Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries (18 page)

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Well, from that episode this series of things went on, and as you quite rightly say—and I certainly won't bore your listeners with the phenomenal list of violations against me—I'm now into my third year; come October I'll be commencing my fourth year without any trial. I've just recently been appointed some new attorney who is hopeful of trying to get me bond. In fact, Dr. Michael Carpendale and other doctors very courageously were flying into Florida for a major hearing in front of the judge. Everything was scheduled but at the very last moment the FDA stepped in again and the hearing was cancelled, and my research team had to frantically phone around and cancel everyone coming in. I did get bond, much to the amazement of the FDA, which was really an administrative error, and I was out for a few months. During that time we managed to get a number of apheresis systems put together and out into studies.

Most of the studies which were conducted in and around the United States of course have already had the FDA SWAT teams descend on them, close them down and seize equipment. And we've had things reported like seven P24-antigen negatives, a couple of PCR negatives, but at no time have we ever been able to get into the real completion of a study. In every case, I think the doctors would tell you they've seen absolutely dramatic results, and that's not from me because this information has been fed back to us. They are very concerned that they're prevented from pursuing this, since the process does really show some pretty dramatic potential. The only way we are ever going to get this out there is if the AIDS groups get up and demand polyatomic apheresis so that we can get these studies up and running. We've got a group working with two very, very prominent stars who hope to apply sufficient pressure to be able to get this achieved.

During our studies we managed to determine that protein aspects in the blood, in other words, high protein levels would have an inhibiting effect on the success of the procedure. The normal procedure that has been adopted by the Germans, i.e., introducing antioxidants—which is very popular over here too—was also negating the effects of ozone. Everyone in the United States can enjoy the wonderful efficacy of ozone; there is nothing against the law that you can't use it, and there are several ways of applying it. In our protocols, prior to treatment the patients will be receiving no antioxidants so that we get the maximum oxidative effect from the O
component which we use 2 percent by weight, and 6 percent by weight of O
; and we have a pretty rigid nutritional programme too.

GN: So let me see if I can put this into perspective. Basil Wainwright is now in a jail in Florida for developing a special form of ozone machine that puts an O
into the body. There are a number of patients, estimated as high as 200, who have undergone this polyatomic apheresis treatment so far. These have included HIV, environmental and degenerative diseases, approximately thirty persons with AIDS. Of those thirty people, all show dramatic improvement, seven are P24-antigen negative, and two are PCR negative, meaning there is no HIV viral DNA found in their bodies, and the P24 means there is no active replication—all replication of the HIV is done. For the effort, you have been put in prison without trial. When the doctors did come to testify on your behalf, the FDA saw that the hearings were postponed. On a technical glitch you were allowed out, and then when they found out the technical glitch they put you back in; and you have been in violation of several due processes including a speedy trial. Why weren't the other doctors put on trial or arrested? Why were you the only person involved in this?

BW: Well, because I was the primary motivating force and the one that indeed held the patents in the United States office for polyatomic apheresis, which is quite unique. The only reason that I can think of is that I enjoyed the energy in working in the process. We have a wonderful team, they're all terribly dedicated to helping people, and we would like to think we are motivated in attempting to do God's work. Sue Ann and everyone else who have been involved have expressed love and compassion to all these patients, so it's been more than just a research project for me. I thoroughly enjoyed working with the patients. Of course, the pharmaceutical companies cannot file a patent on ozone, and you can only file patents on the intellectual property rights or the designs of the delivery mechanisms to the patient; and being as we have those, I suppose the best thing they could do and their only reaction was to throw me in prison, hoping that it would completely bring everything to a halt. It hasn't done that.

There's been a dedicated bunch of people out there; they definitely need more support. We would certainly provide equipment for AIDS groups on the United States if they would only get up and demand polyatomic apheresis and demand studies which they could do. We would be only too pleased to provide the equipment and, indeed, a number of very top doctors are prepared to come along and offer their services and monitor and support these test studies. You undoubtedly know that Ed McCabe has been doing some tremendous work in trying to open people's horizons on these issues, and Ed of course has been very supportive and he's become very supportive because he's been seeing the successes. Unfortunately, a lot of the doctors that have been involved in the research have had terrible pressure applied to them; in fact, their very jobs and livelihoods have been threatened by the FDA, which is very, very sad. I must admit when I first came to the States in 1987 on this particular project, the people told me this sort of thing existed in the United States and I thought it was all James Bond stuff, but of course I soon learnt to the contrary that indeed it was fact, and here I am. All I want to do in fact is get out of here and research and work for the betterment of mankind and just simply conduct God's work. In fact, I've just finished two scientific papers while I've been incarcerated, and I've been working very, very hard. A lot of good things: we've got a Middle East project which has been confirmed which will be up and running very soon; the Canadian government with NATO of course, as you've probably read, indicated great interest. Well, they've actually approached us and we've had talks with them about structuring a very special process which we've developed. It's from the blood bag to the patient, so for the armed forces, if they get injured out in the field and they're having delivery or transfusion of a unit of blood, there's this process we've developed which goes in series or in line with the IV to the patient, which actually purifies the blood with polyatomic structures before it goes into the wounded soldier. So, despite my various bouts of illnesses and I must admit it's been a bit touch and go at times, I've certainly been keeping myself active, Gary, and as I've said I've certainly been following your programme with intent and your work with intent, and I hope your listeners out there realise what a super person you are and how you're projecting this work and making this awareness to the people out there.

GN: Thank you Basil Wainwright, and let's hope for the best and that justice will be served by being fair and by seeing that your machine is tested. I want to thank you also for being on today, Sue Ann Taylor. Any closing thought for us?

SAT: Well, the closing thought that I have is, after the raid the mayor of the city gave the Department of Health the opportunity that if they wanted the study to continue, he would make space available in a hospital and make the patients the guests of the city. For them to turn down that offer and shut it down without looking at the patients' records, of which the blood tests all showed improvements, or watching a demonstration— that's when I started to believe that there was some level of a conspiracy happening right before my eyes, because they had made up their minds in the face of an offer from the mayor and said let's finish it right here. The only other point that I wanted to make, that I found alarming, is that people who have the ability to make those decisions were that closed-minded about the patients' pleas that this could save our lives, that they shut the door in their faces.

GN: Sue Ann Taylor, you learned a good lesson, and that lesson unfortunately is a bitter one: not always do the patients count when there is a political or economic agenda ahead of their interest. Thank you very much. I am Gary Null, the programme is Natural Living.


Hans Ruesch

People think the FDA is protecting them—it isn 't. What the FDA is doing and what people think it's doing are as different as night and day.

Herbert L. Ley, Jr., M.D.,
former Commissioner of the FDA

The hearings have revealed police state
tactics . . . possibly perjured testimony
to gain a conviction . . . intimidation
and gross disregard for Constitutional Rights.

Senator Edward Long, U.S. Senate hearings on the FDA

The cancer conspiracy is led by the FDA-NCI-AMA-ACS hierarchy. The initials stand for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the American Medical Association (AMA), and the American Cancer Society (ACS). The cancer conspiracy also includes the large pharmaceutical companies and key research centers such as the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City and selected university research labs. The key personnel move in and out of official positions within these organizations, sit on common boards or investigation committees, and have both formal and informal networks. When a researcher or alternative medicine advocate is identified as a threat to the power or even the official views put out by the ruling hierarchy, the maverick is placed on various published and unpublished blacklists, Funding is stopped, legal harassment often begins, public denunciation as a quack

104 frequently follows, and if the outsider persists in offering or advocating a non-sanctioned treatment, then rougher, clandestine methods can be employed.

It would take thousands of pages to describe various individuals who have fought the cancer conspiracy and how their threat to the ruling powers was neutralized. These pages can only summarize some of the more famous cases and facts which reveal how the cancer conspiracy functions, but those who wish to know more can pursue the details on their own, using the names and references offered here as a starting point. The people and procedures described in these pages are by no means inclusive, only the most notable or most promising.

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is the government police force which approves experimental studies for those it favors and hinders approval for those it dislikes. It conducts semi-legal break-ins (constitutional procedures are often ignored), confiscates records so that critical documentation is often lost or at least unavailable for months or years, and at times has interfered with constitutional protections through conspiratorial relationships with private organizations who share the same suppressive goals. New medical breakthroughs that threaten the sanctioned and financially lucrative treatments are ignored or "studied" for years. The FDA thus frequently subverts its legislated purpose which is to promote and protect the public health. Having lived in Washington, D.C., I know that the FDA is regarded by many astute civil servants as the federal agency with the lowest morale. A dark cloud of oppressive inertia, corruption and bureaucratic sloth pervades its corridors.

Dr. J. Richard Crout, test director at the FDA Bureau of Drugs beginning in 1971, described the agency in Congressional testimony on April 19, 1976 as follows:

There was open drunkenness by several employees which went on for months . .. crippled by what some people called the worst personnel in government. Here was intimidation internally by people .... People, I'm talking about division directors and their staff, would engage in a kind of behavior that invited insubordination—people tittering in corners, throwing spitballs, I am describing physicians, people who would . . . slouch down in a chair, not respond to questions, moan and groan with sweeping gestures, a kind of behavior I have not seen in any other institution as a grown man.... Prior to 1974, not one scientific officer in our place knew his work assignments, nor did any manager know the work assignment of the people under him.

In 1967, the FDA stopped the use of an experimental cancer vaccine which was producing significant results. It was developed by H. James Rand, inventor of the heart defibrillator. J. Ernest Ayre, an internationally recognized cancer specialist (co-developer of the PAP test) and Dr. Norbert Czajkowski of Detroit, Michigan assisted Rand. Treating only terminal cancer patients, the Rand vaccine produced objective improvement in 35 percent of 600 patients while another 30 percent demonstrated subjective improvement. "One 65-year-old woman with spreading tumor" was "completely cured in four months." Another woman with extensive breast cancer was cured in six months. The FDA stopped the vaccine's use in a federal court hearing where neither the cancer patients nor their doctors were allowed to testify. U.S. Senator Stephen Young of Ohio protested—to no avail. Senator Young could get nowhere with FDA Commissioner James L. Goddard. Senator Young recalled:

I could not move them. They would not even agree to a modification of the ruling (banning the Rand vaccine), which would at least allow the 100 (cancer) patients at Richmond Heights (Ohio) to complete their injections. The Justice Department was prepared to go along, but the FDA Commissioner, Dr. James Goddard, was adamant, even belligerent. It's wrong of the government to snatch away this hope when there is no evidence against its use offered in court. It's damnably wrong.

It is known that when FDA Commissioner Goddard's own wife had serious health problems and orthodox medicine could not help her, Goddard contacted alternative health practitioners who quietly healed his wife. But for the suffering victims of cancer who needed the Rand vaccine or some other nontraditional treatment, Goddard lowered the boom, using the federal courts to enforce his dictum. Such are the ways of the FDA.

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