Sweet Charity (6 page)

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Authors: Sherri Crowder

Tags: #Black Mavericks MC

BOOK: Sweet Charity
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Jackson took in a final deep breath and, letting it out with slight disappointment said, “of course, let’s go.”  He never let go of Charity’s hand until they were seated at a table in a little alcove of the restaurant overlooking the lake.  Outside, it was just beginning to get dark and the lights along the boardwalk in front of the restaurant were coming on.  You could see the lights of a few boats travelling out on the water, as well as those at cottages and homes surrounding the lake.  That combined with the fact that the lighting in the restaurant was low, and there were candles lit on the table, created a very romantic ambiance all around them.

Charity and Jackson ordered their food and over dinner, Jackson asked Charity about her family.  She told him about growing up the only child of William and Mary Spencer, in the small village of Star Lake, where her parents ran the village hardware store, and where they knew everyone and everyone knew them.  She told Jackson how, at times, it felt like she was the village daughter, instead of just that of her parents.  She didn’t seem to mind though, as the people of Star Lake sounded like the salt of the earth.  It was when she talked about her parents passing in a car accident three years ago, and tears began to pool in her eyes, that Jackson reached out his hand for hers across the table and said, “I’m so sorry Charity.  I never meant to upset you Baby.”

Charity clasped his hand back tightly and said, “No I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to cry...it’s just we were so close and I miss my parents very much.  You didn’t upset me, but I don’t get to talk about them that often, unless it’s with my girlfriends. Thomas...um, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t mention him.”

At the mention of Thomas’ name Jackson could feel tension building up inside, and had to struggle to not let Charity see it or feel it as he held her hand.  “It’s okay Charity, I always want you to feel comfortable talking about anything with me, even Thomas. What were you going to say?”

Grasping Jackson’s hand a little tighter and giving him a slight smile she answered, “I was just going to say that Thomas never wanted to talk about my parents.  He just didn’t seem to care, and whenever I would talk about them, he would quickly change the subject, or he would leave the house.  When they died, I felt like I never really had the chance to grieve because of him.” 

“Hey, listen Baby, you can talk about anyone or anything that you want to with me.  I want to be here for you. I want to be the one you lean on when you need someone to hold onto,” he told her.

Jackson’s caring words brought more tears to her eyes, but she smiled at him and said, “I’d really like that Jackson.”































Chapter 9


“Are you ready to get out of here?” Jackson asked Charity after they finished sharing a chocolate mousse for dessert, and he had settled their bill.

“Of course,” Charity replied.

Jackson helped Charity into her sweater, which she had removed shortly after they sat down at their table.  He then reached for her hand and led her outside.  It was a beautiful evening, with a full moon reflecting on the lake, and stars in the sky.  He turned to Charity and asked, “Would you like to take a walk along the boardwalk before I take you home?”

“I would love that Jackson,” she answered. “It’s so beautiful tonight.”

As they walked along, hand in hand, they listened to the crickets chirping and the water lapping at the shore.  Every now and then, you could hear the odd fish splashing to the surface, catching bugs or flies.  They continued along the boardwalk in silence as all the while Charity was beginning to think that Jackson wasn’t going to make any more moves towards her tonight.  She had to admit to herself that she was most definitely disappointed.   

“It’s so pretty here. I rarely ever get down here, especially at night,” she told him. 

“I’m glad you don’t come down here at night, at least not alone,” he said. “A beautiful woman like you shouldn’t be wandering around down here by herself.  I would worry about you if I thought you were.”

“Really? Why would you worry about me Jackson?  I’m a big girl.  I can take care of myself you know,” she said with a giggle.

They had just reached a corner of the boardwalk, when Jackson pulled on Charity’s hand, and turned her pressing her back up against the handrail.  He then placed his hands on her hips and looked down into her eyes.  “Charity, I would worry about you because I care about you.  I have for a while now, and it just about killed me to work so closely with you all those months and not tell you, or touch you, or kiss you,” he said.  Then taking his hand and moving her hair back behind her ear he leaned down and lightly whispered into her ear, “I’ve wanted to hold you and kiss you and love you for so long.  I want you in my bed right now.”  Then he kissed her neck, and Charity let out a little whimper and dug her nails into his thick biceps.

Her breathing was heavy, and as Jackson moved from kissing her neck and looked into her eyes once more, Charity stretched up and placed her hands around his neck.  She pulled him down and their lips met in a kiss.  This kiss was like no other kiss Charity had ever experienced before.  Her lips parted and Jackson swept his tongue inside her mouth growling at her taste.  Charity tasted him back, and let her tongue take control for a bit.  They kissed, until they were both panting and groping each other as their breaths became even more labored, and out of control.  Suddenly their lips parted and they stood with their foreheads touching trying to catch their breath.  Jackson reached up and removed one of Charity’s hands from around his neck and moved it down to feel his thick cock pushing against the front of his jeans.  “Charity, I want to take you home,” he said.  It wasn’t a question rather a statement, however if Charity had any objections he’d let it go.  It might fucking kill him, but he would do anything Charity wanted.

Looking down and seeing the huge bulge in the front of his jeans, Charity tightened her grip around his cock and Jackson groaned.  This woman had him worked up like no other woman ever had before.  If she weren’t so damn special to him, he’d lift up her skirt and have his cock plunged deep inside her already, but Charity was a woman who deserved more. So much more. Letting go of him and smoothing her hand up the front of his shirt, Charity looked up into Jackson’s blue eyes.  “Let’s go,” she replied.





































Chapter 10


All the way to Jackson’s house Charity was practically vibrating both from the excitement of what was to come, and also because she was incredibly nervous.  It had been a really long time since she had been with anyone.  During the last six months or so that she and Thomas were together, they never even slept in the same bed. Thomas was always staying at the club, probably sleeping with one of the whores that hung out there.  Once he knew she was aware that he was a member of The Red Aces, he didn’t even try to hide it.  He didn’t want anything more to do with her either, except for her to be his maid and cook.  Sex with Thomas hadn’t been all that great anyway, because it was all about him.  Most of the time, she hadn’t even had an orgasm when they had been together.  Charity was always happy when he didn’t come home, because it meant that she didn’t have to deal with his terrible temper. Then, since she broke up with Thomas, and moved out she hadn’t even dated. 

Jackson was the first man she could honestly say she’d been really excited about, since her boyfriend Michael, during her senior year of college and that had lasted only until they had sex.  She never remembered sex being something that she really wanted, rather it was just something that she knew was expected.  However, she couldn’t say that was the case now.  She wanted Jackson like she’d never wanted any other man in her life.  What if she was a disappointment to Jackson she wondered?  She’d only ever been with a few men and the sex was never anything special.  Casual sex just really wasn’t her thing, so why was she going home with Jackson?  Was she just setting herself up for disappointment by doing this?

Jackson could hardly focus on the drive on the way home.  He wanted to reach over and slide his hand up under Charity’s skirt, feel how wet he knew she was, and then taste her on his fingers.  Better still, he wanted to pull over, and pull her onto his lap and have her ride him right there on the side of the road.  He had to keep telling himself that Charity deserved more than that.  Jackson wanted this woman so much, he couldn’t ever remember a time when he’d wanted another woman like this.  She really had him all torn up, and fuck he just couldn’t believe it!  Thank fuck he lived nearby on the very lake they were just walking along.



When Jackson pulled down the long curved driveway to his house, Charity turned her head and looked over at him for the first time since they had left the boardwalk.  “You live here? On the lake?  I had no idea,” she said.  “It’s so beautiful out here.”

Jackson pulled round the final bend and turned off the truck.  “You didn’t know that I lived out here?  I thought because Chantry is such a small place that you probably knew where I lived already.  You must have wondered where I was taking you when I pulled down the drive. You’re not afraid to be out here with me are you?” he asked her, with a frown on his face. 

“Of course not Jackson, you don’t scare me in that way,” she replied.  She then looked away, so Jackson decided that he wouldn’t ask her what she meant by that...at least not right now.

He jumped out of the truck and came around and opened Charity’s door.  He didn’t hesitate, when he reached up and slowly slid his hands around her waist, lifting her out of the truck.  When her feet touched the ground, Jackson kept his hands in place, as they stood looking at each other while the air nearly crackled with electricity, and each of their chests rose and fell heavily.  As much as he hated to break the spell, Jackson reached for her hand and slowly led her up the stairs to the huge wrap-around porch.  He couldn’t wait to get her into his bed, but he also wanted to savor every moment tonight. 

Once inside the house, Jackson turned on a few lights in the great room and asked Charity if she wanted anything to drink.  He couldn’t believe that he actually felt nervous. He’d never felt nervous with a woman in his entire life...never...not even when he was barely a teenager, experiencing sex for the first time.  When she declined, he took off his leather jacket and threw it on one of the chairs in the great room.  He then asked Charity if he could take her sweater.  He helped her out of her sweater, and while he was placing her sweater on the chair with his coat, he watched Charity as she walked over to the huge windows overlooking the lake.  The moonlight was streaming into the dimly lit room, and with Charity standing in its path, he could see the outline of her curvy silhouette through her pale blouse.  His cock immediately reacted. Jesus!

He slowly walked up behind Charity and put his arms around her pulling her back against his chest.  Charity let out a sigh and practically melted back into him.  Jackson leaned his head down and spoke softly into her ear.  “Charity I’m not the kind of man you deserve, but I want you to know that I would never hurt you,” he said.

Charity immediately turned around in his arms and looked up at him.  Then, reaching up, she placed her hands on the sides of his face, gently caressing him.  “Why would you ever say that?  You’re a good man Jackson, that much I know.  I’m not afraid to be here with you, and if I

had any concerns, I would have never have agreed to go out with you,” she told him.  “I want to be here with you,” she said, wondering why he would ever think he wasn’t good enough for her.  Jackson gently turned his head into her hand and kissed her palm. 

Moving her other hand down slowly over his chest, Charity then reached down for Jackson’s hand and placed it on her breast.  Looking him directly in the eyes, she all but asked him to make love to her.  Jackson swallowed hard and asked, “You’re sure Charity?  I don’t know if I can be gentle.  I want to be Baby but...”

“Jackson, just take me to your bed,” she whispered.



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