Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4)

BOOK: Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4)
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Tank’s Redemption


By Michelle Woods

2014, Michelle Woods

This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
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Cover Photo

Copyright©2014, Shutterstock
Donskaya Olga

All Rights Reserved


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

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In the year 2075, the world was well on its way to being disease free, with the portents of also being a technologically advanced society. Only, Mother Nature had another plan, when the government discovered that the world would lose more than half its land mass to the ocean, they built the wall to keep it out.

Built to protect the rich and the privileged from the fallout of the catastrophic natural disaster that was likely destroying half the world, the city behind the wall was to be an elite society. The world outside the wall on the other hand, was left to the lawless.  As the years passed, the city behind the wall created a class system that was only fair to those born in the upper districts. The Hillies, an elite class according to them, ruled the lower Slum class with fear of the being forced into the lawless world outside of the wall. Only the world outside had reset itself. It was no longer lawless, those who lived outside the city had created their own set of rules, ones that were made and enforced by outlaw bikers, who weren’t about to let anyone change the world they now ruled.



Chapter 1


Annie Calder kicked the tire, yelping in pain. “Ow, ow, ow…Shit.”

hat had been a stupid thing to do, she thought. Now, she wasn’t just stranded. She was stranded, with a broken foot. She hopped up and down for a few minutes till the pain subsided, then walked it off. She was so pissed right now, at herself and at that stupid van. Why, why, why had she allowed her mother to talk her into this?

Just one more job.” She’d said “It will be easy.” She’d said. Yeah right, that was just a crock of shit. And she’d bought it hook, line and sinker.

She could not
believe that this piece of crap, she thought, glaring at the van, had broken down on her. Could it do it in the town she had passed through about two hours ago? Nooo, it had waited until she was in the middle of nowhere.

Stupid freaking van
! Why had she let her mother talk her into this, she’d had a plan. She continued her inner tirade, glaring at the van, which smoked.

Why the hell hadn’t she stuck to the plan? Walk in, tell her mother she quit, walk out. Simple right? Nope, instead she’d allowed her
mother to guilt her into doing this one last job. Everything had seem easy and straight forward, until yesterday. She’d been on the road three days with no trouble, then yesterday her cell phone broke, and today the van decided to die on her nearly two hundred miles from her destination.

She growled
curses at the van, pissed that she had allowed her mother to convince her to do this job. Annie had even left six days early just to get this job over with because then she was free. Only now she was on the side of the road, stranded in the middle of nowhere, without a freaking cell phone. Her life never got any easier, it was one bad day after another. Deciding that she needed to walk to the nearest town, she sighed.

She’d seen a sign not even two miles ago that had said
it was the turn off leading to a town called Devils Falls. Her friend, Katie from the raceway in Millrun, lived in Devils Falls. Katie was actually one of the few people who knew about her mother’s business. Annie was sure that her friend would help her if she didn’t pass out in this heat trying to get to her.

Katie had
found out by accident four years ago about her mother’s business. She’d taken it well and hadn’t seemed to care who Annie’s mother was. Katie had been sixteen when she’d started racing at Millrun. Annie had been eighteen, and she’d already been addicted to racing by then. She’d met Katie, who’d won the race against her, which had never happened before. They’d talked and somehow become friends.

Annie had
even been invited to her wedding in a few weeks, and had made plans to go. It was part of the reason she’d left early to get this job out of the way, and find somewhere to live before she attended the wedding. She knew that Katie would help her, if she managed to get there without dying from how out of shape she was.

She reached inside the driver’s side
of the van getting her purse. She looked down at her too wide hips and her giant thighs encased in black slacks with dismay. This was going to be hell, she thought. She really needed to stop saying she was going to lose weight and actually do it. Moving around the van she opened the back door climbing inside to seal the vault. The van looked like any other on the surface, but it had secrets, like Annie did. She reached the panel beside the back doors and placed her thumb on the thumb scanner hidden under the counter. It beeped letting her know that it was secured. Now, only her thumb print could open it.

Getting out, Annie secured the lock on the doors after grabbing the two water bottles she’d grabbed at the store two hours ago.
It was a damned good thing she’d bought them too, otherwise she’d likely have never made it anywhere in this heat.

Damn, it’s freaking hot out here, she thought, looking up at the sun. Almost blinding herself, she was the queen of good ideas today wasn’t she, she asked herself. Then she began walking back towards the road sign she’d passed that had said it led to the turn off to Devils Falls. Hoping it wasn’t twenty miles, or some other crazy amount down that road too.

She was twenty five,
and she should really not still be doing shit like this job. What the heck had she been thinking? She hadn’t been, that was the only explanation. Next time, she was sticking to the plan.

Having walked for what seemed like forever in the hot sun
, she looked back to find that she’d only gone about two hundred yards. Groaning in dismay, she took out the water. She drank a large swig, then wiped her sweaty brow. This was such a horrid day. Not as bad as that one two years ago when she’d been kidnapped by the biker gang though. Nope, now that had really been a shitty day. She wasn’t completely sure that her mother would have even bothered to pay her ransom if it hadn’t been for the codes to the warehouse that she’d memorized. Not that her mother was a bad mother, she wasn’t.

She j
ust wasn’t as maternal as most normal mothers were. Her mother loved her sure, but she also loved the business she’d built from nothing so much more. Her mother wasn’t really around much when Annie had been growing up, and her father had been nothing more than a one night stand. Her mother had met him in a bar, and pow she was pregnant with Annie. Annie had been raised by the men her mother trusted. Her ‘boys’. They were her older brothers, she supposed.

Annie knew that her mother
wasn’t the stay at home and nurture kind nope, she was the shoot you and ask questions later type. She didn’t need a man to complete her, she just needed her wild life and she was happy. Not Annie though, Annie wanted to find a stable life, somewhere she could put down roots. She was tired of living from a suit case moving from town to town in a modified sleeper van. She just wanted a little cabin in the woods, and a garden. She’d always wanted a garden, she thought wiping her brow again. Dang, she was going to smell ripe by the time she got to Devils Falls, she thought in dismay. She was sweating like a pig. Ha, she was as big as one. She was a size sixteen most of the time, eighteen sometimes if she was bloated.

She just wished that she’d gone on that diet she’d said she was going to. Of course, if she kept walking in this heat she may melt anyway. Sighing, she wondered if she’d pass out before she made it to Devils Falls. That sign in the distance seemed to be moving
further away not closer.



“Tank” Hadley had been having a shitty day. It had started with Duck smacking his head, again. That rat bastard was always doing that shit, and if he wasn’t sure that the man was crazy he would have decked him by now. It had only gotten worse since Bone had become so distracted with Molly. Not that he could blame the man, Molly was hot. Although, he was starting to think that Bone was getting a sick pleasure from watching the show.

Hoping to repair the bad start to his day, h
e’d gone out to meet with one of his contacts. Only the man he was meeting had never shown. This was normally Tiny’s bag of tricks, but lately the man had been opting to stay home. Tank couldn’t blame the man for that with a woman like Racheal in his bed. Not that Tiny wouldn’t put the club first if it was important, but this was just a bit of Intel they were kinda interested in. Not Intel that the needed.

Tank had tried calling his contact an hour ago and gotten no answer. He’d
waited at the bar now for an extra two hours, hoping the man would show. He was pretty sure that the man was likely dead. Not that he really cared, the man was an asshole, but he’d was good at getting the information the club needed. Tank was just pissed that he’d sat in this damned bar all fucking day. He had a million things to do, and sitting here wasn’t getting any of it done. It was frustrating to know that today was wasted because some dumb ass couldn’t stay alive.

“Hey, Tank, want ‘nother beer?” Zeke, the bar keep
, asked.

“Nah, I’m out of here.” Tank
barked, getting up and heading outside.

He knew why he was
in a bad mood, Doc had convinced him last week to stop smoking. It was not going well. On days like today it was making him fucking nuts. He felt like he was crawling out of his own skin. Fuck. Why the hell had he let the man talk him into this dumb idea again?

Wait, oh yeah. It was because Doc didn’t have the drugs to treat lung cancer. Shit, maybe he should just ride to the damned city and get some, it would be easier than quitting he was sure. As he climbed onto the Harley
, he decided, he was hungry. He wanted something besides the peanuts he’d been eating at the bar, so he headed over to the diner that was a little over a mile away.

He was so fucking tired, and he missed having Bone with him on runs like this one. Bone was more likely to stick around Devil
s Falls now that he had Molly. Again, not that Tank blamed him. If he had Molly, he’d stick around too. It was hard for Tank, though. He’d been searching for the right woman for too many years to count, and those two buffoons hadn’t even been looking. Now, he was pretty sure that she wasn’t even out there. He was thirty four, and he still hadn’t found her. He loved being a part of the MC, but they didn’t keep him warm at night.

, the sweet butts did, but he didn’t want long term with any of those girls. Shared pussy had never been his thing. He was definitely not into that, he had a problem with sharing. When a woman was his, he wanted to keep her to himself.

He was not sure how the
hell Torch did it with Ida. Of course, Ida hadn’t been with many men in the club, but Tank wasn’t sure he could have handled his old lady having been with any man in the club before him. They were his brothers and that should make any woman they’d slept with off limits, unless she was a sweetbutt. Sweetbutt’s weren’t for relationships. Although, most of them knew this, a few sometimes got ideas. Tiny had that problem with that bitch, Tessa. She’d caused a bit of trouble with Racheal, Tiny’s old lady about two years ago. He was damned glad he’d only fucked the girl once, she was a crazy bitch.

He entered the diner, sitting down near the window to keep an eye on his bike. He didn’t fucking trust the people in this town. It was on the edge of their territory, and sometimes people here got stupid.

He really needed to get laid, holding out for ‘the one’ was making him cranky as fuck. Maybe when he got back this afternoon, he would find a cute sweetbutt to ride his pogo stick. He leaned back in the booth waiting for the waitress to come and take his order. Fuck, maybe he needed to ride out of town after that fuck because he was tired and the shit going on was getting deep. He needed a fucking break.

He ordered a burger and a milk shake.  It didn’t take him long to
eat and as he stood throwing some credits on the table, a woman approached him. She was cute, a red head with nice tits. He watched her come closer, then she whispered as she went by.

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