Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries (16 page)

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Oxygen atoms also burn up germs (microbes) which can't protect themselves against its oxidizing powers. Unlike evolved and specialized normal human cells, germs, microbes, and all parasites are primitive lower life forms. Normal body cells protect themselves from the burning up or oxidizing effects of oxygen by naturally producing and using their own protective antioxidant coatings. Our normal cells surround themselves with this insulating and protective coating that primitive diseaserelated bugs, germs, and even cancer cells do not have. Seeking out anything that is not a normal healthy human cell to oxidize, oxygen is a natural hunter, the killer enemy of bacteria and viruses and also dead, dying, deformed, or diseased cells l i ke those found in cancers.

Naturally, oxygen therapies are best used as supplemental maintenance dose-type preventatives. By keeping the oxygen level high in our body fluids, we keep the anaerobic diseases from ever being able to establish themselves. If they can't live in oxygen, they won't live in highly oxygenated clean tissues. If one uses these therapies correctly and long term, one's internal fluids would be oxygen rich. Most oxygenated people I know personally don't even catch colds anymore.

When oxygen therapies are employed as a method of putting the patient back on the road to health, they have completely proven themselves, according to the thousands of interviews I have conducted with the actual users of these therapies. In addition, the world's medical literature is replete with the proof of oxygen/ozone therapies' being both inexpensive and highly effective, and they have been proven very safe and natural when used as directed. For further documentation, including over 100 medical references, please contact The Family News in Miami, telephone (305) 759-9500.

The human body is 66 percent water. We are internally permeated with fluids, and our organs are mostly water and float in our internal sea. In medicine, oxygen/ozone gas is slowly micro-bubbled into your personal interior body fluids to purify them by a variety of methods.

The methods are simple. In the simplest physician applied method, doctors slowly inject specific quantities and concentrations of ozone into the blood, always while the patient lies prone. In "autohemotherapy" some blood is taken out, ozonated, and returned to the body. The Germans prefer this method, but I find it to be inefficient, costly, and slow when compared to the newer methods, which are also perfectly safe when used correctly. These newer recirculatory methods are my favorites, and according to all the interviews I have done, the most effective. Using them, the diseased patient blood is continuously circulated into ozone filled chambers and the leftover sludge of oxidized dead pathogens and toxins is filtered out. All this happens outside the body, and then the fresh cherry red blood is returned into the body in real time and continuously, as in the Medizone Inc., or Polyatomic Apheresis Ltd. proprietary systems. Proceeding this way, where most of the action happens outside the body is best. That way the body organs, like the liver, do not also have to shoulder the added burden of detoxifying the system, especially since the usual prescribed toxic drugs have already weakened or seriously damaged the body organs. Unfortunately, these new recirculatory methods are expensive, and only available outside the U.S. at the present time.

At home, many of the successful AIDS patients that I have interviewed report that their doctors direct them to combine injection, sauna bagging, and rectal insufflation. Most people buy correctly assembled and certified cold plasma type ozone generators (never using ultraviolet bulb generators which have little strength) and hook them up to tanked pure medical oxygen as the input gas and produce their own 27 to 42 micrograms per cubic milliliter concentrations of pure oxygen/ozone gas locally. They buy the equivalent of European medical grade ozone generators in the U.S. "underground" because the FDA won't approve them, due again, to drug company suppression politics. These people put specific qualities and quantities of pure oxygen/ozone into their bodily openings, or soak most or parts of their body in a bag filled with the gas—never breathing the high concentrations of ozone, since our lungs detoxify too fast and get edema—the lung cells protectively swell up, if exposed to "too high" concentrations of ozone, meaning anything above the level that's found in nature. Then they use this humidified gas to give themselves ozone via "rectal insufflation," where the ozone/oxygen gas is introduced at specific concentrations, durations, pressures, and volumes into the empty colon which transfers the ozone/oxygen into the blood. Then there's the "ozone sauna bagging" method, which saturates the capillaries in the skin, or they have a competently trained person slowly inject them, again at specific concentrations and volumes. For safety, any such very slow injections must always be done while the patient is lying prone before, during, and after.

Some bathe in or drink very dilute solutions of food grade hydrogen peroxide (which breaks down into water and releases oxygen in the blood), or any of the new oxygenated liquids and powders. Each method has specific concentrations, volumes, durations and cautions, so work with a competently trained oxygen therapist to be safe. My books, tapes and videos explain all this in more detail.

Over the past eight years I have seen many, many people rid their bodies of infections and other problems from being on oxygen therapies or ozone therapies, but they stuck to a full protocol—getting it daily, usually IV, in the right dosage, and the right concentrations, and combining it with other significant oxygen based modalities, proper diet, antioxidants, colloidal minerals, and enzymes. People who have only "dabbled" in it, or those who have never really tried it, end up being the very few who are negative about it. Even with such people around, by now the term I coined —"Oxygen Therapies"—also my first book title, is a household word among the well informed, and thousands of health advocates now use the therapies themselves and even promote them. There must be something to what I have been teaching.

If you decide to start along the happy oxygen trail, remember these facts: According to the sum of my thousands of interviews with successful oxygen therapies using people all over the world, all those who succeeded first studied and understood the philosophy and use of the therapies fully, and then they applied the therapies correctly, continually, gently, and long term.

Note: This is a condensed part of the larger works of Ed McCabe. His first work, the self-published best-seller Oxygen Therapies has sold over 150,000 copies by word of mouth. Books and audio/videotapes like his latest video "Ozone, and Disease" are available by mailorder from The Family News (305) 759-9500, M-F 9-5 EST.

Oxygen Therapy;
The Empire
Strikes Back

Basil Wainwright has categorically invented a process to purify whole donor blood
in the bag, and his invention of polyatomic apheresis ozone technology has created
the most significant breakthrough in the treatment of AIDS and degenerative diseases found anywhere in the world to date.
Richard Bernhard (Polyatomic Apheresis Inc.)

GN = Gary Null
SAT = Sue Ann Taylor BW = Basil Wainwright

GN: This programme is Natural Living, and I'm Gary Null of WBAI, a public-supported radio station. Tonight I'll be talking to Sue Ann Taylor, an investigative journalist, and Basil Wainwright, a scientist and inventor of a particular ozone machine. Why is he in the Metropolitan Correction Center in Miami—the jail? Why hasn't he had a trial in three years? Why does the government not want his story to get out? More on that later.

Is HIV the cause of AIDS? HIV has never been found in any scientific studies anywhere in the world to be the sole cause of AIDS. No one can prove it. It is speculation. It is political and economic. The man who said in 1982 that HIV was the probable cause of AIDS (instantly it became dogma that it was)—did he also inform the public he was the primary beneficiary of a test for HIV, that he owns the patent and that millions of dollars have gone to him and his associates? No.

Did the press vigorously explore all the allegations of fraud and cor


ruption? No. The alternative press did. We're the ones that brought you that information. They tell you don't challege orthodoxy. We challenge you not to believe that but rather to believe the experience of those who are the ultimate authorities: the patients who are alive and well, having had the opportunity to intelligently review the best of both and see what works, and that's what we bring you.

You've heard previously from patients successfully treated using nontoxic therapies, you've heard from the physicians who've treated them. Now today, in this segment, Sue Ann Taylor, investigative journalist, welcome to our programme.

SAT: Hello!

GN: Sue Ann, you recently returned from the Philippines where you observed and recorded the effects of ozone treatment and a polyatomic apheresis therapy on a group of HIV-positive and AIDS patients. Would you give us the background of this and why it is so important that the people hear this story?

SAT: Well, I was researching for a documentary that I had been working on, called Living Proof—People Walking Away From AIDS Healthy, because I was finding more and more evidence that there were things that were in fact working for some AIDS cases and/or HIV-positive cases. In doing that research I came upon ozone therapy, and I also came upon all the controversy that surrounds it. So when I was offered the opportunity to actually watch a trial happen first hand, in the Philippines, I jumped at the chance.

I went to the Philippines and I was stunned with what I saw, because I was expecting the entire thing to take place in a sort of wing of a hospital, or something that looked a little bit more like what I expected medicine to look like. It was actually a clinic that was set up rather ad hoc to provide space to do justice to this trial, so I started out a little on the sceptical side, not knowing what I was getting into.

There were nineteen HIV-positive people there, five of whom had fullblown AIDS. Over the course of about three weeks I watched the patients, or participants as they preferred to be called—six of whom were in pretty bad shape—watched them go through some pretty remarkable transformations and I saw it happen before my very own eyes. There's no amount of journalists or medical people who can tell me that what I saw I didn't see. I saw people who were unable to walk, be able to walk again. I saw people who were very, very ill just get considerably better and all of the treatment was cut short by a raid by the government.

The Philippine government came in and shut down the entire operation, after only about one-third of the prescribed amount of treatment had been accomplished. It was a trial, so remember there wasn't an absolute number on how much treatment they were going to need—that was part of what they were there to establish—but one-third of what they were expecting would be close to the magic number of hours on the machine, had been accomplished, and in that period of time remarkable reversals in these people's conditions were evident.

GN: Alright, describe the clinic.

SAT: The [Cebu] clinic itself was an upscale home in the Philippines. An upscale home in the Philippines looks kind of like an upscale home in America. It was a very large home, two storey, fairly large lot, and behind the home they had built grass huts, but it wasn't as crude as that makes it sound; it really had a vacation resort feel to it. It was not really unacceptable—and by Phillipines standards it was just fine. I had an opportunity to go to one of the Philippines hospitals, and the cleanliness within the clinic beat the cleanliness of the Philippines hospitals that I visited. All the Filipino staff were excellent—I would pit their training against any training of any nursing staff anywhere in the world. But some of the things we take for granted, like refrigeration and insect control, they just have really come to learn to live without those things. The clinic was, by our own standards, crude, but it was, you know, acceptable also. The materials were all new; it's just, again, it didn't meet my preliminary expectations.

GN: Who was working there?

SAT: There was a group from Australia—the clinic was actually owned by a couple named Bob and Rosanna Graham. The second group was PAI, the polyatomic apheresis unit group, and all they did was supply the equipment and people to train the Philippine staff to use the equipment; and the third group was the Philippine staff which consisted of two Philippine doctors and eleven nurses.

GN: And who were the patients?

SAT: The patients were twenty Australians, nineteen with HIV, one with multiple cancers.

GN: Is it illegal to enter the Philippines if you are an HIV-positive person? SAT: My understanding is that it is illegal to go in HIV-positive, but Immigration does not question you; there is no testing and I don't know that the patients realized that it was illegal.

GN: Could you tell us of some the success stories of the patients?

SAT: The most dramatic success story was a man named Paul. Paul is 42 years old, he had been HIV-positive since 1984, has full-blown AIDS and Kaposi's sarcoma. The lesions, the Kaposi's sarcoma lesions on the bottom of his feet, were so great when he left for the Philippines that he couldn't walk. He was in slippers for over a year. He could not wear shoes. He gingerly walked on the outsides of his feet and it was very difficult for him to get around at all. After eleven hours of treatment on the machine, Paul's lesions went away. He was able to wear leather shoes and, most importantly to Paul, he was off morphine for the first time in four years. Prior to his going to the Philippines, the cancer hospital had told him that he had reached the maximum amount of radiation that he could receive safely, and he would have to simply continue to increase his morphine to deal with his increasing pain. Paul believed that he had experienced just miraculous treatment, that in eleven hours of that treatment the lesions on his feet went away and he could wear shoes and walk normally again.

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