Struck by Genius: How a Brain Injury Made Me a Mathematical Marvel (30 page)

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acquired savant syndrome

artificially induced,


body language awareness and,


Brogaard’s theory on,

discovery of,


examples of,


as halfway savants,

innate skills and,



from TBIs,




Treffer’s theory on,








Alaska oil fields,


Amato, Derek,

American Synesthesia Association (ASA),


geometry of,


quantum level optics and,



Angela (friend)

at assault,


new friendship of,


old friendship of,





See also


Arizona, University of, Center for Consciousness Studies,


art shows,


See also




American Synesthesia Association

Australia, University of Sydney, Centre for the Mind,

autistic savantism,


Ayotte, Greg,


back injuries,


Barnsley, Michael Fielding,

Baron-Cohen, Simon,

Barrio, Jorge,


Baylor, Denis,



Beckmann, Petr,


Berners-Lee, Timothy,

Bialek, William,

bipolar disorder,


body language awareness,



Born on a Blue Day

BRAIN (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) Initiative,


brain injury.
neuroscience; traumatic brain injuries

Brame, David,

Brogaard, Berit



synesthesia testing by,


theories of,

Bushell, William C.,



Cailliau, Robert,


California, University of, Irvine,

celebrities, synesthete,

cerebral palsy,


Charlie Daniels Band,

children, synesthesia in,

Cicoria, Tony,



See also

Clarke, Arthur C.,


Clemons, Alonzo,



music as,


numbers as,


pain as,

The Colours of Infinity



body language,


cerebral palsy,


improvement in,

math conversations,




after TBIs,


See also
traumatic brain injuries

Stockholm consciousness conference







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