Sun & Moon - a contemporary romance (The Minstrel Series #1) (13 page)

Read Sun & Moon - a contemporary romance (The Minstrel Series #1) Online

Authors: Lee Strauss,Elle Strauss

Tags: #music & musicians, #new adult, #literary & fiction, #coming of age, #european fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Sun & Moon - a contemporary romance (The Minstrel Series #1)
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He sighed long and hard. “Of course it was my fault for being willing to take anything at all.”

“So, I’m guessing she broke up with you?” Katja said. This was the part that made her nervous. Micah was a guy obsessed with a girl who obviously wanted out of the relationship.

He stared out the window and then back at Katja. “No. I wish it were that simple. I went to her house and no one knew where she was. Her parents thought she was with me, and when I assured them she wasn’t, we became frantic. We called all her friends, everyone she knew, searched the places she liked to hang out. Finally, her parents called the police.”

Katja’s heart pounded. She gripped her thighs and dug her fingernails in. “Where was she?”

Micah shook his head. “We never found her. She’s been missing for three years.”

Katja’s breath hitched. “

“The authorities immediately suspected me.” He rubbed his face. “It was awful. I was desperate to find her and instead of being out there looking, I was held up in a jail cell. The fact that I was passed out all night with several witnesses secured my alibi. I’d lost a few days, but I made it my mission to find her. I followed every lead, every tip. I set up a website, a Facebook page, but nothing. It was like she’d disappeared off the face of the earth.”

His gaze moved from his hands to Katja’s face. His eyes were so full of pain, Katja’s own heart ached.

“She was my first serious girlfriend.” Micah’s voice cracked. “I would’ve married her.”

His shoulders shook as he gave into weeping. His chin dropped to his chest, and his hair hung over his forehead. Katja felt hot tears pool behind her eyes. She wanted to go to him, comfort him, but she was immobile.

Micah tugged the cuff of his shirt sleeve and wiped his eyes. “Sometimes I get an anonymous tip that someone thinks they spotted her in this town or that one. It’s why I move around so much. I’m always looking for her.”

It made sense to Katja now. “You thought I was her, the night you stopped to pick me up.”


“How long are you going to keep looking for her?”

“I don’t know.”

Statistically Katja knew that a young woman who’d been missing for three years was probably dead. By the stricken look on Micah’s face, she believed he knew that, too.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

Micah shrugged. “It’s my fault.”

“How is it your fault?”

“If I hadn’t passed out, I would’ve taken her home. She would be safe. She would be…”


Micah stood, keeping his eyes on Katja. “I don’t want you to go, but you already know that. I understand if you need to leave. You’re welcome to stay if you change your mind.”

He walked to his room and closed his door.

Katja dragged her things back to the living room. She’d changed her mind a long time ago.







Katja awoke once again to the aroma of fresh coffee. Her eyes flickered open, adjusting to the light. Judging by the brightness in the room, she’d slept in.

Then the events of the previous night exploded in her memory and her eyes widened. She sprung to a sitting position and searched the apartment.

For him.

He was sitting at the kitchen table, coffee cup in hand, staring at her. Had he been watching her sleep?

“Why are you home?” she asked when their eyes met.

“It’s Saturday.” He lifted his cup. “Coffee?”

He was freshly showered, hair slicked back with the odd curl escaping to his forehead and his face shaved. He wore the same shirt he’d pulled on in a hurry the night before but it was buttoned closed now. His expression was different: lighter, friendlier. His lips actually pulled up in a slight smile.

He looked good

Katja suddenly felt self-conscious, knowing how she always had crazy bedhead in the morning and probably also had wrinkle imprints on her cheek from her pillow case.

“Uh, sure. I just need to…” She waved to the bathroom. She pulled her long T down over her butt before standing and moved rapidly. A quick glance in the mirror confirmed her fears. She looked a mess.

She washed her face and brushed her hair, clipping it back with two barrettes. She heard the espresso machine wail and smiled a little. Micah was making one just for her.

She put on her jeans and a shirt, and at the last moment a little mascara and lip gloss.

Her coffee was waiting for her when she returned, but Micah was nowhere. She fought back her disappointment. She took her cup to the window and stared out as she drank. It was a sunny morning, and the park that ran along the river was full of sun seekers, walking and cycling.

“Would you like to go out?”

She startled at Micah’s voice.
Go out?

“We could eat breakfast in the park.”

Katja nodded. “That sounds great.”

Micah already had buns with meat and cheese made up by the time Katja finished her coffee. He tossed a couple apples into the bag and grabbed two bottles of water.

Katja smiled. A picnic.

She slipped into a coat and followed Micah down the stairs and outside. The warmth of the sun on her face was a balm to her soul. She didn’t mind that she still needed a light jacket, so long as she could wear her sunglasses as well. They chose a spot on the grass across the river from the magnificent baroque Semper Opera House.

Micah spread out a blanket and set the bag of food in the middle. Katja sat across from him and smiled broadly as he handed her half of the meal. They ate in silence, people watching. Katja couldn’t stop herself from sneaking glances at Micah, thankful for the sunglasses that hid her eyes. He brushed the crumbs off his hands and then rested his arms on his knees.

He cleared his throat. “About last night…”

“It’s okay,” Katja broke in. “You don’t have to talk about it.”

“I want to if it’s okay with you. I feel like I need to talk to someone about it.”

Katja was willing to listen. “Okay.” She put her uneaten food away and sipped from her water bottle.

Micah rubbed his face. “I don’t know where to start.”

“Would it help if I asked you questions?”

His eyes cut to hers. “Ask me anything.”

“Where did you grow up?”


“That’s where you met?”

Micah nodded. “We went to school together.”

She knew the story up to Greta’s disappearance. She wanted to know what happened afterward. With Micah.

“You said you’ve been following tips, moving around the country trying to find her. How many times have you moved in the last three years?”


Nine. Wow.

“Where were you before Dresden?”


Katja was confused. Micah obviously had money. “How does that work with your job?”

“My father is a board member of the bank I work for. He pulls strings to get me a new position every time I move.”

“He must believe in your mission?”

Micah shook his head and blew out a breath. “No, but he believes in me. Or at least in helping me. I’m grateful for his support, but I know he’d be the first to cheer if I told him I was stopping the quest.”

Micah lay flat on his back, folding his arms over his lean chest. “My mother is another matter. She’d love for me to forget about my mission completely, and get on with my life.” He chuckled humorlessly. “She doesn’t think any girl is worth this much grief.”

Katja remembered what Frau Sturm started to say.
She looks like…

“Do we look a lot alike?” The question came out in a whisper. She’d seen the pictures of Greta, but it had to be more than hair and eyes.

Micah rolled onto his side, leaned on his elbow and stared at her.

“You do, but not exactly, of course.”

Katja didn’t understand the emotions that warred within her. She felt strangely
. She wanted to know who Micah thought was
. Could she be any shallower?

Micah continued, “Personality-wise, you’re very different.”

That piqued Katja’s interest. “How so?”

“Even though you’re both outgoing and like to laugh, you are more introspective and conscientious. You care what people think, even if you don’t want to. Greta is…”

Katja noticed that Micah talked about Greta in present tense, like he really believed she was still alive. She filled in the blank. “More self-confident?”

“She had an air about her, like she knew she was special. She didn’t like to do things the way everyone else did. She wasn’t the nicest person, really, but then again, neither was I.” He cringed. “We were perfect for each other that way. Though,” he added after a moment. “I think she was growing bored of me. I couldn’t blame her for that.”

He lay back and pinched his eyes shut. He looked broken and vulnerable. Katja felt her heart reaching for him, wanting to comfort him, wanting
, and she knew it was a dangerous place for her.

Even if he returned the feelings Katja was developing for him, how could she know she wouldn’t just be a facsimile for Greta? A stand in?

She looked away and fought the heaviness building in her chest. She didn’t know what else to say to him. She didn’t have any more questions.

“I know it’s time to let go,” Micah finally said. “And I want to. I just don’t know how.”

Katja considered him. “Maybe you need to perform some kind of ceremony.”

“Like a funeral?”

“Do you think she’s dead?”

“For the longest time, I didn’t. Greta was just too strong-willed to let someone else take her life. I know it sounds stupid.” He sighed. “But now, after all this time, I don’t know. If she were alive, she would’ve let someone know by now. She was selfish, but not that selfish.”

“How about a memorial? Then you don’t have to decide on her fate. She’s just gone. Maybe saying goodbye in an official manner will help you to gain closure.”

Micah flopped back and stared up at the clouds rolling across the sky. Katja watched the emotions race across his face: fear, sadness, regret.

“I don’t know if I can do that,” he said. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a pair of sunglasses, and put them on.

He didn’t want her to see his struggle. He was shutting her out.

That was fine with Katja. She had no right to Micah or to know what was going on in his head. He said he was ready to let go, but obviously he wasn’t.

Maybe she should leave? For real, this time. This thing with Micah was getting so complicated.

But then again, where would she go? She’d have to figure that out first. And she’d need more money than she had right now. She’d go talk to Maurice later today, see if she could book another gig. And there were other places in town. With her job at the café, she should be able to get her own place, or at least find a new roommate.

How many times had she had this exact thought? What was it about Micah that she just couldn’t seem to leave him? But she would this time. Once she had enough money she’d head to Munich. She’d heard it was a good place for artists.

Micah removed his glasses and squinted at her. “What are you thinking about?”

“Nothing,” Katja lied.

“Please don’t leave.”

Katja stared at him. Could he read her mind now? “Why not?”

“I’ll do it. I’ll do the ceremony. Just don’t leave me.”

After all he’d done for her, the least she could do was support him through this, right? Just a little more time. Then she’d go. For sure.







Katja stood in front of the locked door and waved Micah over. “We need to start here.”

“What do you mean?”

“Your shrine. It has to go.”

Micah looked stricken, frozen to the spot. Katja sighed. If he couldn’t even tear down the corkboard, how would he ever get through a ceremony? Her heart sank. He was in so deep, she doubted he’d ever get out.

Her shoulders collapsed as she let out a defeated breath.

Then Micah said, “I’ll get the key.”

She stepped aside as he opened the door.

Shivers ran up her spine as she stared at the board on the back wall. At Greta’s pictures. Some of them were of her smiling and laughing, others showed her in serious thought. A search through the drawers found more photos of Greta and Micah together when they were happy.

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