Submissive Beauty (10 page)

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Authors: Eliza Gayle

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Submissive Beauty
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He made quick work of removing his clothes and draping them across a nearby chair while Gabby sat captivated as he ripped open the packet with his teeth and rolled it over his hard cock. Despite the reservations still holding her mind hostage, her mouth watered at the sight. She longed to reach out and touch him, to explore the hard muscled planes of his body and the thick cock he now held in his fist.

Her ex had never welcomed her exploration. Their sexual encounters had been quick and efficient for him so that he could get back to whatever he had planned for his evening. It hadn’t bothered her that much then. She’d grown accustomed to his disinterest. But this… Sitting here staring at Thomas’ glorious naked form she desperately wanted to explore every inch of him and feel the texture of his skin under her tongue.

She reached for him, and Thomas took a step backward and out of her range.

“No touching.” Her disappointment must have shown because the stern look on his face softened. “Not yet, sweetheart. I couldn’t take it.”

Her insides fluttered at the simple spoken endearment. He made her want to give him her submission way too fast. Really, would she ever be able to say no this man? More importantly, did she want to?

“Lie back and spread your legs for me.” She did as he asked, a sharp gasp escaping her lips when her back hit the cold wood underneath her. Her attention was immediately drawn to the exquisite chandelier with its crystal teardrops until Thomas stepped between her legs and rubbed the head of his erection through her slick outer lips. Her breath stopped, and her heart raced as she waited for that first penetration. Need arrowed through her as he stood unmoving against her, watching her every movement.

“You’re a beautiful woman, Gabrielle. You’ve honored me tonight with your willingness and open mind. But understand me clearly. I brought you here for me because I’m interested in training you to be the sub I think you can be. Do you understand?”

Gabby nodded her head frantically, so desperate with desire she expected her body to erupt from the heat she generated by straining to hold still and not move. When her legs began to tremble, Thomas’s hands stroked them with slow, sure caresses.

“You’re doing so good, being so obedient. Hold on for a little while longer. I know you can.”

Why was he waiting? She couldn’t stand it as the ache throbbed in her clit for him to move against her, even a little.

“Please…oh God…I can’t stand it.” Her words trembled along with the shaking of her body as the fire of need erupted inside her. She couldn’t remember ever feeling like this with another man, this rush of sensation and intensity. Much longer and she might come before he made another move.

All of her worries fled her mind when he flexed forward, pushing himself inside her. The sensitive nerves of her swollen tissues sparked as he filled her inch by excruciatingly slow inch.

“Please, Sir…” she begged. “ More.”

The torture of her wait exploded around her when the instant friction rocketed her into orgasm. Her muscles clenched around him, eliciting a groan from him to accompany her cries. She arched from the table as a pleasure unlike anything she’d experienced before speared through her, stealing her breath.

“Remember this, Gabrielle. Next time you doubt my intentions and forget this feeling right now will likely be the day I tie you up and fuck you until you beg me to stop.” His cock shuttled in and out of her, picking up the pace until his hips slammed into her groin over and over. Before she recovered from the first earth-shattering orgasm, the friction began building another as hard flesh slid against reawakened nerve endings.

She didn’t doubt for a second this man could make her beg. With the pressure building and her mind reeling, the words for more lingered at the tip of her tongue. Their gazes connected, his dark with a look so unfamiliar to her she barely recognized it. Her stomach jerked in the face of reality. He wanted her.

With her body out of control and her mind reeling with implications, she couldn’t refuse him. Her guards slammed down and wild sensation unfurled on each stroke. She reached for him, dying for a little more pressure. He grasped her wrists and pinned her arms to the table.

“You’re going to have to learn to ask for what you want.”

“Thomas,” she whined.

“Not what I want to hear.” He paused, stopping the delicious friction against her clit.

“Sir, please,” she panted.

“No. I prefer you like this.” He eased an inch inside her. “Tell me what you want. Say it.”

Gabby writhed and struggled against his hold. “Fuck me. Please!”

With her answer, he thrust to the hilt, striking her clit in a precision move. Her pants turned to screams, and her body spasmed, thrashing against him as another release tore through her.

A throaty growl sounded from Thomas at the same time she felt him swell inside her. “Mine, Gabrielle. Remember it.”

She barely heard his uttered words before the darkest pleasure pulled her down in a violent swirl of intensity. Light and color flashed in her head. Blanketed by a bliss so pure and painful, Gabby heard nothing beyond the ringing in her ears and the guttural sounds coming from her own mouth.

Minutes later, Thomas collapsed against her, his full weight pushing down on her, and she loved every minute of it. With her hands free, she tentatively reached for his shoulders. A soft groan vibrated from his chest when her skin rubbed against the tight muscles of his shoulders and neck.

She mulled over the possessive words he’d uttered in the throes of passion, and those butterflies in her belly took frantic flight all over again. More than anything, she’d wanted to find someone to need her as much as she needed them, someone who didn’t look at her like a freak just because she had a dark side or a need to belong. The realization that Thomas understood brought a fresh burn behind her tired eyes.

Thomas shifted off of her, and she whimpered in protest. “I’m not leaving you, sweetheart, but we are going to get more comfortable. That was just the appetizer, a taste of what’s to come.”

Gabrielle’s eyes widened at his meaning. Was he saying what she thought he was? She followed his every move as he grabbed a cloth napkin to clean up and discarded the condom. What drew her gaze more than anything was his still half hard state.
Guess he wasn’t kidding

He returned to her side and scooped her into his arms. “You belong in my bed. Can you stay here tonight?”

She nodded, afraid her voice would fail her if she tried to talk yet. Her body hadn’t recovered from their tabletop sex and already he wanted to carry her to bed for more. When they passed through the living room, she found herself grateful David had turned down the lights until she noticed him sitting on the couch. Embarrassment flooded her as she realized he’d heard every second of Thomas taking her. If the sudden heat she felt was any indication, she’d bet her face had turned beet red. Yet…when she imagined him sitting here listening, maybe even stroking himself, a twinge pulsed through her lower body igniting a new and unfamiliar arousal.

“We’re done for the night. I’m taking our new little sub to bed to finish this lesson. We’ll start something a little more official tomorrow if you both agree.”

David nodded. “Sounds good to me. I’m ready.”

Thomas chuckled and looked down at her. “And you? Will you allow him to participate in your training?”

Oh God, she couldn’t do that, could she? Spend her nights and weekends in close intimate encounters with both men? As scandalous as it sounded, deep down inside she’d grown intrigued. She’d taken an instant liking to David, and it honestly didn’t take much of her imagination to see herself being touched by both men. Gabby tamped down the sudden rush of guilt those feelings created.

She didn’t know the details of what Thomas had planned, but she’d researched enough to know many of the options. He wanted this, and truth be told, if she opened her mind to her darker desires, she did too.

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered before she could change her mind.





Chapter Nine



With the sun peeking over the horizon and into the windows of Thomas’s bedroom, Gabby tiptoed from the room, hoping not to wake him. He’d spent hours teaching her the most delicious lesson of her life, and she’d been thoroughly made love to through most of the night.

Her body ached in every place imaginable as she remembered the spanking, the table and the unbelievable night before. She’d been amazed by Thomas’s stamina when he’d exercised incredible control and fucked her for hours. A fleeting thought of her giant tub with its heated jets at home had a quiet moan slipping from her mouth. First things first, she needed to pee and get coffee and not necessarily in that order.

She wandered from room to room in the oversized house until she finally located the grand kitchen. And yes, grand was the only word she could think of to describe it. Half of her townhome would fit in this room, and the oversized appliances and granite countertops blew away her small kitchenette with its standard Formica and apartment-sized appliances. It was the one thing she hated about her house, but being able to call it all her own had won out over her desire for a larger kitchen.

Gabby paused and took a moment to gaze over every surface, imagining having free rein to cook in here. Maybe sometime, if things progressed, Thomas would allow her to cook for him here. After all, they said the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach.

Don’t go there, Gabby
. It wouldn’t do her heart well to get to attached to any of this. Thomas was looking for a sub not a wife, and she didn’t need that kind of attachment, either. She’d had enough of that with her ex.

“Penny for your thoughts.”

Gabby jerked and clutched her heart at the sudden voice from the other side of the room. She turned and found David sitting in the breakfast nook with a cup of coffee and a newspaper spread out in front of him.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, but the look on your face seemed so intense and you were frowning. I’m curious what that was about. Did you not enjoy your night with Master Thomas?”

Gabby stood transfixed at the sight of him in jeans and bare chest. His disheveled blond hair and smooth skin made him impossibly beautiful; it was hard not to stare. She averted her eyes to the floor, trying to think of something else before she melted in front of him in a puddle of arousal. She could well imagine the effect he would have on women at Sanctuary. He would be a very popular Dom indeed. A brief flash of jealousy surged through her.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know anyone was in here.” She crossed her arms over her breasts to hide the fact that her nipples had hardened and it dawned on her she was still naked. Panic filled her as she frantically sought to hide or cover herself.

“I’m an early riser. I like to get a swim in first thing in the morning before breakfast, especially today.”

“Why especially today?” Gabby scurried around the kitchen island so that her lower half would no longer be in view. God, next to his perfection, he must find her body repulsive.

He flashed her a huge grin. “While beautiful, listening to your screams of ecstasy through the night tends to leave a man restless with some aggression to burn.”

Gabby’s face burned hot. “I’m sorry if we kept you from sleep.”

David set his paper aside and stood from the table. “Don’t be sorry, sugar. I’m certainly not. In fact, I can’t wait to get started in our training so I can make you scream like that for me.” As he walked toward her, Gabby couldn’t help but notice the look of arousal in his eyes as well as the bulge in his jeans. And he wasn’t alone. His words gave her a jolt of lust, and already, moisture pooled between her thighs. The desire to be on her knees with his hands in her hair as his cock slid between her lips whipped through her. She screwed he eyes shut trying to block that particular image from her mind.

After last night, only Thomas should be dominating her wants and desires. She definitely shouldn’t have cravings for the man standing in front of her.

Easier said than done. David was a good-looking man with a nice personality to match. A woman would have to be dead not to feel anything for him, right?

He stopped on the other side of the counter, observing her with knowing eyes. “Why are you hiding behind there? Are you uncomfortable with your nudity?”

She nodded, wishing now she would have just stayed in bed. What if Thomas walked in and saw them like this? Would he toss her out if he found out she was attracted to David? Or worse give her to him like she’d originally feared.

David reached for her hand and attempted to tug her arms from around her chest. She held on for dear life, reluctant to reveal herself anymore than she already had.

“Why be embarrassed now? I saw everything last night, and I liked what I saw very much. A woman should be round and soft, not skinny with bones showing through their skin.”

Gabby snorted in disbelief.


How could he prefer her over the gorgeous thin women crawling all over town?

“Bare your breasts to him now, Gabrielle.” Thomas’s stern voice startled her from her indulgent thoughts.

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