Sweet Affliction [Sweet Awakenings 4] (Siren Publishing Classic) (25 page)

BOOK: Sweet Affliction [Sweet Awakenings 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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She wanted…No she needed to feel him inside of her. His hard cock thrusting in her and filling her was the only thing that would cure the horrible empty feeling that was churning inside of her.

“Nick, please…I need you.”

She should have cared how desperate her whispered plea sounded, but she didn’t. It was no longer important to her that she was at his mercy. There was no denying it, and it was foolish to try.

“Jesus…I know, sweetheart.”

His words were muffled against her breasts, which he hadn’t stopped giving his undivided attention to. Everything he did, every touch, every kiss, every lick and suckle drove her insane. She felt like a woman who had been slipped the strongest form of aphrodisiac.

Her thigh brushed against him, and she felt his thickness so full and hard. He must be dying, she thought. She was getting all the pleasure while he sat there in obvious need. She licked her lips when she envisioned pre-cum sitting on the tip of his head. Just the image, the idea of it, the fantasy that played through her head, was too much to bear. She couldn’t stand it anymore.

“Nick, stop…I can’t take it anymore.” She ignored the surprised look on his face and pushed him down on the bed.

“Damn it, you’re killing me. What’s wrong now?”

He sounded frustrated, but she didn’t care. She was sure that no amount of sexual frustration he was feeling could come close to hers. Besides, she was also just as sure that neither one of them would be frustrated for that much longer.

She hurriedly unsnapped his jeans and pulled down the zipper before pulling them down. He helped her by lifting his hips. She took his boxer briefs with the jeans, not wanting anything to keep her from what she wanted.

When his cock sprang up from behind the fabric, she was stunned. She had seen him before, even with an erection, but never had she had it so close to her face and mouth. It was…beautiful. The long vein that ran along the underside was like an imaginary trail telling her to use her tongue to travel it, seeing where it took her.

Her clit throbbed painfully now, and much to her delight she did see pre-cum dripping down the side of his cock, calling to her to lick it off. Suddenly impatient and without any remorse for her frantic actions, she pulled the jeans off of his last leg and threw them. In one fluid motion and not a moment too soon she was on the bed, straddling him, her body hunched over as one hand grasped his hardness and her mouth closed over his head.

“Oh fuck…”

Nick’s hands grabbed her head so forcefully she could feel him losing control. Obviously he wasn’t expecting her to do this, but the way he was holding her and massaging her head told her he was glad she did.

She hadn’t been wrong about how good he would taste. There was something elemental about the musky flavor mixed with his pre-cum. It fed a part of her that she never knew was malnourished. Now as she explored him with her mouth, allowing her tongue to swirl around him while sucking him deep in her throat, she wondered how she had ever survived without having him inside her.

Her core felt hollow and empty. The liquid heat that emanated from inside her made her ache that much more for him, but having him in her mouth, hard and rigid, wasn’t something she was willing to trade for or give up just yet.

He was moaning and holding her head more aggressively. She loved hearing him lost in nothing but the sensation. It was what he did to her. She kept herself from giggling at the thought that turnabout was fair play. Pleasure was all she wanted to give him. She wanted him to ignore the outside world, if just for a short time, and disappear with her while she loved him with nothing more than her mouth.

Stroking him, she slid her tongue down that long vein that invited such a wonderful journey. It didn’t disappoint either. Her tongue curled around him as it continued the exploration. He was thick, and she could already feel her mouth tiring at the stretching his girth provided, but she refused to stop. She wanted more, so much more of him. She wanted to be able to make him fall off the edge and lose control the way he did to her.

She took the path back up to the head of his cock. Looking down at it, she loved how it was glistening from her mouth’s kisses and licks. Steeling her nerves and taking a calming breath, she relaxed every part of herself, allowing no fear or hesitation. She heard Nick say something, but she tuned even the sound of his voice out, blocking out anything and everything that may distract her.

Relaxed and ready she opened her mouth wide, sliding her mouth down on top of him but not stopping. This time she ignored the intrusion she felt when he hit the back of her throat and took him farther and deeper than should have been possible. Closing her mouth tightly around him she continued on with the motion, up and down. After she had the hang of it, and effectively blocked out her gag reflex, she started to twist her mouth as she proceeded to keep on. Nick was saying something, she had no idea what. She didn’t care. The way his hands were wrapped in her hair, gently easing her along and the way his hips were thrusting and meeting her mouth told her that he wasn’t unhappy with what she was doing.

As much as he clearly liked it, she was in heaven. She couldn’t remember a time she felt so completely overwhelmed by a man before. He woke every part of her body and soul. She could literally feel the heat coming from her. Her wetness was coating her inner thighs. Everything about him sent her into a hyperaware state of sexuality that she didn’t even know she was capable of.

“AJ…damn it listen to me!”

She heard him that time, but she couldn’t stop. The way her cheeks were starting to burn from being filled by him. The way her tongue glided along his veins and the other textures of his rigid state. The way he tasted. Everything she was doing was like giving her a high she was certain no one in the world could possibly understand.

“Sweetheart, please…if you don’t stop I’m not going to be able to either.”

Again she ignored him. She didn’t want him to stop. That was the opposite of what she wanted. She wanted all of him. She wanted to taste and swallow him. She wanted to be the reason he couldn’t hold back and spilled into her.

“Oh fuck, I’m not going to be able to stop…I can’t.”

If she wasn’t so fixated on what she was doing she might’ve stopped to smile triumphantly, but nothing could’ve slowed her pace right now.

His hands tensed on her head, his fingers almost digging into her. His thrusts into her slowed, and when she slid down on top of him once more his hips shot up and he shouted something that was incomprehensible.

When the first splash of his warm seed hit her tongue she was in heaven. She knew she wanted this, needed to take a part of him that came from something so intimate, but her appetite grew ravenous when she finally got that first taste. She braced herself with one of her arms and wrapped her other hand around him firmly. He spurted into her mouth violently as she continued to drink up his essence. Refusing to let any part of him go, she kept on, never releasing her mouth from him and continuing to slurp and suck every drop.

Moments later he was done. She could hear his breathing was hitched and rapid. After placing a few kisses to his now semi-hard erection she began gently brushing her mouth all over his abdomen. She was under his spell, soaking up every part of his body. With touches and kisses she wanted to memorize everything about him.

Abruptly she felt Nick’s hands reach under her arms and throw her down to his side. A second later he was hovering over her, his hand already touching her inner thigh and then finally his long fingers dipping inside her. She couldn’t help but whimper and bite her lower lip as her eyes closed. His touch was the only thing that could relieve her ache.

“Look at me.”

His voice was always deep and sexy, but now in this moment, he sounded different. His blue eyes were staring at her, pinning her in place. She couldn’t have moved from underneath him if she wanted to. He owned her. His leer claimed her and told her to do whatever he said.

She licked her lips, still relishing the scent and the taste of him. His fingers worked her, moving around inside and pressing against pleasure points she didn’t even know she had. He did though. He seemed to know everything that made her feel good. With every time he slid them in and out of her the sucking sound echoing in the room reminded her of what she had just done, which only heightened her arousal. She was so close to falling over the edge into oblivion.

Their eyes stayed on one another as he continued to tease her. That’s what he was doing, too, teasing her. She knew he was aware of it. Her clit was throbbing so painfully she widened her legs and moved her hips up and down, hoping to cause contact between her sensitized nub and one of his fingers as he slid them in and out over and over.

“Jesus, do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” he asked.

She closed her eyes at his question. His words washed over her and caused heat of a different kind to wrap around her heart. The way he spoke to her, the way he treated her made her feel so precious.

“I can’t believe it’s even possible so soon after, but…” He shook his head. “I want you.”

There was no time to question his intention. A second later she felt the enticing feel of his cock brush up against her pussy. He was no longer in a relaxed state. Instead he was hard and pushing past her lips in order to gain access to her sex.

God, he was unbelievable. She had no idea how he was able to be ready again, so soon. Nor did she care. He was a gift in more ways than one. It wasn’t just her heart that he took possession of. It was her body. On some level he had figured out the key to unlock every part of her.

She lifted her hips when he started to slide his head inside her entrance. The stretch he provided her gave her a burn which sent tingles of pleasure straight up to her womb. Despite the strain he put on her inner walls, she need more, needed to be completely filled by him.

Nick hissed out air when her body took charge and forced him deeper inside her. For a moment he closed his eyes and dropped his head back. She could see his tense jaw muscles working as he appeared to be fighting words which struggled to break free.

“Nick…” She bit her lower lip, unsure of what she was even going to say, just wanting to say his name as he took her.

There was a hunger in his eyes, one that she could relate to. Unlike the tenderness he had shown her before, she relished in the sensation as he began driving into her without hesitation. There was no reason for subtleties. She was on fire, her pussy was wet with desire for him, and together they melded together perfectly.

Her body shook with the mattress at his increasing thrusts. She dropped her head back for a moment and arched her back, but his hand brought her face back to stare at him. There was a tiny bead of sweat forming on his forehead, and she reached up to swipe at it with her thumb as she looked at him in a near trance, completely struck by what he was doing to her.

Suddenly she was jolted back to the here and now. She felt a hot bolt of lightning shoot through her as his finger flicked across her clit.


She needed more friction. Everything felt like that moment right before the roller coaster plummets hundreds of feet to the bottom. Her stomach did somersaults as the inside of her body was flaring with tiny embers. In her quest for more heat, more roughness, she ground her body into his. The greedy action didn’t just meet his thrusts, but enhanced it.

She moaned when her plan worked. The one fierce graze of her turgid nub shot through her like a wildfire. She lifted her hips off the bed and found his finger again. The blaze spread. She rose her hips and found it again and again, each time shooting flames throughout her body. Without words she gave Nick a pleading look. He continued to leer at her, his eyes alive and storming with a force so strong it overwhelmed her.

He took his thumb and rubbed it against her swollen and aching clit while continuing to pump his cock deep inside her. The pleasure shot through her body in one fell swoop. She grabbed onto her breasts, squeezing her nipples and arching her back as the first wave of heat shot up her spine. His thumb flicked, then rubbed, flicked, then rubbed, over and over again for several glorious seconds until she felt the fire inside her explode.

She let out a guttural scream. Her entire body felt as if she was flying. Wetness spilled from her, coating his cock at the same time he bit out a curse. His hips shot into spasm as for the second time in mere minutes he lost himself in climax. For several moments their bodies pressed hard against one another’s as the sticky proof of their desire mixed between them, so much of it that it spilled out onto the sheets.

She opened her eyes, not even realizing she had closed them, and saw stars. Literal stars. Tiny little white lights were shooting around the outside of her vision as she watched Nick stare at her. The room was spinning, and she felt like she had just spent too long spinning around in circles.

Seconds or minutes passed before she felt her lightheadedness go away. Nick’s eyes were still locked on hers. She couldn’t find the words to ask what he was thinking. He looked so intense. She felt weak and overpowered by his eyes, which possessed her so easily.

Her heart was so full and completely lost to him. It was as if he owned her, not just her body but her soul. She wanted to say something to him, make him understand what she was feeling, but no words would escape past the lump in her throat.

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