Survive Infinite Dangers: The Family Survival Guide of 21st Century Dangers (30 page)

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Authors: Gary Yantis

Tags: #Reference, #Science, #Mathematics, #Biology, #Nonfiction, #21st Century, #Heath & Fitness

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Government Web sites search engine
links to thousands of government Web sites.

NGO’s (Non-government organizations)

American Red Cross
a list of a hundred plus emergency related NGO’s with hyperlinks and descriptions of each organization

American Radio Relay League


Blogs and Web Sites
Pretty much everything you need to know and buy concerning all types of radiation from dirty bombs, nuclear bombs and all types of radioactive items. Rather than repeat many pages on the subject in this book, this Web site has it all.
the best and largest survival blog on the Internet with over 135,000 members (free to join and participate)

Web rings” There are about a half dozen “survivalist Web rings”. If you don’t know what a Web ring is look it up on Wikipedia. Then visit each of the rings and “click through” advancing from one Web site to another. Each ring will take you to many hundreds of Web sites dealing with “survivalism” from selling equipment, food, technology to free knowledge in the form of discussion groups. Put survival Web ring into Google to get started. You’ll find all of the rings. Or (to make it easy) I discovered:
(odd name!) contains a list of all of the survivalist Web rings I’m aware of. Reading and clicking through these many hundreds of Web sites will take you weeks so treat it as something of interest but probably not a source of knowledge.
Amazon corporate buyers have “discovered” survival product sell and now list hundreds and hundreds up from maybe a dozen a few years ago. They stock very little but you buy product through them at the same price if you buy direct from the many companies who use them as a master distributor. Just put survival and survivalism in the search window to view many hundreds of products. Most of value and a few worth a look but that’s all. Amazon is an excellent and easy source to quickly build your survival storehouse. What you don’t find at Super Walmart, Home Depot, a large Sporting Goods store and a gun store you will find it at Amazon.
A Web site for those in the Midwest (and elsewhere) interested in working together to help each other with their “survival preparations” and learning. Other Web sites such as this one exist for other areas of the United States and a few other countries. Google to find them then join and participate!
For those who want to pursue true alternative off the grid living. Probably a good match for the great book “HOW TO SURVIVE THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT” by James Wesley, Rawles listed above. You can spend some serious money on a shopping trip to this rural store but if you’ve really studied what you need you can match the recommendations of Mr. Rawles and set up a pretty good permanent Armageddon-type survival living center. Since some of the products they sell include growing your own food this is definitely either for very rural living or you’ve outlasted all the bad guys and you are among the last people left alive on earth. If it post-apocalypse living is not of interest to you, reading through the many hundreds of products sold for such living is really interesting. Also, a match for buying one of those ex-missile silos turned into condos. Everything you need for years of living is for sale at the Survival Center store. My next trip to that part of the country will definitely include a side-trip to the store. They have been in business since the early 70’s so they were “into survivalism before survivalism was cool”. Lacking are many items, books and so on that deal with 21
century dangers but that’s why you bought this book! Off the grid products they don’t offer you can probably buy at Back Wood Solar (the next site listed). Keep in mind this is not the direction of this book. This book is, as noted, written for the six-month survivalist who is used to “camp Marriott” and wants to buy almost everything from Super Walmart, a few other stores and the Internet. K.I.S.S. is the cornerstone of the book you are reading! This is not meant to take over your life but to “prepare” to the point you feel comfortable and “assured” that you and your family or group will be OK in virtually every possible “danger” you’ve heard or thought of. Thus the title of this book: “Infinite Dangers!”
All things solar and alternative energy (wind and so forth). They are the best and great to deal with. They will take the time to help people new to the subject.
There are hundreds of “survival products” sites on the Web. This is an example of one of the better ones. It puts my own site
to shame but my on-line store only sells a few items difficult to find elsewhere. Sites such as this one can break your bank if you get too carried away with the array of products available. But, by all means, look through this and many other sites. I can almost guarantee you will find things just right for your group that I have no use for. Buying this book does not mean you do or buy everything I recommend. Just use common sense. Remember the “What Was I Thinking!” chapter. Try to hold to a budget and add/replace items as needed in the future. There are many things you needed “yesterday” but, beyond that initial buying spree and dent in your bank account set aside a little each month to keep your area up to date and fully stocked (including the latest technology when helpful items come along. Those are the items I’ll be featuring in my Web site store, hard to find, new and/or innovative. The broad-based survivalist product stores I’ll leave to excellent Web sites and companies such as this one.
Yes, the Web site for this book. It begins after this book is finished so have patience. I intend for it to contain new information too new for this book, a blog for readers to interact and a small on-line store to buy products mentioned in this book plus a few other items. Quality versus quantity will be paramount. For instance, just a few of the best author tested radios versus hundreds, one or two brands of the best PI pills, the better N95 masks and so on. The site’s on-line store will compete on quality, not price. A newsletter will be available for free which you are invited to sign up for as well as participate in the blog section of the site trading thoughts and ideas with others and with the author of this book (me!).

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