Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1) (36 page)

BOOK: Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1)
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Per his directions, Noelle operated the panel to bring the bar back to her. Clasping it tightly, she copied his actions; and soon she was streaming through the air laughing. Exhilarated she screamed, “I’m the queen of the world!”


A couple of feet away from Jack she let go and dropped into the lake. She was shocked at how icy-cold the water was and quickly swam to the top, breaking the surface with a screech. Treading water, she pushed her hair out of her face and wiped it free of water. “It’s cold as shit, liar!”


Jack laughed at her. “I did almost freeze my balls off, but sometimes you just have to go out on a leap of faith, darlin’.”


Noelle shivered and rubbed her arms. “Whatever, Gandhi. I’m freezing.”


Cupping her bottom, Jack pulled her against him and her limbs automatically encircled him, aligning her center with his raging erection. “Your balls don’t feel like they’re frozen to me, buddy.”


He murmured huskily into her neck as he licked water droplets from it. “Seein’ your sexy ass glidin’ through the air in them next-to-nothing skivvies has got me all hot and bothered.”


His thick fingers pulled her panties aside, gently dipping into her center as his lips met hers in a scorching kiss. She sighed into his lips and commenced to riding his digits. Jack smiled against her lips. “Let’s see how good I am at warming you up.”





Firm lips gently pressed kisses along her jawline. They were light as a feather, and Noelle smiled as she slowly opened her eyes to find Jack’s face hovering above hers.


“Good morning, beautiful,” he said softly, his desire-filled eyes were the color of warm honey. “How are you feeling this morning?” They’d arrived back in New York City last night. Noelle insisted they go to his place as she’d never been there, and he reluctantly complied. His loft was sleek, cold, and impersonal. He stood by the door, silently watching as she explored all of his top-of-the-line electronic devices and the few pieces of furniture he did have. It was black and white bare minimalism at its best and didn’t suit him at all. Finally, Jack came up behind her and whispered, “Let’s get outta here.”


They went back to her place where Noelle insisted on making them something to eat. She made prosciutto, melon, and mozzarella skewers drizzled with balsamic vinaigrette, and they sat out on the rooftop table, eating and emptying a bottle of
white wine before Jack took her to bed and slowly drove her out of her mind. No matter how out of control she spun, Jack refused to speed up the pace, worshiping her body completely at an agonizingly slow pace until she was a breathless, quaking mess.


“Mmmm, I’m feeling cheated,” Noelle said with a fake pout, and he nibbled on her lower lip. She pulled back and swung her legs to the floor, ignoring how warm her body felt as his heated gaze swept over her nude body and he licked his lips.


“Oh yeah? And why is that?” Jack asked, taking in how beautiful Noelle looked first thing in the morning. Her curls were everywhere and her body was calling his name. Judging from her rigid nipples, he was willing to bet money that if he slipped his hand between her legs, she would be wet.


“Because all the sexy scruff is gone,” she said, running her fingers over his clean-shaven jawline. “I had my heart set on being beard-burned this morning.”


Jack chuckled quietly and leaned her back into the pillows before ravishing her mouth. Gently he inserted a finger into her already moist center. Noelle moaned as he delved his tongue into her mouth, spreading her legs wider and rotating her hips, silently begging for more. She ran her fingers through his curls as he added a second finger, quickly followed by a third, and his thumb made slow circles around her clit causing her to clutch at him feverishly.


“The scruff stays on ‘The Row’. If you want it, we need to take another trip down there, love,” he said thickly against her lips as his fingers curled in and rubbed against her g-spot. In the bright light of day, the colors of their skin melded together; and as always, the beauty of it made him catch his breath.


“Oh gaawwwd!!” Noelle cried, pulling her lips away from his and struggling to catch her breath. He quickly yanked her head back to claim his victory, swallowing every strangled cry she emitted as he continued to play her body. The muffled pants were music to Jack’s ears, and he leaned down to suction a plump nipple into his mouth. Her hips shot off the bed, and he swiftly repositioned himself between her legs as her hands frantically yanked at the sweats sitting low on his hips. She pulled them down, and his cock sprang free, red and tumescent. Jack grabbed Noelle’s wrists and held them over her head with one hand as he used the other to guide himself to her entrance and plunged, powerfully drilling into her as he rotated suckling her swollen peaks.


“I could stay inside you forever,” Jack groaned with pleasure, licking the perspiration gathering between her breasts as she writhed and moaned in delight, her legs curling around his calves. “Jesus, this pussy…  is… so… fucking…


No one compared to him,
Noelle thought as he sexed her oh so thoroughly. His hips rotated and touched all her sweet spots, especially the main one. He was like a pool shark, expertly shooting the balls into each pocket. God, she couldn’t get enough of him; planting her feet on the bed, she thrust her hips up to receive her just rewards. He released her hands, and she slid them down to grip his firm buttocks as she licked and sucked his neck. Jack still couldn’t believe he was with her. The feeling was almost religious. He raised himself up to his knees, pulling her legs onto his shoulders; their gazes connected and he slid his thumb down to torment her clit. “Play with your nipples, Noelle.”


She obeyed, loving the sensations and the carnal look in Jack’s eyes as he watched her. The bed shook with the savagery of his thrusts. Her nipples were too achy and sensitive from her fingers and his teeth; every squeeze and tug she gave them caused her pussy to clench tighter and tighter around his cock, making his breathing even more ragged as he propelled deeper and harder into her. Her magic button was too hyper-sensitive from his play; and the way his member was swelling even more as he fucked her, she knew soon he would come; but like a true gentleman, he would make sure she did first. All it took was a gentle strum of his fingers against her tender clit and Noelle came in a fiery burst, clamping down on him so hard that Jack had no choice but to follow, releasing her legs to bury his face in her neck as he emptied himself inside of her with a long, harsh groan.






Afterwards, they were in a mad rush to get to work, and Jack insisted on driving Noelle. Twenty minutes later he pulled up to the large warehouse where Tarik’s party would be held, and they waited for Avery to arrive.


“What time will you be done today? You look really nice by the way,” Jack said as Noelle put a file folder into her large, black Marc Jacobs bag. Today she was wearing her hair in a side braid that hung over one shoulder. Her black, silk button-down work shirt was tucked into a form-fitting green, black and white tropical print skirt. Black strappy sandals showed off red-painted toes. His eyes narrowed as they settled on her bare ring finger.


“Baby, where’s your ring?” he asked calmly although he already knew what her answer would be. A wave of irritation was rising fast inside of him. All week long he noticed her staring at it when she thought no one was looking, so he knew her having it on was a conscientious decision on her part. She looked at him and bit her top lip, letting him know that he wouldn’t like her answer. It was one of the many quirks that he loved about her. When she was nervous, she bit her top lip; if she was aroused, it was the bottom one.


“It’s at home on the dresser,” Noelle said nervously. This morning she’d debated putting it on, but decided against it, not ready for the twenty questions it would bring. Already she was regretting the decision; her finger felt and looked so naked without it.


“What’s it doin’ there, Noelle?” His accent was starting to get stronger, and Noelle could tell he was getting upset by the way his eyes were flashing and how his voice slipped back into a southern twang.


“Well…I just thought it would be best considering that our situation isn’t really …well…real…” she trailed off as he waved his left hand at her, showing his band was very much on display. While Jack took another shower this morning, she’d checked her voicemail. There were eight messages, and five of them were from her mother, each message testier than the last. There was also a text basically stating that the mountain would be coming to Muhammad if she didn’t get a call back. Noelle knew it was pretty serious since her mother despised texting. The showdown was imminent, and she just needed a little more time to gather her thoughts. The ring would certainly not escape her mother’s hawk eye.


“No, it’s not ideal, but our situation works. Nobody’s going to know we’re together, let alone married, if you don’t advertise it in some way,” Jack said with irritation. “I gave that ring to you on our wedding day, but I also said that it was yours no matter what. Even if it’s not on your ring finger, I’d appreciate it if you wore the damn thing.”


She bristled at his tone. “And I’d appreciate it if you didn’t take that tone with me, Jack. I’m just not ready for the questions that would come with wearing it


He gave her a hard look. “You mean
because this is where your family lives, correct?”


Noelle stiffened and looked straight ahead as the tension between them rose. The thought of having to deal with her family’s questions gave her a raging headache. “Look, does it really matter? I just said I’m not comfortable right now. Besides you already sent our certificate to your friend, right?”


The temperature in the car turned positively chilly as Jack gave her an icy glare. “I was under the impression that we were in this together, but it’s like you would rather keep everything a secret. Are you so terrified that your family is going to disapprove, that you’re scared to rock the boat? That’s fine. You’re absolutely right, it doesn’t matter.”


Noelle had to stifle her gasp of pain as she watched him yank his ring off and drop it in the cup holder. Her stunned gaze rose to meet his coolly unreadable one. There was a knock on the window, and they turned to see Avery standing on the sidewalk with a bright smile, holding a tray filled with Starbucks cups. Noelle opened the door to greet her.


“Good morning, lovebirds!” she said cheerfully unaware of the strain between Jack and Noelle. “I brought you guys coffee, because something tells me you two were occupied with …other things this morning,” Avery finished delicately as she handed them their cups. “Venti Americano for Jack. Venti Caramel latte iced for Bae,” she waved her hand at Noelle. “Besides, this one is a complete brat if caffeine isn’t in her system.”


“Thank you, Ms. Avery. Well I better get going. I’m sure there’s a lot to deal with at the office, especially since I’ve been out all week,” Jack said, flashing her a quick smile before glancing down at his watch.


“Thanks for the ride, Jack,” Noelle said quietly, knowing that it was her fault that he was pissed off. Damn. And the morning had started off with such promise of a great day. She’d definitely fucked up big time.

“No problem. Ladies have a great day,” Jack said politely and Noelle grabbed her things giving him one last look as he stared fixedly ahead, his mouth compressed in a tight line. Slowly she got out and closed the door, watching with a sinking heart as he drove off down the street without looking back.


“Everything alright?” Avery asked with concern. “Jack didn’t seem like his usual charming self this morning.”


“Yeah, everything’s okay. Come on. Something tells me we’re going to be grinding long after the sun sets,” Noelle said taking a sip of her coffee, her mind still on Jack.


“Giiiiirrrrl, who you telling? That’s exactly why I wore my hardcore primer today,” Avery said, gesturing towards her face. “Oh, and I received a call today from a company called
Americana Traditions
. Their secretary is requesting a meeting. They want to use us for their launch party. Seems we’re growing quite popular…”



Chapter Twenty-Eight




Everything was not okay;
Jack thought to himself as he got off the elevator and walked to his office. He smiled and greeted everyone that passed him in the corridor but was getting more and more pissed by the minute. They hadn’t even been in the city for twenty-four hours and already things were very different.

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