Acting Witchy (Witch Hunters)

BOOK: Acting Witchy (Witch Hunters)
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Evernight Publishing




Copyright© 2012 Thayer King





Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs


Editor: Marie Medina







The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.  No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or
in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.





To my husband, my family and my friends, thank you for all your encouragement and support. I want to especially thank the fans of my work who inspire me to continue writing.





Witch Hunters, 1


Thayer King


Copyright © 2012




Chapter One



Let’s put the rumors to rest.
s there an ongoing feud between you and
fellow actor Sean Savage?”

Mystique twisted her hands in her lap, hoping no one would notice, even as she gave the reporter a completely fa
lse smile. Her cheeks were stiff as she forced the edges of her generous mouth to curl upward. “
Of co
urse not. We’ve never even met.”

Yet you’ve turned down roles in movies with him time and time again. Rumor has it that the moment you hear his name on the cast list, y
ou immediately reject a script.”

“That’s not true.”

In the blockbuster
Thyme Bomb
, you dropped out after findi
ng out he was playing the lead.”

Mystique wet her lips.

There was a scheduling conflict. I was already contractually
obligated to do another film
. That project has been delayed due to monetary issues, but I expect
it will be completed someday.”

The reporter’s smile was all teeth. He didn’t believe her for one second.
Mystique couldn’t blame him. She’d been acting since college, but she still didn’t have a knack for lying. The fact that she was twisting her fingers so severely that she was in danger of breaking them wasn’t helping. She forced herself to relax with
an effort. She took a breath. “
I look forward to
working with him in the future.”

The reporter did his little end of interview spiel. She released a sigh as the camera and lights were turned off. An assistant quickly moved in to remove the small microphone clipped to her blouse. Mystique stood to shake the reporter’s hand and thank him for the interview. His hand tightened over hers when she would have pulled back.

So, what is the real reason you won’t do a movie with
him? Is it the playboy persona?”

Mystique frown
ed. “
Truly, there is no feud. I’
ve never met him”
And she never wanted to.

You’ve got a bit of a rep yourself as a religious...well, conservative.
You mean to tell me you
’re not purposely avoiding him?”

“This interview is over,”
Marielle Chase, her agent and manager, cut in smoothly, severing the handshake. Marielle was all gray-haired Southern charm, but it was a mistake to underestimate her. Under her pastel suits and floral perfume, beat the heart of a shrewd businesswoman.

Mystique, you’
ve got to get going.”

Mystique almost wilted
in relief as she led her away. “
she whispered.

Marielle’s lips pursed. “
He’s a jerk, but he’s not stupid. I told you this would

Mystique nodded. She’d never thought anyone would notice that she’d never done a movie with Sean Savage. With so many stars available, no one should have noticed. But in recent years, she’d become more popular even though she mainly took smaller supporting roles. She was selective about which films she agreed to and that had led to great success. It was only natural that people would expect her to take larger roles and expect her to have more famous co-stars. The Sean Savage rumor never would have emerged if it hadn’t been for the party-loving, philandering Mr. Savage himself.

Savage was multi-talented. Not only did he act, he’d also written and produced a growing number of wildly successful films. He’d publicly declared that he wanted to work with her and had several ideas in the offing that he hoped she might like. He’d been very complimentary of her talents in the interview. Bastard! She’d rejected each an
every idea that had come to her with his name attached.

Mystique let Marielle lead her out to the limous
ine they’d rented for the day. “What next?”

An early lunch with me. We need to have a serious talk before this whole Sav
age situation gets out of hand.”

Mystique closed her eyes and leaned her head against the window.
The cool pane of glass was refreshing.

Mystique, this cannot go on. The situation is only going to get worse.
He’s not the type to let something like this, a virtual snub, drop. And he’s simply too influential and powerful a star for you to snub him at this point in your care
er. We simply cannot afford it.”

Mystique had heard all of this before. She bit her lip in frustration. How could she explain
her aversion to the gorgeous actor
without being committed to an insane asylum?
The truth was not an option. It was true that s
he’d never met Sean Savage
. However, p
ut quite simply,
she was terrified of him.
She had her reasons. Reasons she could never reveal.

Lying about it would never work. Hand her a script and she could become whatever character she was asked to play. She immersed herself in the role and the words. But as herself, she had never been able to lie with conviction. Whenever she tried, she couldn’t make eye contact, she started sweating, and she began to ring her hands.

Over lunch Marielle outlined several possible methods they could employ to get the rumors to die. She didn’t agree to Mystique’s idea of just letting time handle it. Mystique was sure people would g
row bored of hearing about the “feud”
without any fuel for the fire. Marielle was just as certain that Sean Savage would create enough fuel on his own.

Why not take a small part in a movie with him? That should kill the rumors. Maybe something that would only take a day or two to shoot? Let’s go back
over the films you’ve rejected.”

ue whispered, almost in tears. “Please, I can’t.”

Marielle sighed.

Mystique, please, tell me what’s going on so that I can help. You’ve ne
ver met him. Why this aversion?”

She shook her head, mutely. The thought of even being in the same room with him sent shivers of fear up her spine. She doubted he’d let an opportunity such as her working in the same movie with him go by without introducing himself. And that would be intolerable. Tears threatened to ruin her makeup and she excused herself. Fortunately, the restaurant was not overly crowded at this early hour so there weren’t many people around to notice her distress.

Amanda, the makeup girl at the morning interview show, had raved over Mystique’s complexion and skin tone. Thankfully, Amanda had gone light on the cosmetics, otherwise, after her crying jag, she would have looked like a wet cat.
She dried her eyes but didn’t bother reapplying the eyeliner. Mascara was enough. She’d just taken her lipstick out of her purse when she heard a moan issuing from one of the stalls.

Mystique frowned. She’d thought she was alone. She hoped no one was sick. She leaned over to peer under the stalls just as another louder moan sounded.
Spotting two pairs of feet in the stall, her lips tightened in disapproval.
One set of high-heeled crimson pumps faced forward while a pair of expensive men’s leather shoes faced the rea
r of the stall. She
washed her hands hurriedly with no care for the noise she was making. She wasn’t the one committing a misdemeanor in a public restroom!

There was a giggle an
d soon the couple was exiting
the stall.
dried her hands and pushed open the door, hoping to avoid the oncoming

Well, well, well, if it i
sn’t the elusive Mystique Gray,”
said the man, amused and delighted.

She stiffened but forced herself turn toward
the deep voice that she knew so well. She shivered.
Sean Savage was just as handsome in pers
on as he was on screen and even
more overwhelming. He was well over six feet tall with thick black curls and large electric blue eyes framed by lush raven lashes. His features were the epitome of masculine beauty, all strong angles and a sensual full mouth that was hard to ignore. In his teen years, he’d been a model. He was currently the spokesperson for several colognes and a popular line of men’s clothing. The well-tailored midnight blue suit he currently wore draped his large frame lovingly. He radiated power and sexuality.

And to her, and a few select others, his aura cracked and declared that he was other.

He advanced on
her, hand outstretched while his cohort straightened her dress and fluffed her blonde hair. Mystique stared at his hand and made no move to take it. She stood her ground but she would not touch him. Besides, she didn’t know where that hand had been and she didn’t want t
o find out. She nodded to him. “

He dropped his hand with a grin. His lips were reddened from the woman’s lipstick.

So at last we meet. But who would have guesse
d it would be in a lady’s room?”


He tilted his head to the side at her cool manner. His companion wrapped her arm around his waist, burrowing her hands into his jacket. He absent
ly kissed the top of her head. “
So have you given any thought to any of
the proposals I sent your way?”

I’m really busy right now, and I’m n
ot looking at any new projects.”

He arched a brow. His bright eyes and dark hair were a devastating combination. “
Really? Seems a funny way to run a career. You might want
to have a talk with your agent.”

“My agent is here with me today.”
She took a deep breath. She was clutching her purse to her chest. She couldn’t seem to make herself
let go, so she said in a rush, “
I assure you I make the final decisions. I just don’t hav
e the time...for your projects.”

His eyes narrowed.

Angel, c
ould you leave us for a moment?”
Angel glared at her but left immediately.

uddenly alone with him, Mystique re
treated a step. “I really must—”

He came closer.

Did I do something to offend you?” He examined her briefly, his gaze sweeping her from head to toe. “We’ve never met before. I wouldn’t forget you. Did I date one of your friends and not call her back?


But I’ve offended you in some way? The whole partying, sex thing, that offends you, right? I’m not the o
nly one. Why take it out on me?”

“That’s not it.”

He frowned, obviously trying to decide whether or not
to accept her answer. “
I really do think you’re
he smiled. It was a simple curl of his perfect lips yet it had charmed millions. But not her.

And you know what? You’
re going to do a movie with me.”

You can’t make someone do somet
hing they don’t want to do.”

“Yeah? Watch me. I always get what I want.
He winked and pushed out of the ladies’ room. Another patron gaped at him as she entered. Mystique couldn’t tell if it was because of the surprise of running into a man in the women’s bathroom or because of who that man was.

She was trembling from the aftershock of their confrontation. She locked her knees and held on to the countertop. This was her worse nightmare. Dear God, she’d really hoped to put all of this behind her when she’d left the mountains of North Carolina. She’d tried to avoid him for this very reason. Now, the question was, what was she going to do about it?

Looking into his electric eyes, she knew he was exactly what she’d suspected.

Sean Savage was a witch.


own cries awakened her. Wicked spasms gripped her stomach and pussy. Her nipples were as hard as rocks. Her body was satisfied, but the clawing hunger
for more made her feel on edge and out of control
. She desperately needed to be filled.

She struggled to a sitting position in bed and turned on the bedside light. She’d ruined her panties. They were completely soaked. With a whimper she slid out of bed. The only thing that would help now was a cool bath. She didn’t know how much more of this she could take.

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