Summon Lyght (34 page)

Read Summon Lyght Online

Authors: Kenra Daniels,Azure Boone

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Angels, #Demons & Devils

BOOK: Summon Lyght
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Kassie was amazed with Dorn. He was so…professional here. He was always the serious one, but here, he was even more so. His movements exact as if every one of them had been practiced to perfection.
"The operation is quite straightforward as are the current statuses. I'll begin with overall percentiles at the specific stages."

The Commander nodded.

"Every warrior that has been formed is active, with Lyght's Quad scheduled for missions as soon as we return. We're training en-route due to time constraints. As soon as we attack a few vital enemy holds, we should see a reduction in advancements. Our humans have been immense assets with infiltration, their experience giving us eyes from the inside."

Good." The commander suddenly eyed all the angels. "Might as well decide who is next up to go to Earth. I know you are all anxiously awaiting your turn."

The angels looked at one another and a few seemed to try and make themselves smaller.

"Me." The room fell utterly silent at the massive black angel's announcement, then erupted in a buzz of conversation.

Enough. Zool, your Brothers are all eager to take your place." He raised a hand to silence the objections already half-way into the air. "But, you volunteered first. You know what to do to prepare." He eyed all of them before holding his gaze on Dorn once again.

The status on the human boy." The command came lower.

"We…are still looking."

The Commander
's gaze snapped to his. "If you have even a hunch of information, I want it."

We can't sense him anywhere."

's gut tightened and emotion rushed up in a flash. She let out a sob and yelped when her eyes shot out bright light across the table and knocked one of the angels into the shiny black wall. "So sorry." She covered her face with both hands as if to hold it in. It was always worse when she cried. Worse when it was to do with Tyler. Because she felt responsible. Lyght's hand stroked along her back and immediately brought the power in submission as if it remembered its true master.

I got it," she whispered as it went into a place inside her. The power was hungry. Hungry to serve. And her emotions were raw fuel without a logical vessel to exit through. So it just exited wherever.

The doctor…What was it they called him?
popped into her mind… spoke. "I am to blame for this. I taught the boy how to exit his body thinking it would be a valuable asset."

No." Kassern shook his head and placed one hand on the table. "It's my fault. If I had thought to be sensitive—"

You?" Toren brows shot up. "I practically shredded his self-esteem and begged him to get sucked into another fucking dimension."

Dad, no." Tears spilled past Peggy's lashes yet again. Poor girl.  "It's not your fault. It's mine. I shouldn't have taken him, Francis tried to talk me out of it, but…I thought it would be safe."

Since when is fault a topic of discussion in this chamber?"

Immediate silence fell with the Commander
's booming words.

He looked around at all of them.
"Find him. That's the beginning and the end. Now." he clasped his hands on the table. "Updates on the... What are you calling them this week? Monkey people? Anyway, an unprovoked attack on the human boy was reported. Have we learned anything?"

I have." The doctor leaned forward. "The boy is somehow linked to them."

Linked? How?"

Somewhere in the family tree, they share DNA."

Why would that make them want to kill him?" The Commander scowled.

The doc shook his head.
"That is the remaining puzzle needing my immediate attention."

The Commander nodded.
"I want to be informed as soon as you even

nodded once. "Understood."

Kassern, how is your wife?"

Kassie wondered why he asked about Karly as if she weren
't sitting right there. "She's…" The ruby warrior hesitated, looking at his wife.

I'm not well, Commander." She certainly didn't look well, pale and drawn. "I'm tired a lot. Moody. The bite on my leg hurts like a bitch night and day lately. I'm hungry all the time. And…" she stole a look at Kassern. "And I cry a lot."

The look of shock on his face said she
'd been keeping quite a few things from him. "I'm not going to bother you with these stupid things Kassern."

He hit the table with his fist, shaking the entire miniature mountain of rock.
"You gave me your
you'd tell me!"

I'm sorry!" Tears streamed down her face and she pointed to them. "Look, see? I'm crying. I'll take notes whenever I do this bullshit in between you fighting demons. It's just…it's stupid and irrelevant and not something you need to be worrying about while fighting in a dangerous war, I don't tell because I

You have to admit that's—"

Kassern spun his head to Dorn and the blue angel shrugged innocent shoulders.

"I mean, I'm not a genius, but it sounds to me like you're pregnant."

The silence that fell on the room was damn near deafening. Uriel turned to Sky who
'd suggested it. "What Quad are you in?"

She looked around barely.
"I'm in Toren's. Mercury warrior."

Uriel looked at Toren who looked at Kassern, who looked at Dorn.
"Is this possible? Doctor, you have examined her?"

He nodded.
"Twice. And both times I have not encountered life other than her own and the ruby power inside her."

Then it can't be that."

Sky leaned forward.
"Honey, are your breasts sore? Have you been sick?"

's eyes flicked around before lowering. "Yes and..."

Kassern looked at her.
"And?" His tone bit as though this too was news to him.

My…stomach is…"

Growing, honey?" Sky offered gently.

She nodded.

The murmuring that erupted soon became near deafening.

Silence!" Uriel bellowed. "

All eyes turned to the doctor for answers only he held. But he appeared at a loss.
"I would think that if Kassern's seed were inside her…he'd…automatically know it. I'm very sorry to say."

Very sorry?

Kassern shot up. "Are you fucking saying, that she's possibly pregnant by somebody else?"

The doctor shook his head.
"I-I'm not sure what is happening. I am more than happy to run tests and see if new developments have occurred since I last checked her.

Right now!" Kassern scowled before dropping back to his seat.

Immediately after this meeting, Warrior." Uriel's command, though gruff hinted at compassion. He looked around. "Which I suppose has just come to an end. Doctor. Find out if she is pregnant immediately. If she is, we need to act swiftly."

What do you mean?" Karly looked at Kassern then the Commander.

I mean if you're pregnant and Kassern isn't the father, that leaves only one other possibility."

She looked around distraught and confused.
"I-I haven't been with any man, I haven't—"

Kassern took her hand.
"Karly, he's not saying that baby—"

What is he saying then, I don't get it."

Kassie waited for somebody to tell her what the hell they were all talking about. But instead the Commander and the other archangels sat with their gazes cast down. Not a good sign in any manner.

"You need to tell her, Brother." The black angel's tone though low, boomed with subdued warning.

Tell me what?" Karly looked at him, her voice frail sounding and scared.

Tell you that you're not pregnant." He stood and pulled her to her feet then motioned the doctor who stood as well. "We'll return to the compound as soon as we're done."

Uriel gave them leave and they flashed off leaving Kassie and the rest of them wondering what the hell that was all about. What were they not telling? And clearly they weren
't telling something because the angels, every one of them, knew.

The other female member of Kassern
's quad stood. "Look. "I'd like to know what the hell is going on. That's my best friend. And I can tell you're holding information. And I have a right to know what it is."

Uriel stood and the girl seemed to realize who she was addressing, and sat back down.
"To be sure you have no rights to know anything. It's a privilege. And the information you seek can be given by Toren's wife."

Looking at Sam, she clearly knew something the other humans, including Kassie, didn

She was bitten by one of the creatures." Sam's soft voice echoed through the silent Chamber. "Part of their ability is… hacking into genetic codes and adapting. Mutating."

Horror coursed through Kassie at those words. Dear God. It can
't be.


The End



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