Sweet Charity (4 page)

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Authors: Sherri Crowder

Tags: #Black Mavericks MC

BOOK: Sweet Charity
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He wasn’t sorry when he found out that it was Charity who had beat him to the sale though, because he really liked her, and he sensed that she would appreciate the beauty of the historical building.  Up until then, he only knew Charity as the gorgeous, charming and sweet woman who he chatted with in the mornings when he stopped for breakfast on his way to work.  Oh, he always thought that she was sexy as hell, but he also knew that she lived with Tommy Birtch.  In his wildest dreams, he couldn’t imagine what she was doing with the President of an outlaw biker gang.  If she hadn’t been with Tommy he would have loved to have taken her out, but The Black Maverick’s MC didn’t need the trouble that would come if he were to go after the girl dating the President of The Red Aces MC.  Even though he felt one hell of an attraction to Charity, he wasn’t willing to let that stop him from approaching her with his ideas for her new restaurant, and when she told him that she loved his vision for the new
Sweet Charity’s,
he was so stoked. 
Sweet Charity’s
was now a gorgeous mix of the old, with new modern equipment and furniture. 

Before the construction began, he and Charity met several times to work on designing the look for the restaurant that they both wanted.  They didn’t hire a designer because they both had such clear and similar visions of how they wanted things to look, once the renovations were complete.  They worked well together and their ideas really complemented each others.  The curse of it was, that during those times, Jackson learned just how wonderful Charity really is, how genuine, down to earth, kind, and beautiful she is on the inside. 

His attraction to Charity was only growing, and it was fucking with him not to act on it.  He wasn’t the kind of man to sit back and not go after a woman that he wanted.  He’d never done that. The minute he felt an attraction to a woman he pursued her full-out...hard.  Trying to reign in his feelings for Charity, was one of the hardest things he’d ever done, but he was hell bent he wouldn’t put her through the nastiness of an affair, let alone the carnage that would only come if he were to move in on Tommy’s girl.  He wasn’t doing this out of some fucked up respect for a fellow biker, rather because he didn’t want Charity to be caught in the literal crossfire his pursuit of her would create.

As Jackson’s pull to Charity was getting more and more difficult to ignore and just prior to the actual renovation phase of the job, he began to detect that things at home between Charity and Tommy were not as she would have liked them to be.  Little things that she would say in conversation, or her actions, made him feel as though she were living her life walking upon pins and needles most of the time.  She always seemed to be worried about what Tommy would think of this or that, and she constantly watched the clock, as though afraid of being late, for what, he didn’t know.  He could tell Tommy was obviously very controlling.  On more than one occasion, he wanted to ask her why she was with Tommy if he caused so much stress in her life.  He himself was fighting the urge to pull her into his arms, kiss her, tell her that he wanted her for himself, and then bend her over the conference room table and fuck her until she moaned and screamed out his name.  Jackson decided that he would inconspicuously keep an eye on Charity, just to me sure that she never came to any harm from Tommy. It absolutely made him sick to think of Charity living with Tommy and repulsed him to think of her sleeping with him.   



As Jackson looked around pulling himself out of his thoughts, he caught Charity’s eye and she gave him a quick nod and a smile, confirming that she had seen him enter the cafe.  For a few minutes Jackson just sat and admired Charity, watching as she chatted with old Abe Jenkins. If he didn’t know better, he’d think Abe was flirting with Charity.  Hell, he probably was, I mean, who wouldn’t, he thought as he watched her.  Her skin was flawless and smooth, her hair a gorgeous golden brown, and her eyes were the brightest green. He’d tried on several occasions not to look too deeply into them for fear of losing control.  And finally, there was the way she smelled, a light floral scent that was almost powdery it was so subtle.  Yes, he loved the way Charity smelled. It was pleasure and agony at the same time.

Right now she had a smile on her face and was laughing at something Abe was saying.  When she smiled, she lit up the whole place and that light tinkling laughter of hers was so sweet...fuck, he’d give up his left nut to hear that laughter every day.

When Charity finished talking to Abe she slowly made her way along the lunch counter greeting everyone along the way.  When she stepped in front of Jackson, she smiled and said, “Good afternoon Mr. McKay, it’s nice to see you again.  I really appreciate you supporting the expansion of
Sweet Charity’s

Jackson couldn’t help the stupid ass grin that came over his face as he gestured with his hand to encompass the entire restaurant and asked, “How many times do I need to ask you to call me Jackson, Ms. Spencer?  I thought we were through with all the formal stuff after we worked so closely on this project?” Jackson asked. 

“Fine then, Jackson it is, but only if you call me Charity instead of Ms. Spencer.  It makes me sound like an old spinster,” she said with a giggle.

With those words, Jackson gave Charity a thorough and appreciative once over, hesitating an extra few seconds while focusing on her chest.  The look was so hot, Charity felt like she was suddenly enclosed inside a sauna and when he paused on her breasts, she felt her nipples harden under his scrutiny. He then looked her in the eye and said, “An old spinster is definitely not what comes to mind when I look at you Sweet Charity.”

At his words, Charity couldn’t help the blush that crept over her face.  She gave him a slight smile and said. “You’re too kind Jackson, but thank you.” For a minute, Charity froze and couldn’t look away from him, like a deer caught in the headlights, and then blinking her eyes she said, “really though Jackson, I do appreciate your business. Would you like some coffee?”  At Jackson’s nod, Charity reached under the counter for a china mug and behind her for the coffee pot.  She poured a hot and steaming cup of her house blend into the mug. “Would you like to hear today’s specials or would you rather order from the menu today?” 

“It smells so good in here, so why don’t you just surprise me Miss Charity.  There’s nothing you could bring me that I wouldn’t love to taste,” Jackson replied with a smile.  Suddenly, Charity had a vision of Jackson bent over her with his tongue lapping at her breasts.  She gave her head a slight shake and turning around, told him she would be right back.  Jackson smiled to himself as Charity disappeared into the kitchen knowing that whether she would admit it or not, she was as attracted to him as he was to her.  The last time he was here having lunch he overheard Charity talking to her friend and discovered that she and Tommy were a thing of the past.  Since Charity was no longer his client, he didn’t see any reason why he couldn’t pursue her.























Chapter 4


No sooner did Charity pass through the cafe’s kitchen door, than she placed her hand upon her chest and tried to catch her breath.  Her heart was beating in double time, and she felt heated everywhere throughout her body.  In all the time she had worked with Jackson during the cafe renovations, she had really never seen him be anything but professional towards her, but today he was different.  If she didn’t know better, she would think that Jackson was flirting with her. He’s so damn hot she thought and that killer smile.  “Damn those dimples,” she whispered.

Apparently, she had spoken a little louder than she thought as Melissa, her friend, and the chef at
Sweet Charity’s
smiled and asked, “Dimples girl?  Whose dimples have you all in a tizzy?  Honey, you better come over here and sit down, because you look like your legs are about to turn to noodles.”  Melissa quickly wheeled a chair over for Charity, which Charity practically wilted down onto.  Melissa then went and got Charity a glass of water to drink, and handing it to her, she inquired, “So tell me, what hot babe’s got you all hot and bothered?” She then pulled a chair over beside Charity waiting for her to answer.

Charity took a drink of water and with shaky hands, passed the glass back to Melissa telling her, “You better hold this because I’m not sure if I can.” Then she took a few deep breaths and fanned herself some more.  “There, I think I’m better.”

“Well don’t keep a girl in suspense anymore.  Who has got you all worked up?” Melissa asked.

“Ah, it’s probably nothing but I think Jackson McKay was just flirting with me.  I’m sure I just imagined it.  I mean, we worked for months on this place and he’s always such a gentleman. But today...” she trailed off. 

“Oh geez,” Melissa said as she reached over and grabbed Charity’s hand.  “What did that sexy tall drink of water do?  Damn girl he’s hot as fire!” Charity took a deep breath and then told Melissa everything that had just happened.  “Charity, why would you think that was nothing?  That’s definitely something.  You’re absolutely right, that man is flirting with you and by the looks of you right now, you liked it. I mean what woman wouldn’t?  He’s hot, he’s tall, he owns his own successful business, he’s really nice, he rides a Harley, he’s hot, and best of all, as far as I know he’s single. The question now is...what are you going to do about it?” asked Melissa.

Charity reached for the glass of water from Melissa and took another few sips. Then she asked, “He rides a Harley? I’ve only ever seen him driving his truck.  I don’t know what I was thinking though, because I know that he’s the President of The Black Maverick’s MC.  Two of the other members were on the construction crew during the renovations.  I don’t want to get involved with another biker. After Tommy...I just don’t think I could ever trust another biker. Anyway, I’ve been back here too long now. He’s going to know something’s up. I just came back to put in an order for today’s comfort special for him for his lunch.  Now he’s going to be kept waiting and think the service is terrible.”

Melissa quickly stood up from her chair and walked over to the oven saying, “No he won’t. I was just about to take some out of the oven as you walked through the door. There’s some fresh and hot right here. What kind of salad do you want on the side? Garden? Cabbage? What about the fries? Regular or sweet potato? And about him riding a Harley, he’s not like Tommy just because he rides a bike.”

Charity stood up and brushed her hands down the front of her apron. She then responded to Melissa with, “Cabbage I think...yes, he seems like he would love my Mom’s cabbage salad recipe, sweet potato, and I know he’s not Tommy but...”

“Okay, well just remember this, HE IS NOT TOMMY. Give him a chance!  Now here’s his lunch, all nice and hot and fresh, except the salad of course, so just go on out there and you serve that man that tasty meal and he’ll be in love with you before he finishes,” Melissa encouraged as she nodded towards the door.



































Chapter 5


Charity took Jackson’s plate from Melissa and taking a deep breath, she stepped through the door from the kitchen into the cafe.  She took a step towards the lunch counter and when she looked where Jackson had been seated, he was no longer sitting there. She couldn’t help the feeling of disappointment that came over her and just as her shoulders began to slump a little she heard Jackson’s deep voice calling her, “Charity, I’m over here honey.”

Followed his voice, she noticed that Jackson had moved over to a table in the corner.  Straightening herself up again before he might see her disappointment, she walked over to Jackson’s table and placed his lunch platter down in front of him.  “I brought you today’s comfort special,” she said.  “Freshly made chicken pot pie, sweet potato fries, with cabbage salad,” she quickly spoke. “I hope that’s okay?” she asked nervously. 

Okay? Jackson looked down at the platter.  Not only did it look delicious, but the smell had his mouth watering. He couldn’t wait to taste it, almost as much as he wanted to taste Charity. This is why Sweet Charity’s had become one of the most popular spots in town to eat.  Every day they served up homemade cooking just like your Mom would make. 

“Mmm, this smells delicious Charity.  I love chicken pot pie and made fresh like this, not frozen from a box and...is that creamy cabbage salad? he asked. 

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