Sweet Immortal (The Golden Collection) (22 page)

BOOK: Sweet Immortal (The Golden Collection)
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It was game over!

“What has he got that I haven't?” I cried.

“Nothing” she replied breathlessly. “Your a wonderful, handsome kind man.” She ran a hand through my hair. “You made me extremely happy for two whole years. I thank you for everything you did for me.”

“But....” I cut her off.

“But... I fell in love with Maxwell. You did nothing wrong and I want you to live your life and move on.”

“I blame him!” I snapped.

“You shouldn't” she gave a little chuckle. “I'm the one who cheated and I broke your heart. Everything is my fault.”

I tilted my head to the side and took in her face. She was right and I knew she was. I felt stupid! I would of never seriously got away with kidnapping her. Why had I lost my mind like that?

“I know someone who loves you very much” she looked over at Amy still sat beside me. “You would make her very happy, Blake. You deserve each other. Don't mess in up because of what I did.”

My eyes slowly moved to Amy this time. Even after my mental episode she was still by my side. I let go of Georgina and wrapped my arms around Amy. She embraced me tightly and lovingly.

“I'm sorry” I cried.

“SSH” she whispered in my ear as my tears fell uncontrollably. “I told you I would be here no matter what.”

“Thank you” I said as I tightened my hug.

One of the security guards scooped Georgina up off the floor and sat her in a wheelchair. I never watched them take her away. Instead I stayed clung onto Amy on the hospital floor. I couldn't let go of Amy.

My Amy. My girl.


















Page 76



*     *      *


I watched as Maxwell paced up and down the room. I was still stuck in this hospital. He was yelling at someone on the phone. I wanted to get out of this place and go home. I needed to walk in the fresh air and see prober day light.

Plus a walk would get me away from his fussing for a few hours. You would of thought I was the first woman ever to be pregnant. How was I going to get through the next 8 months?

“No!” He yelled. “I want that fucking bitch locked up and I don't want Olivia anywhere near her. That woman is fucking crazy and not stable enough to raise my daughter! Good...You better... Well, I am not fucking paying you to try!”

He finally took the phone away from his ear. Mr Golden rule the business man was back. “You okay?” he asked his tone softening. I rolled my eyes. We were here again!

“Stop!” I pleaded as I let out a frustrating scream. “Please, stop all the fussing. I am fine.”

He gave his smile and strolled over to me. I must have been getting better as I had that deep throbbing dark pain below. I was dying for him to make love to me. I squeezed my thighs together and shifted a little. I had begged him the other day to make love to me right here but he refused. He said it didn't feel right, that came out of the mouth of the man who fucked me in a McDonald’s rest room.

“Don't give me that look”  he smirked. “I told you to wait till we get home.” I loved the way he always knew what I was thinking. He sat down next to me and ran a finger along my cheek. “I want nothing more than to be inside you, Miss Dawson.”

I reached out for his hand and changed the subject. “What did the solicitor say?”

He shook his head and rubbed his brow in annoyance. “Doesn't look good. Debbie is playing the mental card. Although custody of Olivia is looking good.”

“Did you sign the papers for the house?”


“Why?” I asked in shock. “You house isn't going to be big enough for the four of us to live in.”

“Four?” He looked puzzled.

“Me, you, Olivia and our baby!”

He gave a little smile. “I keep forgetting about the little Golden blob.”

I smiled back at him. “I know it doesn't feel real.”

He draped his arm round my shoulder and pulled me in tight. I rested my head against his chest and took in his intoxicating scent. I really had to get home quick!

“What are we going to do about the house?”

“I was thinking” he began. “We should move to LA. My business is good there and Olivia could go back to her old school.”

“What about me?” I snapped, I could feel my eyes moving rapidly. “I have no job there. I can't be a stay at home Mum. I would go crazy!”

“Then your lucky I know you very well” he laughed. “Right this second a contract is being written.”

“A contract?”

“Yep... I'm making you my business partner. I want us to share everything with each other.”

Wow! This was a lot to take in. He actually wanted to give me fifty per cent of everything he had built up. He trusted me that much. What if people thought I had planned this? What if people thought I was a gold digger?

“Its too much” I sighed.

Page 77



              “How?” He gave me his cold stare. “Seriously, I want to share everything with you. We are engaged and now we are having a baby.” His hand gently rubbed my stomach and I placed my hand over his. His eyes slowly looked up at me. Blue on blue. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“When did I turn into such a grown up?” he joked.

“Are you happy?” I asked with a serious tone.

“I have never been happier” he kissed my cheek and stood up. “I'm gonna find that nurse and get those discharge papers. We need to get you home!” He winked.

“Oh so wanton, Mr Golden Rule!” I giggled.

“Oh, how you know me, Miss Dawson.” He gave his special smile. He pulled out his phone and handed it to me. I just stared at it confused. “Call your Dad and tell him our good news.”

I tutted. “Do I have too? You've met my father and he is scary!”

“Yes... This is an order not a request. Won't be long” he kissed my lips and left the room.

I glared at the phone. This was going to be fun. I strolled through the phone till I found my Dad's number. I hit the call button and my heart started beating rapidly.

Why did I was get nervous when speaking to my Dad?

“Hello” my Dad answered.

“Dad?” I hesitated.

“Georgina... What do you want?”

Oh how I loved his greetings. Always so pleased to hear from his youngest daughter. I swallowed hard and took a deep breath. It was now or never.

“I have something to tell you” I paused and sat up straight. I could feel my hands shaking. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes. “I'm pregnant.”

“Caitlyn!” He screamed at the top of his voice. “You'll never guess what she's done now!”
























Page 78



Other books in the Golden Collection




Bring me to life



Sweet Immortal



Use to know
.... Coming late 2013



Other books written by Kam Carr


Mercy of Devotion
Coming late 2013







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