Surrender to Temptation (Agent Lovers Series Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Surrender to Temptation (Agent Lovers Series Book 1)
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Breathing heavily, Gray interrupted the kiss, lifted one hand out of the water and swept Liz’s hair behind her ear with a tender gesture before looking deeply into her eyes.
What would happen if I fell into this deep well,
he wondered. “Are you sure you want this too?” he asked in a raw voice, hoping she wouldn’t say no.

In answer, she just nodded and smiled, took her arms from around his neck and swam to the edge of the pool. If she wanted what was to come, Gray told himself that meant she wanted
. Gray had sparked a fire in her body and it was up to him to put it out with his own body, his touch, his kisses. As he looked at her, Liz trembled in joyful anticipation.

Liz had barely lifted herself up on the edge of the pool, when Gray pulled himself up beside her, drew her close again and pressed his lips urgently to hers. With one hand cradling her head, he slid his tongue deep into her mouth and tasted her irresistible sweetness.

Liz sighed and snuggled deeper into his embrace, letting her hands wander under the wet shirt that clung to his body like a second skin. Provocatively she moved her fingertips slowly upwards and stroked his stomach, made flat by regular workouts, and then over his broad, muscled chest. A marvelous shudder ripped through her body when the hair on his chest tickled the palm of her hand.

With a beguiling smile, Liz impatiently tugged his shirt up and over his head. She let the material fall to the floor unheeded and stroked Gray’s naked torso with her hand. Then she tilted her head and pressed her mouth to his chest, right over his furiously beating heart.

When he felt Liz’s small, bold tongue on his skin, Gray moaned with delight, swallowed hard and closed his eyes. It took all his willpower for him not to push her to the ground, rip the bikini from her body and give his burning desire free rein. Whatever happened, he wanted to make sure that their first time together wasn’t rushed. Gray wrapped his fingers in her hair, pulled her head back gently and sought her lips with his. His tongue penetrated her mouth deeply, exploring the velvety skin within and fighting an erotic duel with her tongue. Liz slid both arms around his neck, fully returned his kiss and, arching her back, pressed her body against his.

With her supple, accommodating body in his arms, and without breaking their kiss, Gray pressed her relentlessly backwards, away from the pool and toward the lounge chair. He sat down on the cushion and pulled Liz to him so that she sat astride him, her legs spread, a knee resting on each side of his body. The tip of Gray’s tongue slid over her full, rosy upper lip before moving down over her chin and throat. He swept her hair to the side, placed a small kiss on the sensitive spot behind her ear, and nibbled tenderly on her ear lobe.


Gray’s light, yet extremely sensual touch startled Liz. At first, she ran her nails softly over his skin, tracing the thinnest of white lines, and then she dug into his naked shoulder as she pushed toward him with a sensual moan. She barely noticed when he untied the bow on the back of her bikini top and threw the tiny piece of material to one side. A soft whimper escaped from her throat as his mouth encircled one of her breasts, the tip of his tongue traveling over it before drawing it deeply into his mouth to excite her even further. Suddenly, Liz’s breasts felt heavier and more sensitive than ever before, and her skin tingled as she rubbed her body salaciously against his.

The realization that they weren’t alone in the house suddenly loomed in Liz’s mind and she pressed her hands against his chest.

“Liz…? What’s wrong?” Gray gave her face a searching look. She could hear the disappointment in his voice.

“Jenny or Chris could show up at any second. And I have no desire to be caught enjoying myself with you out here.” Liz blushed at the thought of them having an audience. Frantically she searched for something to cover up with.
Where in God’s name is a towel when you desperately need one?
she thought as she tried to climb backwards off of Gray’s lap. It was only after numerous unsuccessful attempts that she noticed his arm was still slung tight around her hips. She looked up into his eyes, which sparkled in amusement. His mouth was turned up at the corners.

Now that she’d explained the reason for her reluctance, his disappointment had vanished. With a soft laugh he said, “Those two are busy. With each other.”

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely.” Tenderly, he touched his lips to her ear. “Anyway, if this spot is too inhospitable for you, I do have a garden shed.”

Liz looked at him in amusement. “Oh, you do?”

“I do. We could go there and—”

“And do what?”

Gray wrapped his arms more tightly around Liz and pulled her close to him. Nuzzling his face against her neck, he pressed his mouth against her fiercely beating pulse. Her body arched against his as if by instinct when he lowered his lips to her breast. As Gray’s hot breath tickled her sensitive skin she shuddered and gave a soft moan.

Echoing shudders raced through Gray’s desire-filled body. He thoroughly enjoyed the touch of her fingers, her feather-light exploration of his back, neck and arms. The way she rubbed her pelvis against his arousal was both pleasurable and painful. Gray suppressed a moan and ground his teeth together as Liz increased his torment by tracing her hand over the tightly stretched material that covered his swollen, throbbing penis.

He had never imagined that their first coupling would be so intense. He was in no position to start off slowly. Nothing would have pleased him more than to plunge into this woman in his arms, like a barbarian from the past. He felt the urge to put his mark on her and to brand her as his, and he pictured doing just that as Liz unbuttoned his pants with her delicate fingertips.

Slowly she slid her hand under the material and clasped Gray’s sex, looking astonished when she realized that she couldn’t completely encircle it with her hand. If he hadn’t been in so much pain, he would have laughed at the stunned expression on her face. But it took all of Gray’s concentration for him not to spill out into her hand immediately.

“Liz?” His voice was a deep, breathless growl.

"Yes?” she whispered huskily.

“Slow down, honey! If you keep that up, I won’t be able to control myself.” He let out a cry and cringed as Liz’s hand exerted more pressure on him.

“Lose control. I have no problem with that.” With gentle, yet powerful strokes, she moved her hand back and forth like he secretly wanted. Gray closed his eyes, his head fell back, and he ground his teeth to keep from moaning with pleasure. His muscles were stretched to the breaking point as he pushed himself against her hand. When every fiber in his being screamed for release and he couldn’t bear her caresses any longer, he clasped Liz’s wrist firmly and pulled her hand away from his rock-hard penis.

Quickly, almost frantically, he loosened the ties on her bikini bottom and pulled it out from between their bodies. Gray turned her around in his arms and pressed her down onto the lounge chair. He stood up and pulled from his pocket a small packet that he had hopefully placed there earlier, and then he stripped off his constricting pants. Once he was finally naked, he slid himself over her inviting body.

“I want you, Liz. You can’t begin to imagine how much I want you,” Gray whispered against her lips. He kissed her deeply, his tongue conquering her mouth in unrestrained desire. Liz responded by wrapping her legs around his hips and rubbing her pelvis against his arousal. She slid her hands over his shoulders and up his neck and then buried them in his hair.

Recognizing her desire and believing that, unlike him, she was not yet aroused enough, Gray moved his hands over her body, across her divine breasts and stomach and between her spread thighs. Very gently he moved his fingers toward her most secret spot and felt the damp warmth that showed him how ready she was for him.

“Please!” she whispered softly, arching against him and offering herself to him. “Don’t make me wait any longer!”

Unable to wait any longer himself, Gray moved to comply. Quickly he ripped opened the reddish gold packet and slipped on the condom. Then he moved one hand under Liz’s body, lifted her against him and entered her with a powerful thrust. When she cried out, arched her back and closed her eyes, Gray paused in shock. So caught up was he in the throes of passion, he had completely forgotten about his size. It was the first time that he’d ever made that mistake. Always before, he had acted with great caution.

“Did I hurt you?” Breathing heavily, he searched her face for any sign of pain.

“No! No, you didn’t. Don’t you dare stop!” She gasped slightly. “Don’t stop!” Her body shifted sensually under him, bending against him. She grabbed his hair with both hands and pulled his head to her, kissing him with a burning passion. Immediately he gave in to her tantalizing demands, exploring her mouth with his tongue to the same rhythm that he began to move slowly inside her. Gray braced himself on his elbows on the lounge chair. He wanted to be as close to Liz as possible, but not hurt her with his weight. He held her captive with his body, using every kiss, every touch and every controlled thrust of his pelvis to brand the woman in his arms as his. At last, Liz belonged to him.

After that, he was no longer capable of coherent thought, and he was guided only by the satisfaction of their shared, urgent demands. He greedily took into his mouth each of her sighs, each moan, enjoying her passionate abandon.

It took Gray’s breath away that Liz gave herself to him with such a lack of restraint. Never before had he held in his arms a woman who gave herself so passionately and fully, or who responded to him so completely. They fit together perfectly.

His body demanded release and Gray now increased the tempo of his movements. Again and again he thrust powerfully into her, and Liz received him eagerly. Her caressing hands aroused him further and clawed at his self-control. Her marvelous lips wandered over his neck and along his shoulder. Gray closed his eyes as she nipped gently at his chest and the more she teased him, the more loudly he moaned. She clung to his shoulders for dear life, digging her fingernails into his body. He wanted to prolong the experience as long as possible, but Liz wouldn’t let him.

“Please, Gray! Don’t hold back!” She breathed the words into his mouth, moaning softly as he gave in to her urging. Deeply and forcefully he buried himself again and again in her warmth and he sensed her rhythmically contracting muscles embrace him even more tightly, as if she wanted to melt into him. Intense shudders streaked through her. Her legs wrapped tighter around his waist and her pelvis pressed against him as her body shook with pleasure.

As Liz cried out in delight, Gray pressed his mouth savagely against hers and thrust deeply into her one last time. His muscles tensed, then quivered. He threw his head back and climaxed dizzily, letting out a relieved moan. Breathing heavily, he sank onto her, touched his forehead to hers and closed his eyes.

“If that’s how you pay me back, you can turn my car into scrap metal anytime you want.” Still panting, he opened his eyes again, smiled, and kissed the tip of her nose. Liz wrapped her arms around his neck and played with his hair.

“If I were you, I’d be careful what I offered. Anyway, as far as the car is concerned, of course I'll pay for the repairs.”

The smile on his face broadened as he shook his head. “Not necessary, sweetest. I should have hidden the keys so that you wouldn’t get any crazy ideas. It’s my fault too.”

“I at least want to do my part.”

“You’re already doing that.” He looked deeply into her eyes and moved his hips. Liz gave a gasp of surprise when she realized that he was already fully aroused again.

Gray grinned and kissed her deeply, feeling a wave of desire that increased with each touch, each kiss. With a soft sigh he pulled Liz closer and gave her another chance to settle her debts with him.

Gray was more than satisfied with her method of payment and bluntly told her so as soon as they’d both caught their breath. This earned him a punch to the shoulder and he laughed heartily at her indignant expression. Gray untangled himself from her, scooped her up from the lounge chair and walked toward the pool.

“Don’t you even dare!” she warned him, but it was too late. She flew through the air in a high arc and landed with a
in the water. Laughing cheerfully, he jumped in after her.





“Hm?” His lips slid over Liz’s mouth and cheeks, and then over to the sensitive spot behind her ear.

“I’m hungry.” For a moment he looked confused, and then he broke out into a mischievous smile. “What will I get in return if I make you something to eat?”

“You already have everything. What else could you want? Besides, I can make myself something to eat. You just have to let me out of the pool.”

“Too bad. I thought I could get something out of it for myself.” Pretending to pout, Gray released her and watched as she climbed out of the pool. Water beaded on her perfectly proportioned, naked body. He watched her graceful movements and studied her seductive body. He would have liked nothing more than to swoop down on her again and make unrestrained love to her.

I could really get hooked on her,
he thought as he followed her out of the pool. Not that he minded that. Gray wrapped one of the large towels around his body, knotted it at the side at his hips and followed her into the kitchen.

Liz had wrapped a green and white bath towel around her body and was now rummaging around in the refrigerator. “Toast and scrambled eggs?” she asked over her shoulder.

“Sure. I’ll make some coffee.” Gray got the coffee pot ready and disappeared briefly to slip into jeans and a T-shirt. He had just returned to the kitchen when Chris came in wearing only jeans, his hair tousled and a satisfied smile on his face. His gaze wandered from his friend, who was leaning against the countertop, to Liz, who was still thoroughly occupied with the contents of the refrigerator.

She shoved a baby carrot into her mouth, chewed appreciatively, and continued to poke around in the refrigerator, pulling a slice of cheese out of its package. When she swept her hair behind her ear, it was obvious that her bikini top was no longer tied at her neck. From this, Chris gathered that she was naked under the bath sheet. He cleared his throat. Still chewing on her carrot, she turned and gave him a questioning look.

BOOK: Surrender to Temptation (Agent Lovers Series Book 1)
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