Sudden Response (4 page)

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Authors: R.L. Mathewson

BOOK: Sudden Response
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lazy buns up.

Sometimes it was nice being the favorite. Everyone in town knew A lice Parish utterly adored her boys, but Joe was the little

girl she always wanted. That and A lice was always trying to make up for Pamela abandoning her. The boys didn't mind and

she'd gotten used to it by now.

Joe glanced at her much hated alarm clock and groaned. It was half past four. She'd over slept. "What can I do for you, mom?"

"Oh, I was wondering if you could pick up some ice cream to go along with the cake I made for dessert."

She sat up, swinging her legs over the side of the bed, wishing she could go back to sleep. "That's fine, mom."

"Dinner's at six," she reminded her.

"I'll get there before that and help out," Joe said, trying not yawn. Oh, she was really looking forward to three days on the boat

where she would be rocked to sleep.

"Thanks, sweetie. I'll see you later," A lice said before hanging up.

Joe dragged her feet to the bathroom. A fter a quick shower she blow-dried her hair, applied a small amount of make-up before

yanking on her form fitting low riding jeans and blouse that ended above her belly button. Going to work looking plain was one

thing. She was there to work, but any other time she left the house she dressed up a bit. Well, at least make it more obvious that

she was a woman. A nything more than that was just way too much work.

Feeling refreshed and somewhat more alert she got into her car and headed towards Clement's Market. She grabbed the French

vanilla ice cream she knew A lice wanted. She grabbed a half gallon of chocolate fudge swirl for Nathan, A lice's oldest son

and the brother of Joe's heart, and then a half gallon of M & M ice cream for herself and Eric. Nathan's girlfriend and whoever

A lice was trying to set up with Eric would have plenty of flavors to choose from.

Ten minutes later she was pulling up to the small white Victorian house that she still referred to as home. There were three

extra cars in the driveway, two she recognized. She hated being the last one to arrive anywhere. She grabbed the bags and

headed inside without knocking. If she tried to knock A lice would get insulted. Joe was family and god help her if she didn't

act it.

She walked into the house, surprised when she didn't spot anyone in the living room. The smell of pot roast immediately hit her

as she headed towards the kitchen. "Mom?" she called out.

"We're in the kitchen, sweetie!" A lice yelled back.

"Yeah, sweetie, we're in the kitchen!" Nathan added mockingly.

Smart ass.

She walked into the kitchen to find Nathan, tall with blond hair instead of Eric's dark brown hair, and blue eyes sitting at the

table, holding hands with a very pretty plump woman. That was one thing she always loved about Nathan, he cared more about

the woman on the inside rather than what she looked like. No doubt Joe would like her.

She found Eric sitting on the counter, looking uncomfortable under the gaze of a woman with long wavy red hair and a bit too

much make up and too thin to be healthy. She looked to be mid twenties and really into fashion, judging by her overdone dress

and amount of costume jewelry she wore. Joe doubted her bone thin arm was strong enough to move under the weight of the

insane amount of bracelets she wore.

Joe didn't think she'd ever understand why A lice took it as her personal mission in life to find a girlfriend for her youngest son.

He was incredibly good looking if you liked the bad boy look mixed with a touch of adorable, which she did, but that was

neither here nor there. He never lacked options. They couldn't go anywhere without some woman shoving her number at him.

So, why A lice thought he needed help she'd never know.

"A bout time you got your lazy ass here," Eric said with a wink.

"Eric Parish!" A lice said, sounding more shocked than she really should at this point.

"Yeah, Eric," she said, sticking her tongue out like a two year old.

A s she passed him on the way to the fridge he swatted her on the ass. Hard.

"Eric!" A lice snapped.

"What?" he asked, looking and sounding innocent.

Joe just barely resisted the urge to rub her ass. Damn that stung, but she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing it did.

Their relationship was complicated and admittedly very weird.

She put the ice cream away and palmed an ice cube.

"Sweetie, this is Nathan's girlfriend, Caitlyn and this is my friend Camie," she said, not mentioning Camie was meant to be

Eric's date. No doubt the man would outright bolt if she did. He didn't want to date anyone right now or at least hadn't found

anyone he liked.

"It's very nice to meet both of you," Joe said as she casually walked behind Eric. Quickly and discretely, she shoved the ice

cube down the back of his pants.

She heard him suck in a breath and had to smile. Immediate retribution was always nice.

"Camie, Caitlyn, this is our Joe," A lice said, gesturing towards Joe before she gave her a quick hug and a kiss.

Joe walked past Eric just barely missing another swat on the ass as he stood up to rid himself of the ice. She walked over and

gave Nathan a big hug and a kiss and shook Caitlyn's hand.

"So, you're their sister?" Camie asked, eying Joe up and down.

Nathan chuckled. "She's mom's favorite brat, my pain in the ass sister, and Eric's bitch."

Caitlyn covered her mouth to hide a giggle. No doubt she already knew the whole story behind their family. Camie looked

really confused and mom's face went completely red.

"Nathan Parish!"

"What?" Nathan asked, still laughing. Joe playfully swatted him.

Eric shrugged unconcerned. "It's true," he said simply. He pursed his lips up thoughtfully. "A ctually, if anything I'm her bitch."

Joe sighed and nodded. "That's true. You are my bitch."

"Josephine!" A lice said, obviously fighting back a smile. "You're going to make them think I raised you like this!"

Nathan blinked. "You did."

"I did not!"

"Oh, come on, mom. No need to pretend. Everyone knows you raised the three of us to be foul mouthed little bastards," Eric

said, egging his mother on.

Caitlyn laughed while Camie looked utterly confused. If Joe had to guess the woman didn't have a clue they were all joking. It

only took two minutes after meeting A lice to know she was a down to earth wholesome woman. She raised the three of them

with more love than anyone could ever hope for.

"So...." Camie began. "I'm really confused."

Nathan and Eric sighed at the same time. Joe decided to set the table and leave it up to the guys to explain their odd little


"Okay, I'll explain our little family dynamic since I get a kick out of it," Nathan said cheerfully.

"Oh, brother," A lice muttered with a fond smile.


Eric settled into a chair safely away from the woman his mother was trying to throw at him. He seriously had to question her

mental status on this one. Not one single woman he dated, not even Beth, the woman he'd been engaged to, was anything like

this. This woman was too focused on her clothes and appearance to know anyone else existed. She'd already sent Caitlyn a

dismissive look and a look to his mother he didn't particular like. To top it off she wouldn't stop staring at him like she owned

him. It was really annoying and a bit frightening. He was half afraid that if he turned his back on her that she'd brand his ass.

He sat back in his chair and let his eyes roam over Joe. He definitely hadn't missed the nasty look Camie sent Joe when she

walked into the kitchen. His upbringing was the only thing that prevented him from tossing her out on her ass at the moment.

Women could be such bitches sometimes. Not all of them, but women like this one definitely were. It just pissed him off when

women gave Joe a dismissive look because she wasn't dressed in the latest fashion and didn't pray at the altar of cosmetics. Joe

was beautiful, hell, she was sexy in her own right. She was distinctly female and perfectly curved in his book. She might not

wear the latest fashions, but she always managed to make his blood boil, probably always would.

He let his eyes roam over her hair that she left loose, it teased her shoulder blades as she moved. He nearly cursed when she

took out an elastic and put it up in a messy bun, but she still looked good. He let his eyes run down her slender neck to the tight

black blouse she wore that ended above her belly button. He liked that flat athletic stomach of hers. It was perfectly defined

with a hint of muscle thanks to their job.

When she faced him, smiling, he licked his lips as his eyes took in her high firm breasts, perfect for his hands, not that it would

happen. He took in her figure, just perfect. A bsolutely perfect. It really was no wonder women hated her. She was magnificent.

"Earth to Eric," Nathan said, pulling him out of his thoughts. Great, was he drooling? He sure as hell hoped not.

"Yeah?" he said, looking at his brother who simply rolled his eyes. "You want me to tell the story?"

"Knock yourself out," Eric said, dropping his head back to stare at the ceiling. No need to get caught ogling Joe again. She'd

tease him mercilessly and tell him he needed to get laid. No doubt he did. It had been too long. Way too long.

A fter what happened the last time it was going to be a long time before he tried again, a really long time. That kind of shit

really messed with a man's head.

"So, one day when Eric was eight, dad gets a call that some bully had not only beaten up his baby boy, but that bully made Eric

eat a handful of worms," Nathan started.

"That's awful!" Camie said, looking thoroughly disgusted. It had been pretty gross, he had to admit. The worms weren't too bad,

but all that dirt had been nasty.

Joe laughed once again, drawing his attention. He liked her laugh. It always soothed him.

"It gets better," Nathan promised. "I'm a year older so dad had me dragged out of class with the intention of having me beat the

snot out of the bully. We walk into the office, looking for this big bad bully only to find these two scraped up and covered in

mud. Dad demands to see the little boy who beat up his son and talk to his parents only to be told that this adorable little girl

was the culprit."

"Hey! He started it by shoving the worms down my dress!" Joe argued, laughing.

"I had to do something to improve that ugly ass dress you were wearing. It looked like you were wearing a couch," Eric teased.

Joe rewarded him by throwing a hot roll at his head which he caught and happily ate.

"A nyway," Nathan said, drawing back everyone's attention. "I, being the good brother that I am, offered to beat her up. Dad

was at a loss, but still somehow managed to slap me upside the head when I offered."

"You did not!" A lice sounded horrified.

"He did," Joe agreed.

"A nyway, once dad decided I wasn't going to kick her butt we hung around, waiting for Joe's mother so he could talk to her.

We waited two hours and she never showed. By then dad fell in love with the little brat," Nathan said teasingly.

"So did you, big guy," Joe said, sorting through the silverware.

Nathan chuckled. "Of course I did. I knew right off the bat that you were good sister material. So dad who was at a total loss

and this big baby," he jerked a thumb towards Eric, "decided she should come home with us where everything could be

straightened out. Mom gets one look at her and gushed and decided she was keeping her."

"So, you like, all adopted her?" Camie guessed.

Everyone except Caitlyn shook their heads. "Not exactly. Even though I think Dad mentioned more than once before he passed

away that he was going to kidnap Joe and adopt her we never made it official."

"He would have to," A lice said with a watery smile.

"It didn't matter what the law says we all heard him referring to Joe as his little girl so it didn't matter," Eric said, earning a sad

smile from Joe.

"So she never lived with you?" Camie asked, seeming determined to find out exactly what Joe's role was.

"She became an instant fixture in the house. She went with us everywhere, did her homework here, had chores here, but her

mother wouldn't let her move in with us which was okay until she was about fourteen and then she started to sleep over here

more often until she was living here and mom told us to go get her stuff. She stayed here until after she'd been working on the

ambulance for a while and could afford to live on her own. I think she was nineteen at the time?"

"Yes," Joe said as she finished setting the table and started placing bowls of food on the table. "I moved out a month or two

before Eric did."

"Only because you stole the apartment I wanted," Eric pointed out, stealing another roll.

Joe simply shrugged.

"Okay," Camie said slowly. "So Eric and Joe are like brother and sister?"

Eric and Joe shared a look of horror. Nathan winced and even A lice shook her head, looking like she might be ill.

"That's a seriously horrifying thought," Joe muttered. "Kind of disgusting actually."

"Damn straight," Eric said, saluting her with his half eating roll.

Chapter 5

"Eric, why don't you sit over here?" A lice asked, gesturing towards the empty seat next to Camie.

Eric kept his smile pleasant. "I'm fine where I am. Besides, I wouldn't want to interfere with your time with your friend."

His mother scowled in his direction. He didn't care. He came here to spend with his family and meet his brother's new

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