Stronghold (Stronghold 1) (31 page)

BOOK: Stronghold (Stronghold 1)
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"What's your
color, Angel?"

Sir."  Her eyes looked up at him.  
And impatient,
seemed to say. 


Watching his
cock slide between those little bow-shaped lips was just as satisfying and
erotic as he'd fantasized about.  Angel did not have a big mouth, but she
stretched her jaw open to accommodate him eagerly.  He could feel the
gentle scrape of her teeth along the underside of his cock, but he didn't chide
her for it.  Adam happened to be one of those men who actually liked a
little bit of teeth when he was getting head.  Teeth, tongue and suction...
the best parts about getting a blow job.  

She leaned
forward, her hands starting to move off of her breasts and towards him and Adam
growled at her.

“Keep touching

The little
moaning whimper vibrated along his cock and his knees almost buckled. 

“Pinch your
nipples.  Hard.  And twist them,” he said hoarsely. 

As she followed
his instructions she kept up the little noises, causing tiny changes in the
sensations that ran along the surface of his cock.  Holding her head
securely in place, he began to gently pump his hips back and forth, watching as
the shiny length slipped easily between her lips.  Tilting her head back
slightly so that he could see her eyes, the vision was everything he'd
fantasized about... and it felt incredible.

Even though he
was holding her in place, she was actively participating rather than just
providing a place for his to thrust his dick.  Her tongue explored the
bottom of his cock and the suction of her mouth was never-ending.  If
she'd been allowed to put her hands on him he was sure he wouldn't have lasted
a minute - he'd told her to play with her breasts because he liked the visual,
but it had turned out to be an inspired move.  


This wasn't
giving a blowjob, this was having her mouth
  It was hot as
hell too.  As much as Angel wanted to try and take control of what was
happening, because in her head that was how giving head worked, she loved it
every time Master Adam denied her that control.  She'd never let a man
just take over her mouth like this, but if she didn't trust him after two
scenes where she'd been tied up, how could she not trust him now? 

And there was
something incredibly sexy about him having complete control, the way that he
was careful with how far into her mouth he thrust, the way he watched her to
make sure that she wasn't gagging or choking.  Any time she did start to
gag, he would pull back and thrust shallowly for a few times before going in
deep again.  Just enough time to allow her to get her breathing and gag
reflex back under control.  It was that kind of consideration which made
it so easy for her to submit to him and allow him to do with her want he

A shudder went
through his body.

"I'm going
to cum, Angel," he rasped, and his hands loosened on her head.  She
realized that he was giving her the opportunity to pull back in case she didn't
want him to cum in her mouth.

Normally she
didn't care one way or the other, but with him she found that she really,
really wanted to take this all the way through.  She wanted to have him
cum in her mouth and to swallow him down.  So she leaned forward, sucking
hard, and his fingers tightened in her hair again as he groaned.  

He pulsed
between her lips, the head of his dick nestled against her throat so that she
couldn't even taste him, all she could feel was the warm fluid spurting into
her as she swallowed convulsively.  Something that felt remarkably like
triumph sparked in her belly and her pussy clenched.  It was definitely
the only time that she'd become even more aroused when a guy came in her mouth.
 Her jaw ached a bit, her knees were getting sore, and her nipples were
throbbing from the abuse she'd put them through while Master Adam used her
mouth.  Like everything else she'd done at the club with him, it had been
one of the most intense sexual experiences she'd ever had. 

The almost awed
look that he gave her as he slipped his softening cock from her mouth made her
feel like a sex goddess.  A warm glow suffused her body even though she
hadn't come, just because this time she'd given
instead of the other way around.  

The salty,
slightly sweet taste of him filled her mouth now, as he ran his thumb over her
swollen lips.  The look that he was giving her was almost tender, his
touch gentle.  

Noise outside
of the room made them both look up and remember that they were in the club,
they weren't alone and they were supposed to be helping.  Adam immediately
stuffed himself back into his pants as Angel grabbed her bra and shirt and
pulled them back on.

A rueful smile crossed
Adam's face as he helped her back up to her feet.  "That was
wonderful, sweetheart."  Brushing the hair back from her face, he
placed a small kiss on her mouth and she thrilled to the touch.
 "You're going to be here tomorrow for the dance, right?"

course," she said, smiling up at him as he placed his hand in the small of
her back and propelled her back towards the door.  This could have so
easily been just a scene, but it was a good sign that he was asking about
tomorrow, right?  That meant that maybe he wanted to see her again. 

Even if all he
wanted to do was scene with her at the club, it wasn't like there were any
other guys she was interested in at the moment.  She could live with that
until either he or she found someone else they were interested in. 

 His voice lowered as he pulled her close for a moment, his lips next to
her ear.  "I'm sorry we don't have time now, but I fully intend to
take care of you later."

She had a
stupid, silly grin that wouldn't wipe off her face as they went back upstairs
to join the rest of the helpers.

Chapter 16

The upstairs of the club had been completely
transformed by the time Angel and Adam came back up from the Dungeon.
 Because it was the main floor, Patrick had insisted that Lexie focus most
of her decorating efforts there, rather than putting them all over the entire
club.  Hearts dangled from the ceiling of the bar, their ends just
brushing the top of Andrew's head as he moved around behind it, more hearts and
streamers came down from the ceiling over the dance floor, and red and pink
gels had been inserted into the lights to give the room a rosy glow.  The stage
was clear except for a spanking bench which had been set up in the middle of

"Patrick's doing a spanking
demonstration tomorrow night for the party," Adam said, seeing where Angel
was looking.  He grinned, his fingers slowly massaging the small of her
back in a way that made her want to melt.  "Turning lots of
heart-shaped objects nice and pink."

Angel laughed.  "Sounds like

"You won't need
 to do
that for you," Adam said firmly, steering her over to where the rest of
the helpers had gathered.  

Andrew was coming out from behind the bar to
join them as well.  Patrick and Lexie were standing on opposite sides of
the table with Olivia, Lisa, Lisa's submissive Karen, Will and Rick between
them on either side.  Angel had met all of them, although she'd spent a
lot more time with the friends that weren't there.  While she would have
gone to the side closest to them, which would have put her and Adam between
Will and Rick, she was a little surprised to find herself led around to the
opposite side of the table and placed between Olivia and Karen instead, with
Adam standing behind her.

Which of course meant that she couldn't twist
around to see his expression without being totally obvious.  She knew that
Doms were supposed to be kind of possessive, so did that mean that Adam
considered her to be his?  Or was it just a post-scene kind of
possessiveness?  At some point she was really going to have to let him
know that she would like to see him for more than just club scenes, but this
obviously wasn't the time.  Next time they were alone.  Hopefully tomorrow. 

"Just in time guys, we were about to
have a celebration drink," Rick said, grinning as Andrew put down a tray
full of shot glasses down on the center of the table, explaining what he'd been
doing behind the bar.  His eyes flicked over Angel's flushed face and she
wondered if he could tell what she and Adam had been doing down in the Dungeon.
 Immediately her face heated even more, but Rick just gave her a little
smile.  Behind her Adam shifted closer, his hand on her hip and she
she could see his expression.  "I got an official job offer at
Westwood High School and as of this summer I'll be moving up to this

Everyone cheered, although it was obvious
that they'd already heard this and it was being repeated for Adam and Angel's
benefit.  Since the club was already decorated everyone just hung around
for a while; Angel ended up talking to Lexie and Karen while Rick and Adam
talked about places that Rick was thinking about living.  Karen seemed
interested in the self-defense classes too, which ended up pulling Lisa and
Olivia into their conversation.  

All in all it ended up being a great way to
end the evening, with no awkwardness possible between her and Adam, because
there were too many other people to talk to.  Although she kind of wished
they could have gotten a private word, she wasn't really sure what she would

Hey, I like you, can we date outside the

After all, wasn't a Dom supposed to make the
first move?  From what she'd read, it seemed like the submissive always
had the option to end the relationship if they didn't like the direction the
Dom was headed in, but the Dom kind of led the way.  So maybe she should
just wait and see what Adam said.  

He walked both her and Lexie to their cars,
which were next to each other in the parking lot, giving the younger woman a
kiss on the forehead and Angel a kiss on the cheek right next to her mouth.
 If she'd turned her head just a little bit their lips would have pressed
together.  But she wasn't going to push it.  

"See you tomorrow," he murmured,
and then he was gone.  Angel sighed.  Tomorrow couldn't come too


The club was packed.  Adam kind of hated
to say it, but it looked like Lexie's theme party was rather inspired.
 Truthfully, none of them had really thought the club would be any busier
than a normal Valentine's Day, but now that it was decorated and the party had
been advertised to the members, it seemed like a lot of people had changed
their plans from previous years.  Lexie had been right and Patrick had
been wrong.

Maybe that was why the big man was looking so
grumpy.  Or maybe it was because he was watching Lexie and her boyfriend
Trevor on the dance floor.  Her boyfriend who was rather obviously staring
at the other women in various states of undress.  Either Lexie didn't
notice or she wasn't bothered by it, but Patrick and her other self-declared big
brothers definitely had and definitely were. 

Adam couldn't entirely blame the kid, these
were obviously not the surroundings he was used to and there were a lot of
things to stare at for a young man, but he didn't like that the kid was doing
it while he was hanging all over Lexie.  Or what ideas he might be

Still, they were definitely under close
watch.  Olivia had actually volunteered to be Dungeon Monitors tonight,
Hilary and Liam were on the dance floor nearby, Andrew was behind the bar,
keeping an eye on the alcohol intake of everyone, and the rest of their friends
were casually spread out around the floor.  Adam didn't doubt that Justin
and Chris would take Jessica off to play at some point during the evening, but
only when they were completely sure that Lexie and Trevor were well watched.
 Maybe not until after they'd left.

He grimaced a bit.  Which meant that he
couldn't leave the floor to go play with Angel either, not without feeling
guilty and worrying in the back of his head about what might be happening up
here.  Not that Angel was here yet.  It hadn't taken him very long to
scan the room twice, just to make sure, even though he'd asked Jared when he
came it.

It didn't bode well that the big man was here
rather than out with Marissa, especially since Adam now realized that Jared
hadn't been around at all last weekend.  But the stoic, blank look on
Jared's face also kept him from asking any questions.  He'd talk when he
was ready, and right now while he was on duty was not the time to try and force
the issue.  Adam felt a little bad; he'd been so wrapped up in what was
going on with Angel that he hadn't even noticed until now that Jared hadn't
really been around the past couple of weeks.  

He'd have to make it up to the big guy

"You know, you actually look like one of
those things that Lexie's always calling us," he said, coming up beside
Patrick.  The man's heavy arms were crossed over his chest and he was
glaring at the dance floor.  More specifically, at one particular couple
on the dance floor.  Adam hoped that the submissives who offered up their
bottoms for Patrick's spanking demonstration liked a good, hard spanking because
it didn't look like the owner was in the mood to go gentle.


"Yeah, that's the one."

"I can't believe I let her in the

There was a long silence as the pounding beat
of the music throbbed.  Lexie laughed, her head tipping backwards as
Trevor spun her around.  He wasn't a bad looking kid.  Black hair,
dark eyes, naturally tanned skin with a bit of an olive tint to it, the kind of
muscles that a guy who played sports would have, but Adam didn't miss the way
Lexie's eyes still constantly veered over to where Patrick was standing.
 She might have just been checking to see if she was still being watched,
but it didn’t look like she cared who else might be watching her other than

"Has she tried to leave this floor with
him yet?"

"No," Patrick said, sounding both
relieved and disappointed at the same time.  Probably disappointed because
it meant that he couldn't kick Trevor out and relieved because he didn't have
to think about what reasons Lexie might have for such a move.  He sighed.
 "Stay here for a bit, I need to check on something in the

Watching the dance floor was no hardship,
especially because his current position also allowed him to watch the front
door.  There were a lot of couples and just as many singles on the dance
floor, the lounge area was basically deserted.  Adam grinned a little bit
as he saw a couple submissives outright flirting with Kris, a shy but competent
Dom, on the opposite side of the dance floor.  Maybe it was the party
atmosphere, but it did seem like people were being more outrageous than

Next to Lexie and Trevor, two female submissives
were dancing with a Dom, and putting on a bit of a show for him and everyone
else.  Touching, snatching an occasional kiss.  Every time he caught
them touching each other inappropriately they earned a smack on the ass, but
every time they managed a kiss - despite his maneuvering - they each received a
kiss from him as well.  It was a game and one that all three of them were
obviously enjoying, but Trevor was enjoying watching the two women touch and
kiss each other just as much.  Lexie was watching just as closely, her
body swaying in time with the music and her boyfriend.

When she glanced over and saw that Patrick
was gone from Adam's side, her face fell just a little bit and her eyes did a
quick circuit around the room before coming back to Adam.  He nodded his
head towards the office.  The relief on her face was unmistakable. 

He didn't really blame Lexie for dating other
people, despite the fact that it was becoming more and more obvious to all of
them that she had a huge crush on Patrick.  After all, Patrick was never
going to treat her as anything other than a little sister, even though Adam was
pretty sure his feelings for her were as far from brotherly as they could get.
 But he did wonder why she'd wanted to bring Trevor here.  Had she
wanted to try to make Patrick jealous?  That was definitely playing with
fire, because he was positive it still wasn't going to get Lexie what she
wanted and it was only going to make both of them miserable. 

"Master Adam," purred a voice to
his left.  "I was hoping to see you here this evening."
 Laurie, a vivacious and curvy redhead shifted closer to him, almost
touching.  "Are you playing tonight?"

"I am, but I already have a scene set
up, I'm just waiting on my partner," he said, trying to shift away.
 Unfortunately because the club was so crowded he didn't have very far to

Laurie tilted her head as she looked up at
him.  While she was very attractive and they'd played before, months ago,
the invitation didn't appeal to him at all.  And it had nothing to do with
her and everything to do with the woman he was waiting on.  

"We could play while you wait... or

Somehow he felt pretty sure that playing on
the dance floor was more what Laurie had in mind. 

Adam scowled down at her.
 "Shouldn't you be waiting in the Lounge for someone to come to

"No one's doing that tonight," she
said, sidling closer and pressing her breasts against his arm.  "But
if it bothers you, you can always punish me for it."

"Someone definitely needs to spank you,
but it's not going to be me," he said.  "But if you keep this
up, I'll make sure that Patrick uses you for his demonstration."
 Laurie's cheeks paled.  She was more than a bit of a brat, but she
didn't have a very high pain tolerance; both of them knew that Patrick's preferences
would be way too rough for her.  

Looking back over at the entrance of the
club, Adam's breath caught in his throat.

What the hell is she wearing?!

Straps crisscrossed Angel's body, bright red
leather, in the outline of a bathing suit, but there was nothing between the
leather straps.  Small rectangles covered her nipples and her pussy lips,
but otherwise the entire 'outfit' - if it could be called that - was just made
up of those thin straps, crossing her creamy skin.  Lust and possessive
rage boiled through him and it was all he could do to keep from striding across
the room and covering her up.  Preferably with himself.

Looking up she caught his eye and her face

Next to him, Laurie sighed loudly.
 "Is that your partner for the evening?"

"Yes," he looked down at the
attractive little sub and smiled apologetically.  "Don't worry
Laurie, there's going to be plenty of people here tonight."  Breaking
his eyes away from Angel had been difficult but necessary.

What was it about the woman that made him
feel so out of control?  So much like a barbarian?  Maybe it was the
leather, because his head was definitely dancing with visions of hauling her
over his shoulder and carrying her away like a prize.  His brother had
always joked they were descended from Vikings and right now he was feeling all
too much like one.  But he had to control his impulses - not only was
there Lexie to look out for, but Patrick had specifically asked him to stay on
this floor while he attended to whatever it was he needed to in the office.

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