
Read Struggle Online

Authors: P.A. Jones

BOOK: Struggle
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P.A. Jones


Copyright © 2013-14 PA Jones

All rights reserved.


No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book.

This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, place and events are the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously.


Chapter 1


fell down like a broken leaf. Peter hit me on my jaw, ignoring the rule of the practice matches, but I was to  blame.. My concentration was disturbed when I lost my headgear to his punch. They say that when you die, all the deeds of your life are played out like a motion picture. Even though I wasn't dying, the situation brought all of this in front of my eyes before I lost consciousness.


The Saturday before the match, my best friend, James, and I were hunting for a pussy. It's our thing. Whenever we get bored, we go out hunting for dates for the night. Sometimes James was my wingman and vice versa. My intension was clear: I wanted to get a girl, and it’s a rare day when I don't get one.

A lady was
standing at the bar, texting someone. From the door, I was checking her out. She was young and hot. Her lips, painted a red color, were visible from a long distance. The thing I liked most was her ocean blue dress because my favorite color is blue. I slowly walked towards her. When I get close, I notice that her forehead was full of wrinkles and her face was frustrated. All of a sudden, she dropped her mobile, and I took the chance to catch it before it hit the ground.

, she bent down at the same time and we collided heads. Not exactly the introduction that I wanted.

, miss. I just wanted to help you." I looked at her face. She was holding her forehead with one hand and looking at my hand, which held her phone. "Are you hurt? Can I help you with something?"

it's okay. It is not your fault. Thanks for the help, Mr…?" She looked up, still holding her forehead with one hand.

"My name is
Nathan, Nathan Brown." I handed her the phone.

"Thank you
, Mr. Brown.” She extended her right hand. "Amelia Johns."

Her ocean blue dress fitted nicely around her perfect figure.


“Nice meeting you. What are you doing here alone on this beautiful night?"

She thought for a moment
. She pressed her lips tightly, but her face relaxed quickly. “Maybe I’m waiting for a handsome man like you." She gave me a sexy smile.

Let's get cozy inside then. We can talk while enjoying a drink.” I walked inside without waiting for her because I knew that she would follow.

The lounge
was full, but I picked a place in the corner. A table in the corner was kind of mysterious. I liked that. I held out the chair for Amelia. "For you, milady,” I said, giving her my sexiest smile. I looked around for James, who was talking with a German girl.

“That’s nice
of you Nathan, thank you." She sat on the chair and smiled at me.

"Let me guess what you would like to have!
” Without waiting for her approval, I ordered a glass of red wine, and a Tequila shot for myself. In response, she raised her eyebrows a bit.

As we sat there, I appraised her well-maintained body, with her delicate lips and oval-shaped face. "You must do some kind of exercise daily. You have a gorgeous figure.” I looked into her dark eyes.

"You are guessing too much about me. Should I take you as a stalker?" She smiled again, her lips
moving easily. They were the most delicate lips I had ever seen. I had a strong urge to kiss them right then and there.

Steady, Nathan. You are going to score this.
"I am good at guessing when it comes to beautiful ladies like you."

The waiter
arrived and placed the glasses on our table."Would you mind if I use the bathroom before taking this?"

, go ahead." I downed my shot and waved at the waiter for two more. This night was going to get interesting.

I knew she was waiting for someone
, but she changed her mind after meeting me. Maybe her date is  late and she is just flirting with me. In any case, I am not going to waste my chance here. She came back out to the table after a while, but something had changed. It was her lipstick. She had applied a blood red shade, and the urge for a kiss was kicking in again.

t's too cold in here."

“Let’s drink and warm up,
then.” I downed my fifth shot, she sipped her wine.

four more shots, she was sitting next to me and my hands were on her waist. “So, Amelia, what are your plans for tonight? If you don't have any, you can come to my place and we can have more drinks there."

"Why do you want to waste more time
? We can have a quick shot in the back here." She glanced towards the back of the bar, then looked back at me, dark desire in her eyes.

Let's go then.” I threw a hundred bucks on the table, and smiled at her. My hands were caressing her lower back as we walked.

a few minutes, I was pressed in between the wall and her body. She was exhaling hard and both my hands were on her hips. I tighten my grip, using my left hand to squeeze her ass. I moved my right hand to her neck and pulled her towards me.

She laughed
. "Why are you in such a hurry?” she said as she bit my earlobe.

tightened my grip and lowered my mouth to kiss her, but she moved her head again. Instead of lips, I landed on her ear. Her earlobe was looking delicious so I couldn't resist grabbing it in my teeth.

She exhaled deep
ly, closing her eyes "You are such a…”

I continued sucking
and biting her earlobe. After a few more seconds, I kissed her exposed neck, imprinting my teeth on it. She exhaled again. I moved my left hand from her hip and pushed her right strap off of her shoulder, exposing her right nipple. I kissed it, slowly removing the dress from her right nipple. Taking it inside my mouth, I bit her again, hard this time.

She moaned in pleasure
. "C'mon, take me here.”  I knew what she wanted, but I still wanted to give her something.

pulled her dress up, noticing that she wasn't wearing any panties. I knelt down, putting my head under her dress. First, I kissed her clit, dangling my tongue around it. She exhaled loud this time. My tongue moved on to her labia, using my hands to separate them, and made my way inside it. I moved my one finger to her clit, slowly rubbing it.    I started thirsting my tongue in and out of her. She was soon on the verge, and her hands were holding my shoulders tightly.

you’re awesome,” she said, moaning and leaning backwards on the wall.

was the time to do what she was waiting for, but a hand roughly grabbed my shoulder and pulled me away from her. “Get off my girlfriend, you jackass!”

spun around. It was Peter, one of my kickboxing opponents. "What the fuck, Nathan?! What the hell are you doing with my fiancé?!” His eyes were narrowed and he raised his fist. He was one of the best kick boxers in the club so I knew that this wasn’t going to end well.


Chapter 2


"That's not fair at all! You promised me different things!

I was holding the receiver away from my ear,
but my mother was clearly audible. Thanks to the topic, she was using all her energy to scold me. I thanked god that I hadn’t brought this topic up on the trip home two days ago.

, please listen to me. You know how much I love running, and I want to pursue that. Maybe I won't make it internationally, but I have a good chance to make it in country. They have a college level competition in two months, which is a golden opportunity to be in the eyes of the US team selection committee.” I could finally say what I wanted to say for days. I knew that she hated it when someone cut her off while she was speaking. "And it will help me in getting the scholarship, too."

Her voice calm
ed down a bit "Darling, I never told you not to do that. I know it's a good hobby, but how much you will gain from it? It will not pay your bills. We have a well-established business and, this year, we will cross the one billion mark in the first half. I want you to be in the business. Continue running. Nobody will stop you from jogging in the morning. It would also be a status symbol for us." She took a deep breath. "But remember one thing: fashion is our business, and you are coming home after you graduate next year. I am not debating with you again on this." She hung up without letting me answer.

Tears started rolling
down my cheeks. I fell down on the ground, holding my head in my hands. I could see the butterfly of my dream flying away, my mother chasing it down and crushing it in her hands. If I had the guts to say no to her, I’d walk away from her, but I don’t. She is my mother and I can't do that to her. It was  like a cocoon, and I would soon  be dead without having the space to spread my wings My future was in front of my eyes…turning twenty, joining her business, and becoming a machine in her inventory.

I have to prove myself
in the upcoming race and win the recommendation. Maybe then I’d have a chance to be the person I want to be. I fall on my bed, burying my face in my pillow. Chloe comes into the room and straight to me, sits down on the bed, and starts caressing my hair. "Hey, sweetheart, what happened? Why are you crying? Did you fight with your mother again? C'mon, don't cry, baby."

I nodded my head
. She was the only person in the world with whom I could be myself. Our friendship goes back to childhood and I value her above everything.

She sat near me and moved her hand slowly around my
head. "Sweets, get up. Let’s go and do something. Martin is meeting me in a lounge with his friends, and you might find someone interesting. Let's get ready and go."

it’s your date and I don't want to come with you on your date." Martin was her boyfriend and a very good friend of mine, but going on their date was a bit too much.

"It is not technically a date
. He’s bringing his two friends so it's just an evening party. You would definitely blend in so get ready and come with us." She shook her head and walked down to the bathroom.

I couldn't resist her, though I wanted to.
It's the thing with her. You can't resist her charm. I got up and opened my wardrobe, which reminded me to dry clean some before next week because college was starting. I pulled out a gray top and fitted blue jeans. For a second, I thought about wearing a dress, but decided against it. It wasn't like I was going on a date.

In fifteen minutes,
Chloe come out of bathroom. She looked gorgeous in a yellow evening gown. She grinned. I knew she didn't like my wardrobe choice, but she didn't want me to back out, either."You are looking like a sweetheart. Let’s get going. We will have plenty of time before we meet the boys." She took my hand in hers and started walking towards the door.

s of backing out come to my mind again, but I decide against it. Maybe the alcohol will calm me down. "Where are we going, Chloe?"

X. You’ll find out that it’s an interesting place.”

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