Stronghold (Stronghold 1) (26 page)

BOOK: Stronghold (Stronghold 1)
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"Answer me, sub."

"Yes, Sir," she whispered, her
blush intensifying.  Funny how she was perfectly comfortable having him
begin to undress her in a club full of people, but admitting that she was wet,
just to him, made her blush.  Funny and rather endearing.  

"Keep your eyes on me."

Putting his hands on her shoulders, he began
to push her top off, revealing her entire upper body.  Angel sucked in a
breath, practically vibrating beneath his hands as the suede slipped off and
hit the floor.  For her Introduction Scene he'd been too angry for
anything but a punishment scene.  This time he wanted to show her a
softer, more seductive side of BDSM.

He ignored the small voice in his head that
taunted him, asking if it was because he now knew that Michael was a sadist and
he wanted to show Angel that he enjoyed parts of BDSM that had nothing to do
with pain and could give her something that Michael couldn’t.  

The eye contact created an incredible amount
of intimacy as she was bared to him, as he skimmed his hands over her shoulders
and down her body, barely brushing the sides of her beautifully rounded breasts
with his hands.  Her rosy nipples were puckered up tight, hard and begging
for attention.  He ignored them and continued to skim his hands down to
her waist before grabbing her hips and pulling her hard against him.  

Angel squeaked as she fell into him, her
hands trying to come up and not making it, trapped by his arms.  She had
very little control over her movement, and he could see the change in her
expression as she realized it, as the amount of power he had over her came
crashing down.  It was different from being bound by restraints and yet it
obviously affected her just as much. 

For himself he had to ignore how soft she
felt against him, how warm, how inviting as her muscles relaxed and she looked
up at him with trembling awe and anticipation.  He hadn't done anything to
earn the trust in her eyes, didn't really deserve it, but it still made him
hard as a rock to see it.

The constant eye contact allowed him to watch
as hers began to glaze, his hands skimming down her back to the zipper on her
skirt.  He could have turned her around to do this, but he'd decided to
have her pressed against him instead.  It enhanced her vulnerability and
allowed him a pleasure that he otherwise might not have had. 

His eyebrows raised.  "No

"No Sir."

"Why not?"

"I came to play."  

The fact that she'd been walking around with
no underwear under that short skirt, as well as the sudden image of her doing a
scene with another man flashing through his head, sent conflicting reactions
raging through his body.  He had to stamp on them, struggling for his
usual control.  Reminding himself that she hadn't seemed eager to play,
hadn't jumped right into the Lounge area helped.

Reminding himself that she was here, with
him, helped even more. 

Maybe he couldn't completely sort out how he
felt about Angel, but one emotion kept coming up almost as often as attraction,
and that was possessiveness.  

Chapter 13

Pressing Angel against the St. Andrew’s, Adam
secured her wrists to the restraints that were already attached, adjusting them
for her height.  He'd chosen to position her facing outward, because he
wanted to be able to see the expressions on her face.  As well as the fact
that he could tell she was fascinated by the other scenes going on in the room
and both embarrassed and aroused by the people who were beginning to watch
them.  It had been one thing, last Thursday, when there hadn't been as
many viewers and she'd been bent over so that she hadn't been able to see them
for the most part. 

Now every time she looked out into the crowd,
she blushed.  

"What's your color, Angel?"

"Green, Sir."  She licked her
lips and he resisted the urge to kiss them.  

Kissing was for something more than just a
scene.  He wasn't sure how she felt about him, but he didn't want their
first kiss to be while she was bound and unable to move away.  Especially
not if she misinterpreted and thought the kiss was only a part of a scene.
 Because he was beginning to realize that, for him, it wouldn't be just
part of a scene.  He wanted to see her outside the club, to see if they
had as much compatibility as they did chemistry.

And he was just going to have to work on his
trust issues. 

After all, she obviously trusted him.
 That, in and of itself, should tell him something.  People who lied
a lot usually weren't very trusting, because they expected others to behave as
they did.  And vice versa. 

"Can you hold your legs apart in place?
 Or should I restrain those too?"  He wanted to give her the
choice of following an order or having some help with it, although his
preference was bondage.  Having her completely helpless, open and spread
for him. 

"Umm... I can try?"

He chuckled.  "You don't sound very
sure of yourself."

"I'm not sure I could have held myself
in place last time, if it hadn't been for the restraints," she admitted.

There it was again, that honesty that made
him want to trust her, despite her original deception.  Since coming to
Stronghold, as far as he could tell, she'd been completely honest the whole
time.  The least he could do was return the favor, so he grinned, rather
wickedly, and saw her short, sharp intake of breath.

"Well then since my preference is for
full restraints..." 

Kneeling for a moment, he pulled her legs
apart as far as he wanted them, cuffing her ankles so that she was open but not
entirely exposed.  Even so, from his position at her feet he could see
right up into the lips of her pretty pink pussy and he knew that she was
soaking wet.  


The last cuff was pulled into place and Angel
had to stifle another moan.  Why was being completely helpless such a turn
on?  Not to mention the fact that she'd never thought she had
exhibitionist tendencies, but she was definitely getting off on how many people
were seeing her helpless and exposed at the hands of Master Adam.  

In some ways this was already so
much more intense than her first scene with him.  It felt more intimate,
maybe because he wasn't so angry, but it also felt personal.  Facing him,
being able to see his expression, being able to watch what he was doing made
everything seem much more real.  She couldn't focus inwards or lose
herself in her head, because everything was happening right in front of her

Including the fact that he was
staring at her like he wanted to lick her from her toes up to her splayed open
pussy.  She hadn’t been aware of the air circulation in the Dungeon
before, but now she could clearly feel a slight cool waft of air on her wet, heated
flesh.  It only turned her on more.

“What’s your color, Angel?”

“Green,” she practically
sang.  Oh so very green.

“Good,” he murmured.  His
hand caressed her calf, his touch so very light on her skin that it almost felt
more like he was just running his hand over her rather than actually
caressing.  It tickled but it didn’t, because she didn’t feel at all like
laughing.  It was gentle, like the brush of a butterfly’s wing, and all
the more teasing because of the very fragility the touch.

Fingers traced up her calf to her
knee, which she’d never thought of as a particularly erotic area, but as his
fingers splayed out over the cap she felt an answering tingle in her pussy and
she shivered.  Looking down, she saw his blue eyes gazing intently up at
her, studying her body’s reactions.

“What are you doing?” she
asked.  This wasn’t at all what she had expected it to be.

Master Adam’s small smile grew
larger, his gaze sharpening.  “Whatever I want.”

Another shiver went through her
as he shifted, reaching out his hand to her opposite ankle, which put her pussy
right in front of his face.  Angel’s breath caught in her throat. 
The boundaries that had been set down said that he could touch her there, hell
him to touch her there, but sex – including oral – was
supposed to be off the table according to the limits they’d made for the
Introduction Scene, which she’d agreed to continuing to abide by tonight. 
Of course if he did break the agreement she could use her safe word and the
Dungeon Monitors would come running, but would she want to?

She already knew the answer to
that and it was embarrassingly revealing.

But he just touched her ankle and
calf, moving his hand slowly upwards the way he had on her other leg, his
breath wafting across her shaven mound while his mouth didn’t come any
closer.  It took a considerable amount of her willpower to keep from
canting her hips towards him, her body wanting to beg for more contact.
 Fingers glided across the backs of her knees and to her inner thighs.

Please please please please

She had to bite her lip to keep
from saying it out loud.  To keep from begging.  It felt like her
legs were tingling and the sensation was moving up her entire body without him
even having to touch her there.  The throbbing ache of her nipples was
repeated by the walls of her pussy, which clenched over and over again, trying
to find relief from the tension that was building inside of her.  

"You're very wet," he
murmured, his voice appreciative as his fingers made little circles on her
thighs, just below her pussy lips.  Angel whimpered.  When his hands
gripped her thighs and then moved upwards, not even brushing the swollen lips
between her legs, gripping her hips instead, she had reason to bless the
restraints even as she cursed him.  

If it hadn't been for the bondage she'd
probably have sunk right down to the floor because her knees had just gone too
weak to hold her upright.  On the other hand, if it hadn't been for the
bondage she could have grabbed him and made him touch her the way she was
aching to be touched.  She could reach down to take care of things

The fact that she couldn't do any of those
things just only made her hotter and wetter, which made her feel even more

He'd barely done anything to her and she was
ready to

When his hands skimmed up her stomach to cup
her breasts she whimpered again, half-choking on a pleading moan as he gently
squeezed.  Dazed, she looked straight into those bright blue eyes,
writhing and automatically tugging at the restraints on her wrists as he
squeezed and kneaded her soft flesh.  He deliberately kept his fingers
away from her nipples.

The bastard. 

Thumbs brushed over the tips of
her nipples, sending sparks sizzling down her spine, and Angel arched her back,
trying to gain more contact.  Instead he just squeezed her breasts again,
carefully avoiding any further contact with the budded tips. 

"Oh for God's sake just
touch me!" she blurted out, too far gone to care that he might laugh at
her or that other people were hearing her desperate need. 

But he didn't laugh.
 Instead he just looked directly, deeply into her eyes, maintaining a
connection that was almost uncomfortable in its intensity. 

"I am touching you."

As if to demonstrate he brushed
his thumbs over her nipples again, just as lightly as he had the last time and
Angel felt her insides clench as she yanked at her wrists.  A little smile
appeared on his face, but somehow she knew he wasn't laughing at her.  No,
he was smiling because he was

"More," she begged.
 Her backside smacked against the cross as she writhed for him

Instead he released her breasts
and started stroking her sides in what should have been a calming manner but
instead just made her feel even more wildly needy.  "That's not for you
to say Angel."

"Please?  Sir?"
 It was on the tip of her tongue to call him all the names that were
running through her head, but that definitely wasn't going to help her
situation.  So she'd say anything to get him to stop the throbbing that was
consuming her from the inside out.

Master Adam pressed his body
against hers, the hard ridge of his erection rubbing against her belly, her
breasts crushed against his chest as he caught her between him and the Saint
Andrew's cross.  Her eyes nearly crossed at the wave of lust that surged
through her.  Cradling her head in his hands, his fingers sliding into the
back of her hair, he tilted her head back to look up at him, his mouth hovering
over hers by mere inches.

She strained to reach his lips,
but all that did was rub her against his body.  The restraints held her
too securely and he didn't seem inclined to help her.

Damn him.  She wasn't going
to beg for a kiss.  

"You're all tied up,
sweetheart," he said in a soft murmur.  While his big body blocked
her sight to the rest of the Dungeon, she knew that people must be watching,
although they could no longer see her and they certainly couldn't hear his soft
words.  The deep rumble of his voice vibrated through his chest and into
hers, the rhythm of his words almost hypnotic.  "You can't make me go
faster or slower, you just have to wait for me to decide how and when I want to
touch you.  You won't come until I want you to."  He leaned down
to whisper directly in her ear, making her shiver convulsively as his lips
brushed her sensitive earlobe.  "And if you keep trying to tell me
what to do, I will gag you."

Oh fuck.  His body rocked
against hers and she went nearly mindless from the absolute thrill.  It
didn't even matter that he was fully clothed and she was completely naked,
somehow that just made everything dirtier, hotter.  As did his words.


Reluctantly Adam pulled away from
the soft curves of Angel's body, his eyes going to her hands and feet,
reflexively, to check on them and make sure there was no discoloration.
 He'd restrained her securely and not too tightly, but she'd been tugging
so much on them that he wanted to make sure she hadn't inadvertently tightened
them somehow.  It was a good thing he'd used cuffs on all four limbs,
otherwise he was sure that she'd be trying to use them to entice him into doing
what she wanted.

Not that he needed much enticing,
but drawing this out was a measure of his own self-control, as well as being a
heady aphrodisiac.  There was nothing hotter to him than seeing a woman's
eyes glaze over with desire, and with Angel he found himself wanting to reduce
her to a begging, lustful, hot mess.  

It wasn't that she was dominant
or that she was trying to top from the bottom; no, it was just that she was
impatient and not trying to pretend otherwise.  In some ways it was a kind
of honesty, that she was so blatant and vocal about what she wanted, that she
didn't try to hide or temper her body's response.  Eventually he knew that
she'd become better at controlling herself, as the newness of BDSM wore off and
she had a better idea of what to expect in terms of the sensations and emotions
scening engineered, but right now she was almost like a virgin, on the brink of
sexual exploration.

It hadn't escaped his notice that
she'd been surprised he hadn't immediately started laying into her after he'd
gotten her tied up.  This kind of scene was nothing like the one he'd done
with her before; in fact, it wasn't the kind of scene he normally involved did.
 This was a slow seduction, an intimate introduction, the kind of building
block that laid down a foundation for something much more than a simple scene
or an exclusively club relationship.  

Not that he had any kind of
relationship with Angel yet, but he was starting to think that it was a
definite possibility.  Their chemistry was through the roof.  It took
every ounce of his control not to put his mouth on her lips, on her body... but
he knew if he started then he wouldn't be able to stop, so he just kept it at
his hands.  

The little noises she was making
in the back of her throat were driving him absolutely wild, which was why he'd
had to pull away or he would have completely lost his control.  Stepping
back, he maintained eye contact with her as he reached out and picked up the flogger
that he'd had at the ready.  Angel eyed it with a mixture of trepidation
and excitement, her breasts jiggling as she practically panted with need.
 He knew exactly how she felt.  

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