Sun God Seeks...surrogate? (24 page)

Read Sun God Seeks...surrogate? Online

Authors: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

BOOK: Sun God Seeks...surrogate?
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“I’m sorry I judged you Kinich.” I hung my head over the sink.

“I forgive you, now that you’re awake. Did I mention you snore like a lumberjack with a sinus infection? It’s quite disturbing

My eyes popped out of my head. “Kinich?” I looked over my shoulder, right and left, but I was alone in the private world-class spa with mini-waterfall.

he answered.

Holy devil’s food cake.
I looked up and down, side to side. No one there.

“Oh goody. ’Cause dreaming about him every single night just isn’t enough.”

Every night? How intriguing. Are we naked?

There it was again. I held my breath. “K—Kinich? Is that you?”

“I think I will ban everyone else from using my Mayan name ever again. I only want to hear you speak it. Just you with that sweet voice

I couldn’t breathe. “Is it…really…you? Or am I dreaming?”

“It is I. What took so long to complete the ritual?”

I leaned over to catch my breath. “I had no idea that’s what it was—holy crap! Is it really you?”

“Did you not tell everyone of the incident?”

“Yeah, but I sorta forgot about the part when you said that weird phrase.” I couldn’t believe this. I staggered into the bedroom and stared down at Kinich’s body. “But you’re on the bed. I’m looking right at you. Where are you…um”—
what is the right way to say this?
—“calling me from?”

“Apparently, the universe still holds some surprises. Even for an old deity.”

“Sorry?” I asked.

“I am right here. With you

“Again. Sorry?”

“I am…inside you




When Kinich attempted to open his eyes but failed, he instantly knew something was amiss. Slowly, he explored the physical sensations around him. Toes, finger, lungs, he could feel them all, yet was unable to take command of his movements.

Was he paralyzed? Dead?

The last thing he recalled was being in the swimming pool with Penelope, of touching her plump, firm breasts, and of being on the verge of spilling himself in her eagerly pumping hand. The desire for her had been so potent that his body literally ignited. Then, as he had been about to contain the flames, terror swept across Penelope’s lovely face.

He couldn’t see the Maaskab, but the rank smell wafting in the air was unmistakable. The Scab stood behind him, and whatever it was about to do wouldn’t be good. Likely a bit painful, too.

Yet only one solitary thought occupied his mind: He wanted to protect Penelope but couldn’t.
Not again. Not fucking again.

And with that moment of utter helplessness came a startling transformation deep inside his immortal soul.

Like a hard blow to the gut, he realized that if given the choice, he would let mankind perish, sacrifice his very soul, if it meant saving her.


How, when the gods were hardwired to protect humanity, could he feel this way? He did not know. But he did. The invisible chains had snapped, his soul free to choose which lives he valued more. Free to live, to love, to wish for a different life and possibly obtain it. And at that very moment, he wished to never be separated from Penelope ever again.

But surely the Maaskab was about to kill him. And surely the priest had come to take her away.

There was but one solution: the Prayer of Loyalty and Protection.

With his light tethered to hers, he stood a chance of tracking her down once the cenote rebuilt his form.

He spoke the words and prayed the Maaskab behind him was close enough to touch…to kill. At the very least, he would buy Penelope some time before more showed up.

He reached behind and felt solid flesh and bone.


Then there was darkness. Nothing but darkness. Until the sound of Penelope’s sweet voice came crashing through the abyss, sighing his name in her sleep.

“Penelope, wake up. Can you hear me?”

There was no reply for several moments. Perhaps his light was in limbo. But when he felt his body move of its own accord, his eyes unable to see a damn thing, he realized he was hitchhiking inside another body. Indeed, the universe had a sick, sick sense of humor; he was inside Penelope.

“Be careful what you wish for

he mumbled.

“Huh?” she asked, her voice frantic.

“My last memory, before the Maaskab appeared, was wishing to be inside you

“How’s it even possible?”

“It’s quite easy to wish to be inside you—”

He noticed the sensation of heat spread across his own cheeks. She was blushing.

Amazing. He could sense her body?

Yes. Heat on her face, cold in her feet, and…hunger? He’d never felt hunger, but it was a sensation deep within her belly that radiated out through every cell of her body. She was famished. Starving.

He instantly angered. There was no reason on earth for her to go without, to deprive her body of nourishment.

“When was the last time you ate?”
he asked.

“I had a grilled cheese and ice cream a few hours ago. Couldn’t sleep. Is it really you?” her voice quivered as though she were on the brink of tears.

A few hours? Were human bodies always so needy?

“Yes. It is truly I.”

“Are you sure? Because I dream about you all the time. Can you prove it?”

He couldn’t help but wonder what her dreams might be like. Were they similar to his? So tantalizing, so graphic, the details so remarkable that he tasted her on his tongue. Even now, with little effort, he could visualize every sensual, feminine curve of her body: her soft inner thighs, the gentle slope of her back that flowed into the most deliciously round, firm ass he’d ever seen. He could recall the color and exact shape of her pink nipples, of her heat as he filled her repeatedly and came inside her—
dammit, man! Stop that. Think of something godly and boring like picking lottery winners.

Not working…dammit!
His mind pulsed with lust.

But despite his unrelenting desire and shocking, inexplicable transformation, the irony and bitterness of his situation lurked menacingly in the shadows of his mind.

He could not be with her, even if he wanted her with every molecule of divine energy in his soul. Because two simple facts had not changed: One, the apocalypse was coming. And if he, his brethren, and their allies failed to stop it, life would cease to exist—Penelope’s life included.

Two, he was a god. Simply put, he lacked the ability to give a human heart—Penelope’s heart—what it needed to thrive. They were two different elements existing in two different realities of the same world. Fire and ice. Reason and passion. Responsibility and desire. Opposite ends of the spectrum. And if he acted upon his feelings for her or attempted any sort of relationship, he might end up destroying the very thing that he admired: her spirit. She would always be left wanting emotionally.

overcome this irrational urge to be with her. Do your hear me? You will, goddammit. You cannot afford any distractions.

“Well?” she said. “I’m waiting.”

“Woman! Stop your foolishness. It is I

“Woman? Oh my God! Minotaur, it is you!” she began to squeal.

He felt the weight of her body slam into her heels as she jumped and clapped. He felt the heaviness of her bust jiggle with her movements. His…well, not his body, but his soul tensed up. If he had a penis, it would be harder than a rock right now.

“This is going to be very challenging


“Nothing. Keep jumping






I bolted down the hallway, unable to believe he’d been hanging out inside my body the entire time. Now it all made sense…my smoldering rear end, the blast I’d given Brutus. Did this mean that I wasn’t a Payal? And if not, then why would the Maaskab even want me or have taken my mother?

Mistaken identity?

I’d have to ask as soon as I delivered the exciting news about Kinich to the gods. But would they believe me? It was little a little…strange.

Come on. Look who you’re talking about. The gods invented weird
. They probably had Weird Olympics complete with crazy crab-crawl relay race, garbage can chariot racing, and potato sack hop…with the potatoes still in them. While eating potatoes. These folks were the official sponsors of the bizarre and unusual.

Damn. And you fit right in.

Then, without pomp or warning, the magnitude of the situation struck home like a bad burrito.

Crap! Inside my body?
He could feel what I felt? Hear my thoughts?

Testing, testing. You are the sexiest man alive. I want to make you my hunky love slave and hereby decree you call me Princess Penelope, Your Eternal Jewel.

No response.

Minotaur? Can you hear me?

No response.

Well, that’s a relief.

I rounded the corner into the living room to find Emma, Gabrán, and Brutus speaking quietly.

“I found Kinich,” I exclaimed.

Emma shifted the gaze of her bloodshot eyes from the floor.

I jumped up and down and pointed to my chest. “He’s here!”

Gabrán leaned toward Brutus. “The lass has finally cracked.”

Brutus nodded in agreement.

“No. Really!”

I blabbed a million miles an hour, telling them all about how Kinich had said the prayer, but that I’d forgotten until I’d heard the words spoken by Guy.

“Isn’t it great!” I said, clapping.

Kinich mumbled.
“You haven’t won a new car. In fact, we have a very big problem.”

I turned my head toward the ceiling. Then floor. Then…“I don’t know where to look when I talk to you, so I’ll just say this to my shoes.” They were snow boots, actually. That’s all I had with me. “Up until five minutes ago, I’d thought I lost you forever. So trust me. This is way better.”

“The same could be said about a tuna sandwich,”
Kinich grumbled.

“Wow. Has anyone ever told you that you’re a downer?”

“Yes. Frequently. I believe Cimil refers to me as a Donna Downer—some acquaintance of hers, I suppose.”

“It’s Debbie.”

“Ah yes. Debbie is correct. But how is it that you also know her?”

He clearly had no clue who Debbie was. “You don’t watch television, do you?”

“Not this decade, but I understand the Me Tube is quite popular. I intend to watch my video—”

“Eh-hem!” Emma chimed in. “Sorry to interrupt the conversation…with…yourself—sounds pretty interesting, by the way—but could you explain that little part about Kinich again?”

“Oh. Sorry.” I jumped up and down. “Kinich’s soul, or…light…whatever you people call it, parked itself inside my body.”

I explained once again all about the ritual and how I’d completed it.

“You’re frigging kidding me,” Emma said. “That’s almost as weird as what happened to me.”

Before I could say another word, Guy appeared in the room.

“Did I miss much?” He said with a cocked brow and arrogance in his voice only a god could pull off.

Emma squealed and ran across the room, launching herself at him. He easily caught her petite frame.

“What happened? Did you find anything?” I asked.

Emma smothered his face in kisses.

“Hold on, honey.” He pecked Emma’s lips and then set her down. A gloomy frown occupied his face. “I was unable to find your mother. But I have found a few clues that might lead to the Maaskab. I’ve called an emergency summit for tomorrow to discuss it.” His eyes dropped. “I am sorry, Penelope, not to bring you better news.”

“It’s still something.”
I am not going to cry, I am not going to cry.

Gabrán then jumped in and informed Guy about Kinich. Surprisingly, Guy didn’t seem at all worried. In fact, he looked downright amused.

See, ambassadors of weird.

“Well, Kinich,” Guy said with a grin. “Seems Fate’s having a little fun with you.”

“Fuck off,”
I heard Kinich say. Obviously, Kinich could hear anything I heard, but no one could hear him back. So I said, “He says you’ve always been his favorite brother.”

Guy quirked a brow before turning toward Gabrán, still clutching Emma in his arms. “The others are right behind me, please make sure their needs are taken care of and that they do not destroy Kinich’s house this time.”

Kinich grumbled his appreciation, but I didn’t share, because Guy wasted no time relocking lips with Emma right in the foyer. It didn’t appear they had any plans to detach this century. In fact, they reminded me of a barnacle and a tanker.

I was about to comment that I wasn’t in the mood to watch the prelude to their “lovemaking”—damn, I was jealous—but that’s when I saw them.

“Oh my…gods…”




One by one they streamed into the living room.

They glowed. They radiated. They exuded the sort of power humans dreamed of. Words could not do justice, so I simply said, “Wow,” and let my jaw hang open.

“Wow, what?”
Kinich asked.

“The other gods,” I whispered. “They’re here.”

“Ah yes. Stand your guard, woman

Um…okay. Was there something to be afraid of? Because, I didn’t feel afraid. I felt like running to get a camera.

And would he ever stop calling me “woman”?

“Sure thing, Minotaur,” I sighed.

First, a man with golden skin and ankle-length black hair streaked with silver, floated in. He wore a royal blue toga and an ostentatious, foot-high, jade headdress. His turquoise eyes were filled with irreverence as he surveyed the room.

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