Suppressed (Suppressed Saga) (7 page)

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Authors: Elliett Earhart

BOOK: Suppressed (Suppressed Saga)
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I was serious about what I said earlier.” He said out of nowhere.


Hm?” I said bringing my attention to him.


About Chris. I want you to tell me if he comes near you again.”


I will.” I said assuring him.


God, he and Eric were serious when it came to this kind of stuff.


A little while later the truck came to a halt and I looked up at a big white building. It was the Fountain Arts building. I came here about once a month for an art or photography showing.


What are we doing here?” I asked his skeptically.


There’s a show tonight and I’m taking you to it.”


How do you know about stuff like this?”


I know a lot.” he said getting out of the truck.


I didn’t expect him to lift me out so I slid out on my own waiting for the heel of my boots to hit the pavement. I looked up and Seth was standing in front of me looking a bit perturbed.


I would have helped you.”


I figured I’d give you a break.”


His body got closer to mine and I felt like I couldn’t breathe anymore.


I’d never want a break from you.” He said as his face got closer to mine.


I opened my mouth slightly to say something but couldn’t think of anything. The closer he got the more my stomach fluttered. His mouth came on mine and I let everything else take over. My fingers went through his hair and my body erupted in goose bumps as I felt his hand rub up my arm all the way to my neck.


We need to go inside.” He said against my mouth.


In a minute.” I pulled him back to me and crushed my mouth on his. I felt a pull towards him and I never wanted to be pulled away. His grip tightened on the back of my head and I felt myself going backwards to the truck. Unfortunately my heel slipped off the curb and I tripped. Seth laughed against my mouth and I laughed with him.


Okay, let’s go inside.” He said taking hold of my hand.


I grudgingly followed him in. If anything I wanted to stay outside with him. He opened the doors for me and I stepped inside the brightly lit room where random groups of people were gathered around the pictures hung on the walls. Seth followed me around staying close to my side as I started to make my way around. Every once in a while when he looked lost I would explain to him something about photography and what everything meant.


Most of the pictures were of broken buildings and fallen down structures. I thought they were amazing but could tell Seth was completely confused as to why anyone would want to photograph a random building.


You know I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with a camera.” He said poking my side.


I came to a stop at another wall, “I have one. I haven’t used it in a while though. I usually only use it when I have a project for class.”


Well I think you should. You might be the next one in one of these places.”


Yeah right.” I laughed.


As I turned away to go to the next piece I noticed an older man staring at me. He had black and grey hair with a thin mustache. I got a strange feeling when I looked at him. His eyes were so cold, almost black. A shiver ran up my spine and as hard as I tried to look away my eyes wouldn’t let me.


Hey,” Seth placed one of his hands on my back to get my attention.


Yeah?” I said almost zombie like. I slowly turned back to him and his eyes brought me out of my trance.


What’s up?”


There was a man, he was watching me.”


Where?” He snapped his head up and his eyes looked electrifying as they scanned every inch of the room.


I looked back to the statue where I last saw the man but he was gone.


Well he’s gone now. He was probably nobody.”


I glanced back at Seth who was still looking around. I placed my hand on his arm and noticed he was a little warmer than usual.


You okay?” I asked tilting my head a little to him.


Yeah,” he brought his mouth into a fake smile, “Let’s get out of here.”


Like earlier, he didn’t help me into the truck and the ride back to my dorm was silent. His demeanor had changed and I could tell something was up with him.


Well thanks for taking me.” I said before jumping out. I wasn’t going to let him help me and something already told me he wasn’t planning on helping me anyway.


I’m going to be working a lot for the next couple days. I’ll give you a call when I’m not as busy.”


I turned around to look at him. “That’s fine. I’ll see you.”


With those words I jumped from the truck and walked back to my dorm. I didn’t even look back to see him pull away. The way that just went I was pretty sure I was never going to talk to him again. That’s just the way things went I guess.




Chapter 5








Ashley wasn’t in the room when I got up there. More than likely she was at the library. I figured I would study and try and do some homework until I fell asleep.


Seth was slightly on my mind but I wanted to forget about him. Things like this usually happened. You meet someone, you get to know them for about a week, and then you decide their not your type and move on. The only difference was that Seth was my type. I really did like him. Until tonight at the gallery he acted like he liked me too. It was probably Chris, what guy would want to start seeing a girl who had a crazy psycho ex boyfriend? Then again maybe it was better that we didn’t start a real relationship. As attracted as I was to him there was another reason I was drawing myself to him. But that was something I wasn’t going to think about.


I threw on a long sleeve shirt and some sweat pants before lying down with my art history book. As soon as I sat down there was a knock at my door. I let out an agitated groan and pulled myself back out of the bed.


As I swung the door open all I saw was a pair of blue eyes and was suddenly pulled forward into the most mind numbing kiss I’d ever had. Our mouths were still locked together as Seth walked me backwards into the room and I heard the door being kicked shut. I grabbed onto his neck holding myself to him as I bumped into the desk, I didn’t pay any attention to the stuff that started to fall off as he started moving lightly down my neck. My eyes closed and bit my lip trying to learn how to think again.


Seth’s face came back up to mine and he gave me a small grin. “What, you think I was just going to leave without kissing you?”


It was hard for me to catch my breath as I spoke, “Um, I didn’t know…”


His warm hand went up the back of my shirt, “I saw the look in your eyes before you got out of the truck. I couldn’t just leave you like that.”


We started kissing again and things started to get more intense than I imagined they would. My hand ran up his chest feeling every muscle, I could even feel the warmth of his body on my own through his t-shirt. I tightened my knees around his hips as he lifted me and spun around to lay me on the bed. I started to tug at his shirt and he leaned up lifting it off.


Oh God!” Someone shouted.


Seth leapt off me quickly and that’s when I saw Ashley standing in the doorway. I felt my face get red as Seth threw his shirt back on.


I didn’t – You should have told me he was coming and I would have stayed gone.” She said sounding exasperated.


I stood up trying to act normal. “No it’s fine. Ashley this is Seth, Seth this is my roommate Ashley.”


Seth had his hand at the back of his neck and gave her a nod with a strained smile. Ashley returned the smile nervously.


I’m gonna go.” Seth said walking to do the door. “It was nice to meet you Ashley.”


She said the same and gave him a little wave as I followed Seth out to the hall and closed the door behind me.


Well that was a fun way to meet your roommate.” He said with a laugh.


She’s probably more embarrassed than you are right now.”


Doubt that.”


I glanced around the empty hallway. “So I guess I’ll talk to you later.” My eyes came back to him as he took a couple steps forward.


I’m sorry I was acting weird earlier. I had a lot on my mind.”


No biggie.”


Alright well you be careful. Promise me you’ll be careful.”


It was a weird request and I didn’t understand the meaning behind it but I made my promise as he gave me another earth shattering kiss and left.


I took a deep breath before walking into my room where I was sure to be bombarded with questions by Ashley. I peeked around the door and there she was, sitting on the bed with her extremely curly blond hair piled on top of her head and a sly grin on her face.


So I’m guessing I walked in at a bad time.”


No, what you saw was as far as we’ve gone and nothing probably would have happened if you didn’t show up.”


Right…” she trailed off.


I threw a pillow at her, “Oh be quiet, like I’ve never walked in on you with some guy.”


Yeah, but never one who looked like that. Good God he looks like one of those underwear models. He’s in about the same category as Eric.”


I didn’t comment on what she said but silently agreed. Eric was definitely a looker but what else he was I wasn’t sure. He was hiding something though.




The next couple of days were filled with nothing but classes. Every time I walked down the halls or went through campus I kept an eye out for Chris. I knew him, he would pop out of nowhere and one of these times it wasn’t going to be him just saying a bunch of crazy words. These types of things always progressed and I was beginning to get scared as to what the next level might be. I thought about going to the police but I didn’t have any evidence against him. Until the day came when he physically attacked me or anything remotely close to that, I would have nothing to use against him. The law just sucked like that sometimes.


I was walking across the lawn in front of my dorm when I saw a friendly face. Lance. He was talking to one of his friends and waved me over. I zipped up my green jacket and threw my hood up to stop the horrid wind that was blowing rapidly.


What are you doing slacker?” I said when I made it to him.


He raised an eyebrow looking a bit stern. I knew these looks, he was about to say something not so pleasant.


Were you even going to tell me about Chris grabbing you the other day?”


How do you know about that?”


That’s not the point. The point is he’s still saying shit to you and stalking you. One of these times he’s not going to be so subtle about it. I’ll tell you one damn thing, I’m going to break his neck next time I see him.”


No, you’re not going to get in trouble and get kicked out of school because of me. I’ll handle it.”


It’s been almost a year Cam! You should have done something about it last summer.”


I let out a long breath and looked everywhere but at my brother. “Who told you?” I asked again.


Eric. Good thing he was there too.”


I snapped my head back in his direction. “Eric? What are you two like best buds now or something?”


He’s not that bad of a guy. I like him.”


Well that makes one of us.” I grumbled out.


Lance wrapped his arm around me, “You going to the Tai Delta mixer tonight?”


Probably.” I answered. I hadn’t heard from Seth in two days and was planning on going if I didn’t hear from him today. Which I was pretty sure I wouldn’t because he said he would be working for a while. I never knew being a bouncer made you have to work all hours for days on end but I wasn’t going to question it.

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