Summer of the Beast (8 page)

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Authors: Trinity Blacio

BOOK: Summer of the Beast
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Frank glanced back at his men and they nodded. “We believe she's our queen. We haven't said anything to her yet. With the challenge coming up I'd rather wait till things settle down.”

Eve stepped closer and glanced up at him. “You're something other than wolf and vampire, but human too. How can that be?”

Bran laughed. “One of my wife's gifts is to see others’ gifts.”

He ran his hand through his hair. “Yes, the four of us are vampire and wolf. I also have other parts in me, one being human and the other part machine. I was created more than three hundred years ago in England.”

Eve's hand went to her throat. “I know who you are! There are whispers among our kind about when you would make yourself known, but we never believed it would be in our time. It's an honor to meet you. Now I can relax because I know our baby will be protected and so will this guy.” She kissed the little boy's head. “But Frank, Whitnee's been hurt badly. She hasn't told us all of it, but it's taken more than a year for her friends to just get her to go out, and when she does, look at what happens.” Eve glanced at her husband.

“She'll be fine, Eve. Our baby is stronger then you give her credit for.” He pulled her into his arms. “You'd better go get his medicine and lock up the back of the house.”

“Fine, you take Andrew.” Eve handed Andrew to Bran and left the room.

“You'll find my daughter has inherited her mother's stubborn streak.” He laughed.

“I heard that, Dad, and I'm not stubborn, just cautious.” Whitnee came into the room in a green sundress which showed the swell of her breasts. Her hair was brushed and pulled back into a braid. “Here, give me my baby.”

Frank stepped forward and took the bag off her shoulder. “I'll carry this for you. You carry Andrew. We really should be going. I don't like being here too long. Dana, Cruse, check outside and Theodore, ride with Whitnee's parents, just in case.”

“All locked up, and I have Andrew's medicine.” Eve came into the room and smiled at Whitnee. “Much better.” She nodded at the dress.

He wrapped his arm around Whitnee and pulled her to the door. “Let's go. It's all clear.”

Chapter Four


Whitnee glanced out the window with her son. “It's big, Mommy. Do they have a swing set?” Andrew asked, his eyes all big. He squirmed in her seat as the car came to a stop in front of the colonial house.

“I don't think they have a swing set, Andrew, but we brought some of your toys.” Whitnee glanced up at Cruse as he opened her door and held out his hand for her.

“We have a tire swing in the back and a pool. Would that be okay?” Cruse smiled as Andrew jumped out of the car and squealed.

“Mommy, can we go swimming, please?”

She took Cruse's hand and laughed. “Did you already eat lunch and take your breathing treatment?”

“Yes, he did. He was a great little boy.” Eve smiled and took his hand.

“Well, then, after we find our rooms and get settled, we'll go swimming. Okay?” Whitnee stepped onto the porch and glanced around. Guards patrolled the immaculate and well-groomed grounds. A large brick wall surrounded the estate. “This place is amazing.”

Frank smiled. “I'm glad you like it. I've had it for a very long time. Come, let's get you settled. We'll show you to your rooms, then we have to attend to a little business.”

Whitnee walked into the great hall and shook her head. “This place could be in
Architectural Digest
.” She traced her hand along the wood wall.

“Let me show you where the kitchen and family room is, then we'll show you to your rooms.” Frank moved down the hallway passing a large door to the left.

She stopped and stared at the carvings around the door. “These tell a story, don't they?” Whitnee whispered, then frowned when she heard girls laughing behind the door.

Frank stepped in front of her and moved her away from the door. “I'll tell you the story later, I'm sure Andrew is waiting to go swimming.”

Whitnee narrowed her gaze and glanced back at the door when it opened and a woman stuck her head out squealing. “Frank, it's about time! Are Cruse, Dana, and Theodore with you? We've been waiting for the past half hour for you.” She pouted, moving up to him, then glanced at Whitnee. “Who's this?”

Her neck heated, her skin tingled and Whitnee knew the wolf was struggling to come out. “It's obvious we kept you away from your guests. Why don't we find our way up to our rooms and leave you to them?” She pulled out of his arms. “Come on, Mom, we can find our rooms and take Andrew to the pool while they conduct their business.” She turned to go to up the stairs and stopped. “I take it our rooms are upstairs and I'm not going to open a door and find other bimbos, am I?”

Frank grabbed onto the woman as she tried to lunge at her. “Enough! Debbie, get into the office. We'll be in there in a minute.” He pushed her into the room and closed the door, turning to Whitnee. “We need to talk. Follow me.”

“No, we don't. You don't have to explain anything to me. This is your home and you're just protecting me. I would just appreciate it if you kept the women away from my son. Now, what room do you want us in?” Whitnee's hand hurt as she grasped the banister tightly.

Not saying a word, Frank swung around and threw her over his shoulder. “Cruse, show Eve and Bran to their room while I talk to Whitnee.”

Whitnee pounded on his back as he moved through the house. “Put me down. You have no right to manhandle me!”

He swatted her ass. “Shut up and listen.” He dumped her onto the couch and sighed. “I wanted to wait till after the challenge to tell you any of this. Your parents already know what I am.” He walked over to the bar and poured himself a shot of whiskey, downing it and staring at her. “I've been alive for more than three hundred years, Whitnee. I was created in a laboratory. I'm part vampire, wolf, human, and machine. My father, or the man who created me, was killed and the people who killed him thought they had killed me. I escaped to come here to the new world.” He walked around and kneeled before her and cupped her face.

“Those women are here to feed us, that's all. All four of us need blood every other day to survive. We pay for their homes and make sure they are taken care of, but that's all. I wanted to deny it, Whitnee, but I can't anymore. You're special to all four of us. Give me time to get this challenge over with.” He leaned forward and kissed her lips softly.

All she wanted to do was wrap her arms around him and deepen the kiss, but it was crazy. She'd just met him. Whitnee sat back and stared at him. “A vampire, too? Boy, I'm way over my head here. Couldn't you have picked men to feed from? Those women, from what I saw, are gorgeous and it's obvious they think it's more than feeding.” She closed her eyes. “Why couldn't you feed from me if I'm so special?”

Her mother had told her the story of Frankenstein growing up, the true story passed down to each generation in their family. The circle of witches and wizards always knew once this man stepped into the open, he would draw all species together to create a harmony like none before. She shook her head and pushed at Frank's chest. “Let me up, Frank.”

He stood slowly, holding out his hand. “We all can't feed from you, Whitnee.”

She nodded and put her hand into his standing. “Fine, I understand, but there has to be a mistake, Frank. The four of you will live forever. I won't. You're going to be the leader of so many. You need someone by your side who is just as powerful, not me. I think you're right not to push this attraction between us, and as you have told me before, I'm too small for you.” Whitnee patted his chest and moved around him, but he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her back into his chest.

Frank sat in her spot on the sofa, dragging her down onto his lap. Dana, Cruse, and Theodore moved into the room. Cruse kneeled down between her legs and Frank's as Cruse lifted each of her legs and draped them over Frank's legs.

Dana kneeled on the floor to their right while Theodore sat on their left side each reached inside and lifted one of her breasts out of her dress. “You're beautiful and ours, Whitnee. Look at their faces and know what you do to each of us. You can feel what you do to me.” Frank scraped her neck with his fangs while he brushed his cock against her ass.

Cruse slowly pushed her dress up and traced the outline of her thong with his fingertips. He leaned down and nibbled her inner thigh. “We can smell your cream, Whitnee. I need a taste,” Cruse whispered and pushed aside her thong, running his tongue along her pussy lips, while Dana and Theodore each took a nipple into their mouths, sucking.

“Frank…” The feeling of four mouths on her was too much. She couldn't think. Whitnee reached down to grab onto Cruse's head, but he tucked her hands under Frank's legs. “Leave them there, Whitnee.” Cruse slid his tongue into her pussy and she squirmed but couldn't go anywhere.

Whitnee was so close to coming she couldn't help the moan that slipped out. “What are you doing to me?”

Frank brushed his lips against her ear. “We're marking you, Whitnee, showing you and everyone else that you belong to us.” Four set of fangs bit into her at once. Frank at her neck, Dana and Theodore at her breasts and Cruse right above her pussy they marked her, tasted her.

Her toes curled, her heart raced, and the most powerful orgasm she ever had raced through her. There was no way to fight them and Whitnee didn't want to. The wolf inside her howled and her body wasn't hers any more—it was theirs.

* * * *


Whitnee's blood rushed into him with a bang. Frank slowly withdrew his fangs from her neck and sealed his mark with a lick across it.

“What the hell just happened? Never had so little filled me so quickly, and her blood is so powerful.”
Cruse glanced up at him as he licked her pussy lips one more time and straightened her dress and thong.

“How are you feeling, Whitnee? Did we take too much?” Frank slowly turned her to face him when Dana and Theodore covered her breasts once more.

“Hmm, feel great.” She grinned and opened her eyes, staring at him. “Wow, do your bites pack a punch.” Whitnee reached up and touched her neck. “We're going to have a problem. The thought of you doing what you did to me to those women…” She glared up at him. “You've marked me, but how would you feel if I had to feed from another man?”

She pushed his hands away and tried to stand, but he held her tight.

“I don't know how it's possible, but we don't need to feed from them anymore. I'll have them sent home. It seems just a tiny bit of your blood fills us and the power behind it is amazing.” Frank placed both of his hands on her cheeks and held her head.

“You're ours, Whitnee. This just proves it to us. You were meant to be ours.” Frank lowered his head and nibbled on her lower lip, watching her eyes grow big.

“Really? You're not going to feed from them?” she asked when he released her and Cruse helped her stand.

“No, we're not going to feed from them. As long as you feel fine, there is no sense. We'd rather nibble your body than any other female.” Cruse kissed her lips softly. “Now, come, let's show you to your room. I believe the little guy wants to go swimming.”

Cruse led her out of the room and he shook his head. “Amazing. I have no idea what's going on. I've never heard of anything like this, but it also worries me.” He glanced up at Dana and Theodore.

“If her blood is so powerful, and if word gets out about it, her life could be in an even bigger danger, let alone the life of her son.” The thought of someone hurting her or Andrew brought the monster of legend close to the surface.

Dana moved in front of him. “I've never seen you this furious. You need to pull yourself together, Frank. We have a bigger problem. If Alfred Grant knows about her blood, he could have told anyone.”

The red haze in his mind slowly faded and his gaze held Dana's. “Contact our spy. Have him find out whatever he can on what Alfred knows about Whitnee. Oh, and Theodore, send the feeders home. We won't need them any time soon.”

Both men moved to do his bidding as he strolled into the kitchen and he glanced outside. Whitnee stood by the side of the pool, her red shoulder length hair swayed gentle from the wind, her bathing suit enhanced every curve in her body. “How the hell am I supposed to concentrate on the upcoming challenge when she's walking around in that?”

The sound of a woman's gentle laughter behind him drew his attention and he turned to see her mother standing there, smiling. “I see you gentlemen didn't waste any time marking my daughter. Tell me, was her blood enough to hold all four of you off? I saw Theodore pushing the women out the front door.”

Frank nodded, indicating she should sit. “Please have a seat. I have a couple of questions for you as well.” He pulled out a chair for her and sat down next to her. “We were all shocked at the power she has flowing through her, but what really surprised us was how little we needed to feed. Do you know anything about this?”

Eve studied him for a minute and smiled. “You haven't heard of the prediction, then?”

He was getting nowhere with this woman. She kept asking him questions instead of answering his. “I have no idea what you're talking about.”

She nodded. “Every female in our family knows to tell this story to their daughters so that one day we might help when he appeared.” Eve nodded to him. “I don't know if it was just our family or not—my mother and grandmother never told me. They just told me never to repeat it to anyone but our daughters, if we had any.”

Getting up, she went to the fridge and pulled out a can of Pepsi. “I first heard the story when I was five. It was told to me every week as a fairy tale. I of course repeated it to Whitnee every week when she was a little girl. I think that's why she has accepted all of you so easily, even after what has happened to her.” Eve sat back down and patted his arm.

“It was told long ago that a stranger, tall and vicious to those who threatened any in his clan, would come stepping out into the open to protect those who are weaker. Beside him would stand his own personal clan, those whom he had chosen to stand beside him throughout time. Only one female would be mated to all of them. This female would be powerful only to them. Her blood, her body, and soul would hold all four men together, but mostly, she would calm the monster in the chosen one. Only she could bear his children and bring peace to the red haze of violence that flowed in him hidden waiting to come out.” Eve stopped and smiled at him, patting his arm.

“In return, he would love her like no other. She would want for nothing and their children would eventually lead all kinds into the open to a safe world which their father and his men had created. On his birthday, the day he was created, the Fourth of July, no other except his inner clan and his female can satisfy the sexual hunger in him. For that day only he would be hard on his female, but with the help of his men, the five of them come together a powerful force to last their blood cravings for the year.”

Small warm arms surrounded his neck, Whitnee leaned down and kissed his cheek as her mother went outside. “On the first night of the Fourth, they would turn their queen to what they were. Their love would be fierce that night, but she too would crave the rough loving from her men, knowing that when the night was over, there would be a new life. Their first child would be conceived.” Whitnee slipped into his lap and traced her fingers over his bottom lip.

“So you see, my handsome man, you will be at your strongest when you meet Alfred. My blood can help no other, only you. I couldn't figure out why I felt so threatened with other females around you, but my mother reminded me of the story passed down in our family and it all makes sense now.” Whitnee glanced out the window at her son, a worried look on her face.

“I'm scared for him, Frank. He's my son. Not the dickhead's, but mine.” She glanced up at him as a tear rolled down her cheek. “I can't lose him, Frank. I know my place now, but the thought of him being sick or hurt…”

Frank lifted her chin when she lowered her gaze. “He'll be fine. I think I can help him. After the challenge, I would like to give him a small amount of my blood. Then he would be part of me and I believe it would heal him. Would you allow me to do this for you?” Frank kissed her nose.

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