Supernatural Seduction (Book 2 of the Coffin Girls Series) (17 page)

Read Supernatural Seduction (Book 2 of the Coffin Girls Series) Online

Authors: Aneesa Price

Tags: #romance, #vampire, #urban fantasy, #paranormal romance, #fantasy, #paranormal, #werewolves, #fae, #voodoo, #paranormal erotica, #adult romance, #erotic paranormal, #paranormal series, #romance series, #adult paranormal romance, #coffin girls

BOOK: Supernatural Seduction (Book 2 of the Coffin Girls Series)
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Needing to please her, feeling the urge to
wipe the thoughts of any other man from her memory, he dropped his
mouth onto her nipples using his lips and tongue to taste every
surface of the hardened beads before lavishing that same attention
onto the majority of her breasts.

, Sylvain, you’ll be the death of
me,” Sophie whimpered.

Sylvain smiled against her breast, his teeth
inadvertently scraping her nipple. His breath, as he inhaled,
caused delicious friction against her sensitive nipples. Sophie
writhed in response. “There is a reason why they call an orgasm the
‘little death’
ma chérie
, and you have not gotten there

!” was Sophie’s only response
before she used her vampire strength to whip him off her so she
could straddle him. “Now, it’s your turn,” she promised

Mimicking his earlier movements, she kissed
him from chin to nipple and let her tongue trace the hard planes of
his chest. Gaining confidence from his groans and flexed muscles,
she began to gyrate against him while running her hands across the
ripples of his abdomen. The hard ridges fascinated her so she spent
time leisurely exploring them, but even more fascinating was the
bulge hiding beneath his swimming shorts. Curious, she peeled them
off until he was as naked as her, and then she went on to luxuriate
in the feel of his hard length, trailing her fingers, lips and
tongue along it.

“Sophie, if you continue doing that, I’m not
going to last as long as I want to,” Sylvain bit out before
exchanging positions with her again with a swift flip, easily
trapping her beneath him. “Now, it’s my turn,” Sylvain promised. He
dipped his head and let his tongue explore every inch between her
stomach and sex.

He stopped and this time she did protest.
Appreciating her eagerness, he chuckled. “I promise to kiss and
make it better,” he leaned forward and whispered against her mouth.
He proceeded to swiftly remove her bikini bottoms.

He sat back and gazed at her with longing
that made her burn. “I need to feel you, Sylvain,” Sophie’s voice
broke the thrall.

The smile he gave her in response was wicked.
Oh boy! She thought, knowing he was going to exact revenge for her
interruption. Moisture collected between her legs as she recalled
the type of revenge he’d taken in the past.

Sylvain said nothing, leaving her on
tenterhooks, and then he parted her thighs with deliberate
slowness. Sophie wanted to scream at him to get a move on, but the
knowledge that he would prolong the teasing kept her mouth shut.
The relief she felt when his mouth touched her sex was fleeting as
sensations she had no idea existed flooded her.

Sophie’s moans became more pronounced as he
used his lips to kiss her, his tongue to delve around her sensitive
bud and into the aching hole drenched with the evidence of her
desire. Sylvain repeated the process, trapping her legs with his
arms, allowing his tongue to continue assaulting her until she
came—involuntarily pushing her hips towards his face.

While Sophie came down from the high, Sylvain
positioned his erection at the entrance it ached to enter and
kissed her. Sophie threw herself into the kiss, drinking him in.
Spurred on by her passionate kiss and the wetness he felt as his
erection slid against her, he plunged into her.

“Sophie,” Sylvain stopped, “you were a
virgin? How?” His face was practically engraved with confusion.

“The usual way,” Sophie replied.

“But you’re a vampire and have been alive for
more than a century. How did you manage to remain a virgin?” Which
she’s given up to you, a voice of conscience said quietly within
his mind. Sylvain scowled, not knowing how to proceed. On the one
hand, she seemed okay with things and sat smiling like the Mona
Lisa and he had an erection that even the shock didn’t soften. But
. . . What the hell? He didn’t even know what he was thinking.
Sylvain ran his hand through his hair in agitation.

Sophie decided to take matters into her own
hands. She kneeled in front of him and took his hands in hers.
“Sylvain, cher, I’m sorry. Perhaps I should have told you. The fae
are so liberal about sex that I didn’t think you’d be this shocked.
But, I’m not sorry that I’m a virgin no longer and I don’t regret
what we’re doing.” She noted that the shocked look that had been in
his eyes was nearly gone now. He regarded her with earnestness, so
she continued, “I have had things happen in my past as a human.”
Sophie shrugged, “I don’t want to mar this beautiful moment by
bringing them up. I just want you and I want you now.”

When he said nothing, she asked, “I assume
that you are no longer interested?”

Sylvain smiled at her then looked down at his
erection. “Does it look like I’m not interested?” Sophie blushed.
Chuckling, Sylvain pulled her to him and held her. “If I had known,
I would not have had your first time like this. I was too rough
with you. Too hurried. I would have taken more time to seduce

“Cher, you’ve been seducing me since the
moment I met you,” Sophie interjected.

“Really?” Sylvain asked in surprise.

Sophie nodded her confirmation.

“That doesn’t change that I hurt you,” he

!’ Sophie shouted in aggravation.
“For a man with a giant erection, you sure do argue a lot. I’m a
grown woman despite having been a virgin for so long. Stop frikkin
analyzing the situation. So, you wanted it to be special. Well, I
don’t know of a more special place than this. You’ve never even
brought anyone here before me. What better, than a union of bodies
in a place that holds such beauty and magick?”

“I sense frustration,
ma chérie
Sylvain leaned towards her and nibbled her lips. “You don’t have to
shout. I’ll make sure it goes away.”

“Very far away?” Sophie teased back.

“Oh, yes,” Sylvain promised.

Sophie’s teasing retort was cut off. He
pulled her flush against him and rolled her onto her back all the
while pulling her into a deep kiss that indicated his own
frustrated passion. To her chagrin, he retraced his steps back to
the exquisite foreplay he had subjected her to before taking her
virginity. And he took longer - drawing out every moan, teasing
every part of her body, and awakening every dormant passion within
her. When he finally entered her, the feeling was one of such
fulfillment, she cried out, and tears sprung to her eyes.

Sylvain had been watching her and stopped.
“Am I hurting you?”

Sophie shook her head. “No, it’s good. Too

Smiling wickedly, he began to move inside
her. He moved slowly at first allowing her to become accustomed to
him inside of her. When she began to push her hips upwards with
every thrust, he quickened his pace and they found their rhythm.
All coherent thought quickly left them as they joined their bodies
in exquisite pleasure.

He dropped his shield and she felt everything
he felt. His awe at the ecstasy their lovemaking was creating,
respect and fondness for her, and intense passion to consume and
protect her. That care undid her and she returned it by dropping
her shield, allowing her emotions to flood him with a gentle nudge.
Sylvain’s eyes flew open when her emotions hit him. Consumed with
the passion they felt in each other, for each other, they watched
as they peaked.

“Mon chérie,” Sophie said, between deep
breaths as he lay collapsed on top of her, “I’ve been missing out
on a lot.”

“Then I better make sure that you catch up
for lost time,” Sylvain replied, smiling broadly before he lowered
his mouth.

Chapter 10

They materialized at Papillion Plantation.
Sylvain took Sophie’s hand and brought her to his side.
“Something’s not right,” Sylvain stated.

“Sure something’s not right,” replied Sophie,
frowning. “I’m late for the pre-wedding powwow and I’m sure Conall
is waiting for you, too. I’ve never been late before.”

“You’re not sorry, are you?” Sylvain

Sophie reddened and swatted his arm
playfully. “Of course not, but they’ll know.”

“Know what?” Sylvain’s eyes twinkled as he
continued to tease her. The steel spikes Sophie shot from her eyes
only resulted in broadening Sylvain’s grin. “Sophie, we’re
consenting adults and there is nothing to be embarrassed about. And
if anything, they’ll probably celebrate it.” Sophie miraculously
reddened more. “Ah, that’s what the issue is.
Ma chérie
there is nothing you or I can do about the good-natured teasing of
your friends. The great thing is that you and I get to forget about
their teasing in the most inventive ways later on.”

Sophie perked up, “I never thought of it that

With her slight appeasement, he went back to
his initial observation, “Something really is off here. I can’t
pinpoint it exactly. Stay on guard.”

Sophie raised a quizzical brow at him. The
plantation was well warded and filled with feisty vamps. With her
blood bond to the other Coffin Girls, she’d easily detect if
something were amiss with them. “Is it a fae thing?” she asked.

“I think so,” Sylvain replied. “Especially if
you can’t pick it up.”

They walked past the much grander entrance
facing the magnificent Mississippi and entered the temperature
controlled kitchen. Sophie was grateful for the respite from the
heat. She glanced at Sylvain. He smiled cheekily as was his MO, but
Sophie could sense his unease.

“It smells like heaven in here,” Sylvain said
as they stepped into they kitchen (AKA: chaos central). Miss
Suzette was laboring over a mass of pots. The smell permeating from
them hinted at spice and seafood. Rose was seeing to the final
details on the canapés lined up on dozens of platters. Sylvain
expertly sneaked a canapé off the tray while air-kissing the sides
of Rose’s cheeks. That Rose only slapped his hands away when she
caught him was testament to his friendship with them. Anais was
stuck with a phone to her ear, barking out orders to the staff
scurrying about the formal dining room in preparation for the
evening’s ‘small’ wedding. Sophie had already stepped in to help
with the cooking. Marie and V were on the other side of the
Atlantic so resources were spread thin. Thus being blithely
ignored, Sylvain dropped a kiss on each of their cheeks to greet
them, content to let them get on with what they were doing and for
him to get out of the way.

He found Conall in the study, pouring over
documents on the witch-kidnappings. He didn’t have an opportunity
to greet him as Anais, hot on his heels, stormed into the library,
slamming the door behind her.

“What, Sylvain, was the point of kissing my
ear?” she demanded.

“He what?” Conall roared, scattering papers
on the floor as he bounced off his chair.

“Hold up,” Sylvain demanded. “I did it for a

“With tongue,” Anais barked.

“He what?” Conall repeated, lurching towards

Sylvain held up his hands, “Wait. I was not
making a play for Anais. It was the one way to guarantee that she’d
follow me here.” At their confused expressions, he explained, “Miss
Suzette in there,” he waved a hand in the direction of the kitchen,
“is not Miss Suzette. It’s a changeling?”

“A what?” Anais asked, baffled. She’d made a
pass at Sylvain before when she’d thought that her relationship
with Conall was history. Loyal to his friend, Sylvain had firmly
declined and had gone on to help reunite them. That he kissed her
out of the blue made little sense.

“Are you sure?” Conall sat down, grave
concern stamped all over him.

Sylvain nodded, “Sorry. I felt something off
the moment I arrived. When I saw ‘Miss Suzette’, I knew.”

“Okay,” interrupted Anais, “take it a step
back. What is a changeling? Then where is the real Miss

Anais’ eyes had turned blood red. Concerned,
Conall got up and led her to a chair. “We’ll figure it out. Don’t
stress. You have to think of the baby.”

Sylvain’s brows shot up, “Baby?”

“Yes,” Conall turned towards him, lips curved
from ear to ear. “We’ve not told a soul, because it is new to us
and with the baby having so many strands of magick in her, we
wanted to wait a while.”

Sylvain nodded in understanding, “You have my
word that I’ll keep your secret.” His face then broke into a smile.
He grabbed Conall in a big man-hug before kissing both Anais’
cheeks. “Congratulations. You’re both going to make great parents
and if there’s anything I can do to help, my resources are at your

“Thanks,” Conall nodded, “I appreciate it.
And I might just take you up on that. I’ve got a team of medical
witches researching the possible outcomes of the pregnancy, but it
would be great if a fae healer could assist them.”

“Consider it done,” Sylvain nodded in

Anais, eyes turning red and angry at being
ignored, bit out, “If you gentlemen are finished handing out the
metaphorical cigars, I’d like to get back to the matter at hand.”
She glared at Conall, “I am pregnant, not an invalid. Remember that
or else you’ll find yourself trying to make this sofa a comfortable
bed at night.”

Blanching at the horrid thought, Conall
nodded. Sylvain, watching the exchange between the two, tried to
hide his grin. A centuries old vampire with the spirit and skills
of an independent woman and an even older witch monarch with
chivalrous principles definitely made for an interesting match.

Anais’ silence and raised brow was enough of
a prompt. Sylvain explained, “A changeling is a form of Unseelie
fae. They kidnap and hide a person whose identity they then assume.
They’re hired hands so someone to do this has tasked the
changeling. They’ll then methodically infiltrate the community,
household or town, and change the inhabitant’s perceptions to what
their employer wants.”

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