Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1) (49 page)

BOOK: Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1)
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“Pull down your dress,” he demanded raggedly; and she quickly obeyed, yanking the bodice of her gown down to reveal two, exquisite, chocolate mounds topped by enlarged, blackberry-colored nipples. His mouth went dry at the thought of her parading around bra-less all day. He lifted her higher and pulled one of the succulent tips into his mouth. Her head fell back against the door as she wantonly offered more of herself to him. He switched to the other bud, lavishing it with the same attention.


She tried to draw in a breath as bolts of electricity zigzagged up and down her spine at the feel of his firm lips and warm tongue paying homage to her womanly parts. He was driving her crazy. Grabbing a fistful of his hair, she yanked him off her breasts to meet her fiery gaze. “Fuck. Me. Now.” She demanded imperiously.


Now he was the one smirking as he slowly withdrew the tip, then rammed back into her ever-increasing moistness. Once. Twice. She caught his rhythm quickly, and their dance for dominance was on. A fine sheen of perspiration coated her chest and sweat trickled down his neck as the flames of desire burned brightly out of control. Her fingers slid through his hair, and she pulled his lips back to hers, tightening her legs to lock him in while sliding up and down on his engorged cock. She whimpered as his deep strokes danced the thin line of pleasure and pain, but he didn’t stop because he knew she could take it.


This woman was all fire and would die before backing down from a challenge. Over and over they came together against the door, making it rattle and shake beneath their fevered mating. Both were on the verge of an orgasm so powerful it would change them forever; and yet even in this very intense moment, their personalities refused to play nice with one another.


“You like this,” he stated arrogantly as he slowed his thrusts, circling his hips. Christ, he could feel his balls tightening, but he would not cum. Not until she admitted to him that she was as far gone as he.
He needed to hear her say it; to
know he wasn’t in this unstoppable madness by himself.
“Say you like the way I fuck you, and you can come. Don’t try to lie to me either. Your pussy’s so wet it could flood this room.”


She glared at him and worked her kegel muscles like crazy, enjoying the way his face

contorted as he struggled for control. “Like” was too mild a word for the way she felt about his loving, but she’d be damned if she admitted it aloud.
He would break before her
, she vowed fiercely as she rode him like a jockey at the Kentucky Derby.


“You’re alright,” she taunted breathlessly. Clench. Up. Down. Clench.
She was so close. “Say my name!” she dictated; and he groaned, slamming his mouth down on hers. 


Neither would give in, but their sexual release was imminent. Suddenly, it was there, flinging them up at lightning speed to count every star in the sky. His muscles turned to stone, and he slapped at the door behind her as she shook uncontrollably in his arms. Finally, they broke apart, gasping for breath. “Casey,” she sighed raggedly as he thickly whispered, “Sidra.”




Avery felt guilty for seeking Darby out, but she was just as helplessly drawn to him as she was to the exquisite little girl he was singing softly to. She watched from the lounge doorway as Darby expertly changed Ruby’s diaper. His deep, melodic voice crooned Luke Bryan’s “Crash My Party” to the gurgling baby who kicked her chubby legs in the air.


It don’t matter what plans I got, I can break ‘em.
Yeah, I can turn this thing around at the next red light
And I don’t mind telling all the guys I can’t meet ‘em.

Hell, we can all go raise some hell on any other night                                                             Girl, I don’t care, oh I just gotta see what you’re wearing.                                                         Your hair, is it put up or falling down?                                                                                    Oh I just have to see it now.

If you wanna call me, call me, call me you don’t have to worry ‘bout it baby.
You can wake me up in the dead of the night, wreck my plans, baby that’s alright.
This is a drop everything kind of thing.

Swing on by I will pour you a drink.
The doors unlocked. I’ll leave on the lights
Baby you can crash my party anytime.


The sight of the two of them tugged at her heartstrings. The big, beautiful man caring for his tiny niece filled her with a craving for a family of her own. Avery sighed and saw Darby stiffen. She waited for him to turn around, but he didn’t, even though he knew she was there. The silence stretched between them until she finally spoke. “You’re so good with her.”

Darby closed his eyes and prayed for the good Lord to give him strength.
Thou shall not covet another man’s…

Quietly he chuckled as he smoothed Ruby’s dress back down. He tossed the dirty diaper into a nearby trashcan and applied sanitizer to his hands before picking her up and turning around. “No, she’s good for us. Ain’t that right, honey pie?” Darby crooned, bringing the baby close to his face. He was rewarded with the baby trying to bite his nose. “If you do that, how am I gonna be able to smell your delightful diapers, Ms. Ruby?”

Avery smiled, easily picturing him with his own brood of red-haired kids. Again silence stretched between them, and she wished she could trade places with Ruby who was now snuggled into her uncle’s broad chest, drifting off to sleep contentedly.

“You clean up well,” Avery said, gesturing to his tux. During the ceremony it was all she could do to keep from staring at him outright as he stood across from her. The only one to wear a black cowboy hat, Darby was breathtakingly handsome. He’d since ditched the hat to one of Noelle’s nephews and his slicked back hairstyle made her think of old-school actors like Cary Grant.

“Awww, shucks. I was just trying to keep up with the prettiest girl in the room,” he drawled, flashing a dazzling smile. She blushed, and Darby wondered for the hundredth time how Avery kept getting prettier and prettier every time he saw her. He could tell she’d lost a little bit of weight and wondered if it had to do with the bougie dickweed that was responsible for the ring on her finger. His eyes slid down to the gold band with a two carat diamond in the center. The ring was too plain for someone as bright and vivacious as Avery. If she were his woman…his jaw clenched as he reminded himself that she wasn’t— and it was best he didn’t forget it.

“Are you excited about the pop-up shop this summer in the Hamptons?” Avery asked curiously.
Americana Traditions
was doing so well that they decided to open shop in East New York. Due to prior commitments, only Guy was available, so Darby decided to tag along. They would be residing there this summer, and since they hired
On a Whim
to plan all their events, Avery would be joining them as soon as her new office manager was trained.

Darby rolled his eyes and groaned. “Now you know schmoozing with uppity, rich folks ain’t my thing. I’d much rather chill on a boat fly fishin’ with cold beer. When are we supposed to be goin’ house huntin’?”

Avery looked at him in surprise. “Oh, I thought you knew that we’re all staying together at my parents’ house in Southampton. It’s close to the beach and shops. There’s more than enough room for all of us. You can even bring someone if you like.”

She blushed furiously at his penetrating stare. Why did she say that?
Because you’re supposedly so happy, and you want everyone you care about to be happy too, her conscience taunted.

“I can bring someone, huh?” Darby asked casually.  His stomach knotted with jealousy as a thought occurred to him. “Is that what you plan on doin’?”

Avery wanted the floor to open up and swallow her right about now. “No! I mean...no. Pierce is actually working on the west coast this summer, and we’ll meet up if our schedules permit. We both understand that we have a lot on our plates right now. Understanding is really important in making a relationship work, don’t you agree?”

Instead of responding, Darby glanced down at her hands. “So I guess congratulations are in order,” he said gesturing, towards her left hand and watching as she covered the ring by nervously clasping her hands tightly together.

“Oh, yeah thanks,” Avery said awkwardly. “Guess he finally saw the light.”

Darby didn’t crack his usual easygoing smile; he just regarded her with some unfathomable emotion in his dark green eyes as he swayed side to side with Ruby sleeping on his shoulder. They smiled at each other as the baby exhaled a gentle snore.

“Why don’t I take her?” Avery suggested coming forward with her arms outstretched. “You haven’t eaten a thing all night.” At his raised eyebrow, she bit her bottom lip. Damn, now she’d been busted keeping tabs on him “Go get yourself something to eat, please. It’s way too quiet between Casey and Sidra. I’m expecting fireworks at any minute, and I’ll need your strength to keep them from ruining this perfect day,” she finished teasingly.

Darby raised his eyes to the ceiling above them. Earlier he’d seen Casey take Sidra by the hand and lead her up the stairs. He muttered, “You don’t know the half of it.”

He was enveloped in Avery’s flowery perfume as he placed Ruby in her arms. Darby smiled as she closed her eyes and held the baby, inhaling her special baby scent with a dreamy smile lighting up her gorgeous face.
She’s a natural
, he thought. Darby could easily see her with a swollen belly, radiating a pregnancy glow. A sense of peace filled the room as they silently enjoyed one another’s company.

Avery’s biological clock was ticking so loudly; she was surprised Darby couldn’t hear it.
This was heaven on earth
spending time with her precious goddaughter and Darby,
Avery thought. Her eyes flew open, and she took a step back from him.
What the hell was wrong with her???
Her fiancé was right down the hall and could easily have come looking for her.
It was time to go,
she thought with great reluctance. But she couldn’t just yet. Although nothing had ever transpired between them, she felt like she owed Darby some sort of explanation.

His calls were the only thing that kept Avery sane during the challenging time of running the business solo and watching over Noelle. He was a breath of fresh air in comparison to Pierce, who called her constantly, whining about when she was coming home or that he couldn’t find something. With Darby it was so different. They’d talked about current events, favorite shows, and their bucket lists. He alternated between laughing with her and cursing his brother on Noelle’s behalf as Avery aided her through that dark period.

“Darby, I-” she started to speak, but stopped when he slowly shook his head, also aware that the spell was broken. For a moment he’d allowed himself to believe that she was his girl, and Ruby was their baby.
Stupid, stupid, stupid him!
The good girls weren’t for him and never would be. Would he never learn?

“You don’t owe me any explanations. Just be happy, Ms. Avery,” he said seriously. “Not everyone gets to be.”

She watched him walk towards the door and had to swallow the rising protest in her throat. He paused in the doorway without turning around.

“That song I was singing?” Darby asked his hands in his pockets. He wouldn’t, or couldn’t, look back because he knew without a doubt that if he did, he would kiss her like he’d dreamed of doing since the first time he laid eyes on her.

“Yes, I’m familiar with it,” Avery said softly as she held Ruby tightly to stop herself from running after him. The baby made a slight whimper and Avery kissed her curls, murmuring soothing sounds to her as she waited for Darby to speak.

“Anytime, Ms. Avery. Anytime,” he said gently before walking out and leaving her craving more of him.





Vivienne Romankov sipped her champagne and watched as her youngest godson slipped away with Sidra.
Well I’ll be damned,
she thought in amusement. It was about damn time that boy loosened up and had some fun. Ms. Thang would certainly keep him on his toes. She turned away, careful to keep her gaze averted from across the room where she could feel the heat emanating from the laser-like stare HE had trained on her.


Desire unfurled slowly in her like a dormant genie finally being awakened; proving that after all these years, she still wasn’t immune to his big, virile, Russian ass and probably never would be, damn him. A familiar tinkling laugh caught her attention, and she glanced to the right to see her daughter who’d avoided her as successfully as she had Alexei all night, laughing with Holt before going to join all the single women on the floor dying to catch the bride’s bouquet.


Vivienne’s grip on her glass tightened, recognizing the attraction between the two of them. The last thing she wanted was for her baby to be trapped in this godforsaken town with its deep secrets and evil residents. The laugh came again, and she flinched when Kat caught the bouquet.
No, no, no,
she thought frantically while everyone cheered. Her daughter brought it up to her face for a sniff, batting her eyelashes at Holt who looked like he wanted to ravish her on the spot. Alarmed, Vivienne turned around instinctively seeking Alexei’s gaze to see what he thought of the whole thing, but he was no longer there.

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