Surrender to Temptation (Agent Lovers Series Book 1) (24 page)

BOOK: Surrender to Temptation (Agent Lovers Series Book 1)
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Gray accepted the comment without argument. Jeff’s vague words could mean anything. There was no point in arguing. He’d just have to wait and see what happened. He sat up in his chair and offered a distraction. “How about a beer?”

Jeff looked stunned by the fondness he saw in Gray’s face. After years, he finally got from his brother what he had been yearning for the most. “I sure wouldn’t say no to a beer!”




In the kitchen, Chris squatted on the tile floor and tossed a puce-green rubber ball over and over for Brutus, who brought it back cheerfully each time. Furball lay curled up on a chair and observed the game disinterestedly through half-closed eyes. As soon as he noticed Jeff standing behind Gray, his tail began to flicker from side to side and he fixed his gaze on him.

“I don’t see you two becoming friends in the near future.” Laughing at the cat’s blatant hostility, Gray opened the refrigerator, pulled out three bottles of beer and passed two to the other men.

An oversize ball of fur isn’t going to intimidate me in this life or the next,
thought Jeff. He took a sip and returned Furball’s stare without blinking.

Chris watched the wordless battle between man and cat, got up from his squatting position and moved himself directly into Jeff’s field of vision. “That’s only going to make him more aggressive.”

“He started it!” Jeff pointed accusingly at Furball, sending his brother into a fit of laughter.
He and Jeff had barely finished talking things out
, Gray thought with a chuckle,
and now Jeff was picking a fight with a cat! Simply incredible!

Chris grinned broadly at the humor in the situation and shook his head in disbelief. Becoming more serious again, he looked at Gray. “Jennifer and Liz are still in your room.” He took a deep breath and sighed loudly. “It looks like you’ll have to find a different bed for tonight.”

“I certainly will not.” Gray disagreed vehemently. Once he finally got Liz into his bed, he wanted to be in it with her. He set his empty beer bottle on the counter next to the stove, turned around and marched determinedly up the stairs to the second floor.




Chris followed Gray into his room, stood next to the bed and looked down with a doubtful expression at the sleeping women. “Maybe we should just let them sleep here.”

“If we allow it today, then we’ll give them a pass tomorrow too. Anyway, Jennifer’s sleeping so deeply, she won’t even notice when you move her into your room.”

Chris bent down, slipped his arms carefully under Jennifer’s body and lifted her off the bed. She sighed softly and snuggled close to his chest, but didn’t wake up. With a nod to Gray, he carried her out the room.

After Gray had closed the door behind them, he got undressed and threw his things carelessly onto the padded bench at the end of the bed. He slipped naked under the covers and pulled Liz gently against his body so that her slim back touched his broad chest. He inhaled the scent of her freshly washed hair. He recognized the smell; she’d obviously used his shampoo and this fact pleased him immensely. Gray propped one elbow on the bed and studied Liz in the silvery moonlight. Gently he pushed back some stray strands of her blonde hair that had fallen across her face. “What am I going do with you, sweetheart?” he whispered and kissed her gently on her temple.

At that moment, Liz turned toward him, snuggled close to his body and murmured his name softly in her sleep. Gray realized with delight that he must mean more to her than he’d realized. Then he moaned and closed his eyes as the tantalizing closeness of her warm body stirred his manhood.

Slowly he lowered his head, traced the tip of his tongue over the delicate, pink skin of her lips, and then kissed her. In a manner that was both seductive and gentle, he kissed Liz over and over, drinking in each of her soft sighs with his mouth. Her eyelids fluttered open and she looked at him sleepily through gorgeous baby-blue eyes. In that instant, it was all over for him. He had to have her—now!

His kiss became more demanding. Then Gray rolled Liz onto her back and covered her body partially with his. As he pressed her onto the mattress he slid a hand under her loose pajama shirt and began to explore. Delicately he grasped her breast and with his thumb stroked the tip, which hardened immediately. Her hips, her entire body pressed back instinctively against his body. Suddenly wide awake, she gave a deep-throated moan and responded to his kiss without holding anything back.

Gray took his mouth from hers for a moment, pulled the loose shirt over her head and threw it on the floor next to the bed. Then he pressed his lips to her neck and teased her by tracing a burning trail over her skin with his tongue. She laced both hands into his hair and arched her back when his mouth latched onto the tip of her breast. Softly he sucked on it while he rolled the other tip of her breast playfully between his fingers.

Liz rubbed her body against his with an urgent demand and moaned softly when Gray stroked her taut stomach with a feathery touch. He paused at the waistband of her underwear and ran the tips of his fingers teasingly over the hint of fabric, enjoying the act of arousing her more. Liz reared up against him, threw her head from side to side, and ground her pelvis against him. She bent one of her legs, allowing him easier access to the center of her desire. She whimpered when his fingers finally slipped under the thin material and explored her most hidden spot. Gently one of Gray’s fingers penetrated her and his thumb teased the small hidden bud that became more sensitive and swollen under his touch.

Liz lifted her head and pressed her mouth greedily against his, moaning with desire. With his tender touch, he drove her relentless toward a climax. She shifted under him, eager for the satisfaction that only he could give her.

“Gray, please!” she begged him softly, clutching his broad shoulders and spreading her legs further in a silent invitation to take her.

“What do you want, darling?” he whispered hoarsely against her mouth as he continued to pleasure her with his hand. With two fingers buried inside her, his thumb teased her pink button with a circular motion. “Tell me what you want.”

“You’re driving me crazy! Take me now!” She lifted her pelvis from the bed and moved it against him both as an invitation and demand.

“Soon, sweetheart,” he said in a muffled voice. Spellbound, he watched her body’s reaction. She was getting close to climaxing. Mercilessly he teased her further, pressed his lips on hers and with his tongue in her mouth, matched the magnetic rhythm that his hand was making in another spot. Soon he felt the rhythmic twitch of her muscles as they embraced his fingers, seeming to draw them even more deeply into her.

As a shiver ran through her body, Gray smothered Liz’s loud moan of release with his lips. With all of his senses he entered into the experience of her climax and in doing so, came inexorably closer to his own. Impatiently he pulled her panties from her hips, threw them on top of the shirt he’d tossed on the ground, and knelt between her spread thighs. Then with both hands he pulled Liz up, lifted her against him and thrust powerfully into her body, which was still twitching spasmodically with her orgasm. Again and again he thrust his hard, hot arousal into her as she shifted beneath him in pleasure and clawed at the sheets with her fingers.

Gray reached for her hands, interlaced his fingers with hers, and pressed them above Liz’s head on the bed as he increased the pace of his movements. Breathing heavily, he pushed his hips into her faster and more aggressively and watched her face closely. When her incredibly beautiful blue eyes grew darker, a clear sign that she was getting close to climaxing again, he let himself go.

Liz cried out hoarsely and closed her eyes, as if thousands of stars had exploded before her eyes, blinding her. Gray could feel the waves of release rolling over her again as her body lifted off the bed and arched against his.

Gray thrust deeply into her one last time. As he clenched his muscles and threw his head back, he moaned loudly and climaxed. Exhausted, he collapsed against Liz, looped both arms tightly around her slender figure, and buried his face in the crook of her neck as he gasped for air.

Once his heart and his breathing had resumed their normal rhythms, he raised his head and gave Liz a questioning look. Her expression didn’t reflect any reproach about having been caught off-guard in her sleep. Gray realized that she wasn’t a vindictive type of woman and he smiled faintly in relief.

Gently he kissed her lips, which were swollen from his kisses. Holding her in his arms, he rolled onto his back so that Liz could lie on top of him and would no longer be burdened by his weight. His hands delicately stroked her sides, up her neck and across her back. In silence they enjoyed the experience of physical closeness.

Finally, Liz raised her head, propped her chin on her forearm and gave Gray a candid look. “All right. How did you know that I had Jeff’s keys?”

“We overheard you talking,” he admitted.

“I guess we’ll have to be more careful next time.”

“There won’t be a next time. Those bracelets are staying on until the doctor has certified your recovery.”

For a moment, Liz’s expression darkened and he thought she was about to object. But then Liz’s features relaxed again. She appeared to reach a decision and accept the inevitable.

“We see the doctor in a few days,” she said. “We can survive that. And I’m sure he won’t find anything wrong. Jennifer and I could just take our pets and things with us. That’ll save you an extra trip and you can just drop us off at home.” Gray stopped caressing her back. He looked at her, stunned.

“Didn’t you like what just happened between us?”

“Of course I liked it. But it’s unacceptable that you’re keeping me here! Anyway, you knew from the beginning that any affair would only last as long as we were here. We even talked about it this morning in the pool, until you distracted me with your kisses.” She traced a line around his mouth with her index finger, reliving the scene.

“And what exactly do you have against continuing this?”

“My job, my love for independence and don’t forget…” She smiled mischievously. “My unique talent for getting into trouble. Is that reason enough?”

“No, that’s not reason enough!” he said vehemently. “I don’t have any problem with your job. You really should know that! And you can’t cause more trouble than I can deal with. There are worse things than dealing with your trouble.”

“What about my independence and my personal freedom? Those don’t seem to count for much with you!” She held out her wrist in front of her face and shook it lightly.

“That’s only there until you’re completely healthy. After that you won’t need to wear it anymore. I’m erring on the side of caution.”

“Never mind.” Liz gave him a gentle smile and kissed him. She didn’t seem to notice that he didn’t return her kiss. “Let’s enjoy this as long as it lasts, before we go our own ways.” Liz snuggled up against his side, laid her head on his shoulder and sighed contentedly. She was asleep a second later.

Gray couldn’t even begin to think about sleep. His worst fears were coming true. It didn’t matter what a good match they were; Liz didn’t intend to stay with him.

That wouldn’t be such a big deal if he weren’t so emotionally affected, he admitted. Sure, there were other women he could have a good time with, and who could satisfy his needs. But no other woman brought out the feelings in him that Liz did. And these feelings were exactly what he didn’t want to do without.

Call it what it is!
he thought.
Come clean.
This whole time you’ve suspected it was the case, but haven’t dared to admit it: You’ve fallen head over heels in love with this stubborn, fierce, beautiful woman!

He groaned in torment and covered his eyes with his arm as he recognized the truth. Suddenly he understood Jeff’s comment that he should listen to his heart. His brother had known before he did that he loved Liz.

He had fallen, heart and soul, for a woman who couldn’t be any more independent or self-sufficient.
I can’t chain her to me,
Gray realized.
That will just drive her away.
Love, he knew, couldn’t be planned.

That morning at the pool, he had come to terms with her attitude regarding relationships. This wasn’t easy for him, since she’d explained that she only had sex without commitment, and she stressed that he wasn’t going to be an exception. Although the prospect of being just one in a long line of lovers had left a bad taste in his mouth, he had accepted her position. He knew that women were known to change their minds frequently, and that meant there was always the possibility that he and Liz could build something more long-term together.

But now the situation had changed—at least for him. He loved her deeply and profoundly.
had become completely unacceptable options. A separation was no longer on the table, as far as he was concerned. Not under any circumstances!

Gray took his arm back off of his eyes, stared into the darkness and pondered how he could get Liz to stay with him and commit herself to a permanent relationship. She was so independent. Well, good. Who wasn’t? What if he gave her the freedom to do whatever she wanted, and with whomever she wanted to do it, as long as she always came back to him? He turned his head and looked at the woman sleeping peacefully next to him, snuggled close to his side. No! He couldn’t do that. With Liz, it was all or nothing!

Gently, Gray swept away the hair that had fallen back into her face and smiled slightly. “I’ll give you as much freedom as I’m able to, but you’ll have to compromise a little,” he whispered. He kissed her gingerly on her forehead. “In a relationship, there’s no getting around that, darling.”

He was certain that he couldn’t let Liz go, under any circumstances. They belonged together, even if she didn’t see that. Gray rolled cautiously onto his side, enfolded Liz with both arms, and pressed his cheek to the crown of her head as he closed his eyes. “We belong together, sweetheart. At some point you’ll realize that,” he murmured, and then sleep overpowered him.

BOOK: Surrender to Temptation (Agent Lovers Series Book 1)
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