Sweet Billionaire Stepbrother ~ Part 1 (9 page)

BOOK: Sweet Billionaire Stepbrother ~ Part 1
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I turned back to the other man. “Have you called the ambulance?”

“No.” The scowl on his face deepened. “Let the motherfucker die.”


“He . . . that’s my boyfriend,” the woman said, nodding her head in the direction of the guy who stood in the doorway.

I blinked a few times as I took the information in. It didn’t make sense. “Who is this on the floor?”

“The asshole screwing my girl,” the guy spat out, his arms crossed over his chest.

Oh fuck. This was all I needed, to get caught up in shit like this. “Hey, I understand your anger, but right now he’s totally out of it. Help me here, please dude.”

“I’m sorry,” the woman said, “But . . . I really love Jack.” She gestured between herself and the stunned man. “We . . . you and I are over.”

Fuck me. A girl breaking up with her boyfriend while the guy she was giving head to was lying on the floor out cold. Could this night get any fucking worse? I’d never find Layla in time if I had to deal with this crap.

16: Layla


here are you taking me?” I looked up at Seth, biting my lip as my anxiety grew.

“To my car, babe.” He dragged me through the entrance and into the cool night air.

This wasn’t going to plan. I hadn’t expected chocolates and roses the first time I had sex with a guy, but I didn’t think it to be in the back seat of his car either. I couldn’t imagine anything more uncomfortable.

“Oh. Really?”

“What? That’s not good enough for you?” he shot back at me, irritation clear on his face. “My car’s the sweetest thing I own. Most girls love it.”

Most girls. That most certainly didn’t include me. My dress was tight fitting as it was, I couldn’t quite figure out how this would work. I stopped in my tracks, doubt filling my mind.

“What’s wrong, babe?”

“My dress. It’s a bit awkward—” My hands smoothed down my thighs, over the cool silky fabric. Secretly I loved my dress and I didn’t want it ruined. It would probably be the first and last time I ever wore something like it.

Seth spun around and captured me around my waist, drawing me closer to him. He leaned in to kiss me, catching my mouth in his before I could object further.

“Trust me, I have a plan. The position I have in mind will only need minor adjustments,” he murmured at the corner of my mouth. “You do trust me, don’t you?” He chuckled as if the alternative was preposterous to even consider. He was THE Seth Matthews after all.

“Um—” Alarm bells were going off in my head. What the hell had I gotten myself into? This was certainly not anything like I had imagined my first time to be. Did Seth even care about me or was he only thinking with his dick and concerned about getting laid? I had no illusions that I’d be added to his score card. We were using one another after all and I was okay with that.

Until now.

Something about it just felt off.

Way off.


I didn’t want emotions involved, but for some strange reason my gut twisted at the thought of what I was about to do. If I were a hopeless romantic, I’d want my first time to be earth shattering and with the man of my dreams.

Seth sucked on my earlobe, sending shivers down my spine. I couldn’t think clearly while my hormones were running rampant through my body and turning my brain to mush. Seth was sex on legs and he knew how to use his body to turn me on. His breath was warm on my skin and I ignored the slight smell of alcohol lingering in the air.

“I bet your pussy is dripping for me, babe. I wanna slide inside you and fuck you till you scream my name.” His voice was hoarse as he skimmed his lips over my throat.

Holy crap.

Desire unfurled and made my pussy throb. I’d never had a man talk dirty to me before. I wasn’t quite sure whether I liked it or not; but I closed my eyes and gave my body over.

I turned my head so he could have better access to my neck as he pressed me against the bonnet of his car. His erection throbbed against my stomach. At least I wasn’t the only one filled with lust. Because lust was all it was. Pure unbridled carnal lust in its most basic form. My heart beat faster, but only because of the adrenaline racing through my body. A pang of disappointment washed over me.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I’d planned this meticulously but then why was my heart feeling empty?

Don’t be a fool, Layla. Just go through with your plans. Feelings are for wimps and idiots and you are neither. You want this, right?

But a tiny part of me wanted to feel
even though I didn’t know what
was something intangible and impossible to describe. Euphoria? The dreamy state of intoxication that some of my friends had when they spoke about their guy flashed through my mind. Deep down, hidden in a place I didn’t even want to admit to myself, I wanted that.

Seth’s hand kneaded my breast while his mouth covered mine, kissing me with an urgency I’d never experienced before. Squeezing my eyes shut, I slid my arms around his neck and kissed him back, waiting, waiting for something to change inside me. For something more.


His tongue ran along my lips and pushed into my mouth. I let him in, hoping this would be the game changer. His tongue stroked mine while he pinched my nipple through the thin fabric of my dress. I moaned into his mouth to spur him on.

It worked. His hips rocked forward as he ground his hard cock into my stomach.

“Babe, get in the car. I wanna fuck you.”

It’s happening. Finally.

“Over my dead fucking body.” The booming voice was filled with rage.

My eyes flew open in time to see a hand on Seth’s shoulder.

“What the fu—” Seth yelled as he was pulled off me.

My gaze flew to his assailant. Grayson’s jaw was set in granite as he planted a fist into Seth’s stomach. Pain flickered over the younger man’s face before he doubled over.


Where did he come from?

The thunderous look on his face scared me. Grayson didn’t do violence. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I’d never believe that he was capable of hitting another person.

I blinked a few times before meeting his gaze.

“Go inside,” he commanded, his voice hoarse. His fists were still balled by his sides and his eyes glittered in the moonlight.

“But I—”

“Do not say another word. Just go.” Through thin lips his terse words were harsh in the silence. I couldn’t stand him being angry at me, but he had no business interfering in my life.

“You punched my date!” I cried out in a high pitched voice, both hands on my hips as I glared at him. “Why would you do something like that?”

“Layla, so help me God—” He exhaled with a heavy sigh. “I need to have a word with your
. In private. Now go before I lose my shit with you too.”

I folded my arms across my chest. “No. I want to hear what you have to say.”

Grayson eyes were hard and unforgiving. He gritted his teeth before grabbing both of my arms and turning me toward Seth. A shiver ran through me.

“Are you cold?” he asked, his voice a fraction softer than before. I shook my head and stared ahead at Seth who stood there holding onto his stomach.

17: Grayson


t hit me like a ton of fucking bricks. I didn’t want another man touching Layla. Ever.


It didn’t make sense to me so how could I explain it to someone else? Least of all Layla. From the way her nostrils flared I knew she was mad as a cut snake. With her hands on her hips and her eyes narrowed at me, she was expecting a rational explanation for my behavior. Problem was that there was no way I could get around this without coming off as a jerk. What kind of stepbrother crushes on his stepsister? She was right to be mad at my interference. I knew how her brain worked and I knew she had this planned out, but Seth fucking Matthews?


I’m kidding myself here.

It’s not just Seth Matthews that I didn’t want anywhere near her. It was every man on the goddamn planet, not because I was being a good stepbrother but because I wanted her for myself.

How fucked up is that?


I scrubbed a hand over my face, closing my eyes for a moment to digest what I’d just discovered. There had to be some mistake, this wasn’t right . . . on so many levels.

“He’s fucking jealous, Layla. Doesn’t want you with me. I got that at your house already.” Straightening up, Seth crowed with delight at the chance of making me look bad in front of Layla.

“Jealous?” Layla’s mouth hung slightly open as she turned her head away from Seth to look at me as if I’d suddenly grown three horns on my forehead.

“Don’t be fucking ridiculous. I’d react the same if you were with Taylor. You’re as big a scumbag as your brother, and I’m just looking out for my family.”

I swear disappointment flashed through Layla’s eyes for a spilt second. That was the right thing to say,
wasn’t it
? Then how come it sounded—and felt—like a lie? And Layla’s reaction was even more confusing. 

“What was it you wanted to tell me, Grayson?” Layla tilted her head to the side as she waited for my answer.

“He can tell you himself why he asked you to the ball tonight.” I walked over to Matthews and gripped him by the arm to pull him closer until he was standing in front of Layla. He tried to resist, but I tightened my fingers around his bicep and held on with an iron grip.

“Talk, Matthews!” I barked.

The little fucker actually smirked at me as he tried to twist his arm away. Anger spiked through me and I gripped him by the back of his shirt collar. I debated lifting his large frame off the ground and throwing him aside. But Layla needed to hear it from his mouth directly.

“Tell her about the bet!” My voice boomed through the silence. I’d reached the end of my patience. “Tell her or I will.”

“W . . . what bet?” Layla’s eyes were wide as she turned her gaze from me to Seth. He squirmed for a few seconds, but refused to talk.

“You leave me no choice then, Matthews. I thought you’d own up like a man, but clearly that’s beyond your capabilities.”

She held up her hand to silence me. “You aren’t making any sense, Grayson.” Taking a step closer to Matthews, she challenged him. “What’s going on, Seth? What should you be telling me?”

Matthews swallowed hard and turned his head down, avoiding Layla’s stare.

After a minute or two of silence, I couldn’t stay quiet any longer. If the fucker wasn’t going to tell her himself and as much as it pained me, she deserved the truth. “He’s not genuine. He lost a bet and now he’s playing a game of double or quits. His mission is to . . . to take your virginity tonight or he loses big.”

“W . . . what?” Her mouth fell open as she stared at me with round eyes. She held both hands to her flushed cheeks.

My insides twisted into a knot. “I’m sorry to be the one to have to tell you this since Matthews seems to have lost his tongue.” I swiped a hand over my face. “You deserve better, Layla. You should have a man who adores you to be your first. Not someone who wants . . . bragging rights.”

Pain flashed through her eyes.

Layla turned away from me and stepped closer to her date, taking his hand in hers. His head was still turned down. “Seth, talk to me. I thought we were friends?” Her voice choked on the last word.

My heart sank to my feet. Who was I to screw up this night for her? If I minded my own business, she wouldn’t have
look on her face. But, I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t stand seeing her being hurt by some bastard jock who only wanted her so he could win a bet.

“Layla, you’ve got to believe me . . . it started out as a bet . . . I know that sucks big hairy balls, but I’m not going to lie to you.” Matthews glared at me with the intensity of someone who wished they had the power to make people disappear into thin air.
Fine with me
. I crossed my arms and glared back at him. I didn’t give two fucks about Matthews. All I wanted was for Layla to know the truth before she made a monumental mistake.

Matthews found his balls. His voice was desperate as he pleaded with Layla. “Things changed as I got to know you better. And tonight . . . you genuinely took my breath away. I want this because I want you. You’ve got to believe me, Layla.”

His words were like a poison arrow to my heart. I wanted to smash his fucking face, grab Layla and get the fuck out of there.

But it was out of my hands. If Layla still wanted Matthews—

Jesus, I can’t bear the thought.
The image of Matthew’s dick inside of her was eating me alive. Pretending I was cool with whoever she chose to sleep with was the biggest lie I’d ever told myself. Truth was I didn’t want another cock within a ten mile radius of Layla.
Except mine.

Holy hell. I was turning into a deviant.  Could my thoughts be any more depraved? I wanted my stepsister like I’d never wanted another woman. I’d burn in hell for a long time for even thinking these dirty thoughts.

The person I had to protect Layla from was

I turned on my heels and got the fuck out of there. I didn’t, no couldn’t, look back even as I heard Layla gasp.

Knowing what I had to do, I went back to my date who was probably wondering what the hell happened to me. I’d lavish all my attention on Sloane and hope these devilish thoughts would erase themselves from my mind.

A cold chill ran through me. 

How did this happen? How did I allow it to become so fucked up?

18: Grayson

ack at the party Sloane gave me the sad puppy look while I ordered a double scotch on the rocks.  I knocked it back in one hit and ordered another. I sipped the second drink slower so it didn’t burn my throat nearly as much as the first, but it gave me enough liquid courage to get my shit together.

Sloane pouted her lips and sulked for a few minutes longer until I asked her to dance. Her face immediately brightened up as I lead her to the dance floor. Guilt overwhelmed me for neglecting her. She was a beautiful woman and I should have been showering her with attention like she deserved. She sighed contently as I pulled her closer, her arms automatically circling my neck. She was perfect in every way.

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