Summer of the Beast (13 page)

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Authors: Trinity Blacio

BOOK: Summer of the Beast
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Chapter Ten


The bedroom erupted into chaos. Books fell from their shelves, lamps fell to floor, the walls shook, and the noise was louder than a freight train. Frank shifted and snarled as a piece of wood tore into Whitnee's arm. “Theodore, Dana, guard her. We're under attack.”

He opened the door. Garth stood there with Marci, Allie, Andrew, and Whitnee's parents.

“It seems Alfred couldn't wait for the challenge. He's here with a small army and he's not alone,” Garth said. “Christopher is with him, but they don't realize they are being surrounded as we speak. My men are here.”

Frank nodded and moved aside. “Everyone inside! This is the safest place in the house.”

“Damn it, Theodore, release me. I can help.” Whitnee growled behind them.

“You aren't going anywhere. Now settle down or I'll sit on you personally,” Theodore demanded.

“Enough!” Frank yelled and glared at her. “You are carrying my child and you have Andrew to protect.”

She stopped and placed her hand on her stomach, sighing. “If you get one scratch on you Frank, I'll kill every one of them.” Whitnee gazed up at him, her eyes flashing a bright red, then black.

“Save your strength, because when I'm done with them, I'll need you.” Frank stormed out of the room, sealing it behind him. “Let's go. And Garth, Christopher is mine.”

No one ever betrayed him. Christopher was about to find out why after Frank took care of Alfred. The kitchen was in shambles as they made their way through to the back yard.

Alfred and his men were surrounded by gargoyles. Christopher stood off to the side, held by three men.

“So you chose the wrong side again, Christopher. Well, don't worry. You won't ever have to choose sides again.”

Frank turned towards Alfred Grant. “Good. I see you brought witnesses for your downfall.” Frank nodded and the men released Alfred as he shifted to beast form.

“You're going to die today, Frankenstein. A fitting day, on your birthday, don't you think?” Alfred growled and attacked. He swiped his claw at Frank's face but missed.

“Do you really think you are powerful enough to win?” Frank laughed and countered his move, leaving four long gashes across his face and sending him to the ground.

He circled around Alfred. He could smell the fear radiating off of him. “You have caused mayhem among the packs, taking what doesn't belong to you, destroying families and raping women who want nothing to do with you. It ends tonight.” Frank jumped on the man and snapped his fangs onto his throat.

Bones crunched, wolves howled in the background, blood poured into Frank's mouth, and Alfred whined like a pup. He clawed at him, trying to break loose, but there was no chance. With one powerful crunch, Frank snapped his neck and ripped out his throat. He stood and licked the blood from his lips as he gazed into Christopher's dead eyes.

“Release the traitor,” Frank snarled and Christopher smiled.

“Do you really believe I would come here without backup?” He nodded to the kitchen and Frank glanced over to see Whitnee being yanked forward by two men. Blood covered her arm and there was a gash on her head.

His heart stopped when he met her tearful gaze. His mind filled with the red haze, and the monster was free. Magic swirled around him and he soaked it in, knowing his little mate was helping him.

Frank turned toward Christopher. “You've made the biggest mistake of your life, my dear old friend.” Dana and Theodore tore out of the kitchen and attacked Whitnee's captors.

Christopher sank his teeth into Frank's arm and ripped the skin off, but not even that stopped him. He wrapped his hand around his neck and squeezed till his head fell to the ground, separating from his body. “No one touches what is mine.”

Everything and everyone was quiet as he turned to Alfred's men. “You have a choice. Join me or run. But know this: if you run, I'll find you and kill you. You have until Monday to make your choice. Now go, before I rescind the choice.” He looked at the three vampires on the ground, with Dana and Theodore above them. “Get up now,” he ordered them.

All three of them stood and stared at him. “I had no intention of messing with vampire politics, but since I have no choice, now inform the others I will be there tomorrow to start the changeover,” Frank said. “Know you are lucky you are still living, because if it had been my choice, you'd be dead. Our queen has pleaded for your lives. It seems she believes you were misled.”

One man stepped forward and bowed. “He told us you were planning to destroy the vampires using the wolves. Otherwise, we would have never agreed to come with him.”

Frank nodded and sighed, the high from the fight now only a tremor. “You need to use your brain more. Why would I destroy you when I considered Christopher my friend and ally? I'm half vampire, or have you all forgotten this?” He stepped into the man's personal space.

“No, sir, and I ask for forgiveness.”

“Go and tell the others what has happened. I expect a clean house when we get there, is that understood? I won't bring my queen and son there when there is a threat.”

All three men nodded and left. He turned and glared at Whitnee. “How the hell did they get in?” He was furious.

Dana shook his head. “Marci and Allie opened the door, wanting to help, before we knew what was happening.”

Eve came running out with Bran next to her and Andrew in his arms. “Marci and Allie are gone. They left.”

Garth roared behind him and stomped up next to him. “Why?”

Eve glanced at her husband and he nodded. “She blames herself for letting the men in. And Marci isn't ready, Garth. She's terrified.”

Whitnee said, “I talked to her this morning. Did she talk to you, Garth?”

Garth shook his head. “No. When we woke we knew we were being surrounded. We didn't have time.”

“Let's go inside,” Whitnee said. “I'm suddenly so tired.”

Cruse stepped up and scooped her up into his arms, nuzzling her neck. “How's your head, Whitnee?”

“I'm fine, Cruse, just tired. Didn't sleep much. I was too worried about everything,” she mumbled into his chest while all of them moved into the family room that wasn't totally destroyed.

Frank inspected their surroundings. “We're not going to be able to stay here. We're too open for attack. Garth, I know you need to search for Marci, but could you hold off for a few days? We really could use the backup when we enter Christopher's old compound.”

Garth nodded, and so did his brothers, who surrounded him. He glanced at Whitnee. “We should leave soon. I don't like staying here, in case the rest of Alfred's inner pack decides to attack.”

She nodded at Garth. “There is no need to worry. I know where Marci is headed and with all that has happened, I believe we should make an appearance at the Masquerade Ball also.”

“Which one?” Frank ruffled Andrew's hair as he lowered him to the ground.

Whitnee smiled. “The one in Mexico on Halloween. If I know Marci, she'll go there now that she remembers who killed her mother.”

Bran frowned and moved to Whitnee. “She remembered?”

“Yes. When she saw Garth and his brothers, everything came back. That's what we were talking about. She was scared because her mother had been raped and murdered by two of her kind.” Whitnee turned to Garth. “It wasn't you or your brothers she ran from, but we need to find them. Even though I'm going to kill her and Allie for going alone.”

Frank laughed. “Well, it seems we have plans to make, but for now, why doesn't everyone get packed?” His gaze never left Whitnee's. “I need a word with you.”

Eve laughed and grabbed Andrew's hand. “Come on, honey. Let's get you and your mother packed while she and Frank

Dana, Cruse, and Theodore laughed. “We'll let everyone know and get things rolling.”

Whitnee smiled and moved into his arms. “And what do we need to talk about?”

He swung her up into his arms and moved into his bedroom, closing the door behind them. “I want to bury my cock inside you, woman. Now, hush.” Frank ripped off the rope she wore and pushed her up against the door again.

She laughed. “Isn't this how this morning started?” she teased, but he only moaned when he pushed his cock into her pussy. “Aren't you glad I can clothe you? You're going to have to learn I don't like others seeing what is mine, Frank.” She raked her nails down his back.

“Hmm, I'll try to remember that.” He mumbled against her neck. “I love you, Whitnee, and if you ever scare me like that again—”

“Hush, I'm fine. Just make love to me, Frank. Give me that special come of yours and let me see the fireworks again.”

Frank reached up, pulling her nipples and slamming his cock in and out of her. “With pleasure, my queen.”

For the next hour Frank brought her to peak six times, only to back off, driving her need higher and higher.

“Damn it, Frank I need to come!” Whitnee screamed and dug her heels into his ass as she tried to push him deeper into her.

“Do you, now? If you can still form a sentence, you're not ready. I want you to scream so every single person will hear you.” Frank reached down, pushing two fingers into her ass. He turned her away from the door and moved to the bed where he slipped out of her. She groaned as he put her stomach onto the bed and entered her from behind. He grabbed onto her ass cheeks and pushed forward. “You have such a great ass. I think it's time I fucked it.”

Frank pulled out of her pussy, his cock covered in her juice. He slid slowly into her ass and she moaned. “God, you're so tight back here.”

“Isn't she, though?” Dana moved into the room, stripping out of his clothes and slid under her. “Let me have some of that pussy, baby.”

Together he and Dana teased her until she couldn't take anymore. Frank slapped her ass twice and she came, screaming at the top of her lungs. His seed poured out of him full force, soaking her ass.

Dana groaned and filled her pussy with his seed, still pumping into her as he did.

In all his three hundred years, Frank had never had a birthday that sent him from being the happiest man alive to being scared half out of his mind. He leaned down and nuzzled her ear as little tremors still wracked his body. “I have a feeling my life is going to be quite full keeping you in line, little one, but don't worry, I'm up for the challenge in more ways than one.”

He shoved his hips forward one last time, kissing the back of her neck. “I love you, Whitnee. Never change. Happy Fourth of July, baby.”

She laughed. “Happy birthday, my big man, and I'm sure I can keep you busy over the next few centuries.”


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