Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1) (33 page)

BOOK: Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1)
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“Soon, very soon, I’m going to take you here; but for now, we’re still not done yet, love,” Jack whispered as he fondled the sensitive ring of her anus, before rolling Noelle back over to kneel between her limp legs, admiring the fine sheen that coated her lovely body. He watched as her glazed eyes drifted down between his legs and she bit her lip in anticipation upon seeing the tumescent erection that was just for her. Noelle moaned and held her arms open, knees bent with legs spread wide to invite him in.

Jack covered her soft body with his muscular frame and gave her long, slow kisses as he gently invaded her body. Even after he was completely sheathed in her silken warmth, he continued to hold himself back as he trailed soft kisses down her neck and onto her shoulders, drowning himself in her wetness and womanly scent. Her soft hands caressed his arms and back before trailing down to his firm buttocks and traced lazy circles, causing him to give a hard shudder and groan. Languorously, she kissed him, tasting traces of her arousal on his tongue which aroused her even more. She sank her nails into his curls, looking deeply into his stormy hazel eyes. “Move, Jack.”

His first thrust was slow and deep as he captured her hands to pin them above her head. She grunted as she felt him bottom out in her belly. “Uuuuhhhh!”

“I’m too far gone for gentle, darlin’,” he warned hoarsely as his cock plunged into her moistness faster and faster, creating a sloshing sound that when combined with her breathless cries, his groans, and the bed rocking made a musical symphony for their ears only. Soon his thrusts had her backed up to the headboard and her knees by her ears as she grasped at his ass. Jack braced himself with one hand on the headboard and teased her clit with the other as he pounded into her.

“Uuuuhh, Jack! I’m coming!” Noelle screamed. Jack shouted hoarsely, “Give it to me, baby!”, and they clung to each other as they reached the ultimate peak together and exploded in an orgasm that seemed to go on forever.

Noelle jumped as a large, warm hand covered her belly, and then smiled as whiskers brushed her neck, causing currents to run through her body in anticipation of his next move. “Good morning, Jack.”

“Mmmm...Come back to bed. Can’t sleep without you,” he growled sexily as he nuzzled her throat. Giving a sigh of pleasure, Noelle leaned her head back on his shoulder as she felt his rigidness pressing against her bottom. “We’re lonely without you.”

“Oh it’s a ‘we’ thing now?” Noelle asked archly. “It doesn’t sound like I’ll be getting much sleep if I get back into bed with both of you.” Yet she continued to rub back against him and he placed his arms on the counter effectively trapping her as he slowly ground his raging hard-on into her bottom.

“We’ll be good for you. Besides, it’s a proven fact that everybody needs a daily dose of Vitamin D,” Jack said persuasively as one hand shifted to untie her robe. It fell open and his large palm slid up to caress her bare breasts, plucking at the aroused peaks. The other lifted her robe and short nightie from behind, and his large thigh wedged in between her legs. Noelle leaned against the counter, bracing her arms and willingly spreading her legs as Jack pushed her floral panties to the side as the cool, morning air hit her wet center. “Well, what do we have here?” he murmured admiring her glistening nether lips.

“I like the flowers, darlin’,” Jack drawled, positioning himself at her entry. His lips tickled her ear licking her lobe. “They’re definitely brightening my day.”

He thrust into her deeply, and she fell forward; but his arm snaked across her chest to hold her shoulder and keep her in place. “Play with your breasts. Touch your nipples like I would,” he ordered hoarsely in her ear.

Noelle cupped her aching breasts and began to squeeze and pinch her nipples which brought her closer and closer to an orgasm. She leaned her head back to seek his mouth. Lips clinging together, Jack surged into her over and over again as their tongues tangled with each other. He slid his fingers down to play with her clit and it was too much for Noelle. She detonated, milking his cock tightly until he succumbed to the fiery pleasure as well. “Now that is what I call a great way to start the day,” he said, breathing harshly.

“I concur,” Noelle said tiredly as she leaned forward to rest on the counter trying to catch her breath. But Jack wasn’t done and tilted her head to the side to kiss her lazily. Noelle smiled against his lips as she felt him stirring back to life inside of her. She whimpered as his finger slid back down her body to slowly tease her extremely sensitive bud. “Again Jack? Really?”

“I have no willpower when it comes to you and my pussy, baby,” he growled, sucking on her neck as aftershocks ran through her body. This time, it was nice and slow, but the quaking orgasms at the end were just as powerful, leaving them both panting and weak-kneed. Suddenly they stiffened as the sounds of cheerful whistling outside the kitchen door could be heard. They stood frozen for a moment before scrambling with Jack quickly pulling out of her with a curse and Noelle attempting to cover her breasts but only succeeding in getting flour on her chest.

The door opened suddenly but quickly shut again. “Aaaargh, my eyes! What the hell is wrong with you people?!?! Get a freakin’ room already!” Guy shouted in outrage. “Are you guys really doing that next to the biscuits?! I had my heart set them on them. With lots of honey and strawberry jam! It’s the only reason my hung-over ass is even up this early!”

Mortified, Noelle allowed Jack to carry her upstairs, her face buried in his chest. She was shaking with laughter as Jack shouted with no remorse over his shoulder, “Sorry, Pippy!”




Thanks to Jack and Noelle’s early morning activities, breakfast turned into brunch. After a shower where she had to fight off her horny husband’s advances, Noelle threw her hair in a haphazard ponytail and put on a fitted, grey t-shirt with silk flower-printed track pants. She sent Jack to get the ingredients for drinks, and he dragged a pouting Guy with him, promising to bring his brothers, Holt, and the Romankovs back with them.

Noelle dragged Sidra and Avery out of bed to help her cook. Instead of the meal she was prepping earlier, she decided to do the fry the chicken she was brining for dinner, with waffles and apple whiskey syrup, spicy kale with eggs, and roasted potatoes. The chicken was frying to a nice golden color in a huge cast iron skillet, and when Sidra saw it, she rubbed her hands together gleefully.

“Yassssss, honey. Bringing out the big guns in ‘Operation Get Yo’ Man, are we? I’m so glad I brought my appetite,” she said with relish as she set the table.

“Hush girl and plate the eggs,” Noelle scolded lightly with a happy smile as she set the potatoes in a dish and then added chopped parsley, bumping Sidra’s hip as she passed her.

“It was really good huh?’ Avery asked enviously as she wiped glasses and silverware. Both women glanced at her in surprise. She held up her hand. “I know it’s not something I normally comment on, and you both think I’m prudish; but I couldn’t help but notice that you’re walking around with a little umm…caution…and you do have a hickey on the back of your neck.”

Noelle grabbed the back of her neck and stood ramrod straight. “I’m not going to say anything about it, except that I am extremely happy with the results of our fornication,” she stated primly and went back to placing food in dishes.

There was a moment of silence before Avery scoffed, “To coin a phrase from Sidra, ‘Bish, please!’”

They fell into peals of laughter and high-fives as the kitchen door opened, and Jack walked in, followed by their guests, laden with bags from the liquor store. “Smells good in here, baby,” Jack said, dropping a kiss on Noelle’s forehead. “Mornin’, ladies.”

Everyone exchanged greetings and small talk, gathering around while Jack and Darby made a big production of making Bloody Mary’s and Mimosas. When everyone had a drink in hand, they all gathered around the loaded table to clasp hands in prayer. It was decided that Avery would say grace. Unable to resist teasing them, Guy opened his mouth.

“Why are we doing this?” he asked innocently. “I could swear that the food was already christened this morning.” He emitted a yelp when Jack punched his arm. Noelle hung her head in embarrassment which let everyone in the room know that hanky-panky had ensued bright and early in the Sullivan household, much to Noelle’s chagrin and their guests’ amusement.

“All right, children. Let’s not embarrass the happy couple anymore. How about we bless the union instead?” Alexei suggested with a solemn face, though his eyes twinkled with mirth.  All agreed before bowing their heads so that Avery could say grace.

Everyone sat down and the lids were lifted off the dishes; pleasant small talk ensued until Jack removed the lid from the largest platter containing the buttermilk fried chicken. The delicious aroma filled the air and all talking stopped as the men at the table looked at the chicken then each other. Guy, Holt, and Alexei gave the Sullivan brothers concerned looks that were ignored as their attention was focused on the heaping platter of golden brown chicken which they stared at with something akin to horror. Noelle, Sidra, and Avery looked at each other in confusion while Kat made a gurgling noise in her throat. Since she was sitting between Jack and Darby in the corner, she squeezed Jack’s hand and gave Darby’s shoulder a reassuring rub which caused him to shudder and lower his head.

Unease filled Noelle as she looked at Jack, standing over the dish and staring at it as if the chicken would reassemble like a transformer, rise up, and beat his ass. “Is something wrong, Jack? If you don’t want chicken, there’s other stuff to eat. Let me make you a plate.” Noelle stood up eager to ease the tension in the room that seemed to be building by the second. She shot her friends a helpless look, but they were just as in the dark as she was. Still Jack didn’t speak, but surprisingly, Holt did.

“Let it be, love,” he said with a kind smile to her. “He’ll be fine, won’t you, Jackie?”

Jack snapped out of his trance to find all eyes on him in concern. Then his gaze met Noelle’s anxious one, and he knew he had to pull it together. “Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry about that. I was just thinking about something I had to do at work. Thank you so much for making this food. Everything looks great. Well, c’mon everybody, let’s all dig in!” He winced as he heard his overly-enthused tone. Noelle’s raised eyebrow let him know he was full of shit. The advice he always gave his clients was coming back to bite him in the ass.
If you aren’t sincere, you sound like a complete moron.

Jack looked at both of his brothers and tried to convey the message:
Please eat the damned chicken so Noelle’s feelings wouldn’t be hurt.
He was rewarded with stiff nods that said they understood. He grabbed the biggest piece of chicken and sat down again, giving her a reassuring smile; but her look said she remained unconvinced that all was well. Kat complimented Sidra’s blouse and conversation awkwardly started again.


Jack could feel Noelle’s suspicious gaze on him as he picked up a chicken thigh. Taking a deep breath, he resolutely bit into it and was pleasantly surprised. Flavor exploded in his mouth. The chicken, golden brown and crunchy on the outside, was really juicy, tender, and savory on the inside with a kick of spice. He could taste the tang of buttermilk, seasonings, and herbs she’d used. He closed his eyes and relished the delicious taste of it bringing back old memories. It was exactly how his mama used to make it, and because he hadn’t been able to get that taste replicated anywhere else, he’d long given up on eating fried chicken or finding it again. Jack opened his eyes to find Darby and Casey watching him cautiously, as they waited for his verdict.


Tears blurred his vision as he swallowed and took another big bite. To be sitting in this house that was a dedication to his beloved mother with Noelle, close friends, and family, eating chicken that tasted just like Ma’s was a true sign; he believed that she was watching from above.
I love you, Ma,
he said silently and continued to eat the chicken until only a clean bone remained. It was only then did he realize that all conversation had ceased, and he was again the center of attention. He cleared his throat and used his wrist to wipe his eyes. “You outdid yourself with the chicken, baby. It’s fucking amazing.”


“Thank you,” Noelle murmured uncertainly, watching in amazement as all the men reached for pieces of chicken and proceeded to scarf it down quickly. They spoke with full mouths as they laughed and agreed that it was some damn good chicken. Even the refined Alexei had grease smeared on his lips as he chowed down. Both Casey and Darby had tear-filled eyes as they grinned like lunatics at Jack and each other.


“Soooo…do you people not have access to fried chicken or something up here?” Sidra asked as she snagged the last piece of chicken, holding it out of Holt’s reach as he attempted to steal it from her hands. “Holt, I will smack you so hard into the future, you’ll be able to meet your grandkids. Damn, I’ve never seen chicken disappear that fast. It was easily two birds.”


Her gaze locked with Casey’s, and she could see they were filled with emotion before he lowered his head to wipe his mouth with a napkin. Sidra could see that he was just as shaken up as Jack, but trying to be a badass. She wondered what the story behind their strange behavior was. Across the table, Avery nodded her head in agreement and smiled sweetly at Darby as he willingly gave her a thigh from his full plate.

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