Survivor Planet Series 2-Book Box Set (23 page)

BOOK: Survivor Planet Series 2-Book Box Set
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The wind had been picking up for the last little while, growing colder and fiercer as the sun sunk low. Even with our jackets on, I shivered and had to put my hands in my pockets. It was with great relief that Aris finally declared we should call it a night.

"This looks as good a place as any," he said, gesturing to an alcove about four feet off the ground in a rocky slope. Being pretty deep, it appeared it'd hold us both. We opted not to start a fire, due to the wind and the fact that neither of us was very hungry. The sway we'd eaten around mid-day had been extra large and filling.

Aris walked up before the alcove. "You go in first. You'll be more protected from the cold if you're in the back." He held his hands together, fingers laced, to make a step for me. I put my foot in his hand and he hoisted me through the opening. Squirming as far in as I could go, I made room for him to climb up beside me. I had to admit, with him covering most of the opening, which was about three feet high and about eight feet long, I felt pretty snug.

The bottom of the alcove was layered with old leaves and moss, making it dry and surprisingly soft. The sun finally set, casting the area around us in darkness. Big black clouds covered the moons, and every moment that crept by I could feel the temperature drop more and more. Aris turned on his side to face me.

"Are you cold?"

"Not really. How about you? Your back must be feeling it?"

"A little."

The wind howled and suddenly the sky lit up with bright flashes. Loud booms of thunder were accented by lightning strikes, and rain began to pour down in buckets.


"Looks like we're in for it." He wiggled closer to me. I turned on my side and put my back against the wall, giving him more room. With every strike of lightning I could see the expression on his face. First he appeared grim, and resigned. Then, as he moved so close to me that my breasts pushed up against his chest, I saw heat begin to smolder in his eyes. I figured it must be my hopeful imagination, but a moment later I was certain I wasn't mistaken. He'd grown hard and pressed his erection against my thighs. At the next flash of lightning I saw that his eyes were shut tight.


I smiled.

His arm went around my waist and pulled me even closer to him. Warm, deep breaths blew against my face. "Danni?"



"It's all right. It's not like we haven't done it before," I assured him. Fearful he'd change his mind, I reached down between us and put my hand against his straining cock. Through his pants I could feel his warmth. His hand slid down to grab my ass and once again I wished I'd worn a skirt. Our lips met and we kissed deeply, his hot tongue darting into my mouth.

Though difficult, and chilly, we managed to shimmy out of our clothes. The leaves crinkled against my bare skin as Aris' weight bore down on top of me. He rested between my open thighs, and I shivered in anticipation. I opened my legs even wider as I felt the head of his cock against my pussy.
He's huge,
I reminded myself, preparing to be stretched to the limit. Slowly he pushed forward, causing me to suck in a deep breath.


I caught sight of him staring down at me as lightning flashed again. I could only manage to nod my head. Arching my back, I felt him filling me mercilessly with rock hard desire. My lust battled with self-preservation, fearful that he'd be too much for me, and yet, wanting him more than anything. As he pulled back and surged forward again, I cried out. Slowly he moved, gaining momentum with every stroke, bringing me to the brink only to withdraw again.

"Aris," I cried, knowing he was tormenting me on purpose. I needed him. Needed him buried deep inside, filling me. My nails raked down his back, grabbing onto his ass, urging him on.

The alcove lit up again and I saw his grim determination. He would have me—all of me—on his terms, his way. I knew begging would do nothing. For days I'd tortured him, using my body as a weapon. Just as he now used his to torture me. His hand slid up past my belly and squeezed my breast, his fingers pinching my nipple. Lowering his head, his lips fastened on the taut bud. Then he turned his attention to my other nipple. All the while he stroked deep inside of me, the steel of his cock burying itself ever deeper.

Hot lips came up to kiss me on the neck, then mouth, while his hand lowered to cup my ass. Throwing my leg up over his back, he thrust once, twice, and again, only to hold.

"Come, now!" he demanded.

Beyond the alcove, thunder boomed and torrential rain fell. Chaos reigned inside as well. I arched up even farther and let loose a cry while waves of delight finally ripped through me, easing my storm. Aris' holler of release echoed my own. Moments later he rested his forehead against mine, both of us blowing hot, panting breaths.

"Damn," he repeated.

I smiled again.

Chapter 14

In huge contrast to the night before, morning arrived blissfully silent and sunny. Aside from several deep puddles dotting the landscape, and a couple of branches littering the ground, the area around us appeared unharmed and unchanged when we climbed from our little nest. Aris was quiet and pensive, while I wore a smile from ear to ear. At long last I had overcome his determination to keep me at bay.

"That was quite a night," I couldn't help but gush.

"Um hum."

The air had warmed considerably and both of us now removed the jackets we'd donned again last night.

"Do you want to make a fire and try and catch something?" I asked. "Or do you just want to head out?"

"Everything's wet. Let's just head out. We can grab some fruit along the way."

Without waiting for a reply, Aris looked up at the star we followed and began to walk. I trailed along, restraining myself so I wouldn't skip. A while later, after fruit, fresh water, and privacy breaks, I found myself lost in thought. Aris obviously found me attractive. He'd proven it to me physically twice, and then those other times when we'd bathed naked and I'd seen his body's physical reaction to me. So what held him back? What was the big deal if we made love or not? Last night he'd enjoyed me fully, and then fell off to sleep, snoring in contentment. He'd obviously wanted it. So what could...


A cry came from my right, so faint I was almost sure I'd imagined it. I paused and listened. Aris, oblivious, trudged on ahead. We'd actually stumbled upon a trail, coming across it about an hour or so ago. Since it led in the direction of the star, Aris decided we should follow it.

I cocked my head and listened. Sure enough, I heard the sound again. Strange, but it almost sounded like the cry of a baby. Although I'd learned that a few animals, and even some insects on Taleon, made noises or sounds that could be mistaken for human-like.

I stepped off the trail and began to pick my way through the brush and trees. It didn't take me long to come across the thing that was making the noise. Huddled on the forest floor was a large, bird-like creature. Its wings were up over its head protectively, and lay over most of its body as well. I stared at it uncertainly. It shivered, and every few moments emitted the pitiful little cry. It sounded just like a human baby, and yanked at heartstrings I had no idea I possessed. I crept closer and knelt down, keeping a close eye out, wary that it may spring at me with claws and teeth. It cried again, and despite my reservations, I stretched out my hand to touch it.

"Shhh. There now. You're all right," I soothed.

Hearing my voice and feeling my hand, the animal stiffened. Slowly, it raised its head from beneath the shelter of its wings. I pulled back my hand in shock as a decidedly human face emerged.

"Ma ma?"

I shook my head. "What?" My voice was no more than a whisper.

A fat tear stole down the creature's face, tugging at my heart again. "Ma?"

"Shhh. You're all right," I repeated. Gaining courage I reached out and stroked the long, soft-feathered wings. They appeared to begin at the centre of the baby's back, stretching out long enough to shelter its entire body, similar to a cape or blanket. It also had arms and legs that were human in appearance, yet, covered with multi-colored feathers like the rest of its body. Its head had human-like hair. It wiggled closer to me and I lifted it onto my lap. It curled up against my body, shivering. "What are you?" I whispered.

"Danni?" Aris' voice sounded behind me.

When the creature stiffened, I held it closer, gently stroking its soft-feathered back. I turned to look over my shoulder. "Quiet," I hissed.

"What are you doing on the ground? Are you hurt? Why'd you leave the trail?" Aris' voice rose with his barrage of questions. He came round to stand in front of me. Seeing what I held in my arms, his eyes grew wide and he took a step back. Sweeping his gaze around the perimeter, he knelt down on one knee and held out his hand.

"Put it down," he said quietly.

"What? No!"

"Put it down and slowly back away," he insisted.

"I won't. It's lost and afraid." The little body shivered, whether from cold or fear I wasn't sure. "Be quiet. You're scaring it."

"Danni, that's a baby Dreger you've got. Its parents are probably close. If they see you with it they'll rip you to shreds. Put. It. Down."

Now I stiffened and shivered as well. The helpless little body I held pushed up harder against my belly, and as I looked down I noticed the little hands clinging to me had tiny, sharp, curled fingernails—like talons. The forest remained quiet. The only sounds I heard were the whimpers of the creature, and my and Aris' deep breaths.

Aris had warned me several days ago about the deadly Dregers that stole human females to breed with. But I'd yet to lay eyes on one. Until now...

"Danni, please," Aris said. "I know it looks cute and helpless, but its parents will find it. It'll be all right."

Where are its parents?
"Maybe it got separated from them during the storm? They may be miles away. We can't just leave it here," I argued.

"They'll sniff it out. It'll be all right," he repeated.

"What? Just leave it on the ground? It's not safe. If it could fly, it would have."

"The nest may be close by. Just do as I say," he demanded.

I glared at him. "No." The deadly look he gave me made me swallow hard. But I refused to be bullied by him. I'd done a lot of terrible, selfish things in my life, and yet, I couldn't bring myself to leave a little baby—Dreger or not—alone in the middle of a forest.

Aris closed his eyes and I could actually see him struggle for control. Being a male of Calixtus, and a cop on Earth, he no doubt wasn't used to being defied—especially by a little female.

"If you insist, then let's go. It's not safe here." When I stared at him suspiciously he said, "Bring it along if you must, but let's go."

I nodded and allowed him to help me to my feet. Holding the Dreger in my arms, I gauged its weight to be similar to an eighth month old baby I'd held recently. She'd belonged to an acquaintance from my school days I'd run into at the mall. As I adjusted the baby Dreger to hold it more comfortably, Aris wandered around the perimeter.

"What're you doing?"

"Looking for tracks, or..." he froze.

"What? Did you find something?" I came up beside him and followed his line of sight. There, lying stiff and still amongst the brush, was a human female. She wore a short leather tunic that barely covered her ass and breasts. Her hair was long and dark like mine, cascading around beneath her like a silk blanket. No wonder the baby had called me mama. Her face was beautiful, but frozen in a wide-eyed, sightless stare. Her lips were parted and a bit of blood had trickled onto her cheek. There was a large gash on her neck and a sharp looking branch lying beside her.

"Oh, no," I gasped, holding the baby tighter and keeping its face against my chest. It was obvious the poor woman was dead.

Aris knelt down beside the body and futilely felt for a pulse. He closed her eyes and then got to his feet.

"How terrible. She must have gotten caught in the storm." Around us lay several fallen branches, and even some downed trees. This area had obviously been hit harder than where we'd spent the night.

Aris nodded his head in agreement and stared at the baby grimly. "Damn it."

"I'm not leaving it." I turned from the grisly scene and took a few steps away. Shifting my arms, I looked down and noticed the child I held was a little girl. "I won't leave her." I actually felt a prickle of defiant tears well up in my eyes. What the hell was wrong with me? I felt a hand grip my shoulder and I turned to look up at Aris.

"I know. We'll take her," he agreed. He put his arm around my waist and led me back toward the trail.

The cop in him had emerged.

Chapter 15

Having a baby with us added a whole new dimension to our journey. No more could we amble along at will, stopping when the mood struck us, eating whatever we could catch or lay our hands on, or splashing around naked in a stream. Now we had a fussy, ever-hungry infant to contend with, and that meant that our needs or wants came second.

"She's hungry again," I complained to Aris' back as he strode on determinedly ahead of me. The trail we walked had grown increasingly faint, and having to stop to tend to the baby's needs made my companion more than a little testy. Especially after spending most of the night awake.

After finding her, we'd walked and rested throughout the day before finally making camp for the night—long before it became dark. Our night was spent in a tiny cave that'd barely fit the three of us. Aris had hunted a sway, which had been very small and hardly filling, and we'd used his sharp stones to mash up fruit for the baby to eat. She wasn't impressed and ultimately didn't eat much. Her loud wails had echoed around the small enclosure ensuring none of us could sleep. We'd finally all drifted off in the wee hours of the morning, only to have her awaken us again, so we decided to get an early start. Surprisingly, though Aris complained whenever we stopped, he always had a smile and gentle words for his Little Princess. He'd taken to calling her that after I'd called her Your Majesty, considering how demanding she was. I found it sweet watching them together. It surprised me how he acted with her, especially considering the Roamyn's apathetic views of the family unit. Perhaps that was the reason why he shied away from intimacy? Was he afraid he'd knock me up? On his planet the children were sent to the Academy at five years old. Was he reliving the pain of his separation from his own parents? Suffering from abandonment issues? I had no idea, and I wasn't about to ask him something so intimate.

BOOK: Survivor Planet Series 2-Book Box Set
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