Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1) (44 page)

BOOK: Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1)
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Darby rolled his eyes at his brother as they walked up the front steps. Sometimes for a whip-smart attorney, Casey was so clueless that he couldn’t find his ass if both of his hands were in his back pockets. “Seriously, dude? Never mind, you can’t even fix your own shit with a certain sex in her strut, fine ass-”


“Shut it, D,” Casey said, sharply cutting him off and giving his brother a look that could curdle milk as he rang the doorbell obnoxiously over and over again.


“So how are we doing this?” Darby asked with a smirk. “Good cop, bad cop?”


“Nope. Come to Jesus,” Casey said as they heard stomping on the other side of the door.


“Wait…come to Jesus? What does that even-”


The door flung open, and they were both taken aback by Jack’s appearance. Gone was the meticulously-groomed brother they knew, and in his place was a Grizzly Adams- looking man with red-rimmed eyes.


“Why the hell are you ringin’ my doorbell like that?” he yelled. “Get outta here. I don’t wanna be disturbed!”


Darby pushed past him, causing him to stumble back into the door, and Casey followed behind him saying cheerily, “Tough shit.”


The house was a smelly mess. Empty liquor bottles littered the living room floor and dirty clothes were strewn everywhere in the darkened room. Dirty dishes covered every flat surface of the kitchen. The sink and stove top were piled high with used pots and pans. Jack pushed past them and threw himself down on the leather sofa sneering, “I’d tell you guys to make yourselves at home, but since I didn’t invite you pricks, feel free to see yourselves out.”


Casey went into the kitchen, and soon the smell of coffee was wafting through the house. Darby yanked all the curtains open and pulled the blinds up as well. Then he opened all the windows, ignoring Jack as he shouted, “No bright light!”


“What are you a fucking gremlin?” Darby asked irritably as he collected the empty bottles from the floor and tossed them into an empty liquor crate on the floor. It was worse than they’d thought. He hadn’t seen this many bottles in a home since their sorry- ass father was alive.


“Fuck you, man,” Jack retorted, flipping him the bird before turning over to bury his face in the cushions. Darby sat down in the armchair across from him, waiting patiently as Casey brought back a tray that held mugs of steaming black coffee, and aspirin. He set it on the end table, before pulling the large square ottoman to the side and out of the way of the sofa. Jack kept his back to them, and Casey looked at Darby who nodded his head. It was time to begin.


“You want to tell us why you’re hiding out, moping like a little bitch caught up in his feelings?” Casey asked cruelly. Darby’s eyebrows shot up, and even he felt a twinge of unease at his brother’s harsh words. He mouthed, ‘What the fuck?’, and Casey shrugged nonchalantly.


Jack stiffened but didn’t turn around. “Screw you, Case.”


“After you, buddy. You’re doing a good job of alienating everyone who cares about you. You made our little sis cry, and refuse to talk to any of us who care about your well-being. Who knows what the fuck you did to your beautiful wife to be begging for a divorce, and now all you want to do is fucking drink your sorrows away. You’re a fucking waste of space. Or should I just call you ‘Junior’?” Casey finished caustically. Jack sat up slowly and turned around to face him.


“Repeat what you just said, little brother,” Jack said; his voice eerily calm and hands twitching as leaned toward his younger brother focusing on him intently. Darby stood up, now clear on his part of this so-called intervention.


“What’s the matter? Not sober enough to comprehend?” Casey asked derisively. “Then I’ll say it slower for you. You’re hurting everyone who loves you, breaking your wife’s heart, and drinking your sorrows away. Kind of like some other loser we knew.” He leaned closer to Jack who was breathing heavily and clenching his fists.


“You should stop now, Casey,” Jack warned quietly, and Casey laughed harshly, shaking his head.


“Sorry, I don’t understand pathetic drunks and their slurring. And that’s what you are. The apple doesn’t fall from the tree does it, junior?” He taunted mercilessly.


Jack lunged at Casey who quickly leaned back as Darby stepped forward and punched Jack in the jaw as hard as he could. Jack went down and lay in a crumpled heap on the floor, leaving both brothers to look down at him.


Darby turned to look at his little brother in disbelief. “This is your idea of an intervention?! Mentally attacking the person, and then having someone knock them out cold? Pretty sure Dr. Phil has never had to cold-cock anybody when he’s doing one of these.”


Casey shrugged as he bent to lift Jack up. “I’m sure he’s wanted to though; besides he knocks them out mentally, and I’m more of a literal guy. Either way, I’m happy. This was my first time doing an intervention, and it went somewhat as planned. I’m sure I’ll get better as time goes by. Now let’s get him up on the sofa.”


Darby snorted as he helped to maneuver Jack back onto the sofa. And they had the nerve to call him the wild and crazy one.






Lunch was a disastrous affair with Alicia and Ian flinging thinly veiled barbs at each other, as Noelle struggled to eat avocado toast and keep her nausea at bay. She was barely winning the fight, because the sight and smell of her mother’s gorgonzola and fig salad was overwhelming her.


Ever since the picture of she and Jack kissing was made public, members of her family made it a point to visit her weekly. The visits started the week after Jack left and were the bane of Noelle’s existence as they gently poked and prodded at her. Today was her lucky day as her mother “just happened” to be in Brooklyn and thought they could have lunch. As Ian laughed mockingly and Noelle stared at her like she had grown a third eye, Alicia blushed slightly at her own lie.


“Mother, when have you ever just happened to be in Brooklyn?” Noelle asked with polite disbelief. Her mother didn’t even acknowledge to her friends that Noelle resided in Brooklyn. When asked she always said ‘the city’.


“Oh pooh, darling. I’ve been to Brooklyn before. I find it to be…quite lively,” Alicia murmured, waving her hand dismissively and giving Ian a glare as he doubled over in laughter at her response. So they decided to go to Five Leaves in Greenpoint, and Noelle relished watching her mother squirm at the close proximity of the restaurants tables. As he ate, Ian regaled Noelle with tales of his trip to Europe while Alicia only picked at her food.


“It sounds wonderful, Uncle Ian. Sometimes I think I should go back for a vacation,” Noelle replied, thinking to herself that maybe after the baby was born, she’d spend a little time over there. The privacy would allow her to relax and enjoy the next chapter in her life, away from prying eyes and inquiring minds.


“I think Europe sounds like an excellent idea! Maybe you should go now, an all-expense paid trip from Daddy and I. Call it an early Christmas gift,” Alicia suggested brightly.


“I can’t go now, Mother. We’re booked solid for the next couple of months. I’d also have to check to see if Avery has anything planned,” Noelle said, seeing right through her mother’s schemes.


“Well, what’s the point in owning a business if you can’t do what you want?” Alicia asked crossly.


“Oh you poor delusional thing. I guess that’s the kind of mindset one can expect from someone who’s never worked a day in her life,” Ian said with mock sympathy.


Alicia bristled. “Ian, contrary to your beliefs, I’ve built a very fulfilling career as a politician’s wife which has kept me extremely busy. Not to mention, raising children and being extremely active in numerous charities through the Kramer Foundation.”


Noelle kept silent as she munched on her toast. A wave of despair and anger flooded her at the thought of being a single parent. Although if millions of strong women could do it every single day, so could she.
Suck it up, buttercup.


“Well it couldn’t have kept you too busy. You make time to incessantly meddle in stuff that is really none of your concern; and besides, you had four nannies to help you raise the children,” Ian smiled unkindly as Alicia stabbed viciously at her salad. “If Noelle was going to go anywhere, perhaps she should go to Florida and stay where you did on your recent trips. Those trips did wonders for you as you were practically
when you came back.”


Noelle jerked her head sharply towards her uncle’s venomous tone as Alicia’s fork clattered loudly on her plate. The noise caused several other patrons to look over at them curiously.


“How dare you!” Alicia raged quietly, leaning in close to Ian who was also bristling in anger as he raised a brow and gave her a contempt-filled look.


“Oh no, it’s you who dares, Alicia. You dare to put yourself on this elevated pedestal like you’re too good for anyone or thing. Unfortunately for you, you are only human; and just like the rest of us common folk, you do…common things. Things that eventually… catch up to you,” Ian said in a hard tone.


“Alright, what the hell is going on here? I’ve never seen the two of you behave this poorly, especially in public!” Noelle hissed as she gave fake smiles of reassurance to the diners closest in proximity to them. She was promptly ignored by her companions as they faced off.


“Did Jack tell you this? It figures; what can you expect from a low-bred hillbilly who thinks he can better himself?” Alicia sneered, throwing her napkin down in disgust while not seeing the furious look on her daughter’s face.


Noelle’s hand smacked the tabletop so hard, everyone around her jumped as the silver and glassware rattled loudly. She looked at her mother who flushed, hating to be the center of public scrutiny. Alicia whispered furiously, “Really Noelle, everyone is looking.”


Noelle was beyond enraged at her mother’s snobbery. It was one thing for her to be pissed at Jack and call him names; but she would not allow anyone else to do so, especially knowing what she did about his difficult childhood. “Talk about the man I love again, Mother, and we’re
. By rights, we should be done anyway considering how badly you’ve treated me; but I want to give you the opportunity to know your grandbaby that will be arriving in less than six months.”


Ian and Alicia both looked at her in shock before her mother quickly recovered. “You’re pregnant?! I thought you said that the two of you were only casually seeing each other!”


“Well, I lied; and obviously we did more than just ‘see’ each other. He wasn’t just a casual acquaintance to me and could never be. I’ve been in love with him for the last four years. This baby was made in love; and if I ever hear you speak disparagingly about its father again, I will move heaven and earth to make your life miserable
deny you access to your grandchild,” Noelle said icily as tears filled her mother’s eyes. She shook her head, immune to them after so many years.


“Give it up, Mother. When are you going to understand that I’m not a puppet to be controlled? None of us are. You are so busy interfering in everyone’s lives that you don’t even notice that you are driving us away? All my life I’ve just wanted you and Daddy to love and accept me. Like a robot, I did everything that you guys thought was best for me, and it still wasn’t enough. It will never be enough. If I based my happiness on your approval of me, I’d be dying a slow death waiting for it. The only people who have ever loved me unconditionally were Uncle Harvey, Ian, and my friends. They love me without restrictions and with their love and support, encourage me to be the best Noelle I can be.” An image of Jack’s contorted face filled her mind.


“As far as the business is concerned, yes I did make a deal with Ira to help you get the funding for your company. I only did it because I knew that your parents weren’t going to give you the advance on your inheritance, and you wouldn’t accept a loan from me. You didn’t have to take that loan, but the business woman in you recognized it as a good opportunity.”


Jack loved her, and maybe she should have done a better job of hearing him out. Hopefully it wasn’t too late.


“I have to go,” Noelle said abruptly, standing up and grabbing her purse. Smiling, she leaned down to kiss Ian’s cheek and then her mother’s.


“Are you going where I think you are, dear?” Ian asked with a speculative gleam in his eyes, and she nodded her head determinedly. With a smile of approval, he reached into his leather messenger bag and pulled out a flat package that he handed to Noelle. “Excellent. By the way, this came for Jack at the office this morning. Be a dear and give him that as well as my congratulations on the little one.”

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