Sugar (5 page)

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Authors: Jenna Jameson,Hope Tarr

BOOK: Sugar
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Buttons sprayed as he wrenched open her sweater, then pulled it over her arms and off. The bodega run was to have been a quick back-and-forth trip. She wore only a sports bra beneath. He lifted her arms and peeled it off too, bringing it over her head.

Sarah’s breasts swung free, the nipples pink from his plucking. Unlike most porn actresses, she’d never gotten implants, despite numerous attempts to persuade her.

Cole sucked down a heavy breath. “Jesus.”

Squeezing her together, he bent his head and suckled. Sarah arched against him. She might only be a B cup, but the rich sensations roused by his teeth and tongue, fingers, and palms had her congratulating herself for holding out against the surgery.

But as amazing as his mouth felt on her breasts, Sarah craved his kisses lower, much lower. She couldn’t remember the last time a man had eaten her out. As good as her vibrator could make her feel she’d yet to meet the toy that could simulate cunnilingus close to realistically.

Cole must have read her mind. Taking a step back, he snagged the waistband of her yoga pants and slid them down, taking her thong with them. Gooseflesh pricked her bared thighs.

He squeezed her waxed pubis with his palm, and then slid his thumb along the bisecting cleft. “I’m betting you taste amazing.” A sob caught in Sarah’s throat. No director shouting “show me more pink!” No contorting her body into positions that looked sexy on camera but felt like hell. No lurking suitcase pimps looking to get their rocks off by watching their porn-actress girlfriends make out on the set. To be given all this pleasure without having to do anything other than receive seemed such delicious decadence! Giddy with the freedom, she covered her hand over Cole’s.

He glided a finger inside her. A second and finally a third digit followed. Flexing brought her bucking hard against his hand. He could have stopped there and coaxed her to coming, only he didn’t. Instead, he dropped to his knees. The top of his dark head brushed her lower belly. Feathery hair tickled her inner thighs. Spreading her wider, he blew on her clit. A hot shiver raced through her. Her toes curled. Her pussy pulsed. Deft fingers sank inside her again, all three at once. This time a tongue’s point probed her channel, touched the hood of her clit, and swirled lavish circles around the kernel. Sarah braced herself on her palms, seeking to hold off on coming and prolong the pleasure for as long as she could.

But all the flirting and sensual teasing, first at the diner and now here, had taken their toll. Powerless against the pull, her clit fluttered. Her skin tingled. Against the counter, her butthole twitched. Cole sucked her more fully into his mouth, and Sarah split apart. Her buttocks clenched, her inner muscles contracted. Waves of dizzying release rolled over her. She buzzed then spasmed, squirting her milk into his mouth.

Resting back on his heels, Cole licked damp lips. “You’re my new favorite flavor.”

Pulling herself upright on damp palms, she stared down. Perspiration molded his white shirt to broad shoulders and a beautifully muscled back. Looking forward to taking off his shirt and everything else, she said, “Okay, so maybe you get to be a little cocky.”

He stood. “Just a little, huh?”

Sarah let a smile stand as her answer. That he’d held himself back from fucking her spoke volumes for his cock control.

“Where’s your bedroom?”

Still foggy, she shook her head. “What?”

“Your bedroom, where is it? Or do you sleep standing in the shower? Don’t laugh, I know several Manhattan realtors who’ll swear some people do.”

“No, I have a bed.” She jerked her chin across the room to the four curved steps leading to the loft.

“Great, then let’s get you horizontal.” Cole swept her off the counter and into his arms. Rag doll-limp, she let him carry her to the bed.

Sarah didn’t stay limp for long. The moment they hit the mattress, she came alive, taking total charge, stripping off his shirt, unzipping his pants. Her hands were everywhere, so was her mouth—nipping at his neck, trailing biting kisses down the queue of dark hair blanketing his belly, and finally, gloriously, cinching around his cock.

She rolled off the bed and stood. “Hey, where are you going?” Cole demanded, reaching for her. If she was one of those women who got off on being a tease, so help him, he was going to shake her.

But instead of pleading a sudden headache or calling time out for a pee break, she grabbed hold of his wrists, urging him up. Curious to see what she had in mind, Cole followed. Sitting on the side of the bed in only his briefs, he waited.

Holding his gaze, Sarah sank to the carpet. On her knees. At his feet.

More than anything, it was her eyes that were killing him. Large and luminous, they left his and slowly stroked over his body. He felt each brush between blinks like a physical caress. His neck. His shoulders. His nipples. His belly. The tops of his legs, she took him all in. Focusing on his cock, she licked her lips. The sight of that pink tongue was almost his undoing, almost. Cole dug his fingers into the mattress, resisting the urge to grab hold of her hair and force her face down to him, not because they’d only just met, but because he suspected she’d like it a little too much. Instead he waited, interspersing sexy thoughts of how good her mouth was going to feel with random libido busting musings—baseball scores and budget figures and the entire cast of
The Golden Girls
naked—anything to keep himself from coming.

She settled herself inside his legs. Naked and kneeling, it didn’t get any better than that. Her slender hand fitted around his cock. Her eyes found his once more as she slid slowly up and down, stopping just below the tip. Impatient, he pushed against her palm. She punished him by stopping immediately. So she wasn’t only a tease but a torturer, the very best kind.

He stilled—everything but his heart, which bolted like one of his family’s thoroughbred racers.

“Better,” she murmured, rewarding him by resuming.

With her thumb, she massaged his base, and Cole almost jumped off the bed.

Steady Canning!

Bracing himself on his palms, he leaned back, forcing himself to stare up at the ceiling. There was a crack in the plasterwork over the bed and what looked like a water stain bubbling around it. Good thing it wasn’t raining tonight, he thought, then started as her thumb stroked over the cleft bisecting his head. Cole glanced down. Jesus, he was leaking!

If Sarah was offended, she hid it well. “Hmm,” she said. Still holding him, she glided her glistening thumb into her mouth.

Oh, God!

Moonstruck hair tickled his inner thighs as she lowered herself to his groin, guiding him to her. Moist lips slid over him. A wicked tongue tested his slit, finishing what her digit had begun. Clever hands cupped his balls, gently squeezing. Nails raked the fuzz covering the firmed sacks. The tongue returned, wiggling against the underside of his shaft. Cole caught his breath as her light licking segued to sucking, liquid and rhythmic. Like the tide, it seemed to tow him toward some unseen destination, a place where any kind of self-control was a memory and from which there would be no coming back.

I will not come, I will not come, I will not come . .

His heart was drumming, his cock poised to detonate. Whatever else he did, he was not leaving that bed until he’d climaxed inside her, her pussy not her mouth.

He reached out, his fingers sinking into the thick gold of her hair. Sarah moaned, the vibration buzzing around him. She sucked him deeper and deeper still. Suddenly it wasn’t only her tongue and mouth and hands working him. It was her throat!

Cole crushed his eyes closed. He allowed himself another few seconds of extreme pleasure before he eased himself free and stood. Sarah still knelt. She looked up at him as if in an altered state, her eyes heavy lidded, her incredible mouth slightly swollen and glistening. Her nipples stood out like miniature cherries, luscious and firm. He couldn’t see her pussy beyond the honey brown landing strip, but he’d bet his discharge papers she was dripping. He’d find out soon enough.

“Get up.”

When she didn’t immediately obey, he reached down and hauled her to her feet. Turning around, he pushed her down onto the edge of the bed. “My turn.”

He wheeled away. Retrieving his pants from the floor, he took out a condom, tore open the foil square, and quickly sheathed himself. He turned back to find Sarah watching him. She hadn’t moved. Lying on her back, her legs spread, her feet touching the floor, she waited. He pulled her legs apart and stepped between her thighs. She might like “all the flavors,” but when it came to the actual fucking, he was betting she liked it deep and hard. Hooking his hands beneath her knees, he lifted her legs to his chest. She went with it, anchoring her ankles to the tops of his shoulders and lifting her ass against him. Her inner lips were pink and glistening, as wet as her mouth. Reaching down, he pulled the petals apart and positioned himself.

Cole sank into her, burying himself to the base. Despite his size, there was no resistance. She was gloriously wet and surprisingly tight, and when he pulled out and plunged into her again, her whole body shook. Biting at her bottom lip, she moaned and stretched her arms high over her head, as though imagining herself tied. Cole couldn’t help imagining it too. Her perfect, pale skin was made for black silk and bondage wear. But the kinky images carried Cole to the cusp of coming, and fucking Sarah felt far too good to go there just yet. Mentally pulling back, he slowed his stroking. Meeting him, she contracted her inner muscles, working him as her mouth and throat had done. He’d had some talented bedmates before, but this woman, Sarah, was in a league of her own—amazing.

“Please,” she said, bucking hard against him.

Remembering how she’d tortured him, he pulled slowly out of her. “Please what?”

“Please . . . let me come.”

The ease with which she could switch between being dominant and submissive dazzled him. Most women were either one or the other, making it all too easy for him to lose interest. But Sarah . . . All the flavors, indeed!

But right now, her asking his permission was the big turn on. He held her fevered gaze and answered, “You have to earn it, Sarah.” He played his penis along her quivering clit, and she nearly came off the bed. “My cock, you have to earn it. Do you want to earn it, Sarah?”

“Y-yes.” The word trembled across her lips. Jesus, there were actual tears in her eyes.

He shrugged her legs off and stepped back, his pole sticking straight out. “Then turn over and crawl up to the foot of the bed.”

She rolled onto her side and did as he’d told her. He’d imagined her like this since he’d first seen her bent over in the bodega. As lovely as her slender shoulders and elegantly arched back were, it was her ass that held him. He wanted to cover those firm, lush lobes with bruises and bites, lashes and licks. For now . . .

Cole dove onto the bed. He followed her up to the head, covering her slender body with his. Without his asking, she reached out and took hold of the headboard. Seeing those slender fingers wrapping around the metal rungs, he anchored his hands to her hips and slid back inside her. Sarah moaned and ground back against him. The sound and body posture assured him the angle was good for her—

It worked for Cole, too, but what was really getting him off was the view. That and fixating on how good she’d tasted when he’d eaten her out in the kitchen. He’d made plenty of women cream before, but the way she’d given it up and squirted had taken the experience to a new level.

“Are you ready to come, Sarah?”


“Just y-yes?” he asked, not yet ready to give up the game.


He pulled out, smiling. “Good girl,” he soothed. Holding himself, he chafed the side of his shaft over her pulsing pussy, rubbing it over her clit.

Sarah stiffened and then bucked. Her hands fell away from the rail, her clit buzzing against his meat. Cole pulled out and then slammed into her—hard, deep. Even gloved by the condom, he felt her heat as searing. He wouldn’t be surprised to find later that the fucking thing had melted, but he was too far gone to care about that now, too far gone to think beyond the thrusting, beyond claiming all that wet, quivering, fragrant flesh as his. He wasn’t alone. Sarah’s orgasm was reaching its crescendo. Violent trembling overtook her. A gasp broke free from her throat. Sobbing, she buried her face in the bedding, her cunt clenching around him like a fist.

Cole let himself go. Pumping into Sarah, he threw back his head and roared.

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