Read Strip Tease Online

Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #romantic suspense, #contemporary romance, #karen erickson, #sexy romance, #alpha hero, #cop romance

Strip Tease (8 page)

BOOK: Strip Tease
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Damn if their hostess materialized out of
nowhere, her arms crossed in front of her ample chest. “You can’t
leave during the show sir, I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“Uh, well, me and my lady need to get out of
here, you know? We’re a little worked up over the performance.” He
winked, hoping she’d fall for it.

Hell, she should. It was all true—at least
for him.

The woman smiled, her straight white teeth
practically glowing in the dark. “Honey, we’re
worked up
and they’ve only just begun. Don’t worry though. You don’t need to
let anything stop you. No one else does.”

Nate glanced around the room, realizing the
hostess was right. People seated in the various booths were locked
in passionate embraces, at the very least touching each other
intimately. Many of them kissed. Some of them fondled, and he swore
he saw a naked breast in the booth to the right of theirs.

He turned to find Janelle watching him,
hunger in her blue eyes and she licked her lips invitingly. Her
breathing was accelerated, he could tell by the rapid rise and fall
of her chest and she reached for him, grabbing his hand.

She was aroused. Over him. He’d be a damn
fool to turn her down.

Nate closed his eyes when she settled
against him, her arm draping across his front, hand resting against
his hip, her mouth directly by his ear. She melted all over him,
her breasts cushioned against his chest, her thigh pressed to his,
and he knew he should push her away.

It was unethical. He was neck deep in an
important investigation, one he’d been working on for months, and
he was ready to blow it to get into a chick’s panties. A woman he
had no business getting involved with, since she happened to be the
sister of one of his prime suspects.

Doing anything beyond questioning this woman
was wrong. Forbidden.

Erotic moans sounded from the stage and Nate
had to force himself to open his eyes. The woman’s mouth was
stuffed full, her head bobbing up and down as she gave the man a
blow job. The man’s head was thrown back, his hands tightly wound
in her hair, his hips thrusting again and again.

All Nate could think of was Janelle doing
the very same thing to him. Her wet and warm mouth wrapped around
him, tongue licking, hands fondling his sac. Naked and submissive
in front, her breasts swinging with her every movement as she
brought him endless pleasure.

He felt like he was going to
burst. The smell of sex permeated the room, musky and hanging heavy
in the air and someone, somewhere, was most definitely getting

It made him want to be one of those getting
some, too.

“Nate.” Her voice was a thready whisper and
he looked at her, surprised at what he saw.

Janelle gazed up at him, arousal clearly
shining in her sparkling eyes. She licked her lips, the pass of her
sweet pink tongue making him ache inside.

He wanted to feel that tongue sweep across
his hardening flesh. Wanted to feel her tongue tangling with his
when he kissed her.

“Yeah?” His voice was gruff and he cleared
his throat, desperate to clear his head.

“I want you to kiss me,” she whispered,
tilting her head so that her lips brushed against his ear lobe. She
tightened her arm around him.

Her sudden change in behavior confused him,
though he didn’t want to question it. Maybe she’d simply fallen
under the spell of the sexual atmosphere, much as he had.

“Please.” The single word rang in the heavy
air between them, holding there in the silence that followed.

She wanted him, hopefully as much as he
wanted her. And she wasn’t afraid to ask for it.

He cupped her dewy soft cheek, tracing her
skin with his fingers. Their gazes locked and he felt like a
drowning man. Ready to give it all up and jump into the sea of her
eyes, lose himself inside her.

“Do it.” Her mouth moved against his, the
breeze of her sweet breath making his lips part, desperate for a
taste. “Don’t think, just kiss me. Hurry, before I change my mind
and tell you to stop.”

No better words were ever spoken. He pushed
all nagging thoughts aside and pressed his lips to hers, their
mouths meeting again and again in simple, breath-stealing kisses.
He licked the center of her lower lip and she parted for him,
giving him access. He took it, tasting her, moving in closer,
sliding his arm around her slim waist.

She broke the kiss first, turning to look at
the couple on stage. “Watch them. Isn’t it beautiful?”

Now the woman was on her hands and knees,
facing away from the man, waving her barely covered backside back
and forth, trying to tempt him. He swatted her left cheek, the loud
smack startling in the hushed silence of the club.

The woman yelped and then moaned low in her
throat, her back arching provocatively. A chorus of moans rippled
low and needy throughout the room. Nate couldn’t believe what was

One quick grasp and the woman’s black
panties were gone, revealing the pale globes of her ass. The man
ran his hands up and down her skin with slow, deliberate movements,
murmuring soothing, unintelligible words just before he smacked her
again. She cried out in delight, a shiver moving through her.

“You call that beautiful? How he’s smacking
her?” Nate was incredulous.

“What would you call it?” She studied him,
her gaze genuinely curious. He snuck his other hand between them,
tracing the exposed skin of her chest, dipping his fingers between
the hollow of her breasts.

“Hot. Sexy as hell. A major turn on.
Beautiful? Not really.”

He heard the man’s hand connecting with the
firm skin of the woman’s buttocks again and again. It echoed
throughout the room, he could actually feel the arousal in the
place rising to the breaking point and realized he was close to it
as well.

It wouldn’t take much for him to throw
Janelle over his shoulder like a primitive caveman and haul her out
of here.

Hell, he was tempted to take her right there
in the club, until the both of them couldn’t see straight, couldn’t
walk, couldn’t think. Could only feel.

“I imagine you’re the same way.”

He paused, his finger lingering in her
cleavage. “What do you mean?”

“Like the man on stage. I bet you’re very
commanding in bed. You like to take charge.”

“I don’t mind when a woman takes charge.” He
paused. “Sometimes.”

Continuing his search of her, he allowed his
fingers to circle around her entire left breast. She wore no bra
and he was tempted to yank it to the side so those babies would
spill into his hands.

He remembered them briefly from the night at
the hotel suite. Perfect tear drop shaped, topped with the
prettiest pink nipples he’d ever seen. Nipples that probably tasted
as sweet as they looked.

Unable to help it, he nudged the fabric to
one side, offering himself a glimpse of her breast. Her nipple was
tight, hard and he wondered if she ached as much as he did.

“Touch me,” she whispered.

He did, brushing his thumb against the
peaked tip, a low moan rippling from her throat. He lifted his
gaze, watching her, and she stared at him in return. Her lids were
heavy, her glossy lips parted.

This was getting out of control fast. And he
wasn’t doing anything to stop it.

“I bet you like it even better when a woman
gives herself up to you. Right? Allowing you to take over, take

He’d like this woman to give herself up to
him, surrender completely. Could only imagine her naked and spread
eagled across his bed, her skin glowing, her lush body open and
welcoming him like a gift.

“Yeah,” he said through gritted teeth,
wincing in pain as he shifted. He was hard as a rock, ready to
burst from Janelle’s softly spoken words and the images they
conjured up.

Hell, he’d take her any way she wanted, as
long as she was willing.

“I don’t think there’s any guessing involved
when it comes to what you want.” She leaned in and kissed him, her
tongue darting out to lick. When he tried to lick back, she
retreated. “I’d give myself to you. I’m curious to know what kind
of lover you are.”

He weighed her breast in his palm, marveling
at her baby soft skin. “Then let’s get out of here so you can find

His voice was a low growl, his entire body
tense and ready to spring. Glancing toward the stage, he saw the
man was now thrusting deep within the woman from behind, the slap
of skin on skin like music to Nate’s ears.

Eager to experience that personally with
Janelle, he leaned in, swiping his tongue quickly across her
exposed nipple. God she tasted sweet.

“I want you.” Nate nudged the other side of
her dress away, both of her breasts bared to his gaze. The sight of
her lush, feminine curves sent a surge of lust hurtling through
him. He felt like a feral beast, ready to take, to possess.

“No, not here,” she whispered, her eyes
widening. “Wait.”

Loud screaming came from the stage, catching
their attention. The couple was in the throes of an intense orgasm,
the man thrusting once, twice against her, grunting like an animal.
The woman trembled from head to toe, her body a quivering mass of
flesh. A keening cry escaped her one last time and the man slumped
over her, cradling her with his arms.

The stage went dark and the music stopped.
The entire room erupted in uproarious cheers and whistles, the
clapping like a ripple of thunder moving throughout the room.

“Let’s get out of here,” Nate said, his
entire body poised and eager, ready to escape.

Hell, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to walk
out of the club without attracting attention. His cock was hard
enough to hinder normal movement for at least a few minutes.

“I don’t know if we can leave yet.” Janelle
nibbled on her lower lip and she looked away.

Apprehension filled him and he shook his
head as she slid away from him. “We’re leaving now, before you
change your mind.”

She turned to look at him, shock etched all
over her face as she yanked her dress back into place. Her lips
parted as if she was about to say something but they were

“Ladies and gentlemen, our premier dancers
are now wandering the floor, ready to bring you even more
pleasure.” A seductive, teasing voice floated out of hidden
speakers, and the lights came back up, the misty red glow casting
the room in erotic shadows.

“Another show will begin in thirty minutes.
Please enjoy.”

Scantily clad women strutted throughout the
crowded room, elaborate masks hiding their faces, though Nate could
tell every single one of them was beautiful. Their bodies were
utter perfection. Lush breasts, taut stomachs, sleek curves.

Though not a one of them aroused him like

“Want a lap dance?” Janelle’s eyes twinkled
from behind the mask, her lips curved in a teasing smile.

Nate was glad to see her getting back into
the groove, though he wasn’t sure he was up for her suggestion.

Correction. He knew he wasn’t.

“Hell, no. You know what I want. Let’s get
out of here.” He didn’t want to play any more games, didn’t want
another woman near him. Not when he had the chance to be alone with

One of the dancers stopped in front of their
table, her hands resting on slim hips. “Good evening.”

“Hello.” Janelle leaned forward eagerly, her
hand immediately going to the inside of his thigh again. She
clutched him tight. “Are you a dancer?”

“I’m whatever you wish me to be.” The woman
smiled, her crimson lips full and shiny.

“Janelle.” He said her name in warning. He
had no idea what she was thinking, what she was planning, but
figured he wouldn’t like it. The gleam in her eyes was too

“Let me do this. You’ll like it, trust me.”
She tilted her head toward the woman with a serene smile on her
beautiful face. “We’d like to engage in your services.”

care for the lap dance, or
would he?”

That idea made him sit up straight. No way
did he want to watch some voluptuous dancer twist and turn around
the woman he wanted so desperately, his entire body ached for

Did he?

. Of course not.

“He wants it.” Janelle turned to him,
licking her upper lip. “Right?”

“Not really,” he muttered.

“One hundred for ten minutes,” the woman
said. “That is, if he’s agreeable. I don’t dance for someone who
doesn’t want me to.”

“Holy shit.” No wonder these girls danced
for a living. The money they made was just short of ridiculous.

“Give her the money, sweetheart.” Janelle’s
smile was angel sweet, though her eyes flashed with vixen heat.

This woman was trouble. And the problem was,

Reaching into his pocket, he withdrew a
folded one hundred dollar bill and handed it to the dancer, who
tucked it into the bodice of her pale pink corset. A giant man
suddenly appeared, yanking the table away from where it sat in
front of them, as if it weighed nothing with quick, efficient
movements. The woman sidled closer to Nate.

His legs spread automatically at her
closeness and the woman stepped in between them, her musky perfumed
fragrance tickling his nostrils. She looked good, she smelled good,
and there was enough gleaming flesh exposed to tempt a saint.

Yet he wasn’t tempted in the least.

A low murmur of music suddenly sounded from
the walls of the booth, startling both Janelle and Nate. The pure
efficiency of the place was enough to impress him. He’d never seen
such a classy yet erotic establishment.

The dancer never missed a beat, merely moved
closer to him at the first heavy note of the music, her breasts
swaying directly in his line of vision.

BOOK: Strip Tease
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