Summer Beach Reads 5-Book Bundle: Beachcombers, Heat Wave, Moon Shell Beach, Summer House, Summer Breeze (124 page)

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Christian wiped her kiss away. “I’m
, Auntie Charlotte.”

Charlotte walked over to the piano and sat on the bench next to her father. She’d never really learned to play the piano, but she and her father had over the years worked up several duets, starting of course with
and segueing into a slightly bizarre version of
The William Tell Overture
and finally,
They pounded away at the piano keys, laughing, and when they were done, everyone applauded.

Still sitting cross-legged on the floor, Aunt Grace reported in her “The rest of you are wastrels but I soldier on” voice, “I know Glorious might appreciate some help with dinner. And is the table set?”

“I’ve got to nurse Zoe,” Mandy said.

“I can’t move.” Mellie groaned, rubbing her belly.

Charlotte was bone tired from working, but she left the piano and plopped down on the chaise next to Mee. Charlotte was closer in age to Mellie, but closer in spirit to Mee, who was the most spirited and imaginative of her cousins. Mee, two years younger, had once kind of idolized Charlotte, who had babied her in return, but since Mee’s divorce, Mee had grown cranky and short-tempered.

Mee was rolling and unrolling the cuff of her shirt, her face downcast, her shoulders slumped.

“Hey, good-lookin’,” Charlotte joked, nudging her cousin with her arm. “Want to set the table with me?”

Mee twitched her shoulder irritably. “Oh, right, because that would be so much fun.”

Charlotte sat quietly for a moment, then tried again. “Your shirt is gorgeous, Mee.”

Mee sniffed, disdainful of Charlotte’s attempts at flattery. “Yes, and that’s why I don’t have a husband.”

Charlotte laughed. “You’re just a tad irrational, don’t you think?”

Mee shot Charlotte a surly stare.

“Okay, fine.” Charlotte stood up. This was just the sort of task she’d determined to perform, whenever she could. Another penny in her overdrawn cosmic account. “I’ll set the table,” she announced, and went into the dining room.


Saturday morning, Helen was in the kitchen helping Glorious make casseroles for lunch when Grace came marching in. Mandy sat at the long kitchen table, nursing Zoe, while Christian lay beneath the kitchen table, unbuckling his mother’s sandals. Mellie was collapsed at the table, puffing and munching on bacon and toast and chatting with Mee, who was wearing entirely too much blue eye shadow, one apparent result of having been dumped by her husband. Helen reminded herself that no matter what, she would not begin wearing blue eye shadow.

“Nona wants to see you,” Grace told Helen officiously. She had a clipboard in her hand and a pencil behind her ear.

“Do I have time to finish my coffee?” Helen asked. She’d decided she had quite enough to deal with, pretending she didn’t know about Worth’s affair, never mind the general stresses of this day. She needed coffee, so she was going to drink coffee, as much as she wanted. She was on her fourth cup.

Grace just breathed through her nose like a bull.

“What does Nona need?” Helen asked reasonably.

“She wants you to help her choose which dress to wear tonight.” Grace’s lips thinned. “Although why she needs
opinion, I don’t know.”

Mellie looked up from her breakfast. “Duh, Mom. Look at yourself and then look at Auntie Helen.”

Grace wore sensible khaki shorts, a green polo shirt, and leather moccasins. Helen wore a filmy, flowery sundress, the sort of thing she loved wearing here in the summer, and even though she had basically the same sensible chin-length cut as Grace, Helen’s hair curled in the island humidity, giving her a softer, more feminine appearance. Also Helen loved jewelry, and wore it, and not just the staid pearls Grace brought out for dress. Today Helen had on a glass flower on a silver chain, hung with bits of beads, and her favorite bracelet, a cuff of thick twisted silver. She wore it when she needed courage, knowing that this sort of superstitious thinking was another quality that set her apart from the real Wheelwrights.

Grace didn’t react to her daughter’s remark. Grace didn’t care about vanity, she cared about virtue and considered herself the more responsible mother. The better mother. Helen and Grace had always done their best to get along, and over the years they’d developed a kind of vigilant cooperation, like two mama tigers carrying a bone too heavy for one. Helen admired Grace, even if she didn’t especially like her; she thought Grace secretly liked her a little bit but didn’t admire her.

Helen set her cup down and rinsed her hands in the sink. “I’ll go up.”

“I don’t think Mrs. Nona’s had her tea yet,” Glorious told Helen. “I’ve got the hot water boiling, but somehow with all this”—she spread her hands to indicate the counters cluttered with chopped vegetables and grated cheese—“and then Grace was going up.”

“It’s probably too hot for tea,” Grace said.

“She’s an old lady,” Glorious reminded her. “Her bones are cold.”

Helen set the tray with a pretty porcelain teapot and cup and
saucer, no mugs for Nona. She took a cloth napkin from the drawer in the butler’s pantry. Glorious added a china bowl filled with Cheez-Its—“About all Mrs. Nona will eat in the morning.”

“Wait, Helen!” Grace pointed her pencil at Helen. “What time did you say Oliver and Teddy are arriving?”

“I don’t know, Grace.” Helen lifted the tray and headed for the back stairs. “But you know Oliver and Owen aren’t staying here at the house. And they know what time the party starts. And Teddy—”

“Yes. Well,” Grace said peevishly, “it would help if we knew what time they’re arriving. What if we’re in the middle of something and they need to be picked up?”

“Mom.” Mandy held the baby to her shoulder and burped her. “They’re big boys. They can grab a cab.”

Another martyred sigh from Grace. “Yes, but I was hoping to get a group photo before the party begins—”

“I’m sure they’ll be here in plenty of time for that,” Helen assured her sister-in-law.

“Auntie Helen,
just go.
” Mee waved a lazy hand toward the stairs. “Or Mom will have you here picking over details until that tea turns cold.”

“You’re an ungrateful daughter,” Helen teased Mee, but she turned to climb the stairs.

Interesting, she thought to herself, how quickly a person can slide into schizophrenia. All morning she’d bantered with her nieces, chatted with Glorious, and moved around the house just as if everything were normal.

The truth was she hadn’t slept last night. Her entire body ached with fatigue. Her mind had gone haywire, like a CD set on continual loop, replaying yesterday morning in her own home, when she’d overheard Worth talking to Sweet Cakes.

Pain cramped her right in her midriff. She stood still on the stairs a moment, bent almost double, catching her breath.
Don’t think about that now
, she ordered herself. Not today. This was Nona’s big day. Be a grown-up, for heaven’s sake! She straightened and climbed the stairs.

Nona’s room was at the far end of the hall, stretching across the
east wing of the house, with windows facing the harbor. Helen knocked and entered. Nona was still in her enormous bed, linen-cased pillows tucked behind her against the carved mahogany headboard. She looked very old and Victorian in her white cotton nightgown with her funny little white braid hanging over her shoulder. The lavender mohair bed jacket lay around her shoulders.

“Good morning, Nona!” Helen smiled brightly. “Grace said you wanted to see me. And I’ve brought you some tea.”

“Good girl, thank you.” Nona patted the bed beside her. “Put the tray here, will you? No, don’t perch on that chair, I can’t see you properly, sit here beside me on the bed.”

Helen obeyed, pouring Nona’s tea, adding cream and sugar, handing it to her, then arranging herself at the end of the bed where she could lean against the footboard. It was more comfortable this way. The room was filled with sweet cool air. Nona always liked the windows open at least a bit unless there was a blizzard.

“You look very pretty in that bed jacket,” Helen said.

“It feels lovely, warm and light. Thank you, Helen.”

“Happy birthday, Nona,” Helen said.

“The dreaded day begins!” Nona took a sip of tea.

“Grace said you wanted my opinion on which dress to wear tonight?”

Nona leaned back against her pillows. “Yes, I told Grace that, but what I want to talk with you about is Worth.”

“Worth?” Helen’s heart kicked.

“What’s going on with him? He looks terrible, Helen. He looks aged and worried. Ever since he’s been here he’s been distracted and abrupt.”

Helen looked down at her hands. She venerated her mother-in-law and had great respect for Nona’s intelligence. She was shocked, and yet not entirely, that Nona was so perceptive. But whatever was going on between Worth and another woman was, first of all, a matter between Helen and Worth. It was a temptation to spill out a confession to Nona, because Nona would take charge of the matter in no uncertain terms. Nona would make Worth end the affair. But was that how Helen wanted the matter resolved? Worth chastened like a
schoolboy and forced back into his marriage by his powerful mother? No. Helen was not yet sure how she was going to deal with this, but she would not come crying to Nona to make things right.

“I think it’s Teddy.” Helen met Nona’s eyes. Nona would see the anxiety there, she would believe. “Nona, we are very worried about him.”

“I understand it’s a matter of alcohol?”

“Yes, and also drugs, perhaps.”

“What kind of drugs? Marijuana?”

“That would be the least of it.”

“Is Teddy coming today?”

“He said he is. He left a message on our answering machine. He should arrive at any moment.”

“And Oliver?”

“He arrives this afternoon.”

Nona sipped her tea. “I’ve enjoyed Charlotte’s company.”

“Oh, good. I’m glad. And her garden is flourishing.”

“Yes. A mixed blessing, it seems. We are all glad to see her persevering with something, but I know Worth would like to have one child follow him into the bank.”

“Yes. Charlotte did try.”

“It’s not such a concern for me, Helen, I want you to know that. It is sufficient for me that Mandy’s husband is at the bank. They have two children and may have more. Perhaps the Wheelwright bloodline will carry on the bank even if not the Wheelwright name.”

Helen felt her heart lighten slightly. “I’m very glad to hear that, Nona. I wouldn’t like my children to be a disappointment to you.”

Nona reached over and squeezed Helen’s hand. “Don’t talk nonsense. You know I adore Oliver, always have, always will. In fact, I told him I’d like him to hold his marriage ceremony here at the summer house.”

Helen’s hands flew to her heart. “Nona! How lovely of you!” Nona was like this, she could be formal and cool and then surprise everyone with a splendid gesture of love.

Nona continued, “And Teddy is a problem, I understand, but he’s young—”

“Twenty-two is not so young,” Helen murmured.

“It is these days, I believe. I read things, you know, Helen. I watch the news. Adolescence seems to be lasting longer. Young people of twenty and even thirty are moving back to live with their parents. Children are taking longer to find their place in the workforce. It’s not like it was when
was a girl, or even when
were young.” Nona sipped her tea again. “If thirty is the new fifteen and, as I read in the ladies’ magazines, sixty is the new forty, that should make me about—oh, fifty-two, don’t you think?”

Helen laughed. Nona could be charming when she wanted; Worth had inherited that characteristic. And she was being very kind. “Well, Worth and I are worried about Teddy. For different reasons. I want Teddy to do anything at all, as long as he gets off this frightening alcoholic path he’s been on. And Worth—”

“Worth wants Teddy to go into the bank.”

“Eventually, yes.”

“And Teddy is your rebel. Your rogue.”

Helen shrugged. “I suppose all three children are.”

“You look a little frazzled, too,” Nona observed.

Helen raised her hand to her face. “I didn’t sleep well.”

“Perhaps the bed on the sleeping porch is too bumpy.”

Of course, Helen thought. In this house, Nona knows everything. “I like fresh air. Cool air. I’m still having hot flashes.” That would head the older woman off at the pass. Nona was not comfortable discussing female physicality.

“I keep worrying about Worth.” Nona voice sharpened. “Charlotte is certainly being given her way in the matter of career. And she’s thirty now. She’s had plenty of time for summer romances and playing the field.”

Helen felt skewered by her mother-in-law’s clear blue gaze. “You think Charlotte should marry Whit Lowry.”

“Well, he
a catch. From all I hear, Whit is proving to be quite capable at the bank. He’s a handsome young man, and a good sailor and athlete. No blots on his copybook as far as I know.”

Honestly, Helen thought, this family! She made an attempt to keep her tone reasonable, but she did feel angry. She was not going to
sacrifice her daughter to the Wheelwrights’ legacy.
If you only knew what your precious Worth has been doing!
Helen wanted to cry. She heard the emotional quaver in her voice when she replied, “This is all true, Nona, but you can’t engineer love. We aren’t living in feudal times.”

But Nona only sipped her tea. “Perhaps you’re right,” she said at last. “Perhaps you can’t
love. Yet Whit and Charlotte will be thrown together over the summer. Whit and his family are coming tonight for my birthday party, aren’t they?”

“Yes, of course they are. But Nona, Charlotte has known Whit since she was a child. She worked with him at the bank and nothing sparked between them.”

“That was three years ago,” Nona reminded Helen. “Let’s just sit back and see what happens. And you, Helen, try to get Worth out on the dance floor, will you? Be sure he drinks a lot of champagne. I’d like to see him enjoy himself. I’d like to see him smiling.”

“Of course.” Helen rose. “Shall I take the tray down?”

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