Susie Learns the Hard Way (17 page)

Read Susie Learns the Hard Way Online

Authors: Roger Quine

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

BOOK: Susie Learns the Hard Way
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‘Have fun,' said the American, indicating that she should follow the old man.

Logically, her brain said that now was the time to leave, and that doing so would be simple, especially with the American still there. But she ignored the tiny call of common sense, as she had known for quite some time that she was going to.

Without another word, she rose and walked into the bedroom.

The blindfold was silk, as he'd promised, and after he tied it around her eyes her undid the tiny clasp at the back of her neck and the black dress peeled to the floor, leaving her firm breasts thrusting proudly above a narrow waist, slim hips and a tiny slash of white that cupped but hardly covered her mound. She had become so aroused while the American was translating that she could feel the heat rising from between her thighs, and the scent of her own arousal was musky in her nostrils. Surely Yoshimura could detect it as well.

She yelped in shock as her nipple seared with a pain that turned instantly to delight, and as she felt the cold trickle running down the underside of her breast she realised he'd brushed an ice-cube across the tip of it, creating sensations she'd never experienced before.

‘Aah, so,' he breathed from somewhere beside her. The second time he touched her with it the sensation wasn't so extreme, but after he'd taken it away a warm wet mouth closed over the breast, tongue flicking and teeth nibbling, and the feeling of arousal was so extreme that she sighed and squealed again as the ice-cube seared her other nipple while his teeth still gnawed softly on the first.

Muttering to himself in Japanese, she heard him rummage about the room. She realised how helpless she was, being blindfolded. She was reaching up to untie the scarf when there was a hissing sound and a vicious stinging pain across her breasts. She screamed. He'd hit her with something thin that left a burning line of pain from nipple to nipple, and he was jabbering away excitedly, pulling her hands away from the knot at the back of her head.

,' she said plaintively, but he just jabbered away at her, obviously quite agitated, pulling her backwards. Susie felt the edge of the bed behind her knees. With a slight stumble she was sitting on it and he was pulling her back, lying her down, pulling one of her wrists up above her head. Before she realised what he intended he'd thrust it into a silken loop that tightened as soon as she moved.

‘Hey!' she called out into the silence, and then he grabbed her other wrist and was guiding it up above her head too. ‘No, wait a minute,' she said, fear making her speak out quite firmly, and she tried to pull it away from him, only to hear that faint whisper just before there was another stinging line of pain from one erect nipple to the other. She screamed again, but the shock also loosened her muscles so she lost her fight and found her other wrist ensnared in the same way as the first. She was tied with both hands over her head, and Yoshimura hadn't finished.

He climbed off the bed and grabbed her by one ankle, pulling it out and down. Susie fought against him and felt the stinging lash landing across her soft inner thigh, high up on the tender flesh, just below the line of her panties, and she yelped in surprise. She also slackened her muscles again, and found her left foot imprisoned. When he took firm hold of her right ankle she chose not to struggle, letting him pull it into place and loop the silk around it. Now she was tied to the bed with her arms over her head and her legs wide apart. The tiny triangle of white hardly covered her open flower at the best of times. Now, pulled taut by her struggles and darkened with her juices, it was clinging to every fold of her body like a shiny second skin; one she could feel pressing wetly against her, reminding her that she was keyed up to a height of arousal she had seldom, if ever, reached before.

Susie howled because at first she thought he'd whipped her again. Then she felt the wet trickle and knew it was only cold; this time, though, he'd got an ice-cube in each hand, one for each nipple. And both of those rock hard tips was directly connected to her groin, sparking fresh bursts of arousal, so she could feel the juices flowing and her body open around the white material stretched between her thighs, making it pull deeper between her lips, adding to the paradoxical sensations she felt.

His hand was flat on her stomach, sliding lower, and he grasped the waistband of her panties, pulling them still higher and deeper into her, until the material was just a thin line of white that split her in two, rubbing across her little bud. Then he began to saw it back and forth until her hips rotated in the rhythmic dance of love... and then he stopped. Susie moaned softly.

Then she wailed in anguished delight as he brushed her jutting pink lips with an ice-cube, leaving a searing burn that became pleasure, and her body trembled on the brink of a climax.

She felt a touch of cold on her thigh, not ice – metal; a sharp trace, thin, like a blade!

A knife?

His questing fingers burrowed under the edge of her panties, pulling them high, and she felt the cold metal brush through the soft downy hair on her mound and she tensed in fear. With one delicate movement Yoshimura sliced through the sodden and flimsy cotton, exposing her completely.

‘Aaah sooo,' he breathed, as he eyed her neatly trimmed pussy for the first time.

She felt the bed dip as he climbed onto it, and then his hands were on her shoulders, his warm thighs brushing over hers and then his wiry body was between her legs. He pushed himself inside her without hesitating; he was small but erect and her pouting sex lips clutched greedily around him. But she'd hardly had time to wriggle deeper into the bed and spread her legs wider for him when she felt his quick jets spurting inside her.

She was still whimpering softly, raising and lowering her hips as best she could with her legs tied straight out, when he climbed off her, and off the bed. His nimble fingers were at her wrists and ankles, setting her loose, helping her to sit and then stand, leading her gently to sit in a cane chair that felt and sounded like the bamboo chair in the other room – the one he'd pointed at and described in such detail!

As he placed her at the front edge of the seat and tied her wrists to the curved arms, Susie was still aching with unsatisfied need; but it was a need she expected to be fulfilled at any moment. Her body was still hot, still seeping fluid, still yearning. Willingly she raised her left leg when he lifted it, and let him guide it over the arm and lash her ankle to it so she was almost holding it in her hand. When he raised her right leg and did the same she knew what she must look like, tied in place with her feet and thighs apart, spreading her pussy wide, glistening with her juices.

Yoshimura knelt and dipped his head between her thighs, and the tip of his tongue slithered around the soft folds of her body, tasting, savouring and teasing before it slid into her, further and deeper, an incredible tongue that felt almost as long as his erection.

Her little cries of delight became one long sigh. He withdrew and used only the very tip of it on her. As it licked and flicked, sending waves of delight coursing through her, Susie felt the deep tightening of muscles inside her that meant she was going to come at last. As her body tensed and she strained against the silk scarves, she screamed in surprise as he placed an ice-cube directly onto her clitoris and she rose to her climax, shuddering and gasping, head thrown from side to side, breasts bouncing – and he snatched the cube away, uncoiling his tongue from within her and leaving her abandoned and unsatisfied.

Gradually the incomplete eruption subsided and she collapsed back into the chair, shoulders and breasts heaving as she sucked air into her lungs. She was still not fully in control of herself when she felt his warm mouth close over her, a sudden contrast to the freezing shock of the ice.

‘Mmmmmm,' she breathed softly, enjoying delightfully relaxing sensations as his elastic tongue wriggled deeper and deeper. ‘Mmmm-oooh,' she sighed as it lapped sinuously around inside and outside her body, twining between her soft lips and curling around the diamond-bud of her clitoris. ‘Oh... oh...
,' she moaned, as it flicked steadily up and down the length of her slit. ‘Ah... ah...
...' she cried out, as her body climbed to fresh heights of arousal. ‘Oh
,' she screamed, as pain filled her groin as Yoshimura deftly spat the ice-cube he'd been concealing inside his mouth into her body, placing it just inside her, and making her shudder as the mixed sensations soared, and then died away as he sucked it out.

Susie's body was taut, stretched against the bonds, and she was still heaving when once again she felt the warm mouth close over her, felt the long tongue wriggle inside, and she sighed with relief, feeling her muscles slacken as the effects of his gentle lapping washed through her. Then he did it again, sliding a large round cube of ice into her, using his tongue, and while she whimpered and writhed he rose swiftly to his knees and thrust his small cock inside her, a rod of fire tipped with ice as he nudged the freezing cube higher and higher with every thrust until she didn't know if it was pleasure or pain she was feeling. But she knew when he came, a stream of oriental jabber pouring from his mouth as a stream of oriental seed poured from his cock, yet again taking her right to the edge of an orgasm. And then he stopped, sliding his little erection out of her.

There was silence, apart from Susie's heavy breathing and a scuffling sound... then nothing. Then she heard that faint, whispering hiss, and the crack of a stinging whip across the exposed underside of her thighs. It landed just above her opening; half an inch lower and he would have stung her fragile lips. As her initial scream died away Susie realised it didn't really hurt that much; it was a shock, a surprise, and a stinging feeling – but that was all.

Looking down under the edges of the silk scarf she could see between the valley of her breasts, her fluffy blonde frizz topping a mound made even more prominent by the position she was tied in, and a pair of smooth brown thighs belonging to Yoshimura, who still knelt in front of her. Dangling beside him, presumably from his hand, was a thing that reminded her of an oriental fly-whisk; a short leather handle, with lots of thin tendrils sprouting from it; tendrils made of leather that was frayed, giving each of the many lashes an almost feathery tip. It was that combination she could feel; the sting of the leather thongs and the feathery brush of the tips. That must be what he'd meant by teasing her with a feather, she realised.

He pulled his arm up and back, stroking her skin with its hundreds of tickling ends, and then struck again, across her thigh, and the tendrils spread out just missing the edges of her pussy. Fear and pain combined, producing a fresh flow of warm juice mingling with the melted ice-cube so that a steady dribble ran from her as the whip stung again and again, the ends just teasing her with their gentle closeness until she felt the rising tide of arousal. Then one tendril stung her soft lips and she thought the pain would make her come, and as she tensed for another blow that would have made it happen and given her relief, she heard him rise, leaving her waiting...

Moaning and gasping she was almost begging for him to give her the climax he'd teased her to so many times. But Yoshimura had other ideas and he released her bonds, helped her stand and rearranged her position. Deftly he tied her hands behind her back, laid himself down on the soft carpet and guided her to kneel astride his narrow chest, pushing her head down and guiding his modest erection into her mouth. She sucked tentatively at the round end without much gusto, and then she heard the faint whispering noise and the traces of the lash swept across her buttocks, the fingertip tendrils dipping between them to produce that excruciating mixture of sharp pain and delicate pleasure on flesh stretched tight by her kneeling position.

She nuzzled further onto his erection, taking it completely into her mouth until the wiry hair at the base tickled her nose and chin, and then she raised her head until she was holding the very tip between her lips, and
went the lash on her taut bottom, and she gasped aloud and he spurted salty fluid into her throat.

Susie was quivering with arousal and tension as she knelt over him, and the fact that his nut-brown shaft stayed hard in her mouth told her it wasn't over yet.

Yoshimura rolled onto one side and slid out from beneath her, guiding her back into a kneeling position on the carpet, knees apart, bottom raised, her smooth shiny sex, slippery with excitement, pouting and waiting.

He was holding the thing by the other end now, letting its thick leather handle swing back and forth, bumping gently against her – bumping thigh, buttock, waist and then breast. Then he guided it to her face and ran it over her mouth, gently pushing it between her lips so she could taste the leather, feel the stitching and the raised braiding, and the coarse lumpiness of its blunt end.

He ran it along her flanks, letting it swing freely as it dangled from his hand. Then it was swinging harder, slapping her taut buttocks, making little smacking noises, faster and faster and harder and harder until it made her flinch and squeal. And then it slowed until it was swaying gently against her again, bumping into the valley between her buttocks, nudging against the softness of her open body, rough and lumpy, smooth and shiny, as it swung and rotated.

Then it was pressing firmly, spreading her wider, slithering deeper and reaching higher inside, answering the need he'd created and teased her with for so long. And as she felt its knobbly end pressing high up into her she sighed with satisfaction, raising her bottom towards it.

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