Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3) (20 page)

BOOK: Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3)
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“Here you go.” Ryan places two beers down on the bar, and I eye them thoughtfully. I’m thinking I need something harder.

“Two Jagerbombs.”

Blake moans. “Why are we drinking that shit? What’s wrong with this?”

“Situation calls for it. Stop being a pussy.”

We take the shots off Ryan and knock them back. Fuck, now I know why I don’t do shots regularly. I wince at the taste and chase it with my beer.

“Ack. That’s gross.” Blake shoots the glass over to Ryan who chuckles and leans against the side.

“You keeping away from the girls tonight?”

“Yep, boys only. Women ain’t nothing but trouble.”

He slings the tea towel over his shoulder and starts to pour us both another shot.

“I’ll let you drink to that shit on me! ‘Cause it’s too damn true. Here…” He places another two in front of us and this time I clink my glass against Blake’s then down it.


Another hour of guy talk and I’ve had too many shots I’ve lost count. But they’re easing the pain slightly. Stopping me from feeling things so much. That is until my attention gets pulled away to the other side of the bar, where Cassie, Jess and Laurel are all sat down with Tyler, laughing their asses off. I don’t care, I keep telling myself. I don’t care that she’s smiling at him. I don’t care he’s leant back with a cocky as all hell grin. I look over towards the door. I don’t care Shannon’s strutting her way up to me right now, biting her slutty little lip. I don’t care.

“Hey gorgeous. All alone? Want some company?”

I snort into my next shot and down it quickly. This is me not caring.

I gesture to Blake standing right next to me and Ryan on the other side of the bar leaning against it, talking to him. “Does it look like I’m all alone?” I say sarcastically, expecting her to leave. My tone doesn’t seem to faze her. She just shrugs.

“No girlfriend with you. You look alone to me.” She edges up to me and nudges me with her hip. “Buy a girl a drink?”

Is she going to get the wrong impression if I buy her a drink? Probably. But this is supposed to be me not caring. And I was going to get another drink anyway.

“Murphy, another round of shots for everyone!” I slide my glass over to him and he picks it up and points his finger at me in warning.

“I’m cutting you off soon, J.”

“Yeah well, until then, can you just get us some drinks like a good little bartender? Thanks, I appreciate it.”

He raises an eyebrow, but pours the drinks anyway.

“To not giving a shit!” I hold up the glass and clink it against hers, then tip it right back. I slam the glass back on the bar and wince at the taste. I need to change drinks. Girly shots are not having the right effect.

“Hendrick’s.” I cut in to the guys talking and nod to Ryan. He looks at me with his head tilted, like he’s really appraising me. I don’t want him to cut me off, so I blink my eyes to try and stop them blurring. I stand straighter. I can feel my body swaying, so I don’t think I’m doing a very good job of looking sober. He sighs and throws the towel over his shoulder, shaking his head.

“You won’t find any answers in the bottom of a glass.”

Look at him getting all profound. I don’t want to piss him off though, ‘cause he really will cut me off. He’s getting my drink anyway. I see him glance at Laurel. He’s loyal to her, I get that. He was friends with her before me. Sometimes I think he just tolerates me because of Laurel. But whatever. I don’t care, do I?

I decide to take this one slow so I take a sip and hunch against the bar again. I can’t turn around because I know they’re still across the room talking. I can see her blue dress out the corner of my eye.

Why do I feel betrayed? She’s not really doing anything wrong, but she should be standing by my side not his. I’m supposed to be the one she’s going to marry. But she doesn’t know that because I haven’t asked her. I hear her giggle and I clench my fingers round the glass tighter.

“Wanna dance?”

Shit, Shannon’s still here? I thought she left.

“No, thanks. I’m good.”

Just me and a drink. That’s all I need tonight.

“Go on. It’ll make you feel better.” I tip the gin right back and my eyes water. I push my hands away from the edge of the bar and my head’s spinning so much I could easily fall flat on my face. Shannon’s right in front of me, swaying her hips to the music. She’s dancing on her own. Her hands come up to my chest and she turns, pushing her backside against my crotch. She shouldn’t be doing this, but my head’s so fuzzy I don’t know what to do to fix it. All I can think about is the ache that’s shooting across my forehead and the disgusting taste in my mouth that feels like it might make me hurl any second.

Her body pushes back against me and I stumble slightly, hands grabbing hold of the nearest thing which I think is her arms, or her hips. Hell, I have no clue.

I shake my head to try and clear it, then I feel the cold liquid splash at my arm and soak the side of my t-shirt.

It’s raining.

How is it raining inside?

“Get your slutty little hands off him.” My girl’s in front of us now, glaring at Shannon like she could get into a serious catfight. Shannon’s hair is dripping wet, and she’s looking down at her top with her mouth wide open in shock.

“Babe,” I pull Laurel to me and brush her hair away from her neck, “We need to go, it’s raining.” I think the words all came out as one long slur so I try really hard to pronounce the next ones.

“You’re so sexy when you’re angry.” I smile. It might have come across as a leer. But I can leer, she’s my girlfriend.

She pushes away from me then turns to Shannon and jabs her finger nearly poking her in the chest. “You, stay away from him. He doesn’t want you. How many times do you have to get rejected before you realise that?”

Shannon laughs tauntingly and looks up at me with the ‘I want you’ eyes. “That didn’t look like I just got rejected. His hands were on me. You saw it.” Her hand goes back to her hip as she turns her attention back to Laurel.

I frown, wanting to tell them she got that wrong. I don’t want Shannon. Not even a little bit. I open my mouth to try and get the words out then shut it abruptly when my brain won’t let me speak. I think I look like a fish.

“Just stay away from him.” Laurel bites out and Shannon narrows her eyes and storms off to the toilets. Probably to dry herself from the rain. She got drenched.

“I can’t even look at you.” Me? Why not? What did I do? I should be pissed at her. She’s been with
the whole night.


I open my mouth again to tell her as much but shut it just as quickly. I need my bed. I sway and feel the sick rising in my stomach but I cover my mouth with my hands and it stops. She nods her head at Blake and then turns on her heel. Back to Tyler. Wait, what?

“Come on buddy. Let’s get you back home.” Blake drops an arm over my shoulder and guides me outside. The cold air hits me and I stumble through the open door of the taxi. It’s spinning, why is the taxi spinning? I lower my head back against the seat and my eyes fall shut immediately.


Chapter Twelve




“I swear she just wants to make my life a fucking misery!” I growl out in anger and frustration. The girls have disappeared to the bathroom. And Tyler’s just looking at me like he doesn’t know what to do with me.

I don’t know what to do with myself.

Actually, I do know.

I want to punch her.

Several times.

Right in the face.

I sigh, and perch myself back on the edge of the chair next to Tyler.

At least James is safely away from her now.

“You know he didn’t actually do anything, right? I saw her shake her ass up to him and start throwing herself at him. And she wasn’t very subtle about it.”

I know it was mostly her. He’s too pissed to know his own name, and he thought it was raining in here, for Christ’s sake. What’s with Tyler anyway? He’s defending James now?

“What do you care?” I say the words then regret how bitchy they sounded. He’s just let his guard down enough to make sure I’m okay and I just throw it back in his face.

His eyes flash with some kind of acceptance. As though he knew he shouldn’t have even said anything to me and he just proved himself right. And that hurts. I’m an idiot.

“Don’t mistake me telling you what I saw, for me caring. ‘Cause I couldn’t give a fuck sweetheart.”

He slams his whiskey glass on the table and stalks off to the bathrooms before you can say ‘Laurel’s a stupid crazy bitch.’ I pick up my bag and move over to a stool at the bar, looking to Lucy the bartender for a refill. As soon as she comes back with my wine I take a sip and try and work out how I’m going to apologise to Tyler. It needs to be something good, that’s for damn sure.


I startle in my seat at the sound of the voice right next to my ear. There’s a man leant against the bar with his elbow, watching me with an arrogant, cocky grin on his face. Much like the one James has but this one does little to get my blood pumping at all. It just makes me want to roll my eyes. So I do. He’s wearing suit trousers and a fitted shirt with a blingy gold watch hanging on his wrist, looking like one of those asshole who wants to flash his cash. He’s still staring at me, so I offer him a small smile and slight nod of the head, and turn my body so I’m facing forward again. I pick up my glass and take another sip, hoping he gets the hint.

Where the heck is Tyler?

“What’s a beautiful woman doing all alone in a dive like this?”

Well, considering this is one of my favourite bars, a good friend runs it and I do not fall for being picked up like this, he’s doing a hell of a job at getting me on side. I’m about to tell him he’s got the wrong girl, but Tyler beats me to it.

“She’s not alone.” He keeps his distance from me but straightens his shoulders and widens his stance in full attack mode. He’s huge when he’s not slouching.

“She’s got no-one sitting with her.” He shrugs and turns his attention back to me with the sly grin I want to slap off his face.

“I said, she’s not alone. You need to leave.” Tyler’s cold voice is calm. And that’s what makes it so chilling. I turn and see his face. Everything is blank and completely unreadable apart from the eyes. They give away all the emotions he’s feeling. I always thought Tyler would have a temper, but this ice I see is something else.

The guy next to me chuckles as he looks Tyler up and down, taking in every inch of his boots, faded tight black jeans, and white t-shirt with sleeves that curl round his muscles mid-bicep. Why is this guy not running as far away as possible? Tyler makes him look like such a weed in comparison.

“We’re just going to have a little fun. You can have her after. Can’t say she’s going to want you after we spend a little time together though. It’s obvious she’s not your type. Maybe you should try the other end of town. There’s a trailer park there too.”

Instead of sitting there gaping as I hear his words, my mind knows I need to stand up for Tyler and myself. My hand comes flying out to attack his cheek, and I’m too pissed to even register the stinging pain in my palm.

“Bitch.” He spits out and grabs hold of my upper arm tightly. I barely even have time to feel it before Tyler has him sprawled across the bar, writhing under the heavy hands choking round his neck. I’m too shocked to care that he’s struggling to breathe.

“You don’t ever touch a lady unless she asks you to, asshole.” His words fall out around harsh pants as I see his grip tighten.

“She was asking for it. Look at that ass in that dress.” He chokes on a groan as Tyler shoves him even harder onto the wooden bar top. He loosens his fingers, then pulls the guy up so he’s standing, swaying from side to side. The guy lunges, but Tyler moves out the way and when I see him drag his fist back, I wince, knowing that when it connects with the guy’s jaw there’s going to be one hell of a loud crack. I wasn’t expecting the amount of blood that pours down onto his white shirt though. Tyler’s fist pulls back again and he plants another beating to his face, then one in the stomach.
The guy doubles over and rushes low at Tyler’s waist.  It’s not enough to knock him over, but he steps back then throws the guy off him. I glance across the bar and a small crowd has formed round us. Tyler’s not letting up, he throws punch after punch, but it’s when he finally gets him on the ground that I kick into action.

“Stop, please. He’s down now.” I grab hold of Tyler’s t-shirt to stop him from throwing another punch when I see two guys from security making their way through the bodies.

He looks back at me, then down to my hand on his shoulder, and his eyes soften slightly. With a nod he lets go of the asshole who slumps back to the floor and groans again; one arm wrapped round his stomach and the other on the side of his jaw. Security pull Tyler’s arms behind his back and drag him towards the door. I grab my clutch and follow, knowing that the police will have been called. Hopefully I can just explain everything to Jason and he’ll let Tyler go with just a warning.

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