Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1) (42 page)

BOOK: Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1)
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So she knew. Jack stood still as he watched her helplessly falling apart. The cause of her pain, he was remorseful for the state she was in. His jaw ticking, he ground out, “I never lied to you, Noelle.”

She looked at him crazily. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but was it not you who said that Remy would do all sorts of crazy things if he didn’t get what he wanted? That was you, right?”


“That was me, but I never said he was dead or alive. I just told you that his threats checked out and relayed worst case scenarios. Then I offered a solution to avoid those scenarios,” Jack said calmly, even though his stomach was clenching, and he could feel sweat forming on his back. He really needed to get a hold of himself. He was a sailor that could navigate the deadliest of waters, but this one woman could capsize him with the gentlest wave. He knew it had been a dick move to play on her fears. She knew what he’d done and wanted to leave him. He wouldn’t let her. By rights he should, but in Jack’s world, that wasn’t a possibility that he would entertain, now that he knew what happiness felt like.


Noelle paused, and Jack could see she was trying to remember exactly what it was he’d said. Finally, she threw her hands up in exasperation, “It doesn’t fucking matter, you manipulative asshole. You already knew what happened to him, and you kept it to yourself; on top of arranging my business loan for me and giving me pity clients. What a laugh you must have had at my expense as I talked to you about business and listened to your suggestions. You’re no better than my family with their goddamn interfering asses!” she raged, smacking the dresser with her palm.


“You need to calm down, darlin’. It wasn’t even like that,” Jack said slowly. “As far as the business is concerned, yes I did make a deal with Ira to help you get the funding for your company. I only did it because I knew that your parents weren’t going to give you the advance on your inheritance, and you wouldn’t accept a loan from me. Your business, one that can provide food, music, and décor, is solid though, so it’s an investment in itself for Rothman because you, Avery, and Sidra all bring something to the table. You didn’t have to take that loan, but the business woman in you recognized it as a good opportunity,” he explained earnestly, hoping that she would see his reasoning. Jack struggled to remain cool, even though the walls were quickly closing in on him.


“In regards to the clients, they only had to hear your ideas. No one made them utilize them. That was you and Avery’s hard work as well as the repeat business. I simply got the ball rolling a little. You had a vision that you were trying to achieve, and I had the means to assist you. What’s wrong with wanting to help if I can?” Jack asked reasonably.


Noelle stared at him like he was the devil. “Nothing, as long as you are straightforward and direct about it, which you weren’t. You created this grand scheme so you could get what you wanted. Jack did what Jack does best: You fixed me. Isn’t that what you do? In order to marry me, you had to make me worthy; someone you could be seen with and not just fuck. Not poor, pathetic, unemployed Noelle who still lives at home with her parents. You made it so I’d be good enough to be seen on your arm.” She watched as Jack shook his head vehemently, his patience finally lost.


“No, that’s bullshit and you know it, Noelle!” Jack yelled making her jump and take a step back at the contorted look of anger on his face. “You’re the one who was so afraid of your own shadow, always scurrying around like a damn mouse! You let everyone put you down and were content to stay in the shadows. I’ve wanted you forever and just knew if you had the chance-” He trailed of realizing as Noelle looked at him expectantly that she was semi-correct.


“What you did was despicable, Jack. From the beginning, you manipulated me to fall in line with your plans, not giving a damn about how I felt or if my heart could survive it because you have a hero complex; and that’s what it all comes down to doesn’t it? You couldn’t save your mother, but you could save Noelle from slowly dying away in her parents’ tower like Rapunzel. I’m right, aren’t I? Aren’t I, Jack?!” Noelle shouted getting in his face. She was humiliated and furious, barely able to contain the tears that were trying to fall. She’d be damned if she cried in front of him. So enamored by his physical appearance, she’d never really known him; to know he was capable of a cruelty that took her breath away.
What a complete fool I am,
she thought despairingly.


“Enough!” Jack shouted as he turned and punched a hole into her bedroom wall, stunning her into silence. He couldn’t breathe as he stared at the damage. Suddenly he was that scared thirteen-year-old boy again, losing the love of his life. Then it had been his mother, but now it was his wife who would be lost to him; and he knew he would not survive if that happened.


“The worst part about all this is that you had me thinking this could really work between us,” Noelle said bitterly, raking a hand through her messy curls, her eyes bright with unshed tears. “That’s not your fault though. Again, you were very careful in what you said or didn’t say. But you didn’t have to involve me with all the wonderful people in your life and your beautiful hometown. You made me fall for you
them. You made me believe that I had a chance with you. You made me…made me…love you,” she finished brokenly, turning away and willing the tears to disappear.


“It can work, Noelle,” Jack said desperately. “You just have to want it as badly as I do, baby.
Please don’t do this
.” He was resorting to begging; but he could tell her mind was already made up as she shook her head to and fro, refusing to turn around. “Give us a chance.”


“You’re off your goddamn rocker. Get out, Jack. You took me for dumb pussy, and that’s something I won’t tolerate anymore,” Noelle said now coldly, in control on the outside even though on the inside her heart was shattered. Self-preservation was finally kicking in, and she would not let him see her fall to pieces. She just wanted him to leave so that she could start the healing process. She turned away from him to wipe her eyes.
Damn, this was soooo hard!
“This is over. I just want to forget you and this. I’m filing for divorce in the morning.”


The finality of her statement was too much for Jack, and refusing to admit defeat, he grabbed her shoulders, pulling her close to him. Noelle struggled to push him away, but he held firmly, turning her around and cupping her face gently. He could see her eyes dilate and her breathing quicken in response to his touch. So she wasn’t immune to his touch after all, but still, her mind remained stubborn and unyielding.


“We will never be done, Noelle. You belong to me, and I belong to you. That will never change. Clearly my being away for two days has left you a little confused, so let me remind you,” Jack said determinedly before claiming her mouth in a wildly brutal kiss. She attempted to resist, trying to turn her face away while clawing at his wrists to break free; but the effort was futile as Jack kept kissing her, dominating her mouth, tongue teasing at her lips until she stopped fighting and wrapped her hands around his wrists to hold him to her and her mouth opened under his. Instantly the kiss gentled as he walked her backwards the side of the bed.


Something wet and salty mingled in their kiss, and Jack pulled back long enough to see the tears falling from her beautiful gray eyes. His heart ached from the pain he was causing her. “Stay with me,” he begged; and she shook her head.


“I hate you,” Noelle whispered in a subdued voice; and her words were like a knife slicing his chest wide open, even as she pulled herself up to exchange kisses with him.


“No, you love me, just like I love you,” Jack said persuasively and followed her down onto the bed. Noelle didn’t even have time to process his shocking admission as she was soon swept away by his touch, eyes closed. His lips trailed close to her ear as his warm hands slipped under her blouse to caress her breasts through her bra. Her hoarse moan was filled with desire and heartache.


“You’re mine. I will never let you go….” he whispered raggedly then proceeded to show her how true his statement was.






It was two in the morning when Jack finally left the bed. He looked down at an exhausted Noelle sleeping as he slowly dressed. Shame and remorse filled him, leaving him feeling sick to his stomach as he saw the love marks he’d left on her body.


He’d taken her over and over again, driving her body to dizzying heights of pleasure and only giving her release when Noelle correctly answered the question of whom she belonged to. Jack refused to let her body come down from one orgasm before he was wringing the next one out of her as she screamed and moaned that she belonged to him while he gorged himself on her sweet pussy. In the end, she begged to be left alone, but still he couldn’t help himself as he gently turned her over onto her stomach and urged her to get on her knees.


It was like a force, stronger than a category five hurricane, that was driving him as he spread her ass cheeks apart and pleasured her pussy and rosette mercilessly with his tongue, taking long licks and repeatedly plunging into both holes until she was frantically pushing back into his face for more. Driving two fingers into her soaked channel, he scooped the mixture of their juices onto his cock and her tight hole for lubrication before placing his throbbing member at her tiny entrance. Damn, she was so tight, but he knew she was ready for it the way she inched back on to the tip of his cock.


“Do you want it, Noelle?” Jack asked through clenched teeth, fighting for control. He smacked her ass and she jerked, moaning with pleasure as he sunk in a little deeper. “If you want it, then say it.”


“Mmmm, yes there, Jack,” Noelle begged helplessly, and he slid in inch by inch until he was in to the hilt. The feeling was unbelievable. She winced, and he gave her a moment to adjust as his fingers slid underneath to play with her overly-sensitive clit. She shuddered and slowly pulled forward then back to test her limits. Jack was perfectly still, sweat running down his tense body; watching as his dick slid in and out of her tight, dark hole. He needed to move, to punish her for thinking she could leave him; to savor how exquisite the feeling of being with her like this was. She wiggled her ass and turned to look at him expectantly, licking her lips with invitation in her big eyes. Jack gently nudged her forward, driving her slowly down into the soft mattress. “Lie down flat.”


Noelle did and Jack followed her, lying on top but to the left side of her. He raised her right leg higher at an angle and braced himself by holding onto the back of her knee.  Slowly he began to tunnel in and out of her ass, and her breathy sighs turned into deep-throated groans of ecstasy. Jack yanked her hair back, so her face was exposed, and whispered into her ear, “I feel like I’m going to explode in your sweetness, darlin’. Do you like how it feels?” His thrusts became rougher and deeper.


Noelle threw her ass back at him, loving the fullness inside of her. He was so thick, so big, so…perfect. Never in a million years would she had ever thought that she’d like anal sex; but the way Jack was doing it, was so right that he had her clawing the sheets begging for more. “I love it, please don’t stop. Harder… uhhh… harder.”


Jack stopped and Noelle whimpered in protest. “Who do you belong to? Whose pussy is this? This ass that I’m fucking?” He gave her two deep thrusts that had her convulsing as he pinched her clit gently. “Answer the question, Noelle!”


She exploded clenching and unclenching around his cock as she screamed “You! I belong to you, Jack Sullivan!”


“As I do you,” he groaned into her neck. The pressure of her squeezing tightly around his dick was too much for Jack; he shoved her leg higher and proceeded to fuck her harder, his balls slapping against her ass as he increased his teasing of her clit. Noelle came again in convulsions, her eyes rolling back in her head.  He finally joined her, shooting his hot semen into her with deep shudders before collapsing on top of her. By the time he pulled out, Noelle was beyond exhausted. As he pulled the covers over her, she curled up and whimpered, “No more. Please.”

Jack was ashamed of how he’d treated Noelle and used her body against her. All he’d ever wanted to do was love her, but instead, he’d broken her. Like his father did his mother. His father’s maniacally twisted face flashed in his mind.


“Yer mine, Moira! Ya hear?? I’ll never let you go!!”


His guilt was suffocating him. He had to get out of there. Hurriedly he put on his shoes and grabbed his shit before letting himself out the front door quietly. His conscience taunted him.


Run, you fucking coward, run! You’re just like him! Sullivan men do nothing but hurt those around them! Run!
He barely made it out the front door and down the steps before he threw up in the bushes.

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