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Authors: Alysha Ellis

Submitting to Him (4 page)

BOOK: Submitting to Him
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“That’s damn insulting to me and Elise and to you. Why the fuck did you think we chose you? Elise was attracted to you from the minute she saw you. And you—do you think I’m stupid? Any man could see your response to Elise. Most men would be jealous. I’m different. You know what I wanted. You wanted it too. No one forced you into anything last night.”

For a long moment Nick stood there. Then the white lines bracketing his mouth relaxed. “The owner came by today and told me you were interested in buying the hotel.” He took a deep breath. “He said your main reason for coming here was to sound out the staff’s reactions to the demands of exacting guests. Then he said you were used to getting whatever you wanted, no matter what you had to pay for it. I am afraid…I put too personal an interpretation on his words and became very angry.” He lifted one shoulder. “I’m Greek. We are a passionate race.” A grin curved his lips. “I have a temper.”

“We noticed,” Blair said with a grin of his own. He clapped a friendly hand on Nick’s shoulder. “If being passionate leads to more of what happened last night, then I guess we’ll take the temper too…although perhaps next time you’ll ask before you go off on a tangent.”

Again Nick shrugged. “I can’t guarantee it. If you stay here long enough…who knows?”

Elise raised her eyebrows. Their stay was open-ended. Under normal circumstances they seldom remained in one place for long. But as long as Nick was here and willing, she intended to stay and make the most of their intriguing threesome.

Nick suddenly looked at his watch. “I am still on duty. I have to go. If there is no actual complaint?”

“You know there’s not,” Blair said. “This hotel runs like clockwork. Better, because a clock has no soul. This place is very special and it’s all down to your leadership.”

“Thank you,” Nick replied. “But my leadership is not worth much if I’m not on duty when I should be.”

“Will you come back when your shift is over?” Elise asked.

Nick lifted his head and looked into her eyes. “Yes.”

“We have caused you some distress,” Elise added. “Perhaps you should exact some punishment.”

 A flame kindled deep in Nick’s dark gaze. “That would be…appropriate.” He looked at Blair. “We on Santorini are a coastal people. Our lives revolve around boats and we know a lot about knots.”

“I look forward to a demonstration,” Blair said. Anticipation tingled across Elise’s nerve endings and triggered a rush of hot moisture.

“My pleasure,” Nick replied and walked out.


* * * *


By the time he returned Elise was on edge, eager to see where he would take them. She knew without needing to be told that tonight Blair would let Nick take the lead. Last night he had been involved, but all his actions had been suggested or approved by Blair. Now they would follow him.

He strode into the room, using a card to gain entry after a cursory rap on the door. Since she had no idea what Nick would want, she still wore the red silk halter-neck dress she’d donned that morning, and a red thong. Nick was dressed in his dark suit, the stark white of the business shirt highlighting his olive-gold skin.

Blair stood behind Elise and she leant back into him, grateful for the support. Nick’s expression was hard, his mouth a straight line.

Without a word spoken to either her or Blair he grabbed Elise by the upper arms and pulled her to him. He ground his mouth against hers in a hard, demanding kiss. She could smell the musky scent of man, cologne and another essence, composed of the combined aroma of anger and arousal. She knew he hadn’t completely calmed from the confrontation earlier in the day. She wasn’t afraid. Nick exuded an air of control. His anger would only serve to give their play an edge, a sense of danger that heightened their pleasure.

In any case, Blair would never allow her to come to any real harm. He knew how to stop a scene in an instant, to restore sanity and calm.

So she let the heat that radiated from Nick consume her, burning even through the fine wool of his suit.

Blair slid his hands down her thighs and hiked her skirt upwards. Nick let go of her with one hand and jerked his pants open, pushed down his silk boxers, ripped her thong aside and thrust his cock hard inside her without warning or preparation. She didn’t care. Her own juices had flooded out the instant Nick walked through the door, and she had been ready before he rammed his tongue in to take her mouth in that first rapacious kiss.

Nick slammed into her, pushing her back so her arse rode the hard ridge of Blair’s penis. Blair’s grip on her hips changed so his cock settled into her crack, and his knees bent to support her.

Taking the chance while she still had the freedom to, she slipped her hands inside the loosened waistband of Nick’s pants. She clenched her fingers and used her nails to score the firm globes of his butt. He tensed and she pulled him tighter. He moaned, a deep feral sound, and his cock pumped as he came.

When he’d finished, he pulled out and gave her a shake. “I didn’t tell you to touch me. You’ll pay for that.”

He reached down and ripped off a condom and walked to the bathroom.

“When did he…?” she asked.

“He had it on when he opened his pants,” Blair whispered in her ear. “I wouldn’t have let him near you otherwise.”

She nodded and twisted her head to smile at him over her shoulder. “You take care of me.”

He kissed her gently on the cheek. “And I always will.” He held her a little tighter. “Nick’s in a wild mood. Can you handle it?”

“Yes,” she said. “As long as you’re here with me.”

“Always.” At that moment, Nick returned and Blair retreated. Elise knew he would stand back and let Nick take control.

Tonight she was Nick’s plaything.

He stepped towards her and clasped the V-neck of her dress. With one strong tug he ripped it apart, the silk giving way with a high-pitched squeak as the fibres stretched and tore. Elise shivered when he gripped her shoulders with strong hands, pushing her to the carpet to kneel in front of him.

He gestured to Blair. “Stand behind her. Hold her arms.”

Blair moved into position immediately, pulling her arms back, so her breasts thrust out, her nipples proud and hard.

Nick sat on the edge of the sofa. He shoved his hands under the front of her thong and pushed his way to her cunt, inserting three fingers, curling them so they hooked against the damp muscled walls. He’d watched closely last night.

He circled his thumb around her clit, fast and relentless. She fought it, tried not to give in too soon, but his touch was too sure, too expert and with a groan, she came. It made no difference. He only pressed harder, the edge of pain heightening her pleasure and she felt the pulsing heat wash over her again. Again and again he did it. When she started to beg for respite Blair clapped one hand across her mouth.

By the time Nick withdrew his fingers and sat back, her bones had stopped supporting her and she sagged forward, held up only by Blair’s hands. Her mind was a grey haze, vision blurred, cunt scraped and tingling, clit throbbing and full.

She heard the sound of Nick shuffling through the suitcase of toys Blair had placed on the stand. “Do you have rope?”

The soft drag of fibre across her chest pulled her out of her daze. Nick held several lengths of narrow, white cord in his hands. He pushed her onto her back on the leather-covered ottoman, slipping the ropes behind her.

Blair, no longer needing to hold her, moved to the side. His watchful gaze centred on Nick’s hands as he wove them back and forth, plaiting and twisting the ropes across her stomach. Elise tried to lift her head to see what he was doing, but Nick growled, “Don’t move.”

The ropes pulled tight, cutting under her breasts.

After a few moments Nick pulled her to her feet and pushed her in front of him so that she faced the full-length mirror.

“Beautiful,” he breathed, and it was. He had woven the ropes into a Celtic knot that covered her abdomen. The cords radiating out from it bound her arms by her side but left her legs and groin bare. “All the better to fuck you,” Nick said.

Above the knot her breasts jutted out, the nipples already hard and red. With his hands twisted in the rope at her back, he spun her round then led her into the bedroom. He pushed her on her back on the bed, then turned and left the room. In a moment he was back, a red candle in his hand, the flame flickering in the air-conditioned breeze.

Elise tensed.

Nick knelt with one knee on the bed. Looking straight into her eyes, he tilted the candle until a stream of red wax trickled onto her nipple. The wax was hot, but not so hot she couldn’t bear it, and the pain sent fire trails of pure arousal shooting through her. Her nerves thrummed, and even though she knew Nick’s knots would hold firm, she flexed her muscles against them.

“Stop fighting it.” Blair’s breath, harsh and raspy, sounded in her ear. She rolled her eyes to see him shuck off his pants, his cock erect and thick with a drop of pre-cum already winking in the unsteady light.

He wrapped his fist around the thick column and stroked twice. He knew how much she loved him to jerk off in front of her, to watch the cum fountain from him in spurting white streams.

He stilled his hand and uncurled his fist. He wasn’t ready to come yet then. His gaze lifted from her and she followed it with the limited amount of head movement she could muster.

Nick had blown out the candle and undressed. His hard chest glistened, smooth and hair free, highlighting his rippled muscles and his clear golden skin.

She couldn’t see below his belly button until he once more knelt on the bed between her legs. His cock, thicker than Blair’s, jutted out above his swinging balls. There the skin took on a purple hue, hot and potent.

He pushed her thighs wider apart.

“Have you fucked her when she looks like this?” he asked. “With the wax?”

“No,” Blair replied.

“Do you want to?”

“I always want to.”

“Then do it.”

She heard the rustle of a condom wrapper being opened.

Nick crawled up Elise’s body until he straddled her shoulders. He reached down and arranged the pillows so her head was bent up. With his thumb and fingers on either side of her jaw, he opened her mouth and pushed inside.

At the same time Blair’s cock filled her cunt though she couldn’t see him past the solid wall of Nick’s body.

Both men rocked into her, hard and rough. Nick went so deep she thought she wouldn’t be able to take it, but he seemed to know just how far to push before he pulled out to thrust again.

Blair knew her far better, but tonight had eaten at his control and he was rough, hard and painful. She’d have bruises tomorrow, have to walk carefully. Every sharp twinge, every dull ache would remind her of how uninhibitedly she had been taken.

The air was filled with the sounds of grunts and moans of pleasure and perfumed with the musky scent of sex and sweat, wax and rope.

Nick clasped the back of her neck and he held her to him, holding her tight. His seed spilled into her throat, leaving her no choice but to swallow.

Blair rammed home and although he chanted “No. No. Not yet,” his thrusts grew harder, wilder until she felt the pulsing as he came.

Then he slumped backwards, pulling out of her. Nick shuffled back and ran his hands across the decorative knot. His fingers toyed with the crown of red wax still mounded on her nipples. With a jolt, he ripped the wax clear, the pain sharp, sudden and searing. Then he bent down and licked, soothing the sting with the cool moisture of his tongue.

She felt Blair slide in behind her, his arms wrapping her in a cocoon of love and safety. Then Nick too slid down to lie full length against her. The kiss he gave her was long and sweet, all anger gone. He lifted his head and looked across at Blair. “No wonder you love her, she is a very, very special woman.”

He kissed her again and began to untie the knots. As each rope was lifted from the skin, he rubbed his fingers across the ridged patterns left on her flesh and smiled. Blair, leaning up on his elbow, watched.

When the last cord had been dropped to the floor, Nick murmured, “Do you want me to leave?”

“Stay,” Blair said. “You are part of this now, part of us.”

Elise smiled. “I’d like that too.”

The aftermath, the feeling of having been well loved, of having pleased and been pleased, was an integral part of the experience. The peace that settled on her made it a magical time and she wanted to share it with him.

Blair showed his acceptance by settling back down and pulling the blanket up over the three of them.

As if they had been together for years instead of two nights, they relaxed against each other, bodies fitting perfectly, and drifted into sleep.

Chapter Three




When she awoke in the morning she was alone in the bed. She could hear Blair talking on the phone in the other room. Pulling on her wrap, she strolled out. Nick was nowhere to be seen, his clothes gone from the floor, nothing to remind her he’d been here except for the lingering scent of his cologne and the pleasurable rasp of the silk across her reddened and abraded nipples.

Blair sounded intent and worried and from the single side of the conversation she could hear, she knew some complication had arisen in one of his business deals and he was needed elsewhere. And wherever Blair was needed she too would go. Not because she couldn’t cope without him but because they hated to be apart and Blair had the wealth to ensure they never needed to be.

Blair ended the call and turned to Elise. “The takeover in Frankfurt’s been fouled up. I have to go there and sort it out.”

“Can’t you send someone else? You have a huge staff. Surely one of the directors can do it?”

“There are at least five others with the expertise,” Blair agreed, sighing deeply. “The problem is the owner of the chain we’re taking over refuses to deal with anyone but me.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “The timing sucks but I have an obligation to see this through. I can’t blow the guy off as if he didn’t matter.”

Elise knew how much Blair’s reputation as a fair and hands-on powerbroker mattered to him. But they’d just found Nick and she had nowhere near had her fill of him. She wasn’t sure she ever would. And Blair enjoyed watching them together, enjoyed participating. They had never found anyone with whom they had struck such an instant rapport, never known anyone who seemed so much to belong.

BOOK: Submitting to Him
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