Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries (56 page)

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In documents concerning the Robertson Panel that was convened by the CIA in 1953 to deal with the subject of UFOs, Dr. Hynek was listed not only as an Air Force Project Bluebook consultant, but also as an "OSI"

consultant. "OSI" is an abbreviation for the Office of Scientific Intelligence, which is a sub-section of the CIA. According to a public statement made by Dr. Hynek, he was not invited to attend all the sessions of the Robertson Panel. However, this statement is contradicted by an official document dated January 27, 1953, and declassified in 1977, which stated that Hynek "sat in on all the sessions after the first day," but did not sign the report as an official group member. Hynek was already an OSI consultant before he became a consultant to Project Bluebook. Did he remain an OSI consultant for the rest of his life? Was he assigned to play the part of the maverick scientist in revolt against the authorities, when the authorities realized the explanations, such as "swamp gas" were no longer credible, in order to more effectively acquire information from and control over the genuinely independent researchers?

Jacques Vallee began his UFO research career in the 1960s as the assistant of Dr. Hynek. Considering this in combination with the result of his close collaboration with Dr. Hynek at the United Nations, is Dr. Vallee also an OSI consultant?

On November 27, 1978, Dr. Vallee stated to the Special Political Committee of the United Nations, which had been convened to decide whether or not to place the subject of UFOs on the UN agenda, that: "although the UFO phenomenon is real and appears to be caused by an unknown physical stimulus, I have so far failed to discover any evidence that it represents the arrival of visitors from outer space." Having said that, he skipped briefly over the physical manifestations of the phenomenon, saying only they should be studied. He then stressed the importance of studying the psychophysiological effects on witnesses, carefully pointing out that: "I do not believe it is within the province or the budget of the United Nations to address such effects directly . . ." He continued by insisting at length on the importance of studying the social belief systems generated by the phenomenon, as well as the emotional factors involved—aspects of the phenomenon so clearly outside the province and budget of the United Nations that it was not necessary for him to repeat this a second time. Thus with a few deft strokes, he effectively sabotaged the placing of the subject of the UFO phenomenon on the agenda of the United Nations, which was exactly what the CIA wanted to prevent. If

Von Keviczky had been allowed to present his evidence, there is a strong probability that the Committee would have decided to place the subject on the UN agenda, after which the cover-up would have been impossible to maintain.

I salute the example set by Major Colman Von Keviczky, as I consider him a genuine modern hero. The fo u r propositions he suggested to Secretary General U Thant should be implemented by the United Nations without further delay, since they are as valid now as they were in 1966.

In my opinion, the close encounter and abduction cases constitute the spearhead of UFO research. Of course, it is essential to distinguish between genuine and fraudulent cases, and this is not always easy to do. However, with patient, open-minded, persistent, and alert attention, it can be done. The analogy of sorting out batches of gemstone rough is relevant here. There are ways of detecting whether one is in the presence of the real thing or an imitation.

The genuine contact and abduction cases are the interface between terrestrial humanity and the UFO phenomenon. There are literally thousands of such case histories on record, and perhaps tens or hundreds of thousands, or more, which have not been reported. I would suggest that about two-thirds of the hypothetical budget be allocated to investigating as thoroughly as possible the thousands of case histories already on record: evaluating them for authenticity, conducting follow-up interviews and hypnotic regression sessions when appropriate, and feeding all the information obtained into computers.

The data bank derived from the review of contact and abduction cases should then be correlated with the data bank derived from the lights-inthe-sky and physical nuts-and-bolts manifestations.

If project funds are still available after this procedure has been completed, we should start interviewing the oceanic multitude of contactees and abductees whose stories have only recently begun to surface and are not yet on record. These interviews would be conducted and tabulated along the same lines as those case histories already on record.

From these myriad correlations, certain major patterns should emerge. What I would consider to be of prime importance would be the patterns indicating the characteristics of the and/or inter-dimensional humanoids, tremely dissimilar alien entities involved in these manifestations, to which we have been applying the catch-all UFO label. The information derived from such profiles would include not only the physical characteristics and types of craft most frequently used, but also the behavioral characteristics. Typical ways of interacting with us would contain clues as to motivations for making contact with us, as well as to psychological traits and the extent to which communication may be possible. Such questions as superiority, inferiority, or equality of intelligence between them and us would be explored, as well as unusual aspects of their intelligence. Indications of the relative benevolence, malevolence, or neutrality of the various types would show up clearly in such profiles, as well as of their friendliness or hostility to each other. As abductee Ida Kannenberg has so perceptively pointed out: "There are so many different types of extra terrestrials that it different types of extra-terrestrial human-appearing beings, and exis not possible to make statements that are valid for all of them. Many types are as alien to each other as they are to us."

By establishing reliable profiles of the different types most persistently reported, we would at least know what we are dealing with and be in a far better position to communicate meaningfully.

If there was a war in heaven that is still going on, in which who we give our allegiance to may be a matter of importance, though Earth may be no more than a single sector of a multi-galactic battle zone, at least we would be able to make an informed choice concerning which group we enter an alliance with. That would certainly be preferable to making a decision of such importance in our present state of blind ignorance.

If, on the other hand, peace and harmony reign supreme over the inhabitants of outer space, and it is we humans who must learn to transcend our aggressive bellicose natures in order to become eligible for galactic citizenship, we still need to know who we are dealing with, and be able to communicate with them.

Those who are still arguing about whether or not UFOs are real will continue to do so, until obliged to face the facts with their own eyes. For those of us who are already aware that UFOs are real, the question becomes: What types of beings are piloting them, and what is their motivation for keeping us under surveillance and clandestinely interacting with us?

It is a matter of extreme urgency that an all-out effort be made to find out as much as possible about the different types of non-human intelligent life-forms at present hovering above us and among us. We can no longer continue to pretend that we are dealing with misidentifications of weather balloons, the planet Venus, flocks of geese, or swamp gas, and retain our position as the dominant life-form on planet Earth. It is time to face the fact that outer space is inhabited, and that ever since we exploded the first atomic bombs its inhabitants have been watching us very closely. It is obvious that in comparison to a number of already existing alien civilizations, our space technology is in the kindergarten stage. We must establish open alliance with the groups we can work out mutually beneficial relationships with, and take appropriate measures to defend ourselves against the predatory activities of the groups who have come here to exploit us. It is imperative that we learn to distinguish between extra-terrestrial friends and foes. What is at stake is our survival, not only as individuals, but as a freely evolving species.

UFOs and the
U.S. Air Force

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)

What is an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO)?

Well, according to United States Air Force Regulation 80-17 (dated 19 September 1966), a UFO is "any aerial phenomenon or object which is unknown or appears to be out of the ordinary to the observer."

This is a very broad definition which applies equally well to one individual seeing his first noctilucent [luminous] cloud at twilight as it does to another individual seeing his first helicopter. However, at present most people consider the term UFO to mean an object which behaves in a strange or erratic manner while moving through the Earth's atmosphere. That strange phenomenon has evoked strong emotions and great curiosity among a large segment of our world's population. The average person is interested because he loves a mystery, the professional military man is involved because of the possible threat to national security, and some scientists are interested because of the basic curiosity that led them into becoming researchers.

The literature on UFOs is so vast, and the stories so many and varied, that we can only present a sketchy outline of the subject in this chapter. That outline includes description classifications, operational domains (temporal and spatial), some theories as to the nature of the UFO phenomenon, human reactions, attempts to attack the problem scientifically, and some tentative conclusions.


One of the greatest problems you encounter when attempting to catalog UFO sightings, is selection of a system for cataloging. No effective sys

FromtheUnitedStatesAirForceAcademy(DepartmentofPhysics)Textbook Introductory Space Science, Volume II.
tern has yet been devised, although a number of different systems have been proposed. The net result is that almost all UFO data are either treated in the form of individual cases, or in the forms of inadequate qualification systems. However, these systems do tend to have some common factors, and a collection of these factors is as follows:

[a] Size; [b] Shape (disc, ellipse, football, etc.); [c] Luminosity; [d] Color; [e] Number of UFOs.

Behavior: [a] Location (altitude, direction, etc.); [b] Patterns of paths (straight line, climbing, zig-zagging, etc.); [c] Flight characteristics (wobbling, fluttering, etc.); [d] Periodicity of sightings; [e] Time duration; [f] Curiosity or inquisitiveness; [g] Avoidance; [h] Hostility.

Associated Effects: [a] Electro-magnetic (compass, radio, ignition systems, etc.); [b] Radiation (burns, induced radioactivity, etc.); [c] Ground disturbance (dust stirred up, leaves moved, standing wave peaks of surface of water, etc.); [d] Sound (none, hissing, humming, roaring, thunderclaps, etc.); [e] Vibration (weak, strong, slow, fast); [f] Smell (ozone or other odor); [g] Flame (how much, where, when, color); [h] Smoke or cloud (amount, color, persistence); [I] Debris (type, amount, color, persistence); [j] Inhibition of voluntary movement by observers; [k] Sighting of "creatures" or "beings."

After Effects: [a] Burned areas or animals; [b] Depressed or flattened areas; [c] Dead or "missing" animals; [d] Mentally disturbed people; [e] Missing items.

We make no attempt here to present available data in terms of the foregoing descriptors.

33.2—Operational Domains—Temporal

and Spatial

What we will do here is to present evidence that UFOs are a global phenomenon which may have persisted for many thousands of years. During this discussion, please remember that the more ancient the reports the less sophisticated the observer. Not only were the ancient observers lacking the terminology necessary to describe complex devices (such as present clay helicopters) but they were also lacking the concepts necessary to understand the true nature of such things as television, spaceships, rockets, nuclear weapons and radiation effects. To some, the most advanced technological concept was a war chariot with knife blades attached to the wheels. By the same t oken, the very lack of accurate terminology and descriptions leaves the more ancient reports open to considerable misinterpretation, and it may well be that present evaluations of individual reports are completely wrong. Nevertheless, let us start with an intriguing story in one of the oldest chronicles of India—the Book of Dzyan.

The book is a group of "story-teller" legends which were finally gathered in manuscript form when man learned to write. One of the stories is of a small group of beings who supposedly came to Earth many thousands of years ago in a metal craft which orbited the Earth several times before landing. As told in the Book:

These beings lived on Earth while largely keeping to themselves and were revered by the humans among whom they had settled. But eventually differences arose among them and they divided their numbers, several of the men and women and some children settled in another city, where they were promptly installed as rulers by the awe-stricken populace.

Separation did not bring peace to these people and finally their anger reached a point where the ruler of the original city took with him a small number of his warriors and they rose into the air in a huge shining metal vessel. While they were many leagues from the city of their enemies, they launched a great shining lance that rode on a beam of light. It burst apart in the city of their enemies with a great ball of flame that shot up to the heavens, almost to the stars. All those who were in the city were horribly burned and even those who were not in the city—but nearby— were burned also. Those who looked upon the lance and the ball of fire were blinded forever afterward. Those who entered the city on foot became ill and died. Even the dust of the city was poisoned, as were the rivers that flowed through it. Men dared not go near it, and it gradually crumbled into dust and was forgotten by men.

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