Sweet Immortal (The Golden Collection) (5 page)

BOOK: Sweet Immortal (The Golden Collection)
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“Will you cut the attitude, Georgina!” I ran my hands through my hair and let out a little air. I opened the car door and glared at her. “Get in the car” I growled.

“I am not a child, Maxwell!” She hissed as she climbed in. I rolled my eyes.

How could she be so fucking frustrating but yet sexy at the same time?


              We arrived back at mine. It was now really late and Georgina had fallen asleep. I carried her into the house and set her down on the sofa. I knelt down next to her and took in her beauty. Her golden hair and rose bud lips. Wow, a little smile came to my lips. I really was a lucky fucker. Ever since she had graced my office with her presence my luck had changed. Miss Georgina Dawson was my lucky charm. I brushed some hair out of her face and she began to stir. Her big blue eyes opened and she stared up at me,

“Tell me” I begged. This was all beginning to hurt. I wanted us share everything and never have any secrets. She seemed so far away from me. Her hand reached out and she rubbed my cheek. I fell into her touch. Her hands were always soft.

“Do you love me?” She sat up and looked directly into my eyes.

What sort of dumb question was that?

“I love you more than anything.” I bent froward and kissed her sweet lips. My hand gripped hold of her chin and I pulled away. “What is wrong? This is killing me.”

“If Debbie wanted you back...” She looked away and her voice lowered. “Would you choose her over me?”

Where had that come from?

I wanted to burst out in hysterical laughter. This had obviously been upsetting her.

I shook my head. “No!” I yelled. “I almost lost everything to be with you. Your my sweet fix. How can I give up something I crave?”

She rested her forehead on mine. “Debbie is leaving her husband.”

“That's her problem.”

“She said I should leave you and allow you to be a family again. I'm getting in the way.”

Now it all made sense. I could feel my anger reaching incredible height. Who the fuck did Debbie think she was? Like I would ever take her back. I would take Olivia back any day and watch  Debbie rot in the street.

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I had to sort this out with my woman by my side. I pulled out my phone. Fingers crossed it was back to UK settings. I went through my contacts and reached the bitch's name.

“What are you doing?”

I ignored her and pressed the call button. It was working.

“Hello?” Answered a voice.

“Debbie!” I yelled.

“Maxwell?” Her toned changed. “Hi, how was your flight?”

“Cut the crap! What the fuck have you been saying to Georgina?” There was no reply. She was guilty. “Now listen carefully... I do not care about you or your husband. I am with Georgina and I don't want you. You are nothing to me. In fact it pleases me that you live on the other side of the world.”

“But!” She screeched.

“Bye” I yelled and hit the end button. Georgina was staring at me shocked. Once again I had some how managed to shock the wonderful Miss Dawson. A sweet smile of victory appeared slowly across my lips.

“What if she stops you seeing Olivia?” Georgina asked the panic filling her voice.

“She won't!”

Georgina wrapped her arms around me and hugged me hard. I felt the relief. I had her back, no thanks to the bitch in LA!

“I'm sorry.. Did I spoil the trip?”

I hugged her back just as hard. “No. I'm just glad your still here and didn't take that bitch's words seriously.” I pulled away and narrowed my eyes. “Just promise me your tell me next time if something is playing on your mind.” She gave a little nod. “Bed!” I demanded.

“Mr Golden Rule, are you ordering me around again?” She was giving me the look. The one where her eyes burned with desire and she was biting down on that lip. It always sent my blood flowing in one direction.

“Yes” I said dangerously low. “I never did tame you in LA like we agreed.”

“No, you didn't” her tone matching mine.

“Shell I do it now as a punishment?”

“Punishment?” She laughed. “Never thought of you as the BDSM Dom type?”

“Guess there are a lot of things your going to learn along the way” I warned. I grabbed hold of her hand and led her into the bedroom before she could back out.


              I stood in the doorway as Maxwell began to search through a draw. An amused smile appeared on my face.

What was he planning on doing to me?

He spun around holding up a really long bandage.

“What's that?” I giggled.

His eyes widened with greed and prowled over to me. “This Miss Dawson is a bandage!”

“I thought we were having sex, not playing doctors and nurses?”

“Improvisation, Miss Dawson.” He raised an eyebrow. “Are you ready to play?”

“Always” I said breathless. I could feel the wanton feeling rushing through my body.

He looked me up and down. “Then why are you still wearing these?” He pointed to my dress. “Come on, Miss Dawson. The sooner you undress the sooner you get your fix.” I could see his arousal bulging through his trousers. The thought of him tying me up was turning him on instantly. I hadn't even touched him yet.

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I slowly began to undress and he stood watching, taking me in fully with his mouth tight and his blue eyes burning into me. Finally, I was completely naked and ready for what ever he had planned.

“There are rules” he smirked.

“You do surprise me” I giggled.

He rolled his eyes. “Here they are... No talking... No stopping me and letting me have complete utter control. You could say this is a test of trust... Do you trust me?”

“Of course” I said sadly, why would he ask that?

“Good” he nodded. “Now lay on the bed on your front.”

I crawled down on the bed and laid on my stomach. The excitement of the possibilities was filling my body. I heard him get undress and then climb on the bed.

“Place your hands behind your back” he barked. I complied, he began to wrap the bandage around my wrists and I felt him pull it tighter. “Get on your knees!” Once again I did, trying to bite my tongue from asking questions.

He began to wrap the bandage around my ankles, I was unable to move. On my knees with my hands bounded behind my back connected to my ankles. Everything went quiet and all of a sudden I felt him slam into me.

I hissed in pleasure and he carried on slamming into me with force. I felt my whole body enlighten in fire. Then he pulled out and his hand slipped in between my legs to there. His magic lean fingers moved in between my legs to massage my sweet spot, his finger circling and getting me wetter. Slowly he slipped his finger inside me and carried on the sweet massage. I wanted to scream loudly but I couldn't because of the rules.

His fingertips carried on the tense, up to my sweet spot and then inside. He stopped just as I felt my whole body tingle. Then once again he slammed into, pushing himself deeper and deeper inside. One of his hands grabbed hold of my hair and pulled my head back. The other found its way to my sweet spot. I couldn't stay quiet and began to scream the house down. Pleasure overwhelmed me and every thing exploded.

One final slam and he found his. “FUCK!” he screamed. He rested his head on my back and I could feel his heart beat racing. He moved up slowly and pulled himself out of me. Slowly he unbounded me and I was free. I clasped on to the bed and he laid down next to me.

“Well?” He smirked.

“I love you” I yawned, I was really tired now. He pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead. There naked and together I fell asleep in my Mr Golden Rules arms.



I was glad to be home. After the shitty LA trip, the all nighter with Maxwell and work today. All I wanted to do was have a hot bath and get to bed. Maxwell had insisted we stayed at our own places tonight. I was thankful, I needed the rest.

The flat was quiet. Amy was probably still at work. I flopped on to the sofa and put my feet up on the coffee table. My head was pounding and my eyes burned with lack of sleep.

“Well, if it isn't the dirty stay out!” Amy laughed coming out of her bedroom. She sat down next to me and linked her arm with mine. “I think I'm in love” she hushed while resting her head on my shoulder.

I was shocked! Amy actually admitting she loved a man. Normally she just used and abused them. This was a whole new revelation from her.

“Is he here?” She shook her head. “How long have you been seeing him?” I asked puzzled.

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              Before LA I was pretty sure she was moaning about not seeing anyone.

“Since the weekend!”

“The weekend?” I laughed. “And your already in love?”

“I said think” she huffed lifting her head off my shoulder. “Besides, you had one quick fuck with the flashy fucker and you were declaring your love!”


“I'm sorry” I grabbed hold of her hand. “It's just I have never seen you like this.”

“That's because I have never met anyone like him.” Her eyes went all dreamy and she was looking out to space. Wow, this bloke deserved some sort of medal. He had done the impossible. He had defrosted the Ice Queen.

“Who is it?” I asked out of curiosity.

All of a sudden terror filled her face and her eyes diverted down to her hands. “Maybe it would be better if you stayed at Maxwell’s for a while.”

Did I hear her straight?

This was my home.

Was she picking a man over her best friend?

I loved Maxwell to death but I couldn't move in with him. I had just got out of a serious relationship over a month ago.

“Why?” I yelled.

“I just need some time alone with him” she replied.

That was a dumb excuse and after everything we had been through together. I stood up, grabbed my bag and walked towards my room.  I made sure I slammed the door as hard as I could. I grabbed my phone out of my bag and tried to ring Maxwell. There was no answer, he must still be in meetings.

I laid down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. I felt angry but hurt all at the same time.

What did she think I was going to do?

Jump the bloke as soon as her back was turned?

Sod her!

If she wanted me gone I guess I had to find somewhere else. This was meant to be my fresh start, so much for that. There was a knock on the door and Amy poked her head round it. I groaned and looked back at the ceiling. She slowly stepped into my room.

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