was just before four o’clock in the afternoon when Nathan arrived, the soft knock at the front door sending her into a whole new level of nervousness.

Stop it
, her inner voice yelled.
This isn’t a date. He’s not coming to take you out to a movie. He’s here because you don’t want to hang him out to dry when Wendy finds out he did you a favor and broke the rules.

You also want him to be here to help you feel safe.

Because if Lucas Tanner is hunting you, there’s no way he’s going to play fair.

She went to open the door.

Nathan stood there wearing a leather jacket and jeans, holding out a plastic container. The smell of cinnamon wafted over her, and she couldn’t help grinning.

“I thought we’d need a little sugar rush.”

Her mouth watered as she smiled at him.

Nathan cocked his head to one side, waiting.

Jen caught herself.

He’s waiting for your permission.

“Come in. Come in,” she repeated. “You’re not—” She searched for the words. “We’re not—”

Nathan nodded and walked past her. He found the kitchen easily and set the container down.

Jen followed. “Wendy’s on her way over.”

Nathan stopped. “Does she know I’m going to be here?”

“No.” Jen shook her head. “But she’s going to want to talk to you anyway.”

Nathan paused before giving her a nod. “True. Better sooner than later.”

“I’ve got coffee ready. Figured we could use the caffeine.” Jen strode to the cupboards and pulled two plates out along with two fresh mugs. “You must be exhausted.”

“I’m normally asleep by this time on a usual day.” His smile chased away any shadows in the room. “This isn’t a usual day.” He popped the plastic lid off. “Besides, I don’t think I could sleep right now.”

Jen opened a drawer and extracted forks and knives. She handed them to him along with some dishes from the cupboard and went to fill the mugs as he plated up the delicious-smelling treats.

She glanced over as he set up the biggest cinnamon buns she’d ever seen.

He has to feel awkward too.

Here we are like two regular people, two normal humans chatting away, when the last time we were together, he was naked and on his knees.

Nathan gave no indication he felt out of sorts, no visible signals he was uncomfortable being there. He wore a light blue dress shirt tucked into jeans that hugged him in all the right places. As she watched, he unbuttoned the long sleeves and rolled them up his arms, evening out both sides with a flick of his fingers.

Despite the situation, she couldn’t help feeling a thrill tickle her skin at seeing his strong, sturdy muscles at work.

He chuckled as he licked his fingers clean of the white icing. “Hope you don’t mind a few fingerprints here and there. I sort of went overboard with the topping.”

Jen felt the tension in her muscles begin to ease as she relaxed, his mere presence comforting and calming her.

Along with a little frisson of desire.

A man who liked to cook and was good on his knees.

Didn’t see that too often.

She handed him a mug and leaned against the counter with her own, waiting to be served.

Nathan slid the plate in front of her. The gooey white icing dribbled down the sides of the mammoth bun. “I understand Charles’s reasons for not wanting to take this public, revise his statement and get the police officially involved.” He shook his head. “I don’t agree, but I get where he’s coming from. It’s damned thin to build a case against Tanner or whoever’s behind this.”

“I think it’s Tanner, but you’re right. We have to keep our options open. Still—damn. If we had the cops on our side, it’d make everything a whole lot easier.” Jen poked at the bun with her fork. “And a whole lot more complicated. I can’t blame him for his decision.” She looked up. “Is he okay?”

Charles had always been a pleasure to visit. He’d set up a room in his condo for her private vi
sits, much like Nathan had. It took little effort to see it in her mind’s eye.

The St. Andrew’s cross. The spanking bench. The chained cuffs hanging from the ceiling.

All the toys lying unused now.

Unless he got the nerve up to go to a club or to hire another Domme. Until then, he’d deny himself, keep his desires far beneath the surface.

She didn’t want to think about him cutting out that part of his soul.

“I said he’s fine.” The rough tone in Nathan’s words shocked her.

The sudden clarity hit her like a slap across the face.

It had been painful for him to visit Charles.

Two subs in the same room, both with her as Domme.

And neither of them liked to share.

She’d put Nathan in a bad spot and he’d gone willingly because he wanted to help her at the sake of his own discomfort.

Because she’d ordered him to, whether or not she’d realized it.

Jen stared at her cup of coffee trying to find the right words to apologize, to salve his soul from the invisible stripes she’d put on him by her request.

Nathan finished off his coffee and the roll without saying anything.

He hadn’t meant to snap at her but—


It’d been easy to see him as another mugging victim at first, another basic interview.


Charles knew her as Danielle.

Nathan knew her as Jennifer.

The clash of worlds hadn’t stopped there.

He’d tried hard not to think about Charles on his knees in front of her, and it’d backfired on him.

Now all he could think about was the calm, collected lawyer strung up in front of her for a flogging, his bare back exposed to the whims and desires of his Domme.

My Domme.

It’d been a startling reminder that no matter what happened between him and Jen he was just one of her subs. Maybe a bit closer than the others, maybe a bit more special, but still just a client.


He gritted his teeth together and tried not to stare at Jen as she scooped up the last sweet bits with her fork.

As soon as she was finished, he collected the plates and put them in the sink to keep his hands busy.

Wendy was on her way.

His world was about to change and not necessarily for the better.

But he’d sworn an oath to protect and serve.

And that oath included Jennifer and Charles.

A sound had him swiveling around.

Jen covered her mouth, stifling a yawn.

Nathan gestured to the living room. “Go sit down. I’ll clean up here.” He forced a smile. “Keep me busy.”

“Have you met Wendy before?” Jen asked as she stood.

He retrieved the empty plate and put it in the sink. “I saw her when I first went to the office. Then I returned to interview Kate.” He chuckled at the memory. “She made quite the impression on me.”

“I’m sure she did.” She gave him a knowing wink. “It’s meant to make you uncomfortable and easier to interview, easier to assess.”

Nathan grinned. “I was pissed off. Thought I was coming in to choose my Domme, interview the woman they’d chosen for me.” He snapped his fingers. “Got flipped and twisted sideways. I only figured it out when I got back home and realized I’d been played. I was the one being interviewed.”

“Kate’s good at that. Was good at that.” Jen corrected herself. “Men come in claiming they’re subs, but often they don’t understand what it means, what it’s all about. Some want to top from the bottom and play at being the submissive when they want to dictate everything.” She took a sip of coffee. “More often than not, it’s a subconscious problem—subs think they’re Doms and vice versa based on the books they’ve read or what they’ve heard about through the grapevine or researched online. The interview helps us figure out what you want. Even if it’s not what you initially thought.”

“Have you done many…interviews?” The question came out before he could edit it, tuck it back into the recesses of his mind.

They both knew what he was asking.

Chapter Twelve

Jen crossed her arms in front of her and eyed him. “You want my number?”

Nathan shrugged. “I’m curious. You sort of inherited me from Kate, and I know about Charles so—” He spread his arms, hoping she’d take the hint.

“No.” The look and tone sent him mentally back to his house and down into his basement. “I’m not telling you that. It’s none of your business.” She wagged a finger at him. “Not happening.”

“No,” Nathan repeated. “Because of the rules.” The anger surged up and out. “The same rules that say I can’t kiss you or be with you outside of the appointments. The same one we’ve crashed through multiple times over the past few weeks?”

“Yes.” The one firm word held him in place. “Not because of what’s between us. You and I might have agreed to break the rules, but they didn’t give their permission for me to gossip about them. I owe them their privacy.” She locked eyes with him. “And don’t play the rule card with me. You could have said no. To any and all of this. You had full control over everything.”

“And do what? Leave you in danger?” He clenched his fists. “What sort of a man would I be if I did that? What sort of cop would I be?” He drew a staggered breath, the words coming without effort. “What sort of sub lets his Domme go into danger?”

Her steely glare pulled his anger down a notch.

“I can take care of myself. I’m not a helpless waif, stumbling around.” She gestured toward the living room. “You want to tie on some boxing gloves and have a go? Or wait until Tanner shows up and you can put on a display?”

Nathan paused, seeing the wisp of fear in her eyes.

He berated himself.

This isn’t about you and your hurt feelings.

This is about keeping her safe. And others who might get caught in this madman’s path.

He licked his lips and chose his words with care. “I guess—I guess I didn’t want to think there were others in your life.”

“I know. And I’m sorry things twisted around like this. But you knew this. It wasn’t a secret,” Jen replied. “I know you had Kate before me.”

The memory, usually a pleasant one, rubbed on raw nerves. “And you don’t wonder what she was like with me?” He couldn’t hold back the words. “You don’t think about what she did, how I reacted?”

“No. I don’t.” She stepped forward into his personal space. “That was something that happened between the two of you. I can’t match that, nor do I want to try.” One hand lifted to stroke his cheek. “Your experience, your relationship with her was unique. Like ours is. And I won’t ruin it by making base comparisons.” Her gentle smile almost undid him, dissolving his anger like a drop of water on a grain of salt. “It’d be like trying to choose one precious gem over another.”

Nathan frowned despite the soothing touch of her fingers. “Rubies aren’t the same as diamonds.”

“True. But each one is special in its own way. You can’t replace one with the other. Each is perfect where it is, when it is.”

The soft-spoken words soothed his fears away, and he sighed.

She smiled, and for a second, Nathan thought she was going to move in and kiss him.

He resisted the urge to lean in, pull her into his arms. It had to be what she wanted, not what he needed right now.

At the last second, Jen pulled back and retreated to the far end of the counter. She chewed on her bottom lip. “You know Wendy’s going to be upset. About everything.”

Nathan tapped his chest, allowing her to change the topic. “Neither of us started this. But it’s got to be dealt with, and right away, before someone else gets hurt. We need to find out if this is a concentrated attack on HP clients or if it’s targeted on just you.”

“If it’s on me—” She drew a shallow breath. “Lucas Tanner. I’d bet on it.”

“I agree. But let’s not go there right away. We can’t afford to be blinded to any other possibilities.” Nathan ticked the points off on his fingers. “Let’s go down the list. Angry coworkers. Pissed-off subs at the club. Family members. Friends.” He paused, waiting for her reaction.

Jen chuckled. “That’s a short list. My coworkers don’t know what I do, and I’m on good terms with all of them.” She sucked in her breath. “I haven’t been to the club in weeks. I hadn’t been with anyone long before that. I basically did nothing but watch.”

Nathan’s heart skipped a beat, seeing her at one of his imaginary clubs, sitting at the bar and not going with anyone.


“My entire family’s out West and they definitely do not know what I do. My coworkers are basically my friends. Them and the club members. And if they had a problem with me, it would have come up in other ways than pounding on Charles.”

He stayed quiet, letting her make the connections.

“Okay. Let’s say it’s Tanner. Let’s say the bastard has had it in for me since I broke his nose and helped send him to prison. Why isn’t he coming right at me? Why this damned dance?” She clenched her fists. “I’m not afraid of him.”

“I didn’t say you were. And yes, you’re right,” Nathan admitted. “If it’s him, I don’t know why he hasn’t made a direct run on you instead of hitting Charles. It takes a lot of work for him to follow you around and track where you’re going, figure out who your clients are and then plan out his attack on Charles. What’s the point?” He gave a shrug. “It doesn’t make sense no matter how I spin it. All we can do is see what Wendy says. She’s got more information than we do. There might be something we’re totally missing. Might change everything.”

“That’s true.” Jen touched his bare forearm, making the tiny hairs stand at attention. “Before she gets here, I want to thank you for all you’ve done. You’ve gone above and beyond the call of duty, and you didn’t have to. You could have blown me off and told me to take care of it myself.”

“As if,” he replied. “I won’t ever abandon anyone in trouble. Especially you.”

“I know.” She shook her head. “Sorry for being bitchy before. I hate not being in control, and you took a hit there.”

“That’s what I’m here for.” He chuckled. “At your command.”

Jen let out a soft giggle in reply.

A perfect peace settled between them, the silent seconds ticking off.

Nathan hesitated.

He wanted to kiss her.

He knew that wasn’t a good thing, not right now. Not in the middle of all this.

He settled for a smile. “Go sit on the couch. I’ll do up these dishes and start another pot of coffee. Wendy’s going to be here soon, and the least we can do is offer her a fresh cup.”

Get thee hence, temptation.

“I’m going to go get tidied up.” She tugged at her sweat-stained shirt. “At least put on something dry and decent.” Jen kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you. Again.”

She trotted out of the kitchen.

Nathan turned the water on, trying to tamp down the desire curling in his gut for the woman so close and yet so far away.

Mixed with bare, raw fear for her safety.

A knock at the door brought him out of his introspection. Nathan reached for the dishtowel and wiped his hands. He headed for the front door barely beating Jen there.

She had replaced the T-shirt with a pristine white blouse now tucked into her jeans.

Nathan waved her back and peered through the spyhole.

It showed a single woman standing there, glaring at him.

He recognized her immediately.

“Wendy?” Nathan asked automatically.

She put her hands on her hips. “Yes. And the woman who’s going to kick your ass if you don’t open this door within two seconds.” A finger pointed at the peephole. “And you’re not going to enjoy it.”

Despite the situation, Nathan found himself grinning.

Nathan opened the door and studied the woman standing in front of him. She wore a black T-shirt and jeans, the leather jacket zipped up almost to the top. The matching hobo bag purse hung against her hip.

Her long blonde hair was pulled into a tight braid and draped over her left shoulder. Her eyes met his, and Nathan had to fight the urge to step away, concede the ground to her.

He bowed his head, enough to satisfy his need.

“Nathan,” she said in a low steady voice. “Good to see you again.” She looked over his shoulder. “Jennifer.”

“Please come in,” Jen said from behind him.

Nathan stepped back and let Wendy enter the hallway, feeling his heart race. He closed and locked the door, double-checking the dead bolt before facing the two women. “May I get you a cup of coffee? Tea?”

“Coffee would be good. Cookies if you have any.” She patted her stomach. “I always have room for the sweet stuff.”

“Cinnamon rolls work?”

Her bright smile soothed his nervousness. “Ooh. Please. If I weren’t already married—” Wendy shot a saucy wink at Jen. “I like him more now.”

Jen laughed and tilted her head to one side. “When he behaves, he’s quite the useful one.” She reached out and put her hand on Nathan’s shoulder.

It was like being touched by a live wire, the surge of desire shooting through his veins.

Nathan grinned and moved toward the kitchen. “Coffee coming up, and I’ll get those rolls heating up right away. How do you take your caffeine?”

“Today I take it black,” Wendy said.

The two women followed him into the kitchen as he opened the cupboard to get a clean dish.

“Here,” Wendy said from behind Nathan. “You look like you need this.”

He turned to see Wendy pull Jen into a tight hug. Jen didn’t resist, burying her face in the shorter woman’s shoulder as if they were long-lost sisters. A deep sigh escaped Jen, tearing at his soul.

“It’s going to be fine,” the older woman announced. She glanced at Nathan, and he saw the concern in her eyes. “You did the right thing calling us. Evan’s already activated our official procedures.”

Jen sniffled but didn’t pull away. She looked up and frowned. “Procedures?”

Wendy let out a laugh and released her. “My dear girl, do you think you’re the only one who watches the news? We’ve got a system in place for this sort of thing. Scans social media, the news feeds looking for keywords and so forth. I don’t understand all the programming stuff—that’s not my strong point, but I know it basically squeals like a pig if something comes up involving any of our clients or personnel. It fired off as soon as the news report went out at noon.”

She nodded at Nathan as he busied himself with making a fresh pot of coffee and reheating the rolls. “I was already going over the situation with Evan when you called. I’m glad you did, because we all need to be on the same page for this.” She gently maneuvered Jen toward the living room and glanced back over her shoulder at Nathan. “We’ll be in here when you’re ready.”

Nathan spent the next five minutes setting up a tray with three mugs of coffee, the remaining warm rolls and a stack of napkins before carrying it into the living room. The two women looked up as he prepared to place it on the dark rosewood table in front of them.

The sadness on Jen’s face startled him, the deep shadows under her eyes back in full force along with the pain.

A bolt of anger shot through him as he put the tray down and sat next to her. He flexed his fingers in an attempt to release some of his rage.

When I get hold of this asshole—

Wendy looked at him directly, and he felt her calmness wash over him. It didn’t dissipate the fury but overlaid it with a quiet determination, a soothing armor over the raw wound. Her expression was as if she’d heard his very thoughts.

“Whoever this is will pay. You can be sure of it.”

Nathan wasn’t sure who she was talking to, so he focused on handing Jen her coffee and then Wendy.

“This isn’t your fault,” Wendy said.

Nathan glanced at Jen and then back to Wendy, realizing she was talking to both of them.

“This is not your fault,” she repeated. “However this turns out, I need you both to believe this. Neither of you have anything to feel responsible for. This is not of your making or your doing.” Her stern tone left no room for discussion. “Understand?”

Jen nodded. Nathan passed her a fresh napkin before placing a roll on a small plate and giving it to her.

She didn’t look at him. Instead of saying anything, he repeated the action for Wendy.

“This has been an ongoing worry since we started Hooded Pleasures. A slip of the lip, an angry ex-client, prying eyes looking for a scandal. The problem here is figuring out who’s the real target.” Wendy took the cinnamon roll from Nathan and smiled. “Thank you.”

Nathan nodded before drinking his coffee.

Wendy hummed her approval of the chewy sweet treat, biting off another small piece and eating it before speaking.

“We’ve already gone to the hospital and talked to Charles.” She put up her hand in a preemptive strike. “It was after your visit, and he didn’t mind seeing me. He was actually grateful for your visit—it helped him see things a bit differently. No”—this was to Nathan—“he won’t amend his police statement, and I can’t push him on that. It’s his life and his call. He does agree terminating our arrangement is the best course of action so far, and he’s open to possibly returning to HP depending on the outcome of this investigation.” She looked at Nathan with a neutral stare. “He was surprised to see you and glad you could carry his farewell to Danielle personally.”

Nathan stayed silent, not knowing what to say.

There was going to be a reckoning for his visit.

He just wasn’t sure when it was going to be.

“Charles became our client because he feared going to a club. He could have been the actual target.” Wendy pulled a warm piece of sweet dough off with her fingers. “Family, friends, associates wanting him to leave HP. Instead of talking it out with him, they force him to quit the hard way.”

“Pretty hard core,” Nathan said.

“Very. But not impossible. People undergo kidnappings and deprogramming from cults all the time. Some would view his lifestyle as a cult.” She sipped the coffee before continuing. “However, after talking with Charles, it seems unlikely, as you already know. Aside from his sister, there’s no one else who knew about his contract and his desires. He’s happy at his workplace with little conflict and no competition from rivals who would stoop so low as to threaten him physically. He was very discreet about Danielle’s visits.”

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