Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1) (48 page)

BOOK: Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1)
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As they stood before Pastor Clemmons, he made them man and wife (only their close friends and family knew it was actually a vow renewal ceremony).
It was amazing how far they’d come in such a short time,
Noelle thought with a grateful heart. True to his word, Jack started his counseling sessions soon after they got back to New York. He also started an all-out dating blitz campaign, wooing Noelle with dinners, brunch dates, and flower deliveries to her home and office. He was there for every doctor’s appointment and stocked her fridge and pantry with all her weird food cravings. As her belly grew, he gave her pedicures and treated her to sensual massages. They saw each other every day, and he was the perfect gentleman…much to Noelle’s dismay and frustration.


No one told her that pregnancy wreaked havoc with your hormones and ramped up your sex drive. No matter how hot and heavy the petting became, Jack refused to sleep with her. Noelle yelled, begged, cajoled, threatened, and staged seductive scenarios, but he wouldn’t budge. He definitely made sure she was always satisfied; but he was determined for her to see that his intentions were nothing less than honorable, and reluctantly left every night with a chaste kiss to her cheek and a serious case of blue balls.


When Noelle was seven months pregnant, they moved in together. Jack sold his loft in Manhattan and moved into Noelle’s Brooklyn brownstone. They decorated the baby’s room together, and soon the pale pink nursery with wild, floral wallpaper was their favorite room as they anxiously awaited her arrival. Jack designed and created every single piece of wooden furniture in the room. As beautiful as each item was, none of them were her favorite, despite the time and love Jack put into them. Her favorite item was in a gold frame above the crib. It was Jack’s Chinese lantern from the No Child Hungry fundraiser. Sent to Jack’s office, Ian had given it to her the day they went to lunch with her mother. Worn and dirty, the words were still visible and legible in Jack’s bold handwriting.


To Whoever Finds This,


Four years ago I met the most beautiful girl in the world and wished that if I was lucky enough, someway, somehow I’d be her husband. Fate has smiled upon me, because in three days my wish will be coming true, so it’s time to pay it forward. My wish for you is that you find a love like this if you haven’t already been blessed to meet him or her. I love her to the moon and back and want the whole world to know it, starting with you.


Jack C. Sullivan

New York City


Also included in the package was a lovely thank you note from an older, happily married farm couple in Michigan, wishing them a lifetime of happiness.


“I now pronounce you man and wife!” Heartfelt cheers and whoops of joy rang out as Jack and Noelle kissed sweetly and Ruby cooed excitedly. After they jumped the beautifully-handcrafted broom that was Guy’s gift to them, pictures were taken and cocktail hour began outside under a million twinkling lights threaded among the trees.


While guests were feasting on delicious appetizers of shrimp and grits squares, braised short rib and bleu cheese crostini’s, and chicken salad wonton cups from the bar outside in the cool spring air, Noelle and Avery’s team removed all the pews from the barn and transformed it into a beautiful reception area done in rustic elegance. It took ten people to transfer the enormous, beautiful seven-tiered, naked sponge cake that was decorated with fruit, nuts, and cream. After the transformation, everyone watched as Mr. & Mrs. Jack Sullivan danced their first dance to Whitney Houston’s “I Believe in You & Me”. Their eyes stayed locked together as they swayed in time to the music.


I believe in you and me
I believe that we will be
In love eternally
As far as I can see
You will always be
The one for me
Oh yes you will


“Happy, baby?” Jack asked huskily. All day long he could hardly keep his eyes off of her. She was just so damn pretty— and his. All his. He didn’t know what he’d done right in this lifetime to be blessed with the two beautiful girls that he had, but he would do everything in his power to make sure he stayed in good favor for the rest of his days.


“Unbelievably so, Jack,” Noelle said fervently as she smoothed short, black curls back from his forehead. Waking up next to him every morning was a dream come true and having Ruby in their lives was the icing on the cake.


“Me too. When do you think we should tell people that we’re moving here permanently?” He asked as he twirled her around the dance floor. They’d been dividing their time between New York and Tennessee for the last five months as Jack’s other business began to expand. Life in Brooklyn was good, but Whiskey Row just felt like home to them; somewhere that Ruby could grow up running around outside and having barbeques with family and friends.


I believe in dreams again
              I believe that love will never end
              And like the river finds the sea
              I was lost now I'm free
              I believe in you and me

I will never leave your side
I will never hurt your pride
When all the chips are down
I will always be around
Just to be right there where you are my love
Oh I love you boy



“Shhhh! My mother will hear you, and you know how much she loves to spend time with Ruby,” Noelle hissed as she frantically looked around for her mother. Thank God she appeared to be nowhere around. “I think she’s transferred her obsession from Mrs. O to our baby girl. Besides, I think you should tell them that you have other business investments that you need to take care of. You know, the ones you neglected to tell your wife that you’re part-owner of, remember?”


Noelle smiled sweetly as Jack tipped his head back, groaning up at the ceiling. “You’re never gonna let me live that down are you, darlin’? I’ve said I was sorry a hundred thousand times, and since then I’ve done all of the furniture for both of our homes like you asked-”


“I know, I know. I just like giving you shit once in a while. Besides, you more than made up for it with your romantic gesture,” she said, giggling as he leaned in close to nuzzle her neck.


“Oh you liked that one did you?” he teased, nipping her earlobe and sending tingles down her body. Jack felt her slight shiver and pulled her even tighter.
Man, he couldn’t wait for their wedding night to start.
To mess up the glossy stuff coating her sexy mouth and turn her tamed curls into the ‘just got ravished’ style he preferred.


“Best. Romantic. Gesture. Ever.” Noelle replied lovingly. One day during the redecorating process for the brownstone, Jack called her into the living room and said he wanted to show her something. Then he flipped the wooden coffee table over and pointed to something written on the inside of one of the legs. When she leaned down to look she had to read it ten times before she could fully comprehend it. Covering her mouth with both hands she raised wide eyes to meet his in disbelief. Solemnly he nodded his head opening his arms as she waddled over and threw herself at him. It was an inscription that Jack carved in when he was making the table for her.
J.C.S. + N.L.K
with a heart carved around them. Talks of renewing their vows again were back on the table that night.


“Uncle Ian looks pretty happy with himself, don’t you think?” Noelle asked as she caught her godfather’s eye and he blew her a kiss.
Happy was an understatement,
Jack thought. The slick bastard was radiating smugness as he mouthed the words ‘be happy’ to him. Jack nodded his head in acknowledgement. “I‘ll tell you who doesn’t look that happy -Viv. Alexei is in hot pursuit of her tonight, and there’s nowhere for her to run,” Jack chuckled as he spied the big Russian looking at his godmother like she was his favorite snack of beluga caviar and blintzes. Vivienne was doing her best to avoid him by mingling with guests on the opposite side of the room. It was the cat and mouse game they had played all day.


Darby had found a way to fulfill his part of the bargain with Alexei. It cost him twenty thousand, and that was a deal considering the company he used was family. Darby had offered to pay for the wedding reception as long as they had it here in Whiskey Row; which let him off the hook with Alexei, because they all knew Vivienne would come for the wedding of one of her godsons regardless of where it was held. Yes, his brother seemed genuinely happy with himself as he danced with Ruby in his arms-until his eyes would stray to Avery sitting with her fiancé Pierce. Jack wasn’t worried. Judging from the way Avery’s gaze drifted longingly to Darby while he played with her goddaughter, it was only a matter of time before his middle brother got what he wanted.


“Are you sure that we have to leave Ruby?” Jack asked changing the subject as he looked at his beautiful daughter. Every time he looked at her, he was in awe that he and Noelle had made such a perfect, little human being. He could still hear Noelle’s shrieks of laughter when they brought baby girl home from the hospital and she caught him, Casey, and Darby cleaning their guns on the back porch. From the day he found out about Noelle’s pregnancy, all of Jack’s priorities shifted; he made sure that he worked from home more frequently. And whenever Noelle had to go in to the office, he brought Ruby with him, where she had her own space in his office. “It’s not too late to change the flight and get a nanny to come-”


“Uh…no. While I can appreciate the love you have for our baby, this is our wedding night. You will be putting out tonight, Mr. Sullivan. Is that clear?” Noelle said saucily, planting a slow, sensual kiss on him that had his hands gripping her waist tightly before sliding down to cup her bottom and pull her closer to let her feel his erection pressing into her stomach.


Jack felt a surge of guilt as all thoughts of his baby girl fled his mind because he couldn’t wait to get his wife alone. As much as he loved how beautiful Noelle looked in her wedding dress, he couldn’t wait to see her out of it; to be buried between her silken thighs, inhaling every sound he could make her utter. They were going on a three- week tour of Europe for their honeymoon and, he planned to do wild, wicked things to her the entire trip.
I should probably warn her now that she will be coming back pregnant,
he mused, staring down into her lovely, gray eyes.


“Crystal, Mrs. Sullivan,” Jack said tenderly against her lips amidst the catcalling.


“Mmmmm…I Love you, Mr. Sullivan,” Noelle whispered between kisses.


“I love you too, Mrs. Sullivan. Forever and always,” he whispered back.



Chapter Thirty-Nine



The loud music from the reception covered the sound of their frantic steps up the stairs. Quickly he pulled her into the nearest room, kicking the door shut behind them. All night long he’d been unable to keep his eyes off of her. She was so beautiful in the satin dress that clung to her enticing figure, and he was finding it hard to contain his jealousy as she danced with several of the men in attendance.


When he could stand it no longer, he snatched her by the wrist; and now here they were, a little intoxicated, but by mutual agreement. He pushed her back against the door, hiking the skirt of her dress up before lifting her up, those long sleek legs encircling his waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and their lips met in hot frantic kisses, as she reached between them to hastily unbuckle his pants and pull him free of his boxers. He used one hand to slide her damp thong to the side, and her arousal was a heady scent that was better than any perfume he’d ever smelled.


Desire raged through them, and the need to come together was so great; they weren’t

thinking about the consequences of their actions as he lined himself up with her wetness and thrust into her with a savage intensity. It had been too long. Hot silkiness encased his steel rod and the feeling was so, intense his legs almost gave out from beneath him. If there was a feeling better than this, He didn’t want to know what it was. She moaned loudly against his lips at the invasion of his thick length, but quickly adjusted, eager to be fucked by him.


Pulling back slightly, he saw desire warring with defiance on her face.
Lord, she’s beautiful,
he thought, a little awestruck to be here with her like this. She raised an eyebrow with a small smirk as if to say ‘
Is that all you got?’
Challenge accepted. He gripped her hips, flexing deeply inside of her, and she struggled to remain unaffected. Her body called his bluff as his cock was suddenly drenched in a burst of fresh juices. He groaned and pressed his forehead against hers, struggling not to come right then and there. His eyes drifted down to the swells of her breasts.

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