Sweet Immortal (The Golden Collection) (15 page)

BOOK: Sweet Immortal (The Golden Collection)
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“Today! We deserve a holiday.”

“What about work?”

I gave a little groan. She hadn't got it yet, had she? “I'm the boss” I said slowly. “I can do what ever I fucking want!”

I gave her my smile and her eyes went dreamy. “You really want to go and see my Dad?”

“No! You want to see your Dad and I will do whatever it takes to keep you happy.” I cringed , I was now sounding like a Britney Spears song.

She hugged me tighter. “What did I do to deserve you?”

A little smirk came to my lips. “You came into my office and fucked my brains out!”


*    *     *

My Mother put the phone down and looked over at Debbie. By the look on her face she didn't look pleased. We had all met up in her hotel suite which my Mother was now calling home. I felt a pang of sadness for her. She had lost everything and it had all been down to me. She had tried to protect me and I had ignored all her warnings. She was right about Georgina all along. Why hadn't I listened?

“They are going to Spain!”

“When?” Debbie asked surprised, her eyes had widened and her eyebrows had shoot up.

“Tonight!” My Mother replied.

Debbie stood up and started pacing around the room. “What if they never come back?” She sounded hysterical. I watched as the panic took over her body. She pacing fast and her whole body was shaking. She really did love me and she really wanted him back. I knew exactly how that felt. By the look of her this was more of an obsession. I looked down at my hands. Why did I no longer want to be a part of this? Debbie was beginning to scare me and now I was worried for Georgina. This woman's obsession could led to anything. It was too late now, I couldn't back out.

“They will...” My Mother began her voice was stone cold. She hated Georgina that was clear. Why couldn't I hate her? “Ted has assured me that they will be back by the end of next week. Also, Georgina is also being escorted with bodyguard everywhere.”

“Who's Ted?” I asked. I had never heard anything about this man before.

“He is heard of security at Maxwell's building. We are old friends!” I watched the slight smile on her face appear. I narrowed my eyes and hoped this friend was after my Father. If not then she was just as bad as Georgina.

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              Debbie slumped  back into her set and let out an agonizing scream. “Its not going to work!” She cried. “Georgina is going to win!”

“Not if I have anything to do with it” My Mother snapped. I hoped she was wrong. I no longer wanted anything to happen to Georgina. If it did it would all be my fault and I doubted I could live with that.

I got out of my car and slowly made my way to my apartment building. Suddenly someone pushed me up against the wall.

“Is this to do with you?” It was Maxwell and he was holding up a photo. I cringed at the sight of it, the photo was utterly disgusting. My stomach churned just thinking about it. I had no idea they were sending this sort of stuff. Was this even part of the plan? I could see the anger sprawling out of his eyes.

“No!” I hesitated. “Why would I do something like this?”

Maxwell finally removed him hand off me and I tried to regain my composure. I hoped he couldn't read my mind. “I don't know” he shrugged. “Maybe I think its you because your the only one who has a motive to do something like this.”

I held up my hands. “I would never do anything like that. That is sick. I promise you, Maxwell, it wasn't me.”

“You made the insults” he growled.

“I was stupid” I quickly replied. “I should of never said anything like that. I am really sorry. Georgina is a wonderful woman.”

He pointed his finger at me. “If I find out you have anything to do with this.. I will hunt you down and beat the shit out of you.” I nodded and he walked away. Once out of sight I finally tried to regain my breathing. Shit! This really was getting out of hand. I had to stop and I had to stop before they got back from Spain!























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I watched Maxwell run back to the car. I had no idea what was so important he had to dash off like that. He climbed back into the car and looked very pleased with himself.

“What was all that about?” I asked, while messing around with my iPod.

Maxwell closed the door and sat back in his seat. “Oh, I saw Riley and just wanted a quick word with him.” He pulled out a cigarette out of a packet it, lit it and began to smoke. “You excited about seeing your Dad?” He asked while exhaling his nicotine fix.

A little smile crept on to my face. I placed my headphones in and allowed Michael Jackson's- You are not alone fill my head. I rested my head against the seat and just stared out the window. I watched Oxford go by and thoughts of Dee and her baby bump made me smile.

A whole week away from everything with my Mr Golden Rule. It sounded to good to be true. We weren't going to be staying with my Dad. Maxwell had booked us into a luxury hotel for our own privacy. After the flop trip to LA I really wanted to make this the best holiday ever. That's why I had secretly invited Amber and Brett to join us. I wanted a care free and relaxing week away. I wanted long lay ins, clubbing, working on my tan and plenty of alcohol. Maxwell shifted towards me and pulled out one of my headphones.

“What you thinking about?” He asked his blue eyes burning into me. I got that low pain throbbing deep below. My eye diverted to his temptation mouth. How I loved the way his lips felt on my skin.

“My brother is in the car” he said slowly. I liked the way we knew each other so well. Sometimes we didn't even have to speak and we knew what each other were thinking. I brushed away some of his red hair away from his forehead.

“Ever had sex on a plane?” I said quietly.

“No” he laughed. “You?”

“No” I planted a kiss on his lips. The car stopped and I looked out of the window. We were going to Spain on his plane. I slowly looked back at him and raised an eyebrow. “You want to do it today?” My body was hungry for him. I needed him to send me to the brink of ecstasy and I wanted to convulse in pure pleasure.

“There isn't anywhere for us to get any privacy!” I pouted and gave him my sad eye look. He rolled his eyes and chuckled. “Okay! I'll ditch the hostess!”

He led me into the cabin and we were completely alone. I thought air-hostess was going to burst into tears when Maxwell sent her home. He placed his hands either side of my face. His eyes were burning into me just like they always did. I wanted to rip his clothes off and kiss every  itch of his perfect body.

“Strip!” he hissed through gritted teeth. Seductively he undid his tie and threw it down on to the floor. Then kicked of his shoes, his eyes diverted to me with that sexual energy penetrating out of them.

I slowly walked around him and gave him my wicked smile. Seductively I pulled my top over my head and threw it out him carrying on circling him.

“Miss Dawson, are we playing?”

“Very much so” I said slowly. I stopped and slipped my feet out of my shoes. Reached for my zip for my skirt and allowed to float to the floor. He turned to face me, I was in nothing but a black bra, black thong and a pair of hold ups.

“You are a captivating sight... Have I told you before?” I could feel myself biting down on my lip and the blood rushing through my body. The deep urging feeling was taking over below.

“Trouser, Mr Thomas!” I demanded. He gave me his special smile and reached for his own zip. He copied and allowed his trousers to fall around his ankles.


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I pointed over to the seats in the corner. “Go! Sit over there!” He cocked his head to the side, shrugged and obliged. Gracefully he strutted over to the seats, he turned to face me and removed his underwear. There he stood pink and solid. He took his seat and I carried on watching. His own hand slow began to rub his length up and down. Not once did his eyes remove from mine.

“Like what you see, Miss Dawson?” The pleasure filling his voice.

I shrugged. “I think it would be better if I was sat on it!”

“Then get yourself over here!” He ordered through gritted teeth. I slowly walked over to him at the same time slipping my thumbs into my thong and allowing it to hit the floor. I stood before him, he leaned froward and his hands ran up my legs. I could of melted in his touch. He sat back and tapped his legs.

“Come and get your fix, Miss Dawson!”

I climbed on to his lap and allowed him to sink his self into me. I placed my hands behind my head and began to swirl him around inside me. His fingertips grabbed hold on my waist and we moved in sync. His mouth found my erected nipple and he began to suck intensely. I picked up paced and began to ride him. Every delicious movement leading me closer to the edge. He could no longer retain his self control, bouncing me up and down, pushing himself deeper and deeper.

He wrapped my hair around his wrist and pulled my head back. Suddenly I lost mine and the tingles filled my body. I wanted his lips on me, I freed his hand and placed my lips on his. His tongue invading my mouth, the heat between us, his pleasant groans in my ear. My body took over and the shaking, the trembles, the pure desire of ecstasy led me to my orgasmic state. I felt him tense and then his warm relief filled me up.

I rested my forehead against his and tried to regain my breathing. My heart racing and my body drenched in sweat. Surely that had to be the most intense orgasm of life. I finally looked into his eyes. His wonderful bright blue eyes.

He let a little air out of his mesmerizing mouth. “Wow” he breathed. “You never fail to impress me.”

I placed my hands on each side of his face. “I love you” I whispered.

For the first time ever I watched my controlled Mr Golden Rule's eyes go dreamy. “I love you” he whispered back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him harder than I had ever hugged him before.

I had found it finally!

Unbelievable heart hurting, mind blowing, up lifting in tense love.



*     *       *


“You want my permission?” Ron (Georgina's Father) asked sarcastically. “But you have asked my daughter already.” He rolled his eyes. “Doesn't really make much fucking sense!”

“I'm sorry” I said humbly. It looked like I was going to have to kiss his arse just to get on the good side of him.

“You love my daughter?”

What sort of dumb question was that? I guess Father like Daughter.

Just amuse him, Maxwell.

I would of given him my special knicker combustion smile but I was pretty sure he would punch me in the mouth.

“Maxwell!” Georgina yelled stepping out on to the patio. “We need to go!”

“Well?” I turned back to face Ron and he was studying me. “Can I?”

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