Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4) (9 page)

BOOK: Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4)
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Annie entered Wink two days later, she’d been slowly going nuts for the last few days. She’d managed to keep it together, barely. He kept heaping kisses on her, and she was hornier than she could ever remember being in her life. She was ready to have an orgasm at the drop of a hat. The man hadn’t taken it any further than a few hot as hell kisses, and she had no idea why. She’d been giving him the green light, and he seemed to be resisting. She just couldn’t figure out why. She waved to Racheal who was setting up the food at the bar with two other women Annie didn’t know. Carrying the tray of mini quiches to the bar, she was surprised to see that the other women wore property patches too. Huh, were there any women in this town not claimed by one of the Devils, she wondered.

“Hey, Annie.” Racheal called to her as she set down the quiches. “Have you met Lisa and Brandy yet?” She asked pointing to the other two women standing near the bar filling trays with h
d'œuvres. Brandy smiled, waving to her.

I hear you’re living with our boy, Tank. Hubba hubba, he’s a hottie. If I hadn’t met Slim before him I might have been tempted to climb that hunk of mountain.” Lisa, the woman with bright purple hair said, wiggling her eyebrows.

“You’re just a hoe. You would have taken any of our men if Slim hadn’t snapped you up and threatened to kill any man who got near you.” Brandy teased.

“Watch it, bitch. Just ‘cause your man is behaving don’t mean you have to be a bitch.” Lisa said, pointing a fork at her.

“Stop. You two are going to make Annie think we’re all crazy.” Racheal said, even as she laughed at the two women.

“It’s okay. I just think that you guys are suffering from TMHM syndrome.” Annie smiled, waiting for them to ask what the hell that meant. She didn’t have to wait long.

“What the hell is that?” Lisa asked.

“Too many hot men.” Annie replied looking serious. “It’s a horrible disease that has only one cure. It’s sad.”

“Okay, I’ll bite. What’s the cure?” Brandy asked, watching her.

“Screaming Orgasms. Only thing that works.” Annie said, shaking her head while trying not to laugh. Only thinking of screaming orgasms made her think of Tank, and that was depressing since the man was a tease.

Lisa let out a loud snort of laughter then between snorts she said, “I knew that I’d like you the minute you walked in here.”

“You like everyone, Lisa.” Another woman was walking up to the bar holding a large jug of some red liquid that looked like punch. “Hi, I’m Terry.” She set down the jug and held out her hand. Annie took it and shook, still smiling.

“Hi, n
ice to meet you.” Annie said.

“I don’t like everybody. I never like
d Monica. If you recall, I barely tolerated her.” Lisa frowned at the other woman.

“Yep, but then there was a good reason for that. She was crazier than a loon.” Brandy muttered. “And don’t talk about her when Katie’s around, you know that’s a touchy subject for her.”

“Who’s Monica? And why does she bother Katie?” Annie asked.

“Shit, I didn’t realize that you didn’t know about that. She
shot Trick about six months ago trying to kill Katie.” Racheal informed her.

! Oh my God, that’s awful. I had no idea. I haven’t really been around lately. I’ve been very focused on…work.” Annie felt really bad about ignoring one of the few friends she had besides “the boys” as her mother called them, for the last year. She’d been focused on getting enough money together to get out of her mother’s business. She’d been selfish and her friend might have needed her.

“Hey, don’t beat yourself up. He’s fine. Tank got to them in time to save her
, and Trick is good as new.” Terry told her.

“Tank saved her?” Annie asked, not a bit surprised. Over the past two days she’d seen that almost everyone in the club looked up to Tank. She didn’t know what he was to them, but they all seemed to think that the man walked on water. Bone was the only one they seemed to depend o
n more, and he depended on Tank. It was nice the way these people seemed to be a close nit family more than a club. It had quite frankly surprised her. After her time with the Jackal’s she’d been convinced that every MC was bad news, but after spending three days with these people. She saw that that was far from the truth.

“Yeah, he did.” Terry smiled.


Annie was dancing in the middle of a Red Devil old lady sandwich, laughing
, three hours later. Damn, these girls knew how to party. Charity was dancing with Molly, they were spinning in circles nearby. Terry was dancing with a guy they called Dog, who was apparently her ‘old man’. Katie was singing a song loud and off key as she danced on a table. A man stood by her ready to catch her if she fell. It was silly, but that was what these men seemed to be here for, to protect the women. The night was in full swing and everyone was having a good time. Annie was a little surprised that Trick wasn’t here. She knew she’d heard Dog talking to him a little while ago near the bar.

Apparently, the men were having a stag party tonight
, too. Dog and two others had shown up an hour ago, and she’d heard them calling different men to update them on the condition their women were in. She’d thought that was funny until she’d heard Dog talking to Tank about her. Telling him that she was dancing with some dude named Raffer. Really that was his name, or maybe it was Rattler she didn’t really remember. That had been ten minutes ago. Then Lisa had screamed sandwich, sandwich. Hot bitch sandwich, and grabbed her arm dragging her away from the man towards Racheal and here she was dancing with them and laughing her ass off. This was fun. She loved it. This was what she’d been looking for she realized, her hazy brain working hard to get to that conclusion. She’d drank a lot of the punch, which was spiked with something really, really, good. She was all tingly and wished that Tank was here. Then he could make the tingling go away. She leaned on Racheal, heavily stumbling. Oops, she thought as they both started to fall.

hard arms wrapped around them, steadying them, and a husky voice said, “Whoa there, darlin’.” Racheal smiled at the man who’d rescued them. Turning around and wrapping her arms around the man making him chuckle.

“Hi, Tiny peter…” He tried to glare at her but he was still laughing. “Opps…thatsss a secrats…wait a secret. Sorry, Peter…no, no Tiny.” Racheal slurred
, clinging to the man who allowed it.

let’s get you home. You’ve had enough.” Tiny told her as he lifted her into his arms.

“Good, I need to be cured!” Racheal screeched.

“Cured?” Tiny asked laughing, as her arms curled around his neck.

“Uh-huh, wifh screaming orgasmssss.” She said in a loud whisper, giggling in glee.

“Darlin’, you can have as many of those as you’d like.” Tiny chuckled, walking away with her in his arms.

Annie was kinda jealous, it sucked that Tank kept holding out on her. He hadn’t shown up to get her either, dumb man. All the other women were either dancing with their men or being
carried out by them. Not that he was her man. Nope, she was just horny and it was his fault, so he should be here to take care of it. Maybe she should go find Rattler, or Rattle, or whatever the hell his name was, and ask him to do her. She wasn’t really the committed type anyway. Nope, she had never been in one place long enough to be committed.

Annie decided she needed another drink before she found what’s his name. She headed towards the bar, only a hard male arm wrapped around her waist. She looked down
in surprise that the arm had lifted her off her feet. A hard male body was pressed against her back making her whimper in lust. Fuck, it was Tank.

, you’ve had enough of that, sweetheart.” He whispered into her ear, making her body break out in goose bumps. She shivered, and moaned leaning into him. Damned the man for being so damned sexy. She wanted to hate him, only she couldn’t.

“No, I want
‘nother one.” She told him, trying to get him to release her.

“Nope, not tonight. Dog told me you could barely walk.” Tank chuckled.

Annie growled, he thought he was so in control, and he wasn’t. He didn’t control her. She clawed at his arm trying to free herself. Tank felt her nails sink into his arm and yelped.

“Ouch. Damn, you little hellcat. Stop. You do not need
any more of that punch. Now, behave.” Tank muttered.

He’d been at Trick’s stag poker party over at the clubhouse when Dog had come over to
Wink to check on the women. They’d all been a little concerned with what their women were up to. They’d sent five prospects to the club with the women, but none of the men at the poker party had really trusted those idiots to do anything besides keep the other yahoos away from their women. Dog had shown up to find all the women were sloshed. Tank had almost brought his gun here with him when Dog told his woman was rubbing against Rattler. That boy had a death wish, and he’d have been happy to oblige.

I will not! You’re mean. You don’t give me screaming gasums…” She didn’t think that had come out right, but with her brain all fuzzy she wasn’t sure.

“What?” He asked.

“They’re all talking about it. They want screaming orgasms.” Stick told him as he went by wiggling his brows and following Brandy to the door.

“Ah” Tank said, finally understanding what she was talking about. He grinned; he’d been taking things slow. He wanted to keep Annie, and he could tell that she was the type of woman who took her ‘screaming orga
sms’ and left. He wanted to keep her, so he needed her to crave him, to need him like a drug. He lifted her despite her protests, throwing her over his shoulder. He walked out with her, all the while she hit his back and screeched for him to put her down. He ignored her and walked out of the bar. He was taking his woman home, and he was going to give her what she’d asked for. Just not in the way she wanted.

Chapter 9


Tank carried Annie into his house twenty minutes later because she’d refused with a pout to get off his bike. He’d laughed and scooped her up without even listening to the insults she hurled at him as she pounded on his back. She was a messy drunk.

“Pig!” Annie yelled, at Tank as he carried her inside and up the stairs. She expected him to carry her to the guest room, but he kicked open the door to his room. She was thrown, literally thrown down on his bed. She tried to scramble off the other side, but somehow she managed to get tangled up in the covers.

Tank laughed, watching Annie fight the covers. The bed had been made and she’d still managed to somehow get tangled in them.
He wondered how much of the punch she’d drank.

“How much of that punch did you drink, babe?” Tank asked.

“None, of your buzniss…buisnuss…whatever.” She slurred, glaring at him from beneath the tangled covers.

“Well, let’s get you to sleep.” Tank said, gathering the covers to help her free herself with another laugh.

“Bassterd, I knew you woouldn’t give me screaming orgasms.” Annie tried to get away from him as he gathered her into his arms and began to remove her jeans.

“I’d be an ass if I took you tonight, sweetheart. You’re plastered.”

“Am not!” She screamed, fighting him again. He pulled her shoes and jeans off her and pushed her back on the bed. He didn’t have to worry about her escaping the bed while he got his own clothes off because she was already tangled in the sheet. He removed everything except his boxers, then freed her from the covers again before tucking her against his side.

“Go to sleep, sweetheart. If you still want screaming or
gasms in the morning I will be happy to oblige.” Tank said, curling against her. She felt right lying next to him in his bed. She grumbled and fought a bit before settling.

“Promise.” She finally whispered.

“Yeah, sweetheart. I promise.” His cock throbbed in anticipation. It had been hard not taking her for the last few days. He placed his hand on her hip, hoping that she would sleep soon. He was horny as fuck, and if she pressed him on the orgasm issue, he might cave in. And with the condition she was in he’d feel like a total dickhead. He wasn’t surprised a few minutes later to hear her quiet snores. Yep, she’d been beyond sloshed, he thought smiling into her shoulder as he fell into a peaceful sleep with his woman cradled in his arms.



Annie awoke feeling a
hard lump under her head. She must be at another one of those motels that her mother always loved. She punched the pillow hoping it would soften, only the pillow grunted and moved. What the hell? She sat up a bit, only to groan and lay right back down. Holy shit, her head. Who’d let that little man loose with the jackhammer. She thought, holding her head to stop the incessant pounding. That was when the party last night came rushing back. Hell, she’d drank way too much of that punch. Someone should have warned her that shit was poison.

Annie realized that she was laying on Tank’s chest.
His naked chest. Fuck, had they slept together and she’d been too drunk to appreciate it? She wanted to cry at the thought. Because everything from last night was a blur, after her third cup of that punch. What the hell had they put in that shit? She had hazy memories of him arriving and carrying her home, but that was it. If she’d slept with the man she at least wanted to remember it. She had a feeling the hot kisses he’d been heaping on her were only the beginning and she’d missed it. God really did hate her.

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