Sunset Waves (4 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Conner

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He crawled over the top of her and cupped her face, as he gently kissed her again. “I doubt you’re a one-night stand kind of girl. I just can’t promise more. Are you sure this is what you want?”

Kyra smiled at him and stroked her hands down the skin of his bare back. “I’m a big girl. I know that. No promises. No commitments. I’m letting you off easy. I just want you for tonight. That’s all I’m asking. That’s all I expect.”

He nodded, as he kissed her again. He slid inside her. God, the skin on skin contact made his head spin. As he quickened the pace, he felt her muscles clench around him. They had both been so ready this wouldn’t last long for either of them.

He cried out her name as he let himself follow her over the edge.

Slowly, he rolled to the side and tried to catch his breath. They cuddled in silence and listened to the sounds of the night engulf them. It was soothing and made all the stress of the day fade away.

Mateo lifted his arms free and started to stand.

“Where are you going?” she asked. “Though, I’m not minding the view one bit.”

“I still need a shower.”

“Oh, geesh. I promised you a shower at my apartment this morning…but then got distracted, didn’t I?”

“I think we both need a shower now.” He waggled his eyebrows.

“We?” she asked.

“Well, since there is still no running water in the sinks or showers, we need to come up with a plan B.” Mateo jumped forward and scooped her off the lounge chair. She screamed and laughed as she pounded on his bare chest. “Hold your breath,” he said as he ran toward the edge of the pool. He tossed Kyra in first and then followed her.

With a giant splash, they surfaced, laughing.

They were in shallow enough water that they touched the bottom. He came toward her and scooped her in his arms. “Skinny-dipping on company time in the resort’s pool.” He waggled a finger in her direction.

“Hey,” she protested whipping wet hair out of her eyes. “You threw me in!”

“Technicalities.” He pulled her up until she wrapped her legs around his waist. “I’ve never made love to a mermaid before.”

She wiggled her thighs and Mateo felt himself grow hard again. “I thought I was a Bond girl,” she said as she wrapped her hands behind his neck and kissed him.

“You’re both…and a lot more.”

This time when they made love it was slow and just how he’d planned it. He took his time. The desperation he felt earlier to have her had diminished slightly. It was the best sex of his life. No, this was something else. This wasn’t just sex. Making love with Kyra scared him. It was something that was winding deep down inside his heart.

When they got out of the pool, they towel dried each other. Kyra yawned. “I’d better go,” she said sleepily.

“The night’s so warm, let’s lie out here for a few minutes more.” The truth was he didn’t want to let her go. “I’ll go up to my room and get a blanket in case we get cold. When we warm up, then you can go.”

“Okay,” she agreed as she curled back up on the lounge, her eyes already half closed.

When Mateo returned a few minutes later, Kyra was fast asleep with her back turned to him. He knelt down and softly touched her bare shoulder before running a finger down her back. Her skin glowed in the moonlight. She’d sung her siren song and now he didn’t want her to leave.

Her skin was cool from the night air. Mateo took the two blankets, settled them over her, and then slid down beside her to cover them both. He wrapped his arms possessively around her, and she snuggled against him.

God, he wanted her again. He’d just made love to this woman twice and he could easily do it again, but she needed sleep.

An odd thought filled his head. How terrible would it be to live in this small town? Again, he got the image of living in a beach house with Kyra in his arms.

It wouldn’t be so bad. Mateo shook his head.
Nope, she’s not in the plan.
He listened to the crash of the waves as he sank into a peaceful sleep.

Chapter Six

“I like your idea for Brendon,” Kyra said as she stepped out of his car. He slid an arm around her waist and pulled her close.

“I think it will work out for everyone.” Mateo grinned and gave her a quick kiss, as they headed toward the mobile home.

It was three-thirty sharp. Brendon let them in and then sat on the worn couch. Kyra glanced from the boy to Mateo finding it difficult to imagine him as that scruffy kid. But she believed his story.

“I checked your web activity last night and everything was good. No hacking.” Mateo crossed his legs and leaned back.

Brendon nodded and cast his eyes toward the floor. “I told you I wouldn’t.”

“Before you hacked their site, did you check out the Sunset Beach Resort?” Mateo asked Brendon.

“Nope, why?”

“We are just getting it reopened,” Kyra said. “I could use some help. Tomorrow, I have stacks of a few hundred postcards and flyers that need to be handed out and put up around the town. I’d like to hire you.”

“A job?” The kid’s eyes grew wide.

“Yes, a job.” Mateo answered. “I thought you should work for free, but Kyra wants to pay you an hourly wage. You have two choices-this or jail.”

“Yes, sir,” the boy answered.

Mateo continued, “I’m going to take you into town and get your hair cut and get you a new pair of jeans and a work shirt. You need to put a good face forward. You’ll be representing Sunset Beach. ”

“Yes, sir,” Brendon replied again.

“You can start tomorrow.” Kyra fished cash out of her purse. “I’ll pay you this tomorrow and I’m also going to tell your mom and dad that you’re working for me. I don’t want people sneaking around with any questions they may have about what you’re doing.”

“What about the money I…stole?” Brendon asked, his gaze darting between the two of them.

“I was going to pay you fifteen dollars an hour, but only ten until you can save up enough to pay back Mr. Medina. He’s the one who lost the money.”

“My mom’s going to be really happy…I mean that I found a job.”

“I know she will.” Kyra smiled. “I’ve heard her talk about you. She’s very proud of you and we want to keep it that way.”

The next day after Kyra spoke to his mom and dad, Brendon came to the Sunset Beach Resort. He spent the next five hours passing out flyers around town and did everything she asked.

Kyra worked on networking and building future clientele. Mateo had a million good ideas that she was able to implement. As they worked tweaking the website, they seemed to know what the other was thinking and were always on the same wavelength with their marketing ideas.

She spent the evenings in Mateo’s arms. When they made love, Kyra told herself not to get attached. He’d told her this was all short-term, but her heart found it harder and harder not to become attached. Kyra decided she needed to take the time she had with Mateo and treat it as what it was, special. She would need to be strong to let him go.

The time went way too quickly, and when the day came for Mateo to leave, Kyra put on a strong face. He kissed her goodbye and said he’d call. The distance was too far between Sunset Beach and New York City. The relationship would never work and she knew it.

Kyra was right from the first time she met Mateo. He was a heartbreaker. She just hadn’t thought that it would be hers.

Chapter Seven

Mateo tapped his pen on the pad of blank paper in front of him. It felt like the business meeting he’d been in had lasted for hours. He tried to ignore the tremor in his hand. Grabbing his glass from the table, he sucked down the cold water, but it didn’t help.

“The Bernards are going to be great clients for the agency,” his boss said and smiled. “I know the deadline for this job is tight. But, lucky for us, Mateo doesn’t mind doing what it takes to make the company an even greater success.”

As he looked around the boardroom at his fellow employees, Mateo tried to return his boss’s smile. He knew what this new client meant, it would mean working around the clock and back to two or three hours a night sleep until the job was completed. It had been two weeks since he left the Sunset Beach Resort but his R&R had already run out. He felt exhausted again.

When he finally left the office shortly before nine o’clock, his cell phone buzzed. It was Nicole. It had been over a month since they’d hooked up for sex. He’d told her he’d call her when he got back from his vacation. Nicole had called six times. He never answered.

Nicole, the woman he’d thought was smoking hot three weeks ago, now held no interest for him.

He drove back to his condo and wandered around the empty space. The only window that opened was in his bedroom. He pushed open the pane and tried to breathe in some fresh air. The honks of taxis filled the night air and smells of curry from the Indian restaurant below wafted up from the street’s level.

Mateo roamed out into the living room, and poured himself a glass of Pinot Grigio. He’d purchased this bottle of wine yesterday. How much did it cost? Fifty dollars? Was it really that good?

He stood for a long time in one spot looking over his condo. What - changed?

Nothing had changed. Everything had changed.

Why didn’t his perfect life feel perfect any longer?

He needed to talk to someone. Mateo grabbed his cell phone and waited until his father answered.

“Hi Papa. I need your help with a big decision. I always trust your instinct and I need it now more than ever. I’m thinking about doing something, and I don’t want you and Mama to ever be disappointed in me. Let me explain what’s been happening.”

When they finished their conversation, Mateo had made his decision. He’d never thought it would be so simple.

Kyra put her feet on the front porch railing and opened the lid on her computer. She was doing a little better this week. Last week was a disaster. She’d been a mess. Everything she’d told herself before Mateo left was easier to tell herself than having to face it after he’d gone. But, when he hadn’t returned her calls after the fifth try, she gave up and knew she needed to move on.

There’s someone out there for everyone
, her mother said. That was true, and she thought she’d found that man.

The resort would be open soon and there were a million things to still be done. Good, it would keep her mind busy.

Kyra opened one of the computer files that held the database’s mailing list just as a car pulled up in the driveway. It wasn’t one of the worker’s trucks. She set the computer on a table and dropped her feet to the ground.

When Mateo stepped out of the car, her heart stopped. Lines of weariness were etched on his handsome face. She wanted to run to him, but instead waited warily until he came up on the porch to join her.

“Hey,” she said, trying to force her words to sound bright and cheery when in reality she was shocked to see him again. “What are you doing here? You can’t be ready for another vacation. It’s only been a few weeks.”

“I’m sorry.” He looked down and stuck his hands into his jean pockets.

“For what?”

“Not calling. I must have hurt you and I feel terrible. It wasn’t you, it was me. I was being an idiot.”

“You didn’t need to drive all the way from New York to say that. I told you when we were together, I knew it was a short-term thing. You don’t need to be
for anything. And it might have been for the best that you didn’t return my calls.”

“Why’s that?”

She looked at him, choosing her words. “It would have been better not to talk to you again. Easier.”

“You missed me?”

“Yes, I missed you. What did you expect me to say?”

I was trying to figure out what I wanted.” He sighed and drummed his fingers on the porch railing. “I needed to think through a few things and talk to my family.”

“How’s your job?”

“The same.” His laugh was dry as he moved to gaze into the distance. “I finally realized that was the problem. It was the job and many others things.”

“I thought everything back in the city was going great.”

“Jobs and cars don’t make things perfect. It took my papa to tell me that. Money helps but it doesn’t bring you happiness. It’s the people you spend time with.” He watched her in silence before saying, “My family would like you.”

“Does that matter now?”

“It matters a lot to me. So do the things I do that may affect them.”

“Family is important and I know, they mean a lot to both of us.” Kyra drew her hair up and wound a tie around it. “The last time I called, I didn’t want to bug you, I just wanted to thank you for what you did.”

“What was that?”

“I think you know. You’re not
sneaky.” She couldn’t help but smile. “You put money into Brendon’s family’s bank account. He asked me if I’d done it. He said the deposit was from the Camellia Holdings Firm. I remembered that’s your mother’s name. I knew it had to be you.”

“Damn, and I thought I was being devious. Brendon doesn’t know does he? I had a letter drafted saying there was insurance money that was refunded to the family. Billing made a mistake.”

“He doesn’t know. It was only a little white lie and your secret’s safe.”

“I didn’t want them to think it was charity. The kid’s done everything we asked. He and his family deserved a break. It’s only money. I also offered him a part-time job.”

“Another one? For you? How’s that?”

“Working with me at my new shop. He’s good―mind you, not as good as me―but he’ll learn. And when he puts his knowledge into a legit business, he’ll go far.” Mateo grasped her hands and drew her to her feet. He rubbed a thumb across the backs of her knuckles. “I changed in the time I spent here. You were right, I guess I do have a small town heart.”

“I knew that.” She squeezed his hands. “What do you mean by your shop? And what’s with the truck?”

“It’s mine. You like it? I traded in the BMW.”

“Nice ride.” She tipped her head in acknowledgement of the slightly worn pickup. “Why did you trade your ‘girl’?”

“She wasn’t a girl, she was a car, and anyway, I couldn’t drive the BMW around Sunset Beach, there are too many potholes on the side roads. The BMW would bottom out and ruin the undercarriage. I turned it in to the dealer the same day I gave my two weeks’ notice at work.”

Kyra stepped back and gawked at him. “You…you quit your job?”

“My first day back, my anxiety returned. I tried to ignore it for another week, but it only grew worse. Then when my boss laid a new, large project on me, I knew I wouldn’t last through it. I did some soul-searching and also thinking about what I wanted. I called my papa. I needed to know if they would be disappointed if I changed everything in my life for my happiness. He said I’d be crazy if I didn’t. I quit my job, my condo’s on the market, and I’m moving to Sunset Beach.”

“You’re…wait, staying? You’re

“I guess I’d better. From the cash buyout I got for the car along with a chunk of my savings, I invested
in the future. Just like you and your friends did. Back in New York, I tried to come up with what Sunset Beach didn’t have.”


“Well, Sunset Beach already has a knockout advertising person, but it doesn’t have a computer repair or Internet store. Gadgets. What I love.” He waggled his eyebrows. “I know it will be a drastic cut in pay, but I’m thinking that the cost of living around here might be a little less than - New York City. I bought the empty appliance store on the corner of Main and Virginia. I believe this town is a gold mine with the tourist trade your resort will bring in and the locals. I can grow along with the town.”

“What about us?” She didn’t want to get her hopes too high.

“I know I was a jerk when I didn’t return your calls, but this is where I want to be. I want to live here because you’re here. Sunset Beach has you.” Mateo stepped closed and brushed a finger down her cheek.

“I know what I said about not wanting more from you, but I’ve been miserable since you’ve been gone,” she admitted.

“I’m happy to know it wasn’t just me.” He smiled. “When I’m with you all of my worries - fade away. No more anxiety. Life seems in its place and simple, something I haven’t felt in years. This is what I want and if you’ll take me back, I want this with you.”

“It won’t be hard for you coming back to a small town?”

“Not when the person I’ve fallen in love with is here.” He stepped closer, looked down at her, and his gaze softened. “I love you, Kyra.”

Tears of happiness filled her eyes. “I love you, too.”

He captured her mouth and kissed it with such intensity her toes curled in her shoes. When she groaned into his mouth, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to his chest. The heat of his kiss went into overdrive.

Kyra ran a hand up the muscles of his chest. They were both out of breath. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“Now that I’m around full-time, you won’t be sick of me?”

She shook her head. “I don’t think I’ll ever get too much of you. I love you too much.” She laughed. “Who would think that I needed to move back to this sleepy little town to find the things I’ve searched for my whole life?”

Kyra dragged Mateo into the resort. She waved to Alivia and Fiona who were behind the front desk as she called out, “I’ll explain everything later…a lot later.” She laughed as she and Mateo headed up the stairs to the honeymoon suite.

Kyra and Mateo were out of their clothes and into each other’s arms in a minute. “I’ve got good news for you,” Kyra said as she gazed up and then down his naked body.

“More good news? I’m not sure I can take it today.” He shot her a sexy grin as her ran his hands up her body from thighs to breasts.

“A few days ago they finally figured out the problem with the plumbing. And we took the mattresses back to the company and they replaced all of them. The springs don’t squeak on these new ones.”

“I’m the kind of guy who needs to test theories out for myself.” He scooped her up and tossed her onto the bed, then jumped on her. “So far so good. Quiet as a mouse in church. Let’s put it to the real test.”

“Very good,” Kyra was barely able to say before he kissed her passionately again. Mateo turned her core molten.

, I have a perfect life.” Mateo sighed as he pressed inside her.

She’d grown up in Sunset Beach, but there was something missing. That something was Mateo. He was right, now their lives were perfect.

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