Supernatural Seduction (Book 2 of the Coffin Girls Series) (15 page)

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Authors: Aneesa Price

Tags: #romance, #vampire, #urban fantasy, #paranormal romance, #fantasy, #paranormal, #werewolves, #fae, #voodoo, #paranormal erotica, #adult romance, #erotic paranormal, #paranormal series, #romance series, #adult paranormal romance, #coffin girls

BOOK: Supernatural Seduction (Book 2 of the Coffin Girls Series)
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Sophie laid her palm on the side of his face
and looked into his ever-twinkling blues. That, she thought, is why
things are better now

Chapter 9

“You’re doing well with separating your
feelings from those around you,” Arianna said proudly. The
beautiful fae sorceress and Sophie were having a tête-à-tête on
their usual spots on the mat in Arianna’s home.

“In a few more days, you’ll master what I can
teach you and you’ll be able to return to the plantation,” Arianna
continued, “Then, I recommend that you and I meet once a week just
to practice and to reinforce the basics.”

“I’d like that,” Sophie agreed eagerly. It
was strange to have this powerful woman declare that she was a
stronger empath. She didn’t feel as though her training was
complete. In the past few days at the hollow, she’d come to both
like and respect the fae sorceress and didn’t want their friendship
to end. Logically, she knew that her leaving didn’t need to change
that. She could still visit. Sophie sighed internally. Who was she
kidding? As much as she’d been resistant to coming to the hollow,
she was now loath to leave and the reason for it was all due to the
dashing fae prince. What had also taken a three-sixty degree
turnaround was her initial fear and reticence to train as an
empath. Each time she learned a new skill she felt her confidence
grow and her thirst to learn, increase. The feeling of
accomplishment that had accompanied that thirst was heady.

“I have an idea,” Sophie offered. “Conall’s
sister, Ida, is a mind-witch with some empath ability. I also know
that she and her sisters relentlessly research magick. Perhaps she
can send us more information on empathy, and we can try out some
new things together?”

“I know of Ida,” Arianna nodded thoughtfully,
“although I’ve never met her. I think it is a great idea, and I’m
honored to be included in your learning. It will be our learning
then,” Arianna’s magickal laughter trilled sweetly, delightfully.
Used to the general joyful disposition of the fae, she grinned in
response. “Now, let’s focus on filtering and emphasizing what you
pick up,” Arianna stated. “Only this time, I want you to focus on
one object only and intensify your magick so that you pick up more
than what is on the surface. Look into the past, search for the
context of the emotion.”

Sophie pictured a baby’s blanket covering
everything around her - the summer kind with little crocheted holes
in them. Dribbles of emotion filtered through the tiny holes, like
glimpses of the past. Letting her intuition guide her, she chose
the sofa by the window as her focal area, pulling at one of the
tiny holes that overlapped it until the hole engulfed the entire
area. A swarm of emotions wanted to rush at her, but using the
shielding control that Arianna had taught her, she blocked it and
allowed the emotions to trickle through instead. It was like
looking through a photo album only instead of just pictures, you
got the feelings associated with each picture. She saw Arianna,
content, and reading a book, her heart racing when she read a
particularly frightening passage. She got glimpses of other fae
visiting, some filled with angst over a problem they wanted the
sorceress to help them with and others simply visiting and
gossiping. As she flitted through the pictorial and emotional
history the sofa had been a part of, one lingering memory grabbed
her attention and pulled her in. It was Arianna and a man engaged
in a passionate embrace. Feeling like a voyeur, but unable to stop
herself, Sophie watched as Arianna straddled the man.

The lust they felt for each other was fierce
and foreign to Sophie. Arianna’s raven hair snaked up and down her
back as she moved against the man, moaning in ecstasy. The man was
blocked from her view by the sorceress’s back; all but his long
legs. They were visible from the sorceress’s bottom downwards where
they were taut with sexual tension. Sophie felt his lust increase
and saw the muscles in his legs flex with Arianna’s movement. His
long hands moved from the sofa to Arianna’s back. There those
delicious, masterful fingers stroked her along her spine with
surprising gentleness and alluring skill. Lost in the scene from
the past, Sophie felt her breath quicken as those hands moved from
back to her bottom, firmly caressing the mounds of flesh. The hands
moved to beneath her bottom, lifting her slightly so that it could
capture that place on her thighs just below her feminine mound.
Arianna’s back flexed and her breathing became drowned by her wails
of unadulterated rapture. This gave Sophie glimpses of his shaft
and testicles. She felt her pulse leap. She pushed aside the
effects the scene was having on her by focusing on the passion the
two lovers had shared.

The man felt masculine pride at the responses
he evoked from Arianna, his own desire heightening with every
stroke he managed when the straddling sorceress moved up before
plummeting down onto his shaft. Sophie felt his eagerness to please
his lover increase as his own climax neared and she watched him
quicken his strokes. He had the effect he wanted as Arianna
screeched with her release, throwing her head back involuntarily
while the hands that Sophie could not take her eyes off grabbed the
globes of Arianna’s bottom and squeezed when he climaxed. Arianna
was still bent backwards, riding him with involuntary spasms - a
result of her intense climax. No longer distracted by the
machinations of those expert hands, curiosity urged her to peek at
the man’s face and that sent her spinning back to the present.

Mon Dieu
!” Sophie exclaimed, gasping
for breath. Being an empath, she’d experienced every emotion, every
ecstasy of the lovers as her own. The moisture between her legs
made her panties stick to her hot sex. Her skin was covered in a
layer of damp, her nipples were hardened, her breathing

“What did you focus on?” Arianna inquired
with bemusement.

“The sofa,” Sophie responded, flushed.

“Ah,” Arianna said, knowingly, “I’ve had
quite a few interesting experiences on that sofa.”

“I saw you with Sylvain,” Sophie re-joined,
accusation slipping into her tone. She winced inwardly. The
incident happened in the past, and yet she felt like ripping the
woman’s head off. Sophie forced her head to take over before her
heart embarrassed her further. “Sorry,” Sophie mumbled, it was a
bit of a shock.

Arianna waved the apology away. “That’s not
necessary. I imagine that such a passionate scene would be a shock
to anyone. I’ve been the Prince’s lover. Many have. But you already
know that. The fae are after all sexual creatures with an
appreciation for beauty. I wonder why, out of all the trysts I’ve
had on that sofa, that that was the one that you chose.”

“I didn’t choose it,” Sophie blurted out

“But you followed intuition?” Arianna asked.
At the affirming bob of Sophie’s head, she smiled. “Then it was
meant to be. It is too much of a coincidence not to be. Tell me,
how do things stand between you and our fae prince? I had assumed
that you were lovers. The desire and affection you have for each
other is obvious and since coming to the hollow, you’ve spent an
inordinate amount of time together.”

“We’re not lovers,” Sophie responded a bit
too quickly. “And we spend a lot of time together because we have a
common purpose, and he is being polite as I’m his guest.”

“We’ve had guests before, but never before
has the prince taken them on walks and picnics alone. And I don’t
believe any of his previous lovers have been to the Moroccan
hollow. That caused quite a bit of delicious speculation amongst
the fae. Oh, don’t be bothered by it,” Arianna placated. “With the
mess the humans are making of looking after the earth, we have more
time than we used to in the past. There is less left for us to care
for. So, we’ve developed masterful gossiping skills. Your adventure
with our prince gave immense satisfaction to many. I, for one, had
my first experience with cross-portal gossip.”

“I’m glad I could help alleviate your
boredom,” Sophie replied dryly.

Arianna nodded, caught up in her own train of
thought and was either oblivious to or ignoring Sophie’s sarcasm,
continued, “The two of you would gladly jump each other’s bones. My
question is why not? Why haven’t you become lovers?”

Sophie was beet red at this point, from her
ruby-tinged cheeks to her scarlet eyes. “It’s complicated,” Sophie
replied, her answer sounding lame to even her.

Arianna shook her head in confusion. “I don’t
buy that. What’s complicated about sex? If both parties are
interested, then it should happen. There is absolutely no logical
reason for denying oneself pleasure when the result will be
unhappiness and frustration. And Sophie,” Arianna leaned in to
whisper mischievously, “you and our prince are very, very
frustrated. It’s your human past, isn’t it? Goddess knows that is
the only explanation I can think of. They always over-complicate
matters. As a vampire and witch, you would not be so

Sophie was struck dumb. She didn’t know how
to respond to such candid questions. Her upbringing had been one of
a sheltered noble female, the nuns had been practically frigid and
well ... Pierre had been another sort of revelation altogether.
Recollecting Sylvain and Arianna’s moment of passion, she realized
that it was something she wished to experience, too. There had to
be something to it if everyone made so much fuss about it. She’d
tackled her fear of intimacy. It may have been inadvertently
through Sylvain’s administrations, but she’d tackled it

Arianna sensed her inner turmoil and took her
hand in hers. “May I?” the sorceress, asked more seriously. Willing
to take help in whatever way she could get it, Sophie nodded and
dropped her shield. After what seemed like eternity, Arianna sat
back then took her other hand into hers too. “I’m sorry for what
you’ve been put through, Sophie. And I’m sorry for what I said
about humans over-complicating matters.” Arianna’s apology was
sincere and she felt empathy come off her in waves. The sorceress
had also dropped her shield. It was an act of deference to their
relationship and acknowledgement of Sophie’s willingness to share
her own emotions and memories. “It seems that I’ve underestimated
how sheltered our lives are as fae,” Arianna noted.

“Thank you,” Sophie accepted the apology.
“There was a lot of truth behind what you said though.”

“Of course,” Arianna agreed matter-of-factly.
“The fae are rarely wrong. But, we often disregard other races
because of that. You’ve reminded me to rein in my arrogance,
Sophie. A valuable lesson.”

“De rien,” Sophie replied. “You’re

Arianna sat for a moment, facing Sophie, but
looking through her as she plotted, considered. “Will you let me
help you, Sophie?”

Relief washed over Sophie. Gone was the
embarrassment of their discussion and in place, were a woman on a
mission and her pupil. “I’d love that.”

Arianna’s musical tinkle of laughter
reverberated through the room. “Come, Sophie,” and she gave her
hand to her pupil, pulling her up from the mat. “I think it’s time
for your horizons to be broadened.”


Sophie was still blushing by the time she
reached Sylvain in the meadow. Since their first date, they’d spent
a lot of time together. Meeting for lunch after her training had
become a daily occurrence. Sophie was grateful for the time because
it allowed them to get to know each other. More importantly, it
allowed for her to see beyond the many masks he wore. She wasn’t a
fool. Sylvain-jovial-but-fair-fae prince was as much a part of him
as the side she most favored, which was that of the man with a kind
heart and quick sense of humor.

Her usual eagerness for their picnic was
absent. If she backed out, he would know something was up and come
looking for her. So she walked slowly to delay the inevitable,
which was silly, she knew, but it gave her time to think.

She had met with Arianna earlier than her
regularly appointed time so that she could continue her ‘sex
education’. Sophie still marveled at the candid approach the fae
took to sex. Her first lesson had been a frank discussion about the
‘birds and the bees’ with a twist. Sophie grinned at the memory.
She doubted that any mother had sat her daughter down and informed
her about the joys of orgasms, g-spots, and the pleasures of
clitoral stimulation. The second lesson was less uncomfortable as
Arianna took an almost academic approach to furthering her
knowledge. Sophie and Arianna had sat with piles of books on sex -
from the kama sutra to ancient lore on sex magick. The amount of
material on the subject was so vast that this lesson had transpired
over a number of days.

Today’s lesson was her last. As Arianna had
cheekily put it, practice makes perfect. And it made her as nervous
as a bride on her wedding day. Arianna had allowed her to see
snapshots of numerous fae engaged in various amorous activities. Of
course, it had been done with their permission. She knew that
because each of the fae she’d witnessed having sex had also spoken
to her. She should have been mortified, but they had been eager to
inform her and had sworn to keep the discussions a secret. Fae, or
at least Seelie could not lie, and so they’d keep her secret. Their
belief in honor was greater than their own joy of gossiping.

The men and women she had spoken to had been
kind and entertaining. Soon, she’d forgotten about her reticence
and had plied them with questions. Some of the men flirted
shamelessly with her, but it was harmless—they too had seen the
prince’s interest in her and respected that. The women were eager
to ensure that she knew exactly what she had been missing. Sophie
had a good idea of what that was, which was a problem. The image of
Sylvain having sex with Arianna still popped into her head
regularly. Add the firsthand accounts of fae in the most satisfying
carnal positions and you got yourself one as-horny-as- hell
witch-vampire empath.

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