Sweet Inspiration (21 page)

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Authors: Penny Watson

BOOK: Sweet Inspiration
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"Don't be ridiculous! You are the perfect woman for me, Lucy. I don't expect you to be anything but yourself."

Lucy wiped away the tears overflowing from her eyes. "I know how to cook, Nicholas. That's it. At least in Eston, people respect me for that. Here, I'm the girl who led Nicholas Junior astray. The council clearly doesn't respect me.

They think I'm a huge impediment to you becoming the next Santa. I think I've already caused enough trouble for you."

Lucy turned and raced to the cottage, her feet slipping on the slick cobblestones. She skidded to the front door and grabbed the brass handle, when suddenly over two hundred pounds of Nicholas flattened her against the wooden entrance and pinned her in place. He was breathing hard, shaking as 194

Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

his hand reached up to gently brush her wild curls from her face.

"You are not running away from me, Lucy Anne. No way.

We're not done with this discussion."

"Oh yes, we are. There's nothing left to say. Just accept it, Nicholas." She gasped as he lifted her up and flung her over his shoulder, then pushed open the front door.

"Just what do you think you're doing? Put me down!" Lucy wriggled ineffectively in his arms. Nicholas silently tightened his hold. He carried her into the bedroom and dumped her onto his sleigh bed. Lucy crab-walked backwards on the silken sheets, mesmerized by the sight of him, cloaked in the shadows of the room. Suddenly a fire roared to life behind him in the massive fireplace, the flames licking at the grate.

Warmth infused the room instantly. Nicholas removed his coat, dropping it on the floor. Then his hat. He began to unbutton his shirt, his eyes never leaving Lucy's shocked face.

"What?...Just what do you think you're doing?" Lucy asked. The sight of his beautiful torso was momentarily distracting. Every time she saw the tattoo around his thick bicep she had the ridiculous urge to lick it. She scooted back farther on the bed, knocking into the nightstand. Her sack of magik pebbles tilted over, spilling the polished gems onto the table. Now Nicholas was flinging his boots and socks across the room and unbuttoning his pants.

White dots of light flew out of the magik pebbles and skipped delightedly up Lucy's arms. They tugged at her curls, 195

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racing mischievously around her body. "Nicholas? What is going on?"

Nicholas now stood completely naked in front of her. His nostrils flared as he strode to the bed, and then crawled on all fours over the sheets, stalking her like she was some sort of pathetic immobilized prey.
For God's sake, Lucy, do
something! Otherwise you're about to be ravished by this
man. You made a decision. Stick to it!

Lucy took a deep breath and twisted to slip out of the bed.

One massive paw, compliments of Nicholas Sebastian Klaus, clamped down upon her leg and held her in place.

"Where do you think you're going, sweetheart? We're not done with our conversation, yet."

The dots of light let out a burst of impish laughter and danced excitedly over Nicholas' hand and up his arm. They seemed to be dive-bombing his head, disappearing and then reappearing throughout the dark waves of his hair.

"Are you going to tell me what these lights are doing?"

Lucy looked anxiously at Nicholas, who was staring at her like she was a delicious morsel of food.

"Shooting stars, or sternschnuppen. They pop out of the magik pebbles when...certain energies arouse them. They're imbued with all of the mischief of the elves themselves. And very in tune with their owner."

Lucy squirmed, trying to loosen his hold on her. She rolled onto her belly and grabbed at the headboard, trying to find some leverage on the slippery sheets.

"Nice view." Lucy looked back, horrified, to see Nicholas gazing with interest at her rear end. He licked his lips.


Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

"Nicholas, this is not a good idea," Lucy said desperately.

"On the contrary, I think this is a fantastic idea. You're questioning our future. I think I need to remind you how good we are together." Nicholas tugged on Lucy's leg and pulled her down the bed, then blanketed himself over her body.

"Hmm, nice." He buried his face in the crook of her neck and breathed deeply. "You smell good, Schatzi."

His fingers began to leisurely strip the clothes from Lucy's body, tossing them about the room. Lucy groaned helplessly at the delicious sensation of his erection pressed tightly against her. She could feel her treacherous body responding, flowering for him. Readying itself to welcome him inside of her. Once she was completely naked, Nicholas leaned down and rubbed his beard along the side of her face, tickling her just the way she liked. He knew her too well, all of the little things that drove her crazy. Made her crazy for

His husky voice whispered in her ear. "Your body already knows what your brain is fighting. We belong together. Before I met you, Lucy, my life was boring and predictable. So well ordered, there wasn't any magic left. You've made me see things in a new light, things I've been taking for granted for a long time. You are exactly what I need...the most giving, generous and sexy woman I have ever known."

Lucy shuddered. The feel of his erection crushed against her bare bottom was naughty and exciting. He rocked against her cleft, whispering to her in German, something guttural and sexy in his rich, deep voice. Goosebumps broke out all over her skin. The sternschnuppen darted all over the bed, 197

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skipping over their naked limbs, jumping from the headboard onto the pillows, singing to each other.

Suddenly, Nicholas turned Lucy onto her back and cupped her face between his enormous palms. His eyes were glittering amber, watching her intensely. "The truth is, the elves are right about one thing. You
a distraction. I can't stop thinking about you, wanting you, wishing you were with me every moment." He reached around to squeeze her behind and pushed his rigid length against her with a groan.

"You're like a delicious, decadent dessert that I can't get enough of. And I like it like that, my sweet. I wouldn't want it any other way."

"It's not enough, Nicholas." Lucy whimpered as he slowly rolled his hips, grinding against her again and again.

"I'm going to devour every inch of you, Lucy Anne. And you're going to lie there and take it."

Lucy arched up against his massive frame, powerless to stop the firestorm building between them. Nicholas lowered his head slowly to hers. Lucy shut her eyes tightly, trying to block out the myriad sensations rocking her. A feather light kiss touched her eyelids. Then her salty, tear-lined cheeks.

Nicholas' firm lips brushed across her mouth. Steadily he worked his way down her body, which surrendered helplessly to his ministrations.

Nicholas made good on his threat to devour her, and finally she cracked open her eyes to watch as he feasted on her most sensitive spot, nestled within the tight red curls between her thighs. His rough fingertips gripped the smooth skin of her hips as his mouth teased her mercilessly. The 198

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sternschnuppen cast a faint glow in the darkness of the room, their song beginning to remind her of a frenzy of violins.

Nicholas' eyes never left her face. Her hips began to buck in response as the tension coiled relentlessly inside of her. He growled deep in his throat and increased the inexorable tempo of his sensual assault. Lucy cried out as the shooting stars whizzed around the room, flashing triumphantly.

Before she could catch her breath, Nicholas had crawled up her body and thrust into her sheath, riding out the final waves of her climax.

"That's it, Lucy Anne. Show me how you feel. This doesn't lie." His strokes were deep and powerful, and she was held spellbound by the raw desire etched on his face. For one moment, Nicholas stopped and held himself completely still, searching her eyes for the answers he was hoping for. The shooting stars hovered silently in the air around them, also holding their breath. And then he shouted victoriously as his orgasm crashed through him, pulsing inside of Lucy, filling her.

Nicholas slumped over Lucy's body, panting and trembling.

Quietly he asked, "So tell me, Lucy Anne, did I find the secret recipe to make you stay? What will it take, my sweet?" He nuzzled the side of her neck. "Take a chance on us. I'm offering you a life of passion and adventure. Don't throw it away."

The words she longed to say clogged in her throat. She simply held onto Nicholas and stroked his back. Lucy refused to torture him with empty words and promises. Reflections of 199

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by Penny Watson

the flickering fire glowed in his eyes, liquid with emotion and vulnerability. Nicholas sighed.

"At least think about it tonight. Tomorrow is another chance for me to convince you that you can't live without me." He kissed her forehead tenderly and turned her onto her side, pulling a blanket over them. His shaft slipped from inside of her, and she instantly felt bereft.
This is the last
night Nicholas and I will make love.
Her heart was breaking, literally splitting in two.

"Sweet dreams, Lucy Anne. Dream about us. We'll work it out in the morning." Nicholas spooned her tightly as he fell asleep, with his arms wrapped securely around her, as though afraid to let her go. The sternschnuppen were oddly quiet until Nicholas' breathing became deep and even, and then they began to sing for her. A sad, wistful song that made her ache. Their music was hollow now, like the wind on the snow plains outside of Glasdorf. They knew what she was planning to do. And they made no secret of the fact that they disapproved. Tears fell silently down Lucy's cheeks as the shooting stars returned to the magik pebbles, sighing one last time before they fizzled out. She was not looking forward to tomorrow.

Lucy's hands trembled as she finished the note for Nicholas. She had to hurry and make her escape before he woke up. He was snoring in the rumpled sleigh bed, still snuggled up in a blanket. Lucy had already called Markus and asked him to meet her secretly at Nicholas' cottage. Before she flew back to the Sudenwelt, she was determined to leave Nicholas one small gift. Quickly she scribbled a few lines onto 200

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a piece of paper in the kitchen, and then tied it into a scroll with a piece of cooking twine.

"Miss Lucy, what is going on?" Lucy turned to find Markus staring at her with a concerned look. "You sounded most distraught on the phone. Is everything okay?"

"No, actually, it's not. I...I have to go, Markus. Home.

Back to Eston, to Sweet Inspiration."

"What? This cannot be. You and Nicholas...well, it's apparent to me that the two of you have formed quite an attachment. Why ever would you want to leave?"

"It's complicated, Markus. Suffice it to say that Nicholas needs all of his energy focused on the upcoming Uberholen, and I'm too big a distraction. He made a huge sacrifice bringing me here to save my life. He risked being expelled from Glasdorf. Now it's my turn to make a sacrifice for him.

The children of the world deserve a Santa Claus whose whole heart is involved in his job. They come before my own selfish needs."

Markus shook his head. "I don't believe this. Nicholas loves you, Miss."

"He hasn't told me that. Look, I really have to go before he wakes. Could you please take me back on one of those magic sleighs? Please, I need your help." Tears were now leaking down her cheeks. "We have to hurry."

Markus stepped forward and stared up into Lucy's anguished face. He clasped her hands and squeezed. "I fear you are making a big mistake, Lucy Anne. Nicholas loves you, even if he hasn't said so. He will be crushed by your departure."


Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

"It's for the best, Markus." Lucy's throat felt raw. She propped up the note and scroll on the kitchen counter, right next to his gleaming espresso machine. "Good bye, Nicholas Sebastian Klaus."

Lucy turned to Markus. "I'm ready. Let's go."
Before I lose
my nerve

Nicholas was exhausted. He and Lucy had made love two more times during the night. He'd been ravenous for her. And lucky for him, Lucy seemed to have a healthy appetite for him, as well. Making love to her was utterly addictive.

He sat up and rubbed his beard. "Lucy? Where are you?"

Utter silence echoed through the house. A feeling of unease crept down Nicholas' spine. It almost felt...as though some of the magic had disappeared. Which was ridiculous, of course. Only the elves could control the magic in Glasdorf. He stood up and wrapped a blanket around his waist as he headed into the kitchen.

"Lucy?" Nicholas flipped on the light switch in the kitchen.

Immediately his gaze shot to several pieces of paper next to his coffee machine. He froze, and suddenly it became difficult to breathe.

He stared at the papers for a long time before he gathered the courage to start walking.
This can't be happening.
First he picked up a folded note with
scrawled across the top.

Dear Nicholas, I am so sorry that I'm not here to tell you
good-bye in person, but the truth is I am a coward. These last
four days have been the most wonderful days of my life. I can
never possibly repay you for saving me and giving me the
adventure of a lifetime. I am convinced that us being together

Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

will threaten your future success as Santa Claus. There are
just too many obstacles to overcome. I cherished our time
together, but it's time for me to set aside my own selfish
desires for the good of children worldwide who are counting
on you to be the Santa of their dreams. Anyway, it's probably
time for me to get back to Sweet Inspiration. I worked hard
to make my business a success, and it's time I returned to
Eston. Thank you for everything, and please thank your
family, and all of the elves, too.

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