Surprise Mating (3 page)

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Authors: Jana Leigh

BOOK: Surprise Mating
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Sydney paced
in her room.  They should have been here.  Hell, maybe she scared them off.  Damn it, this was not good, right when she was so close.  If she wanted to be in the Drekinn, then she needed to speak to Ms. Praton, everyone said so. 

was just ready to plop into the chair once again after she had made her fifth circuit of the room, when there was a knock on the door. 
, she thought and rolled her eyes, before smoothing down her dress and primping for just a second.

She went to the door, and felt her heart begin to beat harder.  They were there on the other side of the door.  Since she had met
them, it had been a constant arousal when she was around them all the time.  It didn’t matter when they were arguing over something to eat, and then checking out the SAT TV, and so on.  They were like sex on a stick and she was ready to take a lick.

Hello?” Sydney called and she grinned when Kiki sang her name and Thomas groaned loudly and pounded on the door.

Please, don’t make me kill him,” Thomas roared.

Sydney opened the door and
smiled shyly at the men who stood waiting for her.  She actually wanted to laugh aloud when she saw their mouths drop a little at her appearance.

Cupcake, you were beautiful before, but right now, you are drop dead gorgeous.”  Kiki smiled and tugged her out of the room and closed the door.

We are the luckiest men alive tonight,” Thomas muttered and took a hand, tucking it in the crook of his arm, and then smiled when Kiki did the same thing.

Oh snap, the guys are gonna be on the prowl,” Kiki growled and bumped hips with her.

Sydney rolled her eyes and shook her head.  It was cra
zy, she knew she had a mission, but right now, she couldn’t remember what it was.  Kiki and Thomas looked amazing.  As they led her down the hallway, she caught a glimpse of the three of them in a mirror, she had to admit they made a striking trio.

She had
been here for a couple of weeks, and she still had not seen the whole place yet.  She looked and took note of certain places she thought Ms. Praton would likely be.  Like the library, surely a woman of her stature would spend time in a library. 

So what is the deal here?” Sydney said finally.  “I am assuming everyone will be there tonight, who exactly will be there though?”

Everyone,” Kiki laughed.

Oh, like the Alphas?” Sydney pressed a little.

Sure,” Thomas shrugged and said, “plus, everyone and their brother, too.”

Sydney want
ed to yell in frustration.  How was she ever going to find the woman she wanted to talk to if no one ever seemed to mention her? She bit her lip and thought about all she knew, which of course lately was more about herself than Ms. Praton.  They had shown her her ancestors and read her history about the Chosen until her head was spinning.

What about the Drekinn before, you know, when you didn’t know all about this stuff?” she asked.

That was Ms. Praton and Brooks who built the Drekinn Agency to what it was.  They worked tirelessly together to make sure they were able to protect shifters and magical creatures as well as humans,” Kiki said.  “You know, I wonder if Brooks and Pilar will get together finally, I mean enter a room with them in it, and it is like fireworks, they love to argue about every thing.”

Thomas snorted and said,
“I wonder if they have a third as well.  They would have their own built-in referee.”

Pilar was nice, I haven’t met Brooks or Ms. Praton,” Sydney admitted slowly thinking she may have suddenly caught a break.

The men looked at her
and frowned and Kiki was about to say something when there was a cry from down the hallway.  Sydney turned in enough time to see a gaggle of women cheering and talking to one another about something.

Oh hell,” Thomas said and tightened his hand on hers that rested on his arm.

What is the excitement?!” Kiki yelled and Sydney saw three gorgeous women turn and look at them.  Calli, Cherri, and Rissa, the head bitches in charge.  That was the only words she could use to describe the three.  

According to
rumor, they were all lethal and smart.  Since they started with the Drekinn, they had made it a mission to make a better life for shifters.  Cherri was the Head of the Medical Research, while Rissa the Head of Tech.  However, Calli was an Alpha through and through.  She was the head of the security.  Calli could make someone shake in fear with one look. Sydney knew first hand when she first met the Alpha Bitch, as she liked to be referred as, Calli scared the shit out of her.

Kiki!!” Rissa yelled and ran down the hallway.  If Sydney hadn’t known the woman’s reputation, she would have called her a cute puppy.  Realistically she should be afraid—the woman was crazy.  “I know this is about you and your mates tonight, but I couldn’t keep a secret, Calli and Cherri are miffed, but they will get over it.”

Ris, tell us!” Kiki said in exasperation.  He knew if his best friend got on a roll, that would be it.  They would be standing there for hours listening to her life story, again.

We are having a baby!” Rissa crowed loudly and jumped up and down.

Kiki looked stunned and Thomas had the expression of horror on his face.  “

Rissa cocked her head and grinned.  “
Well it's not me. I still have to sleep with one eye open, you know, I married a murderer, duh.”

Kiki looked beyond her to where Calli and Cherri were standing.  Cherri was excited and bubbly, like normal, but Calli looked like she was going to be sick to her
stomach.  “Calli?”

Yay, an Alpha baby.”  Rissa clapped.

Kiki and Thomas
roared with laughter.  Sydney looked at the people around her, wondering what the hell was going on.  She would have thought that congratulations were in order.

No fucking way!” Kiki yelled.

Oh yeah,” Rissa snickered.  “And she is not a happy camper right now. Kade has demon seed and is the devil incarnate, according to Calli that is.  Then there is Vivi, who is so excited I think she peed herself when Calli was puking.  It has been an eventful day.”

lli walked toward them and said loudly, “Tonight is about you, not me.  I am pretty sure the whole birthing wonder will wait for another day.  As long as I can hold down a meal, we will be good.”

Thomas stifled a laugh and
turned his head away.  Sydney didn’t know what to do so she said, “Congratulations?”

Oh aren’t you a cute little, uh, woman,” Rissa said and frowned when Calli hit her in the back of the head.  “What?”

You can’t walk around and say ‘little woman’ like that.  She is a Fae, they are freaking short,” Calli barked at Rissa who smiled.

Okay, momma, I promise I will behave,” Rissa pouted and Calli turned and growled at her.

Child, or no child, I will kill you where you stand if you push me,” Calli threatened and pointed a finger at her.  Rissa only giggled and rolled her eyes.

That’s the hormones,” Cherri laughed and joined them.  Sydney was already feeling emotional overload just being around them.

Kiki made a little clucking noise
, stepped up and grabbed Calli in a hug, and said, “Now, now, bestie, we will stock up on pickles and ice cream.”

Calli rolled her eyes and stood there with her hands at her sides, glaring at the wall as Rissa and Cherri began to hug her and chatter happily
.  Thomas sighed loudly and looked past the women to where the women’s mates were standing surrounded by the crazy parents.  This night would never end, and he was going to need therapy, at least Sydney may need it also, so it could be a bonding experience.

Mate!” Kade bellowed.  “You should be sitting down.”

Calli stiffened at the tone Kade had and Sydney held a breath and waited.  Cherri
’s and Rissa’s eyes narrowed and they had a panicked look on their face. 
This could get a little dicey
, she thought as Kiki and Thomas both pulled her back so she was out of the line of fire. 
What the fuck had she gotten herself into

An older woman
, who Sydney would have guessed was Calli’s mother, made a noise that sounded a bit like a cry and the two women next to her put their arms around her.  The Alpha smirked when he heard the noise, apparently knowing that Calli was going to be pissed.

What the fuck did you just say to me?” Calli said quietly, which apparently made everyone really nervous.  The women who were standing in the entrance to the dining room quickly walked in.  Although Sydney could see them poking their heads out to see the show while being out of the line of fire.

Rissa raised her hand and Cherri pulled it down and shook her head.  What was wrong wit
h these people?  The woman was pregnant for goodness sake.

frowned, crossed his arms over his chest, raised an eyebrow at his mate, and growled, “SIT DOWN!”

Oh no you did not just yell at me!” Calli said and walked forward.  “It is your fault I am pregnant to begin with.  Don’t you start trying to order me around.  I am a vessel for an amazing girl who is going to be the spitting image of me.”

Vivi gasped and clapped a hand over her mouth.  “
A girl?”

Calli paused and looked behind her and crossed her
eyes and then turned back.  “Of course, mother, my body would not betray me.”

Oh, we get to have tea parties!”  The older woman cried and Kade’s frown deepened. 

Calli stomped her foot.  “
No, mother, the last tea party you threw, we ended up in the emergency room.”

Please, you had to learn how to detect poison,” the older woman argued and sniffed.

We were only seven!” Cherri yelled.

We didn’t give you enough to kill you, just enough to make you learn a lesson not to eat everything people put in front of you.”  The woman shrugged and Sydney looked at her mates who were not the least bit surprised, they just shook their head in shame.

I hated my ‘Tasty Cakes’ after that, it was so very wrong,” Rissa whined.

Suck it up, you learned a valuable lesson,” one of the other older woman said.

Ma, seriously, we were sick for a week,” Rissa argued.

Better than dead.”  The woman shrugged and Sydney was sure she had stepped into another world.  If she hadn’t heard some of the stories, Sydney would have thought they were fucking with her.  Like an initiation, but a completely fucked up one.

Vivi, Shelly, and Brenda were scary, but what Syd found even more frightening was the woman who she had been living with
before coming to the smaller compound outside of the gate had made friends with the women. It scared Syd that she had slept in the same room with the older woman.

My son used to get pissed at us when we made him do the ‘Bomb Drills’,” said Louise or better known as Weezie these days.

Weeze, what is a ‘Bomb Drill’?” Brenda asked.

We would throw sticks of dynamite in a field while he tried to dodge them. You know when the shit hits the fan the boy needs to be prepared.  We only hit him once, he is really fast.  Hey, Calli, maybe you can use him as an Enforcer, he gets out of the clinic next year,” Weezie said.

Enough, this is for Kiki and his mates.  Let's go into the dining room,” Calli grumbled.  “I am starving.  Ma, you need to screen your friends more.”

Hey, she fits right in, we have a little training planned for next week.  You know for when they try to gas us.  We have it all planned out, and your father just asked his friends to bring the leftover cans of gas we had in the garage. We will tell you about it later, now back to Kiki’s mates. Wait, where are the men?” Calli’s mother asked, confused.

Ma, do you never listen to me?  Kiki’s mates are right there.  Thomas and this is Sydney.”

Wait, huh?  I am confused.  Kiki’s mates are the hulking beast and the midget?” Calli’s mother asked everyone.

MA, you can’t say that!” Calli yelled.

Why? She is,” the woman sniffed. 

She is Fae,” Kiki smiled and said.

Well of course she is.  DUH!!” the older woman said and rolled her eyes and then looked at Sydney with a shrewd expression.  She felt like a bug under a microscope. 

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