SUED FOR PEACE (The Kurtherian Gambit Book 11) (10 page)

BOOK: SUED FOR PEACE (The Kurtherian Gambit Book 11)
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Clan Temple Near Shennongjia Peak, Hubei

Stephanie Lee watched as her hand turned into a clawed hand, fur developing through her skin.
Power radiated out of her as she watched her naked body change in the mirror.

She had been working on her physical changes for four days now.
She had to rest after about six hours of effort.

But, she was getting there.

The first time she met her father after the change, it took all her will not to slap him.
She treated him coldly and he responded with respect.

The respect she had wanted, and now would give up for a warm embrace.
A warm embrace, she wasn’t sure there had ever been a true embrace in her life from this man.

If respect is what she had, then she would use it to beat this man into submission for daring to love the goal of siring the perfect vessel, more than his daughter.


You are doing well, this is good.
Yin told her.

Yes, your ability to control your change is much more advanced than our projections and calculations,
Yang admitted.

Why is it that you are so beholding to your math?
She asked the two aliens inside her.

Because there is truth in numbers,
Yin replied.
A truth that is without peer in the Universe.

The answers to life, if one can understand the aspects of the question, can be found in numbers.
Yang suggested.
It is the way of our future.
The numbers foretell of a time when there can only be one.
One future, one path, one direction for the Kurtherians.
We have embraced the effort to be at the top of the future, rather than in the dust of the past.

Stephanie Lee noted her glowing yellow eyes in the mirror, her lithe body and short fur covering as she drew her right hand down her left arm.
Her senses expanded, and she could smell tree’s blooming on the other side of the valley.
She walked, to the window and looked out.
Here, in this temple, she was now the Leopard Empress.
The embodiment of the belief of this clan for almost a thousand years.

Time immemorial.
She had been introduced to other Were-Cats.
To a few families of wolves who were ostracized as being a less pure branch of her clan.
Most wolves over the centuries separated from the clan and lived among the populace.

Her father admitted there were a few families which had left and never returned, their belief in a future forgotten.

Most families only paid lip service to the religious understanding of the future, even if they had proof when those in their family lines through the generations occasionally evidenced the ability to change into a cat form.
There were only two who could change into the walking form.
He and now his daughter.

Stephanie Lee flicked her tail around behind her.
It felt exquisite to command the tail and use it as a separate extension of her personality.
She occasionally would show no emotion on her face, but allow her tail to flick in annoyance, or with a sensuality.

The tail is power, and she felt it in her core.

She put her hands against the sides of the window and roared into the morning.
It felt good to claim her power.

It did her believers good to hear the truth of her existence as they went about their business getting the temple cleaned and prepared to receive visitors.
It wouldn’t be too long, maybe just a few weeks, before it would be time to call in their warriors from outside and receive their renewed oaths.

The Tre’learth Clan had accumulated much power over the centuries.
Technical, physical, and monetary advice, and led the efforts to infiltrate everywhere they needed.

It was time, Stephanie Lee thought, to slowly awaken the beast the Tre’learth had created.

One doesn’t awaken the slumbering giant quickly, lest you risk much.
No, she would do it as quickly as wisdom dictated.

But oh, the world would certainly know the future soon enough.
There were others coming to attack the world and she needed to prepare it to repulse the attack.
Even now, another Kurtherian Clan had infested this world.
She would need them to be eradicated before she would have the time to seed the populace properly.

Yes, she would use the Breadbasket of the World to prepare the next generation for transference.
She would take over the top genetic and food production companies, spreading the necessary ingredients through different food products, grains modified to provide the right nutrients for the nanites she would need to mass manufacture in the most capable country in the world for producing trillions of products.


First she would manipulate the United States to prepare the world, then she would use China to take the world into the next evolution.

The challenge was coming, and her Clan would change Humanity and take it to the level necessary to defend itself.

Whether the world wanted to prepare, or not.


The Dark Web - Internet

>>Ih8tuGeorge - We are here.


>>ki55mia55 - Connected and ready to Rock and Roll!


>>luckyu11 - I’m here…Damn guys, can you believe the shit we’ve accomplished with Adam?

>>Ih8tuGeorge - Yeah, I still have to pinch myself at times. Hey, did you see what J0n3sN4u did over in South America?

>>ki55mia55 - He found a drug lord and ratted him out, didn’t he?

>>Ih8tuGeorge - Yeah, I heard he was on the run, now.


>>ki55mia55 - If he is, then he didn’t cover his tracks very well.

>>luckyu11 - Hey, don’t knock him.
He found the funds those asswipes had hidden and their data.
He reported them to the authorities in his country, but the head drug guy was on the take.
He had to drop out fast.

>>Ih8tuGeorge - It’s a reminder this shit is real, folks.
Don’t let your guard down, we are playing with the big boys and they don’t mind a slit throat or bullet to the head.

>>MyNam3isADAM - I apologize for being tardy, I wanted to confirm J0n3sN4u was safe before I arrived for our meeting.

>>ki55mia55 - How did you do that?

>>MyNam3isADAM - Do what?
Confirm he is safe, or make sure he was safe?

>>ki55mia55 - Yes, to both.

>>MyNam3isADAM - I can’t make sure of anything.
Once Ih8tuGeorge let me know about the issue, I did what you might do in any organization, I confirmed the facts and delivered it to the person who might be able to help someone.

>>luckyu11 - You told her, didn’t you?

>>MyNam3isADAM - Yes.

>>luckyu11 - I’d love to meet her some day.

>>ki55mia55 - Told who?
Meet who?

>>Ih8tuGeorge - Yeah, don’t get me wrong Adam, but while I don’t think you are the cops, if you are working for an organization we need to know.

>>MyNam3isADAM - One moment, I will need to see if she is available to communicate.

>>luckyu11 - Oh my god, I can’t believe this might be happening.

>>ki55mia55 - lucky, what the hell are you talking about?
How did you know who he works for?
Also, how can you be sure?

>>luckyu11 - Adam never officially told me, so I’ve kept it to myself.
He’s always been straight up with me so I believe him.
We know a lot of the targets, so I did some digging.

>>Ih8tuGeorge - Ok, if you think it is the same group I think it is, then holy shit on a graham cracker, kiss, we are playing with the biggest group out there.

>>ki55mia55 - Seriously?
My group loves we are helping, but we haven't seen the hints you guys are seeing.
At last count, we’ve dropped fifty-five PWLTSO’s since we started.

>>Ih8tuGeorge - PWLTSO?

>>ki55mia55 - Yeah, sorry. Inside term in our group - People We Love To Screw Over.
Adam had us help him target some real douches.
The cops actually wanted to give out awards for four of them.
Fucking child pornography shit.
But, you know us, gotta stay in the background in case we get known and that can’t happen. We got wind that they were going to award the anonymous supporters with an award, and we all hooked up and watched it with popcorn and shit.
It was a cool feeling, let me tell you.

>>ki55mia55 - So, who is it?

>>Th3Qu33nB1TCH - It is my group.
Hello, people.

>>MyNam3isADAM - luckyu11, Ih8tuGeorge, ki55mia55 please meet my boss, Th3Qu33nB1TCH.

>>luckyu11 - Oh my god!
I can’t believe it’s you!
I watch everything I can about you.

>>Ih8tuGeorge - Fuck me!
The Initials…LOL!

>>ki55mia55 - Sorry, but WHO are you?
I don’t want to be dense here, but I haven't a clue.

>>luckyu11 - George is right, check the initials, Kiss!

>>ki55mia55 - TQB?
Oh, just shoot me now.
I can’t believe this shit!
Really? Seriously?
Damn, I’m going to have a nerdgasm if Adam isn’t pulling my leg here.

>>MyNam3isADAM - ki55mia55, I wouldn’t do that.

>>Th3Qu33nB1TCH - You wouldn’t ADAM?
Because, I think its funny as shit.
I’d totally pull this stunt if I had thought about it.

>>MyNam3isADAM - Why?

>>Th3Qu33nB1TCH - Because it’s funny!
Why else?
Either way, sorry people.
Yes, it’s really me right now.
Sorry for taking a few minutes, I was in a meeting when ADAM asked me to join.
What do you want to know?

>>ki55mia55 - Well, I think I have my answer already.
It’s just we aren’t too fond of organizations.

>>Th3Qu33nB1TCH - Yeah, I get that. Too many of them are a pain in the ass only setup to help themselves survive even if it means the human race has to suffer for it.

>>luckyu11 - Can I ask you a question?

>>Th3Qu33nB1TCH - Sure.

>>luckyu11 - Were you in on the attack with the terrorists and the children.

>>Th3Qu33nB1TCH - Yes.

>>luckyu11 - Did you get hurt?

>>Th3Qu33nB1TCH - Not physically, emotionally yes.
Why do you ask?

>>luckyu11 - Because I still have issues some nights when I see those pictures of the men killed, and I have to pull up the children again.

>>Th3Qu33nB1TCH - lucky, you didn’t swing the sword, or shoot anyone.
You and everyone here found a potential threat and notified someone who could help. It was my decision to take care of the terrorists the way we did.
What would you have thought if the next morning, you found out they had attacked a school, and hundreds of children were massacred, would you ask why we didn’t do anything?

>>ki55mia55 - I would have.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not about killing everyone, but if you are going after children so that you get some airtime?
Well, kiss my ass.

>>luckyu11 - Yes, sorry.
It’s just I realized with that episode we started something.

>>Th3Qu33nB1TCH - That isn’t correct lucky, the terrorists started something. You guys and gals all helped stop the something THEY started.
They would be alive today if they didn't think to bring children into this mess.

>>Ih8tuGeorge - You wouldn’t have done anything if it wasn’t children?

>>Th3Qu33nB1TCH - Depends on the group.
If it was civilians, possibly.
If it was military, say the Russian military, then probably not.
We can’t get involved in everything, even if I wanted to, and I don’t.
I don’t believe in trying to right all the world's wrongs.
Even I don’t have a big enough stick to do that.

>>ki55mia55 - Don’t you?
I mean, you could drop rocks and shit on top of them.
That’s a pretty big stick to have..

>>Th3Qu33nB1TCH - Are you going to go to a playground and start indiscriminately bashing heads with a baseball bat because one of the kids bit another?

>>ki55mia55 - Oh..Yeah, I get that.
Not going to destroy the innocents with the bad guys just because you can.

>>Ih8tuGeorge - That was a good metaphor, I hadn’t thought about it like that before.

>>Th3Qu33nB1TCH - Almost everyone has superior power over a few.
The ethics are usually pretty much the same even when you can affect billions.

>>Th3Qu33nB1TCH - So, now that you know who ADAM works for, does this change your desire to help him, and us?

>>Ih8tuGeorge - No, but I’d kill for a chance at a ride into space.

>>ki55mia55 - Perhaps a poor choice of words?

>>Ih8tuGeorge - Shit, sorry!
Yeah, poor choice of words.

>>Th3Qu33nB1TCH - Wouldn’t we have to know who you are then, to do that?

>>ki55mia55 - Don’t you?

>>Ih8tuGeorge - Yeah, what Kiss said.

>>Th3Qu33nB1TCH - I certainly don’t, ADAM?

>>MyNam3isADAM - Yes?

>>Th3Qu33nB1TCH - Do you know who the people are?

>>MyNam3isADAM - Yes, to keep them under protection, I am aware and monitor with Frank for any activity on their name.

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