The Torn, Book One of the Holding Kate Series

Read The Torn, Book One of the Holding Kate Series Online

Authors: LaDonna Cole

Tags: #monsters, #Paranormal, #teen issues, #Romance, #adventure, #romantic love, #young adult, #action, #sci-fi, #new adult, #teen problems, #science fiction, #teen love, #fantasy

BOOK: The Torn, Book One of the Holding Kate Series
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A fast-paced psychological ride that will have readers guessing from the 
first page to the last.

~ Heather Burch, bestselling author of the Halflings series ~

Wildly imaginative and infinitely entertaining, “The Torn” moves at the speed of quickens your pulse and tugs at the heart with 
characters who stay with you long after the last page.

~ Robert Liparulo, author of the Dreamhouse Kings series ~

“The Torn” is Cole’s first full-length novel, and she delivers a well developed world combining elements of fantasy, sci-fi, and eons of heart. This is an author who knows how to get to the heart of the matter even while taking the reader on a wild adventure!

~ S.R. Karfelt, Author of
Warrior of the Ages
series ~

“The Torn” is a fast-paced, wild adventure through several worlds when quantum physics becomes an avenue for therapy. Kate is strong yet vulnerable, and easy to relate to. Hop in on this crazy ride and pick a side as you fight for Kate’s love life—all the while, she’ll be fighting to remain alive in a therapy session gone wrong.

~ Kelsey Rae Keating, Author of

“The Torn” captured my attention from the very beginning. The characters are so relatable as well as their lives. I feel like it helped me realize that everyone has problems. The story had me laughing aloud and crying too. I had tears of sadness and tears of joy. But most importantly, this book helped me. It taught me to forgive others and myself. I’ve carried the burden of guilt around for a long time and now I don’t. The fact that
I was entertained and at the same time given advice and helped is amazing.

~ Kyle Shelton ~

As a court appointed advocate of foster children for the state of Texas, I immediately connected with the characters in “The Torn.” The writing was imaginative and kept me interested. It was hard to put down. Can’t wait for the sequel.

~ Alice Gordon, CASA ~

“The Torn” is a one-of-a-kind read that had me thinking long after I finished. I started into it without knowing what to expect, but came away with a gripping adventure and a heart-stopping love triangle. To anyone who has ever looked deep inside themselves, “The Torn” is for you.

~ Katie Cross, Author of
Miss Mabel’s School for Girls

“The Torn” is an amazing story of passion, love, betrayal and forgiveness. I was immediately drawn in by the authenticity of the characters and the suspense of the story line. The author has an uncanny way of depicting scenes in such a way that draws one in visually and emotionally.

~ Dana Livingston, 
Challenge A Director, Classical Conversations ~

“The Torn” takes the familiar storylines of love, loss, and redemption and turns them inside out. Action which demands you sit up and read is combined with powerful prose you’ll read again and again. Not since Narnia has there been such a powerful spiritual allegory that was so righteously cool.

~ Kimberly Robertson, 
English Educator and Youth Development Professional ~

Though not a fan of fantasy in any form, I read “The Torn” on the recommendation from an acquaintance and could not put it down! The author perfectly pairs fantasy and reality in a way that took me elsewhere and brought me back changed. Read it on a whim or out of curiosity, read it to escape and because you love fantasy, or read it just because you have the time on a rainy weekend, but whatever you it!

~ T.J. Willson ~

The Torn

Copyright © 2013 LaDonna Cole

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of
1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the publisher.

This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Published by

HWV Productions

ISBN-13: 978-0-9912335-0-2

ISBN-10: 0-9912335-0-6

For all the Katie Lynn Wilsons out there

who have endured great loss,

and for Dayla, Bailey, Kyle, Brandon, Jackie,

Sheldon, and Shelby,

the original HWV Jumpers.

Writing is a solitary endeavor, but publishing is not. There can be no published work without a public. My public, my peeps, my team of extraordinary co-workers have taught me a valuable lesson in the concept of collaboration equals a better product.

I want to say thank you to all of those irreplaceable people who have brought this series to the public:

To Blue Harvest Creative for guidance and support.

Dayla, my very first beta-reader, listening to me read, giving honest critique whether I wanted to hear it or not, for tears and sighs. It all brought me to the place where I can say, “I am a writer.”

Bailey, for being the best roommate ever! You give me all the time I need to pound the keys and love without condition!

Mom, I know, I know! You always told me I needed to put my stories on paper. Thank you for singing that song until it sunk in, and thank you for tricking me into taking typing class in high school.

Dana, for struggling through those early manuscripts, and for being the first person to help me realize my words could make a difference.

Robin, for late night editing and Facebook chats to talk me through the sticky points, for deep, deep discounts for the starving artist.

Thea, for microscopic proofreading that shed light on the messy and dark places, for 20+ years of GNO’s .

To the Torn Launch Team for trusted perspective, faithful encouragement and honest critique: Robin, Stephanie, Kelsey, Dayla, Dana, Kimberly, Bailey, Emily, Deder, Kyle, Thea, Rachel, Becky, Katie

To Cory Clubb for marketing and artistic consult.

To Bailey Cole, Kennedy Wilson, Mackenzie Seavey, Hayden Spencer and Hunter Spencer, the most talented and fun cast and crew.

To Annie Adams for making the Immortal Song resound.

Ragged Blue Monkeys, the Warden and his crew for changing my life, showing me where I belong, and continued encouragement! The tectonic plates of my core are still shifting, thanks to one amazing weekend and a hundred blue monkeys in an old factory.

To all the Musers at for raising the standard and lofting high the torch for me to follow: Rob for advice and insisting on fighting resistance! Stephanie, for clearing the path and handpicking my team (Greece is the word, is the word!), Kelsey for the best attitude ever! (Superhero indeed! Still my favorite!) Katie, for honest critique and valuable feedback and sloshing Katie-gravy on the rest of us. Donna, for inspiration (pass the coconut confetti). Robin for weathering my hissy fits and giving practical advice, KimRo for Qadosh warfare and Gorilla kicking rampages, for early beta reading, early story brainstorming, and one epic car trip. Hey, it’s a trilogy because of you, girl!

Thank you!

Fear trickled down
my spine and my heart thumped an angry staccato as the enormous beast crashed through the thicket behind me. Run! I commanded my feet, but they seemed to be growing roots into the mossy forest floor.

“RUN!” Mel screamed and yanked on my arm so hard I thought she had wrenched it right out of my shoulder, but it worked. I was running. We were both running for our lives.

“Is it yours?” she yelled to me.

“I don’t…I don’t…” Looking back over my shoulder, I saw the beast pause and throw his nose into the air, sniffing. He reared up on his hind legs and I saw it. He was wearing a long yellow leash of sorts around his neck, but the ends were frayed, as though he had gnawed himself free.

I stumbled and went crashing into the thicket, thorns snagging my clothes and hair. Mel was next to me in an instant. “Get up!”

She paused at the look of panic on my face. “It
yours.” She said and ancient sadness crossed her features. “What is it?” She slashed at the vine tangled around my feet and stole quick glances over her shoulder.

“It…It…it’s my….” I croaked out in despair.

The beast bellowed
when he caught our scent.

“Get up! Go!” Mel urged.

I scrambled to my feet just as the beast crashed through the wall of branches and vines. We froze staring at the hideous creature as long talons scraped the ground at his sides and black gunk oozed from his mouth and eyes. Yellow fangs pressed into the matted fur of his face. His eyes held deadly intent and seething malice. His breath rose in green fumes around him.

“What is it?” Mel’s voice whimpered.

“It’s my,” I shuddered. “It’s my daddy!”

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