Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4) (13 page)

BOOK: Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4)
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, it’s nothing.” Racheal said, looking back into the fire.

“Uh-uh, Bitch. What’s wrong with you?” Molly demanded, her hands on her hips and a scowl of her own gracing her face.

“Nothing. I told you that, Molly.” Racheal bellowed, standing up she scowled at her friend.

“Tell me!” Molly screeched, her voice so shrill that Annie wanted to cover her ears. Damn, these women were crazy, she thought, smiling.
She really liked them.

“Fine, I THINK I might be
PREGNANT! There are you happy, bitch!” Racheal snarled, her eyes filling with tears. Uh-oh, was the woman not happy about being pregnant? That sucked. She saw the woman’s old man look at her in astonishment. He looked like he was holding his breath.

“So, why the hell are you acting like this?” Molly barked. Her face sad, and at the same time happy. It was a weird expression.

“Damn it, I didn’t want to tell you because I know that you have been trying to get pregnant for the last year. Tiny and I didn’t even try. I didn’t want to make you feel bad, but now I don’t care. You can kiss my ass.” Racheal’s eyes filled with tears, watching Molly with an apprehensive look.

“Don’t be stupid, R
ach. I know that it will happen when it’s time. It’s possible that the shot I took is still effecting my hormones. I already talked to Doc about getting a test run. You should have told me.” Molly grumbled.

“Ha, she should have told ME!” Tiny thundered. Standing behind Racheal. Oops, Annie thought
, almost giggling. Someone was in trouble. Tank walked up looking around the small group then turned to Annie asking quietly.

s going on?”

“Racheal’s pregnant and she forgot to tell her husband.”

“Shit.” Tank muttered, looking at the scene before them with almost as much fascination as she did.

“I don’t know for sure that I am pregnant, but
I know that bitch. She wouldn’t give up till I told her. I didn’t want to hear it again. She’s been hounding me all damned day.” Racheal said to Tiny, her eyes filling with tears.

“Darlin’, are you crying?” Tiny asked
, gathering her into his arms.

“Yes, Tiny I didn’t do it on purpose. I know we haven’t talked about kids, and I…”

“Stop, babe.” Tiny gathered her into his arms. “It’s okay. I know that, and I will be ecstatic if you are pregnant. Your mine, nothing could make me happier.” Tiny whispered into her hair. Then he turned to the club, a grin splitting his face. “I’m going to be a dad!” he whooped, making everyone laugh.

There were hoots and yelled congratulations, making Racheal blush and Tiny laugh. Annie watched Molly, who smiled happ
ily for her friend, but her eyes misted and she looked so sad that Annie wanted to hug her. Bone must have noticed too because he wrapped his arms around her from behind. He whispered something that made her smile, and she looked up at him. Then he pressed a gentle kiss on her lips, and rocked her in his arms.

Annie looked up when a plate appeared in front of her. Tank handed it to her with a
soft, “Here, sweetheart.” Taking the plate, which was piled high with all kinds of food, she laughed.

“Tank, I can’t eat all this.” Annie told him.

“Well, eat want you want, and I can eat the rest.”

Annie smiled, the man was a mountain,
and she shouldn’t be surprised by the amount of food that he managed to put away, but she was. The first time she’d watched him eat, she’d been shocked. Looking at the plate he’d made for himself, piled so high she was frankly shocked it wasn’t buckling under the weight, she grinned. Tank was shoving a roll into his mouth.

“What?” He asked.

“Nothing.” Annie said, hiding the grin as she began to eat her own food.



An hour later, Katie was sitting with Annie near the bon-fire. They were watching Trick dance with his sister.  Tank had gone to break up a fight with Bone a few minutes ago. Katie leaned in closer to her.

“So, I was thinking that since you still have to be here for another week that maybe you’d want to join me in the team races next week before you have to take care of the job for your mother.” Katie whispered.

“You mean the one at Devils Run?” Annie asked
, her blood filling with excitement. She’d always wanted to enter that race, but never had someone she trusted enough to run it. It was a twelve mile race, and both cars had to make it to the finish line in order to win. It was called Devil’s Run because it was a twisting, winding road that if you weren’t careful you ended it with a fiery crash into the side of a mountain.

“Yeah, Trick and I will be back
on the tenth, and it’s the twelfth. I’ve never run it, but I trust you. I know that it’s not a race for everyone who drives. But I would run it with you. You’re the best driver I know, well besides Mae, but she’s too old now. She refused last year. Her reflexes aren’t fast enough, at least according to her there not. I’ll understand if you say no.”   Katie waited for her to say something.

“Racheal said that the part for the Van will be in on the tenth. I think it would work. I’ve always wanted to run it, but I never knew anyone except Rico who I thought could run it. Rico would
n’t let me run it because he’s too scared of my mother. I don’t know why I never thought to ask you” Annie replied, her eyes meeting Katie’s.

“So, you’ll do it?” Katie asked, quietly. Her excitement seeming to make her vibrate.

“Hell yeah! Only we can’t let Tank know. He’d go ape-shit.”

“You think my new husband wouldn’t?” Katie said, laughing. Annie remembered first time this girl had beat her, and laughed. She’d been sixteen and she’d won. She could remember that ten bikers and one older woman had shown up. Annie remembered Trick now. He’d yelled at the two young
er women. Only he’d been particularly hard on Katie. Annie suspected that his feelings even then hadn’t been brotherly.

“Maybe not.” She said, giggling.

“Yeah right.” Katie said her eyes crossing, because they both knew that he’d be just as nuts as Tank would be if he knew. Annie was excited, she’d been looking for a partner to run that race with for years. It really did surprise her that she’d never thought to ask Katie.

still don’t know why I never thought of asking you.” Annie told Katie.

“I didn’t
think to ask you either, not until tonight. I was thinking about the race, and suddenly it was like bam, ask Annie.”

“Ask Annie what?” Trick said, he’d walked up
behind them without either of them noticing.

“Umm…if she thought you’d ever be ready to leave.” Katie told him, thinking fast.

“Ha, I’m ready woman. Let’s get outta here, so I can tie you up.” Trick said, making Katie blush. He began leading her away, calling out loudly.

“We’re outta here, people!” Katie stopped him, turning she ran back over
, hugging Annie.

Whispering into her ear. “
Practice, we only have a week.”

“You too.” She called after Katie as she ran back to her husband
. Trick scooped her up and began carrying her to his bike.

Charity sat down beside Annie, and they watched he
r brother roar away with Katie clinging to him.

“So, did you agree
to do it?” Charity asked, looking at her intently.

“Yeah,” Annie said
, hesitantly. The other woman’s face split into a huge grin.

“Perfect, maybe Katie’s idea will distract my brother.”

“Distract him from what?” Annie asked.

“My leaving to take a job in the Blue Bandit
’s territory.” Charity replied.

“Oh, I wouldn’t bet on it
, sweetie. It may distract him for a little bit, but then he will be all over finding you.” Annie told her, wincing in sympathy.

“Well, if it distracts him just long enough for me to get over to their
territory. Then I can disappear. I’m actually quite good at it. I was always the one who planned the exit. That’s how we always got away with the crazy stunts we pulled. She was the one who thought of the ideas, and I was the one who made it work. I’m the one who’s going to tell you how to get away from Tank too, you know.”

Looking at the younger woman in a new light, she wasn’t surprised. Katie was a fly by the seat of her pants kinda girl. Whereas this girl was a plan it out to the last second type. Yep, she’d bet those two had been hell on wheels when they were younger.

“I was wondering how we were going to get away without either of them noticing.” Annie watched as the other woman’s face turned from
an almost wide eyed innocence to a shockingly devious expression.

“I’ll take care of everything. Just be aware you’re going to be bait. They’re going to be so distracted with stopping the two of you they won’t realize I’m gone until it’s too late.” Annie smile
d, damn, she thought, it was a good thing that this girl was on her side, otherwise she’d never be able to have fun.

“I’m okay with that.” Annie looked up seeing Tank headed her way
, she stood and turned back to look at the other woman. Whispering, “Let me know what you come up with.” Then she turned, walking to Tank.

“Hey, sweetheart, you having a good time still?” Tank asked
, looking at her.

“Yeah, everything okay?” Annie asked.

“Yeah, we always have fighting when there’s a bon-fire. The men get a little riled, and they’re drunk, so they get stupid. Nothing to worry about.”

“Okay. Dance with me.” Annie said, her blood was still pumping with excitement. She wanted to burn off some of her energy before she dragged Tank back to the house to have her way with him.

“Sure.” Tank didn’t know what had caused Annie to be so keyed up, but he liked it. She seemed to vibrate with excitement. He hoped it was because she was here with him and she loved it. He wasn’t letting her get away from him, but he wanted her to want to stay.

Taking her into his arms, he pulled her out near the fire where the music was pumping. He place
d his hands on her hips, and groaned as they began to move together to the music. It was little more than swaying to the beat, but with her body making him mad by rubbing against him. It was torture, but he would take it for as long as she wanted, if it made her happy. She was so beautiful, he thought looking at her hair flowing around her and her hips swinging to the beat. He wondered how long she’d make him wait before she’d let him take her home and fuck her.

Chapter 13


Annie paused as she heard som
eone talking in the downstairs. Damn, Tank was home. He was supposed to be at the club by now, and she needed to leave in twenty minutes or she was going to be late. Then she heard him coming up the stairs. She stashed her racing gloves and her helmet in her bag thrusting it under the bed, and lay down jerking her book off the night stand. Tank entered the room less than a second later. Damn, that had been close.

“Hey, sweetheart, I have to run over to the club for an hour or so, something is going on. Sorry, I know we were supposed to have a quiet night in.” Tank looked agonized, he must think she was going to be mad. Only she was really screaming inside her head for him to get the hell out. He was crossing to the bed.

“It’s okay, babe. Just go handle whatever has come up, and I will just read.” Yeah, right. More like she’d be out the door, and headed to Devil’s Run in seconds. Charity had set up a conference call to discuss the problem with the accounts that she’d purposely created over the last week to distract them. She’d done a fake account that she’d put the figures into wrong so that they’d have to go line by line in order to fix it. She already had the corrected file, and the numbers where fine. It was just a way to get Bone to call Tank in to help them.

“You’re amazing.” Tank said, leaning down to kiss her
, making her feel a bit guilty.

“Thanks” She replied
, accepting his kiss. He groaned pulling away.

“I wish I could stay
here and make love to you, but I have to go.”

Yes, yes, go, she thought. She needed him to leave so that she could get out of here too. Tank turned leaving the room with a quick see you later. Annie was up off the bed in seconds after she heard the
front door close behind him. Grabbing her bag from beneath the bed, she began grabbing the rest of the stuff she’d need. She was out the door two minutes later, she roared down the road headed to the meet in Tank’s truck. She need to get there so that she could change. Fuck, she was going to be cutting it close, she thought pushing the peddle down.



Annie roared around the corner her mind on the next turn. Katie was keeping the pack off her for this last bit of the run. Katie was better at the turns and twists at the end of the track than Annie was. She’d already seen the leader careen around the next turn. Annie didn’t know what the hell the bitch was thinking. She’d left her partner back four turns ago, and
it didn’t make much sense. The woman couldn’t win a team race alone. Of course, Danica had never been a very bright one.

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